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Once upon a time, there was a little kid named Alex.

He was 9 years old and staying with his

grandparents for few days. One sunny morning, he was playing with other kids outside the house,
all of the sudden he realized somebody was snatching his pants. He became very afraid, he thought
it might be a ghost. He started to shout loudly. Ghost! Ghost! There is a ghost here, people stopped,
his grandparents came out of the house, he was so afraid that he peed under his pants, his friends
started to laugh loudly, and then he realized something went wrong. He turned back and saw there
was a cute little cat. He was so ashamed. He took the cat with him. He always wanted to have a
pet. Next morning, his grandmother was baking a delicious cake. So, he decided to invite his
friends to enjoy the luscious treat. When the friends arrived, they decided to play some game. The
game was to spin a bottle, and the person at whom bottle stopped had to answer some questions.
If the answers were not correct, the person will not get any piece of cake. The game continued,
and it was Alex at whom bottle stopped. His friend asked: Why do bees have sticky hair? Alex
thought for a second, and replied: because they use honey combs. Everybody in the room laughed
and the next question was asked: What do you call an alligator in a vest? Alex replied: an
investigator. Alex answers shocked everybody. His friend said: if you didn’t answer this question
right, you will not get any piece of cake. After saying this he asked the question: Why did the
teacher put on sunglasses, Alex remembered of his school days and replied “because her students
were so bright”. Alex failed to answer the questions correctly. So, he didn’t get any piece of cake.

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