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English Speaking Basics

Basics - Section I

1. Basic usage of 'I'm'

2. Variations of 'I'm in/at/on'

3. I'm good at

4. I'm + (verb)

5. I'm getting

6. I'm trying + (verb)

7. I'm gonna + (verb)

8. I have + (noun)

9. I have + (past participle)

10. I used to + (verb)

11. I have to + (verb)

12. I wanna + (verb)

13. I gotta + (verb)

14. I would like to + (verb)

15. I plan to + (verb)

16. I've decided to + (verb)

17. I was about to + (verb)

18. I didn't mean to + (verb)

19. I don't have time to + (verb)

20. I promise not to + (verb)

21. I'd rather + (verb)

22. I feel like + (verb-ing)

23. I can't help + (verb-ing)

24. I was busy + (verb-ing)

25. I'm not used to + (verb-ing)

26. I want you to + (verb)

27. I'm here to + (verb)

28. I have something + (verb)

29. I'm looking forward to

Basics - Section II

1. I'm calling to + (verb)

2. I'm working on + (noun)

3. I'm sorry to + (verb)

4. I'm thinking of + (verb-ing)

5. I'll help you + (verb)

6. I'm dying to + (verb)

7. It's my turn to + (verb)

8. It's hard for me to + (verb)

9. I'm having a hard time + (verb-ing)

10. I think I should + (verb)

11. I've heard that + (subject + verb)

12. It occurred to me that (subject + verb)

13. Let me + (verb)

14. Thank you for

15. Can I + (verb)

16. Can I get + (noun)

17. I'm not sure if (subject + verb)

18. Do you mind if I + (verb)

19. I don't know what to + (verb)

20. I should have + (past participle)

21. I wish I could + (verb)

22. You should + (verb)

23. You're supposed to + (verb)

24. You seem + (adjective)

25. You'd better + (verb)

26. Are you into + (noun)

27. Are you trying to + (verb)

28. Please + (verb)

29. Don't + (verb)

30. Do you like

Basics - Section III

1. How often do you

2. Do you want me to + (verb)

3. What do you think about (verb-ing)

4. Why don't we + (verb)

5. It's too bad that

6. You could have + (past participle)

7. If I were you, I would + (verb)

8. It's gonna be + (adjective)

9. It looks like + (noun)

10. That's why + (subject + verb)

11. It's time to + (verb)

12. The point is that + (subject + verb)

13. How was + (noun)

14. How about + (verb-ing)

15. What if + (subject + verb)

16. How much does it cost to + (verb)

17. How come + (subject + verb)

18. What are the chances of + (verb-ing)

19. There is something wrong with + (noun)

20. Let's not + (verb)

21. Let's say that + (subject + verb)

22. There's no need to + (verb)

23. It takes + (time) + to + (verb)

24. Please make sure that + (subject + verb)

25. Here's to + (noun)

26. It's no use + (verb-ing)

27. There's no way + (subject + verb)

28. It's very kind of you to + (verb)

29. There's nothing + (subject) + can + (verb)

30. Rumor has it that + (subject + verb)

Regular English Lessons

Greeting and General Things

1. Greeting - Basic

2. Greeting Someone you Know

3. Greeting - Example Conversations

4. Greeting - Interactive Practice

5. Bored - General Phrases

6. Bored - Calling Someone

7. Bored - Boring Work

8. Bored - Interactive Practice

9. How is your Day - General Statements

10. How is your day - Example Conversation

11. How is your day - Interactive Practice

12. Tomorrow's Plan - I am going to

13. Tomorrow's Plan - Questions and Answers

14. Tomorrow's Plan - Example Conversation

15. Tomorrow's Plan - Interactive Practice

16. Yesterday - The Past - General Statements

17. Yesterday - The Past - Questions and Answers

18. Yesterday - The Past - Example Conversation

19. Yesterday - The Past - Interactive Practice

20. Weather - Summer and Autumn

21. Weather - Winter

22. Weather - Fahrenheit and Celsius

23. Weather - Questions and Answers

24. Weather - Long Description

25. Weather - Interactive Practice

Greeting and General Things II

1. Small Talk

2. Small Talk - Two Example Dialogs

3. Small Talk - Interactive Practice

4. Movies - Asking Friend

5. Movies - Example Conversation

6. Movies - Interactive Practice

7. Movies Types - Action and Drama

8. Movie Types - Comedy and Horror

9. Movie Types - Other Types

10. Movie Types - Interactive Practice

11. Movie Discussion - General Statements

12. Movie Discussion - Describing a Movie

13. Movie Discussion - Example Dialog

14. Favorite - What's your Favorite

15. Favorite - Answering Questions

16. Favorite - Interactive Practice

17. Hobby - Questions and Answers

18. Hobby - Various Q&A

19. Hobby - Interactive Practice

20. Exercise - Questions

21. Exercise - Walking Jogging and More

22. Exercise - US Culture

23. Exercise - Interactive Practice

24. Exercise Gym - Lifting Weights

25. Exercise Gym - Questions and Answers

26. Exercise Gym - Other Methods

27. Exercise Gym - Interactive Practice

28. Intro and General Things Review

29. Intro and General Things Review - Interactive Practice

College Related Topics

1. University Life - Meeting New Students

2. University Life - Questions and Answers

3. University Life - More Q and As

4. University Life - Interactive Practice

5. University Classes

6. University Classes - Grades

7. University Classes - Professors and Curriculum

8. University Classes - Dropping Out / Withdrawal

9. University Classes - Interactive Practice

10. Examinations
11. Examinations - Finding Information

12. Examinations - General Information

13. Examinations - More Information

14. Examinations - Interactive Practice

15. Roommate - Dormitory

16. Roommate - Sharing things and Questions

17. Roommate - Apartment

18. Roommate - Interactive Practice

College Related Topics II

1. Fraternity and Sorority - Explanation

2. Fraternity and Sorority - General

3. Fraternity and Sorority - Joining

4. Fraternity and Sorority - Interview Questions

5. Fraternity and Sorority - Interactive Practice

6. College Partying

7. College Partying - Questions

8. College Partying - Interactive Practice

9. Smoking

10. Smoking - Non Smoking Areas

11. Smoking - Quitting and General Statements

12. Smoking - Asking for Light and Hate Smoking

13. Smoking - Interactive Practice

14. Drinking - Terminologies

15. Drinking - Ordering Drinks

16. Drinking - Ordering at a Table

17. Drinking - General Things

18. Drinking - Interactive Practice

19. College Related Topics Review

20. College Related Topics Review - Interactive Practice

Health - Dating - Marriage

1. Health

2. Health - Family

3. Health - Interactive Practice

4. Body Parts

5. Body Parts - Leg and Head Area

6. Body Parts - Body Area

7. Body Parts - Interactive Practice

8. Dieting

9. Dieting - Questions

10. Dieting - Specific Areas

11. Dieting - Interactive Practice

12. Dating

13. Dating - Follow Up and Flirting

14. Dating Part - Asking for a Date

15. Dating - On the Date

16. Dating - Asking for Second Date

17. Dating - Preparing Activity after Dinner

18. Dating - Saying Goodbye on Date

19. Dating - Interactive Practice

Health - Dating - Marriage II

1. Engagement

2. Engagement - Proposing
3. Engagement - Best man and Maid of honor

4. Engagement - Interactive Practice

5. Marriage - Getting a Church

6. Wedding Process - Flowers

7. Wedding Process - Photographer, Dress and Tux

8. Wedding Process - Gifts and Reception

9. Honeymoon

10. Honeymoon - Planning

11. Honeymoon - Conversation before Honeymoon

12. Honeymoon - Conversation after Honeymoon

13. Honeymoon - Interactive Practice

14. Married Life

15. Married Life - Talking to Friends

16. Married Life - Talking about a Friend

17. Married Life - Cheating

18. Married Life - Interactive Practice

19. Health - Dating - Marriage Review

20. Health - Dating - Marriage - Interactive Practice

Guys - Girls - and Sports

1. Talking About Girls - Types You Like or Dislike

2. Talking About Girls - In Love and Body Parts you like

3. Talking About Girls - Interactive Practice

4. Sports in General

5. Sports in General - Volleyball

6. Sports in General - Soccer

7. Sports in General - Swimming

8. Sports in General - Softball

9. Sports in General - Tennis

10. Baseball

11. Baseball - Topics

12. Baseball - Baseball Cards

13. Baseball - Equipment

14. Baseball - Amateur League

15. Baseball - Interactive Practice

16. Basketball

17. Basketball - Terminologies

18. Basketball - Talking with Friends

19. Basketball - Watching Basketball

20. Basketball - Talking about Kids

21. Basketball - Interactive Practice

22. Football

23. Football - General Statements

24. Football - Topics

25. Football - Interactive Practice

Guys - Girls - and Sports II

1. Golf - Terminologies

2. Golf - Talking on the Course

3. Golf - Talking to Friends

4. Golf - Interactive Practice

5. Poker - Terminologies

6. Poker - Texas Hold'em Instructions

7. Poker - Talking with Friends

8. Poker - Interactive Practice

9. Talking About Guys

10. Talking About Guys - Comments

11. Talking About Guys - In Public

12. Talking About Guys - Descriptions

13. Talking About Guys - Interactive Practice

14. Shopping - Clothes

15. Shopping - Grocery

16. Shopping - Presents

17. Shopping - Interactive Practice

18. Jewelry

19. Jewelry - Jewelry Stores

20. Jewelry - General Statements

21. Jewelry - Interactive Practice

22. Guys - Girls - and Sports Review

23. Guys - Girls - and Sports Review - Interactive Practice

Feelings and Emotions

1. Happy and Feeling Good

2. Happy and Feeling Good - Questions

3. Happy and Feeling Good - Other Sentences

4. Happy and Feeling Good - Interactive Practice

5. Anger

6. Anger - Understanding

7. Anger - Confronting

8. Anger - Other

9. Anger - Interactive Practice

10. Excited - General Sentences

11. Excited - Other Expressions

12. Excited - Interactive Practice

13. Being Worried

14. Worry - Serious Situation

15. Being Worried - Talking to a Worried Person

16. Worry - Worried about Family

17. Worry - Interactive Practice

18. Stress - School

19. Stress - Work

20. Stress - Questions and Answers

21. Stress - General

22. Stress - Interactive Practice

Feelings and Emotions II

1. Sad or Depressed

2. Sad or Depressed - Reactions

3. Sad or Depressed - Situational Depression

4. Sad or Depressed - Doctor and Friend

5. Sad or Depressed - Interactive Practice

6. Love - Family

7. Love - Friend and Husband and Wife

8. Love - Infatuation or Love

9. Love - Talking to Friend

10. Love - Interactive Practice

11. Broken Heart - Expressions

12. Broken Heart - Asking Questions

13. Broken Heart - Talking to Person with Broken Heart

14. Broken Heart - Interactive Practice

15. Afraid or Scared

16. Afraid or Scared - General Sentences

17. Afraid or Scared - Interactive Practice

18. Other Emotions - Emotional

19. Other Emotions - Feeling Nothing

20. Other Emotions - Restless

21. Other Emotions - Proud

22. Other Emotions - Anxious and Anxiety

23. Other Emotions - Interactive Practice

24. Feelings and Emotions Review

25. Feelings and Emotions Review - Interactive Practice

26. TalkEnglish Milestone Review

27. TalkEnglish Milestone Review - Interactive Practice

Family - Children - Friends

1. Eating Together

2. Cooking Together

3. Eating and Clean Up

4. Grocery Shopping

5. Planning

6. At The Grocery

7. Pet Care

8. Bringing Home a Pet

9. Taking Care of a Pet

10. Child Care

11. Bank and Money

12. Managing Your Money

13. Investing

14. Mail

15. Sending Mail

16. Receiving Mail

17. House Care

18. House Care - Outside

19. Phone

20. Home Phones

21. Computers

22. Internet

23. Email

24. Driving a Car

25. Driving

26. Car

27. Car Maintenance

28. Selling a Car

Family - Children - Friends II

1. Dental Care

2. Dentist Check Ups

3. Problems with your teeth

4. Pediatric Care

5. Appointment

6. School - Kids

7. After School

8. Birthday

9. Set Up

10. The Party

11. Vacations

12. On Vacation

13. Family and Friends

14. Talking about Friends

15. Pregnancy and Birth

16. Pregnancy Checkups

17. Birth

18. Neighbors

19. Organizing Time

20. Habits and Health

21. Health

22. Sleeping and Dreams

23. Dreams

24. Hair Cut and Massages

25. At the Salon

26. Books and Magazines

Business English Lessons

Office Basics

1. Machine Problems

2. Mail Room

3. Requesting Equipment

4. Company Policies

5. I'm Busy

6. Giving/Asking Business Cards

7. General Office

8. Office Basics - Interactive Practice

Late or No Show
1. A Little Late

2. Very Late

3. Leaving Work Early

4. Sick day

5. Vacation

6. Late or No Show - Interactive Practice

Computer Related

1. Removable Disk

2. Hard Drive

3. Network share and public share

4. Software

5. Internet

6. Intranet

7. General Computer Sentences

8. Computer Related - Interactive Practice


1. Asking for Email Address

2. Requesting information through email

3. Sending attachments through email

4. Email Problems

5. Reply and Reply All

6. Forwarding Mail

7. General email sentences

8. Email - Interactive Practice

Explanations and Presentations

1. Explanations and Presentations General

2. Explanation

3. Presentation


1. Before the meeting

2. Canceling a Meeting

3. During the Meeting

4. After the Meeting

5. General Statements

Phone Calls

1. Phone Call

2. Telling person you will call them back

3. Redirecting

4. Leaving Messages

5. Sending and receiving information

6. Phone Call - Interactive Practice

Talking to Coworkers

1. Talking to Co-Workers

2. Asking for help or offering help

3. Complaining about another co-worker to a co-worker

4. Complaining about the company

5. Talking about work experience

6. Talking to Coworkers - Interactive Practice

Talking to the Boss

1. Talking to the Boss

2. Asking for more work

3. Complaining and Showing Frustration

4. Talking to your boss about another boss

5. Talking to Boss - Interactive Practice

Talking to Subordinates

1. Talking to your Subordinate or Direct

2. Project Change

3. Deadline

4. Subordinate asking you Questions

5. Encouraging

6. Reprimanding

7. Talking to Direct - Interactive Practice

Business Trips

1. Business Trips

2. First time business trip Q's

3. Talking to people

4. Eating during the Business Trip

5. Business Trip - Interactive Practice

Offices and Cubicles

1. Office and Cubicles

2. Cubicles

3. Office

4. Office and Cubicle - Interactive Practice

Review Process

1. Performance Review Period

2. Achievements

3. Self Improvement

4. Compensation

5. Performance Review - Interactive Practice

Quitting or Leaving Work

1. Quitting or Leaving Work

2. Negotiating before Leaving

3. General Statements

4. Quitting or Leaving Work - Interactive Practice

Travel English Lessons


1. Confirming your Flight

2. Departing Date

3. At the Counter
4. Finding the Gate

5. Airport - Interactive Practice

Car Rental

1. Car Availability

2. Duration and General Questions

3. Insurance and Driver License

4. Price and Rules

5. Making a Reservation

6. Car Rental - Interactive Practice


1. Making a Reservation I

2. Making a Reservation II

3. Making a Reservation III

4. Checking In and Checking Out

5. General Things

6. Hotel - Interactive Practice


1. Asking for Directions

2. Left Right and Around the Corner

3. Across Blocks and Miles

4. Light and'Y'

5. Dead end and'T'

6. Freeway Explanation
7. Regular Practice


1. Fast Food

2. Regular Restaurant Ordering

3. Regular Restaurant Eating and Requesting Bill

4. Fine Dining

5. Restaurant - Interactive Practice

Store and More

1. Department Store

2. Grocery Store

3. Bank - Currency Exchange

4. Post Office

5. Store and More - Interactive Practice

Talking to Strangers

1. Talking to Strangers

2. Starting a Conversation

3. Talking to Strangers - Interactive Practice

Interview English Lessons

Basic Interview Questions I

1. Tell me a little about yourself.

2. What are your strengths?

3. What are your weaknesses?

4. What are your short term goals?

5. What are your long term goals?

6. What do you want to be doing five years from now?

7. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and why?

8. What does success mean to you?

9. What does failure mean to you?

10. Are you an organized person?

11. In what ways are you organized and disorganized?

12. Do you manage your time well?

13. How do you handle change?

14. How do you make important decisions?

15. Do you work well under pressure?

Basic Interview Questions II

1. Are you better at anticipating or reacting to problems

2. Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks?

3. Why should I hire you?

4. Tell me about Q's... / Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

5. Tell me about a time you made a good decision.

6. Tell me about a time you made a poor decision.

7. Tell me about a time you fired someone.

8. Tell me about a time you hired someone.

9. Tell me about a time you failed to complete an assignment on time.

10. Tell me about a time you found a solution to save the company money.

11. Tell me about a time you aimed too high.

12. Tell me about a time you aimed too low.

13. Tell me about a time you made a great sale.

14. Tell me about a time you went over budget.

School Related Interview Questions

1. What extracurricular activities were you involved in?

2. Why did you choose your major?

3. If you redo college again, what would you major in?

4. What course did you like the most?

5. What course did you like the least?

6. How will your performance in your worst class affect your performance on this job?

7. How would your best friend describe you?

8. How would your professor describe you?

9. How would your mother describe you?

10. Why are you applying for a job that you didn't major in?

11. During college, how did you spend your summer vacations?

12. What did you learn from your internship?

13. Did you do any internships?

14. If you could learn something such as a new skill, what would it be?

Work Related Interview Questions I

1. If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently?

2. During your performance reviews, what criticism do you hear the most?

3. Tell me about your last three positions?

4. Tell me about your last position?

5. What is your management philosophy?

6. What was your favorite job?

7. Tell me about the best manager you ever had.

8. Tell me about the worst manager you ever had.

9. What could you have done to improve your relationship with a manager you didn't like?

10. What were the most memorable accomplishments in your last position?

11. Why do you want to leave your current job?

12. Where did you tell your boss you were going?

13. Are you currently employed at the last place listed on your resume?

14. What is the title of the person you report to?

15. In your previous position, how much time did you spend ...

16. If you don't leave your current job, what do you imagine you will be doing in several years?

17. If you're very happy with your current job, why do you want to leave?

Work Related Interview Questions II

1. If you have problems or complaints with your current job, why haven't you brought it to their

2. Give me a specific example at your last position where...

3. What do you feel an employer owes an employee?

4. What do you expect from your manager?

5. Would you like to have your boss's job?

6. What did you hear about us?

7. What do you know about our product?

8. Have you managed people in any of the positions you've held?

9. What types of people do you have trouble getting along with?

10. Who do you think are our two major competitors?

11. Why do you like sales?

12. Do you see that stapler? Convince me to buy it.

13. How long have you been looking for a job?

14. Why haven't you received any offers so far?

15. If you don't understand your assignment and you can't reach your boss, what would you do?
Work Related Interview Questions III

1. If everyone on the team is a veteran, what will you do to fit in?

2. How do you intend to learn what you need to know to perform well for this job?

3. If your supervisor tells you to do something that you believe can be done in a different way, what
would you do?

4. If you're told to do something that you feel is illegal, what would you do?

5. If you were unfairly criticized, what would you do?

6. What are you looking to gain from your next job?

7. What aspects of this job interest you the most?

8. If you are given work from your manager that is boring and tedious, what will you do?

9. How long do you plan on staying with this company?

10. How do you explain the fact that you frequently change jobs?

11. Tell me about a time you had a big disagreement with your boss.

12. What do you do when there is no work to do?

13. What do you do when there are too many things to do?

14. What do you do when you feel burned out?

15. How do you balance both your family and your job?

16. You've been with one company your entire career. Don't you think you will have a tough time
adjusting to a new environment?

17. What have you heard about our company that you didn't like?

18. Do you want to work for a small or large company and why?

Working With People Interview Quetions

1. What do you do when you're having difficulty solving a problem?

2. What do you do when you have a problem with a direct?

3. What do you do when you have a problem with your boss?

4. What do you do when you have a problem with your job?

5. What do you do when you have a problem with a co-worker?

6. How do you handle conflict?

7. Have you fired anyone?

8. What do you do when a worker is giving the team more problems than helping?

9. When do you know enough is enough when dealing with a subordinate that doesn't seem to be

10. Do you like to work by yourself or with others?

11. How do you get along...

Miscellaneous Interview Questions

1. Do you have any physical problems that may limit your ability to perform this job?

2. What do you do to stay in shape?

3. What do you like to do when you're not in the office?

4. What's the most recent book you read?

5. What is the most recent movie you saw?

6. Did you have any trouble finding this place?

7. Will working on weekends be a problem?

8. How do you feel about overtime?

9. Have you filed for bankruptcy?

10. Do you own or rent your home?

11. Do you have any outside income?

12. Do you earn any income from investments or hobbies?

13. Are you willing to travel?

14. Are you willing to relocate?

15. May I contact your current employer?

16. May I contact your references?

17. Is there anything else you want to add?

18. What kind of salary are you looking for?

19. That's a high salary for this position! Where did you come up with that figure?

20. How much do you currently get paid?

21. When are you able to start?

22. Are you considering any other offers right now?

23. Asking Questions

Phrases and Idioms

Section I

1. Bored to death

2. You've got to be kidding

3. Sick and Tired

4. Call it a day

5. Get on one's nerves

6. Couch potato

7. Read one's mind

8. Feel blue

9. Fender bender

10. Get foot in the door

11. Chicken

12. Give somebody a hard time

13. Make up one's mind

14. Go Dutch

15. Throw in the towel

Section II
1. Goose bumps

2. Stay in touch

3. Have the guts

4. Rain or Shine

5. I'm beat

6. Easier said than done

7. It's about time

8. Jump to conclusions

9. Keep an eye on

10. Out of the blue

11. Know something inside out

12. Give someone a hand

13. Now and then

14. Nuke - Microwave

15. On the dot

Section III

1. Keeping my fingers crossed

2. Out of this world

3. Over one's head

4. Pain in the ass

5. Piece of cake

6. Sooner or later

7. Pull someone's leg

8. Put oneself in one's place

9. I can eat a horse

10. Read between the lines

11. Rings a bell

12. Bug

13. Sleep on it

14. Play it by ear

15. Speak of the devil

Section IV

1. Grab a bite

2. Take it easy

3. Go with the flow

4. Twenty-four seven

5. Under the weather

6. Don't sweat it

7. You can say that again

8. Broke

9. Beats Me

10. I Don't Buy it

11. Keep Your Cool

12. Sort Of

13. Good For You

14. Good Luck

15. Shotgun

Section V

1. Who Cares

2. Big Deal

3. What a Small World

4. What's going on?

5. Now You're Talking

6. Over My Dead Body

7. Coming Right Up

8. Good Thinking

9. Shoot

10. Nothing Matters

11. Come On

12. Never mind

13. If You Insist

14. Stop It!

15. It's Nothing

Section VI

1. What gives?

2. Fair Enough

3. Cat Got Your Tongue

4. My Pleasure

5. It Totally Slipped My Mind

6. Give It to Me Straight

7. It's written all over your face

8. Go For It

9. It's a Deal

10. Don't Be a Stranger

11. Let's Go Fifty- Fifty

12. Good for Nothing

13. You're Telling Me

14. Get a Life

15. Don't Joke With Me

Section VII

1. I Can't Thank You Enough

2. My Two Cents

3. Just Name It

4. No Worries

5. Why so Blue?

6. Nature Calls

7. What's Eating You?

8. Shame on You

9. Hang In There

10. I Owe You

11. Take a Hike

12. It's a Piece of Cake

13. I'm On My Way

14. I'm Hosed

15. It's a Long Story

Section VIII

1. Since When

2. Got It

3. You Wish

4. You're Dressed to Kill

5. Behave Yourself

6. That Figures

7. Do Tell

8. No Sweat
9. I Blew It

10. Maddening

11. I Messed Up

12. I Beg to Differ

13. Rise and Shine

14. You Bet

15. Pie in the Sky

Section IX

1. No Strings Attached

2. Sleep Tight

3. It Can't Hurt

4. I Couldn't Agree With You More

5. Thank Goodness

6. You Made It

7. Whatever

8. I'm Sick of It

9. Get Out of Here

10. You Made It Big

11. In Your Dreams

12. Hold On a Sec

13. That's easier said than done

14. You Never Know

15. Back to the grind

Section X

1. It Serves You Right

2. I Can't Wait

3. Lighten Up

4. Good Point

5. Just My Luck

6. It's Up To You

7. Hop In

8. I Told You So

9. You Know Better Than That

10. Has Been Burned

11. Keep Me in the Loop

12. I'll Be Down

13. Get to the Point

14. Down to Earth

15. Sure Thing

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