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Hi, I’m Ryan Michael Pulaski, I am the author of this book. I wanted to take this time to
address the elephant in the room, yes, this book is about suicidal thoughts and understanding
the mind of suicidal people. I decided to write this during a period of time when I truly felt lost
and I myself was truly having suicidal thoughts. I felt empowered to help everyone understand
the seriousness of the issue that really has become an epidemic. So, a few things are needed to
start this.
First, parents, if you are reading this, please take this seriously, teen suicides are a
serious issue that plagues the US. People who are at most risk are males between the ages of
10 to 24, they really are heavily at risk. The warning signs can be difficult to see at times, but
they are there.
Secondly, I have to say that this is a serious topic and also a serious book, I implore you
to be prepared for heavy subjects and know that you have been warned about all of these. If
you need to talk to someone throughout the course of the book, please do, it will be helpful to
you if you can get your thoughts out. The way of t

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