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Raiders and Radon:

(Working title)

The basics:
Britain Once the Empire upon which the sun could not set, has fallen far from its glory. As the
world fell it was consumed, mighty cities becoming a maddening ruin

Infodumping stuff:

Quick timeline:
1945: WW2 comes to an end, east-west relations begin to break down
1950-1951: Unnatural extra-solar radiation begins to be detected
1953: Mainland Europe begins to fall apart, British and French efforts to keep things under
control fail and a full retreat across the channel is ordered
Second Dunkirk evacuation brings as many troops and civilians across the English Channel for
safety, but the Royal Navy and Army are decimated by this, ​curse-afflicted francs reach
1954: Mass-outbreaks of dead zones and radiation lead to the breakdown of England, London
consumed by swamp and great beast of London
????: generations have passed and Britain consists of radioactive dead zones, dark forests,
and small kingdoms, fiefdoms, and nations vying for power

-The Oceans:
>The oceans are deadly places, occupied by countless horrors
>Their reign of terror has limited crossing the seas to a game of waiting and island hopping,
biding time until the seas quiet and making a dash for dry land closer to your target
>It is unknown just how large the Icelandic exodus was at its beginning, and how many ships
and lives were lost in their sprint across the open water for staging grounds for their attacks
>A new threat known only as The Horned Men have ravaged and settled the Northern Isles.
Horrifying tales of fire breathing metal ships, pulled by beastly giant squid follow in their wake of

The Isles:
The Isles had a different name in days long since past. Once united have become a fractured
collection of petty fiefdoms picking over the remains of their forebears. Knights once more ride
upon horseback to wage war and castles now bristle with watchmen against the terrors that lurk
just beyond the edge of the fire's light. Once called Britain The Isles have all but forgotten they
were once a united people save in a mythic time long before.
Where cities rich with life and industry once stood, now lay the Zones. Graves,
testaments to the follies of men and impermanence of all. Those brave souls that venture into
their midst armed with blade and bullet hope to return with finds to make themselves rich and
renown. But, the Zones do not give their treasures up easily. The former citizens of those places
now changed roam searching for the flesh of men or more obscene and unknowable prizes and
above them, all are the beasts. Terrifying creatures born from strange energies and radiation
that now guard the Zones they call home.

Permanently smoke-shrouded, swampy where the rivers have over-run their banks. Probably
has a very big dragon in the centre that sleeps on a hoard of old-world treasure, but no one
who’s gone to investigate has come back to confirm.










The Northern Isles:


The Isle of Man:

Factions of the isles(England and Scotland):

U.S.E. (United States in exile)
Successor state of the United States. The USE has a history steeped in sorrow. The
descendants of those that had come to the Isle to flee the horrors of the mainland. Many had
served there during the Last great war flying daring raids into the mainland or attempting to
breach beachhead defenses. Stranded far home they tried to blend into the general populace
but as outsiders they were only met with shuttered doors and distrusting looks over the
shoulder. In time as the world became less and less sane members of those first forces or their
children. They returned to where they had first landed in Dover. Even as the Zones grew the
USE drew close its borders building a network of defenses to ward against its horrors.
Capital:​ Dover
Government:​ Military Junta (Constitutional Republic)
General disposition:​ Militant, but friendly.
Alliances:​ Union of States of Kent and Sussex (U.S.K.S.)
State of technology:​ Old World Power

Commonwealth of Sussex
Successor state to the British empire
Capital:​ Maidstone
Government: ​Parliamentary Monarchy
General disposition: ​Militant, but very friendly.
Alliances:​ Union of States of Kent and Sussex (U.S.K.S.)
State of technology:​ Old World Power

New France
Successor state of France
Government:​ Military Junta
Capital:​ Petit Paris (formerly Hastings)
General disposition:​ Militant, accepting.
Alliances:​ Union of States of Kent and Sussex (U.S.K.S.)
State of technology:​ Old World Power

European Confederation
Independent Kingdoms, successors of various old world powers
Capital:​ Eastbourne
Government: ​Feudal Monarchy
General disposition: ​Militant, neutral (various).
Alliances:​ Union of States of Kent and Sussex (U.S.K.S.)
State of technology:​ Old World Power

Kingdom of Norfolk
Successor state of England, independent
Capital:​ Norwich
Government: ​Absolute Monarchy
General disposition:​ Feudal, neutral
Alliances:​ None
State of technology:​ abysmal

His Majesties Own Colony of Suffolk (Kingdom of Suffolk)

Successor state of Dane-land
Government:​ Absolute Monarchy
General disposition:​ Feudal, neutral
Alliances:​ Dane-law
State of technology:​ abysmal

Principality of Cambridgeshire
Claimant to the throne of England
Capital:​ Cambridge
Government:​ Constitutional Monarchy
General disposition​: Feudal, neutral
Alliances​: None
State of technology: ​abysmal

Kingdom of Yorkshire
Claimant to throne of England
Capital:​ York
Government:​ Absolute monarchy
General disposition:​ militant, unfriendly, corrupt
Alliances:​ Order of Saint Turing, Alliance of the White Rose.
State of technology:​ Ranging from bad to impressive in places, modernising

Claimant to the throne of England
Capital:​ Lancaster
Government:​ Constitutional Monarchy
General disposition:​ Hates Yorkist, accepting.
Alliances:​ Lancashire alliance (Alliance of the Red Rose)
State of technology:​ Moderate, advancing

Dominion of Edinburgh
Successor state of Scotland
Capital:​ Edinburgh
Government: ​Theocratic Tribal Monarchy
General disposition:​ accepting, very suspect.
Alliances:​ Scotland
State of Technology: ​Restricted

Isle of Man
The Independent kingdom Of the Isle of Man or simply the Mannish Kingdom is an island
kingdom in the Irish Sea. The Isle of Man has rose to prominence in the modern age as a
prominent culture of Merchants, Sailors and Gunsmiths. The Mannish have risen to become
incredibly influential across the known world. They have cornered the market upon bulk
production of Ammunition and in masterclass firearms many of which have become Royal arms
to various kings over the years. The Isle of Man is the origin place of the Keepers of Light
formed from those who had been forced to serve in the light-houses and Watch Platforms that
the Trade Vessels used to guide them between Ports of Trade.
Capital:​ Douglas The historic capital of the Island has persisted, its fortified seawalls laden with
Docks and heavy gun emplacements pan back and forth. From the Tower of Refuge the
Keepers of Light stand watch over the Port. Representatives from the Islands villages meet to
run the Tynwald a parliament that controls the Isle and issues Writs for various Trade routes
between Ireland, England and Scotland are awarded to the highest bidder typically captains of
singular vessels that have managed to survive at least one voyage around the island.
Government: ​Parliamentary, each village will send a representative to Douglas who will speak
on their behalf these men typically have served either as Captains upon a vessel or have stood
a post with the Home Guard. Of note is that alongside these men and women a representative
of the Keepers of Light sits upon the Tynwald.
General disposition:​ The Isle of Man has become a culture of wealth and glory. Their strong
ties to Gleaners and ports along with an excellent understanding of the dangers of travelling the
sea have made them renown for their reliable shipping. This alongside their skill in crafting
excellent firearms including several rare foreign models and calibres. The Isle of Man is open
and willing to trade with anyone with the Holies a means of currency that they had first helped
spread after years of dealing with the Order and Gleaners that they had sent into the Dublin
Zone for materials and artifacts.
Alliances:​ None, the Isle of Man has made a stated goal of avoiding becoming entangled in
countless petty wars. Though willing to deal with even the Icelanders albeit at arms length they
do make agreements with kingdoms in the event of Horned Men raiding.
State of technology: ​Moderate, Industrial power. The Isle of Man has mostly due to its location
become incredibly reliant upon trade for its resources bringing in steel and coal for its foundries
from abroad. Many members of the isle however enjoy a higher standard of living than most
other kingdoms with a standardized set of laws for apprenticeships and even in some larger
towns such comforts as electric lighting and modernized sewer systems. As the original post for
the Keepers of Light the Isle of man is also famous for its Drydocks which service a number of
vessels ranging from the agile fishing boats used to harvest the Seas bounty to the heavy
Ironclads the Keepers use to do battle with leviathans and kraken.

Kernow Federation
Successor state of Cornwall, the Kernow federation arose from naval staff and the Cornwallish
natives seizing upon the one thing that made their heavily hit lands of use. Their port. What
would become Kernow turned its shipyards and drydocks to building a fleet of vessels capable
of crossing the English Channel.
Capital:​ Truro
Government:​ Federation
General disposition:​ Isolationist, but willing to trade at times
Alliances:​ None
State of technology:​ low on average, with rare greater tech recovered or traded for.

Currently a Neutral Nation within the War of the Roses, Oxfordshire got its start not as a military
power but, as a place of learning. During the end of the Old World the University Staff had
retreated within the confines of the Campus backed by local police and those that sought shelter
they fortified the university and held on through the darkest of days by rifle and trading with
nearby villages. In the modern days Oxfordshire has become once more a center of learning
but, perhaps more importantly entertainment and medicine. The vast stores of written works
proved valuable for providing the general populace entertainment in the form of the spoken and
written word as well as stage plays. Many nobles even from opposing nations send their sons
and daughters to learn the high arts from those that walk the ancient campus and, when not
learning many spend their time carousing within the town that serves it.
Capital:​ Oxford
Government:​ Oxford holds itself to a rigorous set of standards for governance with various
heads of the University holding sway on matters such as yearly spending, and what focus the
Fiefdom will settle upon for research. However, beneath ‘The Chairs’ is the ‘The Floor’ made up
of various members of the community that surrounds the campus. Though not allowed to
directly intervene in matters of the Campus The Floor has say over things such as Taxation,
who is permitted within the Shires borders and who will be trade partners during the Year. This
system has so far worked though at times tension has run high as many of the more common
folk worry the Chairs have become too distant from the reality of the world as it is today.
General disposition​: Oxfordshire has made its mark by not making marks. Its teaching of
nobility, constant production of new plays and theater troupes helps ensure that those who
might eye it as a prize are quickly thwarted by former alumni intervening on its behalf or, the fact
that in these hard times Oxford provides a small relief in the form of entertainment.
Alliances:​ Carleon, Warwick, Order of Turing, Sussex
State of Technology:​ Oxford perhaps more than most fiefdoms makes use of Old World
technologies second only to the Order of Turing. Within the Campus walls electric lights sputter
powered by windmills atop the roof-tops and a small Hydro-station upon the Thames creates not
only milled Flour but electrical power that is run into the town for several facilities including a
printing press this is not a rolling press but instead a home-made variation of a stamp press and
the pride of the Shire. The dam doubles as a watch point for trouble such as Raiders and Zone
born monstrosities. Additionally,the community sports a radio tower that is used for both
governmental and, entertainment purposes with radio plays and various local acts. Often such
performances give the common folk something to look forward to through congregating within
Ra-theaters. This not only allows for easy proliferation of things such as news of the greater

Republic of New Castle

Border nation
Capital:​ Newcastle
Government:​ Elective House/Republic
General Disposition: ​Untrusting, Border guards
Alliances:​ None (grudging respect from Edinburgh and other border nations)

Howitzshire freehold
independent kingdom, renounces claimant to England
Capital:​(wherever the howitzer of Howitzshower is located)
Government:​ Elective Monarchy
General disposition: ​likes blowing stuff up, accepting
Alliances:​ None.
State of technology:​ abysmal, except a howitzer

Elected Oligarchy with inherited head of government. No claims to the throne but also regards
all other successor states that don't descend from pre-war government as illegitimate.
Capital: ​Warwick
General disposition:​ Neutral, isolationist.
Alliances:​ None.
State of technology: ​moderate, static.

Factions of Wales, Ireland and the Coasts:

Free-state of Sea-land and incorporated territories
isolationist state, denounces succession.
Capital:​ HM Fort Roughs (Sea-land)
Government:​Military Junta
General disposition:​ Militant, Hostile
Alliances:​ None
State of technology:​ Most Advanced Old World Tech.

Successor state of Wales, unsupported claimant to the throne of England
Capital:​ Caerleon
Government:​ Round table
General disposition:​ Expansionist, Feudal
Alliances:​ None, but with successful crusades more are attracted to the kingdom
State of technology:​ Abysmal save for a stockpile of old-age artillery.

Order of Saint Turing

Landed Non-state Theocracy the Order has existed since shortly after the fall. Formed from
scientists fleeing to Ireland as England fell into chaos. In their Exodus they found safety in the
city of Wexford and the Monastery that resides there and over the decades formed a new
religious order based in part upon the philosophy that mathematics is the language of divinity
and, that through its study become closer to God. To this end, Computers have taken a central
role their ability to process information en masse seen as a divinely provided gift through the
Saint Turing. Though at first simple monks the Order has since risen to become a source of high
technology for other powers and their Computers are used, for a price to calculate such issues
as weather forecasting and encoding important documents; this has made them into an
economic power that ties other nations together with their currency, the Holie a small steel coin
stamped with Binaric-prayers.
Government: ​Unincorporated Theocracy, in theory all monasteries answer to Wexford.
However most are independant, answering only on occasion to the Great temple. The Monks
however only press their coinage within the halls of Wexford a leash to ensure no other temple
may control the Coin Purse.
General disposition:​ enlightened, friendly. The Order is non-militant and though they do hire
mercenary forces to Glean the Zones for useful components. The Order does show some favor
to the kingdom of York but, this is mostly due to King Edward funding the establishment of a
new Computer-Cathedral.
Alliances​: Kingdom of York.
State of technology:​ Though one of the most advanced powers the Order does not engage in
war-making. With that said they do guard Wexford and other power centers with weapons that
have not been seen in ages such as the Dreaded PIAT and large caliber repeating guns.
Beyond this the Monks also hold the only remaining computers in the world, slowly calculating
theorems for inscrutable purposes. Alongside this the monks produce radios and other
equipment some specifically for the use of Gleaners within the Zones.

Inner Iceland
Colony of the Icelandic Vikings
Capital:​ Stornoway
Government:​ Tribal Despot
General disposition:​ Hostile, raiders
Alliances:​ Icelandic Vikings
State of technology: ​desperate, Naval power

The Isle of Wights

Isolated island of Once-men
Capital:​ none
Government:​ Tribal conglomerations
General disposition:​ Hostile, unknown goals
Alliance:​ none
State of technology:​ none
Barely more cohesive than other dead zones, Wights however seemed to have maintained
some form of sanity compared to other mutants or rad-warped humans

Welsh Workers States

Successor of the Welsh working class, the WWS is based around the various unions that during
the Fall of civilization. These blue collar workers turned their tools to weapons and their skills to
securing borders. Over the decades the WWS has established a network of rail-lines and simple
trains. The WWS has of late come into conflict with the Welsh Kingdoms over control of these
useful trade routes.
Capital​: Swansea
Government​: Various Unions have taken over settlements or established them around what
were once coal mines, factories or similar locales. Each Union/Town provides a representative
to a Summit once per year in Shrewsbury. When in session this council decides various national
matters such as strategic actions to be taken, taxes and similar matters. The Council can be
summoned in an emergency if need be, the various reps gathered via an armored Train
designed specifically for this purpose and the pride of the WWS Train Fleet.
General disposition​: Neutral, isolationist save for coal trade
Alliances​: The WWS has made few friends in the greater world of the Isles. However, it has
paid for several mercenary companies with the money garnered from their Coal Trade.
State of technology:​ low-average, save for rail advances. The WWS makes use of various
low-tech weapons such as sword, axes, and spears. Most notable though is the use of heavy
coal-powered trains armed with simple cannon and heavy metal plate armor. These trains have
proven incredibly useful in deterring the mounted knights of the Welsh Kingdoms.
Welsh Kingdoms
Successor to wales, the Welsh kingdoms formed from the military remains of the united
Kingdom. The Welsh Kingdoms control much of the Northern reaches of Wales. The Welsh
Kingdoms has in the recent decades begun to wage a small series of wars against their
Southern Neighbor, The Welsh Worker States this is in part due to the constant demand for
Coal to power the few Trains that they have managed to rebuild. Unlike the WWS the Welsh
Kingdoms lacks much in the way of readily accessed coal and has had to make due through
trade and plunder to fuel their rail lines.
Capital​: None
Government​: A League of petty kingdoms, the WK is bound not by a unified ideal but simple
practicality. The WWS poses enough of an issue that, the various petty fiefdoms have through
mutual need banded together. How long or how strong this will hold is up for much debate.
General disposition​: Expansionist, The Welsh Kingdoms has, in the years past taken a very ad
hoc approach to gaining ground with a winner take all mentality. As fiefdoms conquer they add
in territories won. This has resulted in a messy patchwork of claims to lands in which the
peasant and merchant class are generally uncertain of what lord they are living under beyond it
being the Welsh Kings.
Alliances​: Each other, The Welsh Kings have agreed to a tacit set of alliances. Most of these
are in the form of shared hostages and written pacts. These bonds are by nature a matter of
convenience and should a peace be settled upon there is concern that they might be readily
State of technology​:​ Medieval, save for slow progress on the railways. The Welsh Kingdoms
are largely technologically poor. This is in part due to a simple lack of knowledge and resources
but also a steady reliance on outside forces to bolster their troops. The fragmented kingdoms
simply can’t have not created a stable system of learning to allow for a higher techbase. The
exception being the trains that have either been commissioned or, stolen over the years.

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