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Undying Dynasties

The 9 th
​ Age

Version 0.11.0 Beta

introduction 3
u n dy i n g dy n a s t i e s

Monarchs of the Dead 9 Skeleton Horsemen 21 Tomb Cataphracts 29

Death Priests 11 Great Vultures 22 Necropolis Guard 30
Tomb Harbingers 13 Scarab Swarms 22 Colossi 32
Tomb Architects 14 Sand Scorpions 23 Skull Catapult 34
Ark of Ages 16 Sphinxes 25 Winged Reapers 35
Skeleton Warriors 17 Shabti 27 Dread Sphinx 37
Skeleton Chariots 19 Sand Stalkers 28 The Casket of Phatep 39
n a p ta a n m a g i c41
army rules 43
treasures of the tomb 46
army list 49
quick reference sheet 63
epilogue 64

the 9th age team

The 9th Age writing team
a rt s
Thomas Karlsson cover art, pages 11, 14, 17, 23, 28, 32, 39 and ornamental art. Ollie Cuthbo pages 9, 35,
41, and 46. Francesco Sturlese pages 3, 8 and 30. Adalidsilvano pages 5, 21, 25 and ornamental art.
Alberto Bontempi pages 19 and 29. Davide Castelluccio pages 27 and 37.
The 9th Age review team

of the dead:
my travels in Naptesh
by Beatrix von Ueblingen, Wizard of the Imperial
Society of Eichtal

6th of Keimzeit, 1648 A.S.

I cannot believe my luck. Of all the

people the Society could have chosen
to lead the expedition, they chose me!
That whey-faced worm van der Grimm
looked like he was on the point of apo-
plexy when they made the announce-

If this is to be my journal, I should ex-

plain: the Society is outfitting an expe-
dition to Naptesh. Naptesh! The leg-
endary Kingdom of the Dead, cradle of
human civilisation and the art of necro-
mancy, which swallowed the Lost Cru-
sade and generations of treasure hunt- Beatrix von Ueblingen,
ers in its trackless deserts. The research Wizard of the Imperial Society of Eichtal
opportunities are endless.

This all began one month ago, when the the contents of Valdes’ haul were in fact
Society purchased a number of artefacts genuine Naptaan grave goods. The god-
from the adventurer Ferdinand Val- dess knows how Valdes came by these;
des (whose exploits you have no doubt he certainly wasn’t forthcoming with the
heard of). Though our experts were du- information.
bious of their provenance at first, close
The prime specimen was a gilded sar-
inspection proved beyond doubt that

k i n g d o m s o f t h e d e a d : m y t r av e l s i n n a p t e s h

cophagus, containing the mummified

body of an actual Naptaan prince. As one
of the Society’s foremost experts on the
Naptaan script, you can imagine my ex-
citement when I deciphered the hiero-
glyphs on the sarcophagus that identi-
fied the body inside as none other than
King Kharatep, listed in the Chronicles
of Teput as one of the keepers of the fu-
nerary caskets of Phatep.

There was no sign of the casket among

the loot Valdes sold us, and close ques-
tioning of his men revealed they had
not seen anything matching its descrip-
tion. The implication is clear — if Val-
des’ men did not take it, the casket must
still be there! We wasted no time in ex-
tracting the location of the tomb from
them, and putting together our own ex-
pedition to retrieve it. Quite apart from
their historical importance, the caskets
are supposedly artefacts of immense ar-
cane power — how those strutting pea- cerpt from the Naptaan legend known
cocks at Narrenwald will tear out their as the Time of the Great Dying, which
hair when they hear we have one in our explains the origins of the caskets. For
possession! now I must make my preparations for
departure — the expedition sets off to-
For those unfamiliar with Naptaan lore, morrow.
I include on the following pages an ex-

k i n g d o m s o f t h e d e a d : m y t r av e l s i n n a p t e s h

t h e g r e at dy i n g
The following excerpt is from Abd al-Latif’s seminal translation of the
Naptaan Book of the Dead. It is reproduced here in the Imperial tongue by
permission of the Great Library of Eichtal.

G reatest of all the kings of Naptesh

was Phatep, who sat at the right
hand of the gods. Under his divine rule
Vizier to Phatep was Setesh the outland-
er, whose heart grew hard with envy of
his king. In secret he brought together
the summers were long, the harvests were others of the younger houses of Napt-
bountiful, and the borders of the empire esh, promising them wealth and pow-
stretched from the mountains to the west- er when he came to rule. First among
ern sea. His queen was Teput the wise, Setesh’s conspirators was Nepharet, the
and together they ruled in harmony over queen of Hanaphuk. Nepharet had long
the peoples of the valley and the desert. resented the rule of the kings of Teh-

k i n g d o m s o f t h e d e a d : m y t r av e l s i n n a p t e s h

met, and saw in Setesh’s plot a chance nine pieces. He commanded that each of
to elevate her own city above all others. the pieces of Phatep’s body be sealed in
a gilded chest of its own, and carried far
Together with his conspirators, Setesh
from Nepharet’s palace to conceal the
devised a trap. When Phatep travelled
evidence of their crime. Setesh would
by sea to speak to the little men of the
return to Tehmet and take the throne,
mountains, a splendid banquet was pre-
claiming the king’s ship had been lost at
pared in Nepharet’s court for his return.
sea. He took with him the king’s heart,
When the white sails of the ship were
knowing that that was where Phatep’s
seen on the horizon, Setesh instructed
true divinity resided.
that the king was to be brought to the
palace in the hours of darkness, so that Unknown to Setesh, one of his followers
none would see him come or go. - Tekhamun, the twice-turned - already
grew sick with guilt at what they had
When the banquet table had been laid
done, the taste of the king’s blood turn-
and the king given the seat of honour,
ing foul on his tongue. So it was that on
Nepharet bade her servants produce a
his journey home, Tekhamun threw the
wondrous chest, ornamented with gold
chest containing Phatep’s head into the
and lapis lazuli. With fine words, Nepharet
great river Napaat, which carried it to
told all present she would present it as a
the feet of queen Teput.
gift to the first of her guests who could
fit themselves wholly inside its walls. Teput had received summons from
Setesh to attend him at court, but knew
One by one, Nepharet’s guests tried and
now the treachery of Phatep’s grand
failed, protesting that they could not fit
vizier. Carrying her husband’s head as
themselves inside. At last, in his cups,
proof, she rallied the old families of
the king was prevailed upon to try. The
Naptesh against the usurper, and the
moment Phatep knelt down inside the
empire was torn by civil war. At first, it
chest, Setesh’s lackeys slammed shut the
appeared Setesh could not hope to tri-
lid. Drawing their swords, they ran the
umph against Teput and her allies. Their
chest through, striking again and again
wealth was greater, their armies more
until their blades ran red with the blood
mighty. Setesh, however, had stolen the
of the king. Nepharet and the conspira-
heart of the king, and with it the power
tors drank of the blood that ran from the
of the gods themselves.
chest, hoping to gain some measure of
the king’s divine power. Setesh threw open the gates of the un-
derworld, dragging the dead from their
It was at this time that Setesh the traitor
rest to fight for him again, and the ar-
chose to emerge from the shadows. He
mies of Teput were thrown back. For
bade his followers cut Phatep’s body into

k i n g d o m s o f t h e d e a d : m y t r av e l s i n n a p t e s h

years the war raged, poisoning the realised the terrible truth of his prom-
lands of the empire. Cities were razed ise. She cried to the gods of Naptesh to
and villages were burned, leaving only spare her, and she was answered. The
death and sorrow behind. Disgusted at gates of the underworld were shut for-
what had become of their favoured son, ever, sealing Setesh in as god of his own
the gods turned their back on Naptesh. prison. In turn, the people of Naptesh
A terrible drought turned the fertile were condemned never to know peace
fields of Naptesh to dust, and the trai- in the halls of the afterlife, wandering
tors who had drunk of Phatep’s blood instead in this world as the restless dead.
were afflicted with a curse of eternal
So it was that the kingdom of Naptesh
thirst. Still Setesh’s army of the dead
became the kingdom of the dead. Those
fought on, needing no drink, nor food,
living who remained in the haunted lands
nor shade.
soon fled, their fields already turned to
After long years of bloodshed, Teput ash by the curse of the gods. Only those
brought Setesh himself to battle on the nobles who could not bear to leave the
plain of Takhat. Beneath the blaze of the proud history of their ancestors behind
sun, the two armies clashed, while the remained. Waited on by households of
usurper and the rightful queen sought the dead, they lingered in their palac-
each other out. Face to face, they fought es of marble and alabaster until death
until at last they fell, each having dealt came for them. Then their undead serv-
the other a mortal wound. As they lay ants would embalm them according to
dying, Setesh mocked Teput. I have no the ancient custom, and carry them to
fear of death, he told her, for I have made their tombs, to wait down the long ages
myself master of death. But when your against the day that Setesh the betray-
death comes, your spirit will become a er could be destroyed, and their path to
subject in my realm. paradise made clear once more.
Even as Setesh breathed his last, Teput They are still waiting.

Variations on this myth have been found in the Annals of the Dust Sea and in the oldest cat-
acombs of Avras. Records exist of another account encountered by the crusaders of Equitaine
under the rock formations on the north coast of Naptesh known as the Pillars of Har-Khowar
- regrettably, these carvings were destroyed at the order of the priesthood of Sunna - B. U.

k i n g d o m s o f t h e d e a d : m y t r av e l s i n n a p t e s h

27th of Keimzeit, 1648 A.S.

I t has been a long voyage, but we have

finally made landfall at the city of Port
Reynaud, on the north Taphrian coast.
town itself. Thankfully we have no need
to stay here long — just long enough to
pick up guides, guards and pack animals
I for one will not be sorry to say good- for our expedition into the desert. Gun-
bye to our ship, the Glory of Sunna - the ther has been out hiring and our roster
Wallowing Tub would have been a better is almost complete. Few of the locals
name. I have never felt so sick in my life. seem willing to assist us. Perhaps in the
circumstances it is understandable, but
Port Reynaud was built as a crusader
I do wish they could be made to see past
port, and it shows — the great fortifica-
their superstitious fears. I suppose it is
tions surrounding the harbour and the
their loss.
keep are far more impressive than the

Gunther Helmgart - Johannes Grunstein Gilles D’Auvigne - a Abdullah ibn-Rahil -

head of our porters from - a scholar of ancient his- grim fellow, and the the head of our guides. He
the Imperial Society. A tory from the University newly-appointed leader claims he is well-known
stout and reliable man, of Narrenwald. He seems of our guards. Gunther to the desert tribes in these
he has been invaluable on singularly useless to me, found him close to the parts, and can see us safely
the journey thus far. I fear but Master Aldebrand in- docks, and says he fought through the sands - al-
however that the heat is sisted we take him along. in the last crusade. From though it took a great deal
getting to him. He claims some knowl- his scars it certainly seems of money to convince him
edge ofNaptaan hiero- plausible. when he learned of our
glyphs, and chews so much destination. Personally
qat that his hands tremble I would not be surprised
incessantly if he goes one if his fear was feigned. It
day without it. was certainly an effective
negotiating tactic.

of the dead

T he mummy Valdes supplied to the society was the best-preserved

specimen I have ever had the privilege of examining. The hiero-
glyphs on the lid of the sarcophagus identified the body as Kharatep,
king of Djedesh. His list of titles was very grand - Favoured Son of
Nephet-Ra, Lord of the Delta, Pillar of the Sky, Right Hand of the
High Queen, Last and Greatest of His Line.

  introduction 9 monarchs of the dead 

monarchs of the dead

These can be seen as typical for the kings of Naptesh. Though during
the time of their empire all the cities of Naptesh answered to the king
of Tehmet, each city had its own royal line. The kings, or “pharaohs”,
were glorified as demigods, separate from and superior to the common
people who laboured to build their great monuments.

Each pharaoh kept a court, filled with lesser nobles (or “nomarchs”)
who claimed various degrees of proximity to the royal blood. Those
whose relation was too distant to hope to inherit sought glory on the
battlefield, or else joined the orders of the empire’s priests. Those of
higher birth attended closely to the wishes of the pharaoh, seeking al-
ways to be confirmed as his heir. The history of the greatest dynasties of
Naptesh could be traced for many centuries, and the throne of Tehmet
changed hands between them on several occasions. Since the fall of the
Naptaan empire, it is the tombs of the pharaohs that have formed the
most enduring symbol of their kingdom. According to legend, the mum-
mified bodies of the kings still sleep fitfully within, waking sometimes in
kingly anger to direct their armies against the lands of the living. Thank-
fully, Valdes’ specimen showed no such inclinations - but the Society has
placed powerful wards on the chamber in which it is kept. Just in case.

Rise up, O Haphut!

Take your head, collect your bones,
Gather your limbs, shake the earth from your flesh!
The gatekeeper comes out to you, he grasps your hand,
Rise up, O Haphut, you shall not die!
- Inscription found on the Sakur tombs, in Qassar

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

pharaoh 4 6 3 5 5 4 3 4 10 20×20 mm
nomarch 4 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 9

troop type special rules

Infantry Undead, Flammable, Undying Will, Fear, Dust to Dust,
Mummy’s Curse

  monarchs of the dead 10 d e at h p r i e s t s  

d e at h

M.H.: Who are you? What is your name?

subject: Akhamun? Is that you? You know me. Ages have passed and seas have dried
since last we fought, but I know the smell of your magic.

  monarchs of the dead 11 d e at h p r i e s t s  

d e at h p r i e s t s

M.H.: I am Witchfinder General Matthias Horst, and you will answer my questions.
Who is this Akhamun?
subject: A mortal? This is an unexpected turn.
Akhamun is a worthy foe. All beings are measured by their enemies, and so he makes me
mighty. Once before we battled. He was only a mortal then, like you, and I was yet to rise
in my masters’ favour. But that was many centuries ago.
M.H.: How does he still live?
subject: He died long ago. In life, he was the slave of kings, dressed up in a pretty
gown. His order saw to their safe passage to the afterlife. How ironic that he should now
call them back from the grave.
In the past, his lands were fertile ground for my masters, and we vied for the souls of his
people. Now that kingdom is a barren desert, but Akhamun remains. He is cursed, like all
his people - he cannot rest in death. But his magic is still strong. It would have to be, to
make him an enemy worthy of my power.
M.H.: If you are so mighty, why take this body? Speak!
subject: After many centuries, I returned to those lands to claim them for my mas-
ters. There I found Akhamun, rotted body and empty eyes, yet the same power within.
My followers battled his, and broke through his lines. I advanced to victory, only to be
engulfed in light and cast into this prison of flesh. A feat your pitiful priests could hardly
have achieved. They have not had millennia to study their craft.
My legion fell as he summoned his army to life again. But this is not the end, merely
a setback. My star will rise again, my allies will return through the Veil and we will
march once more. Your chains will hold me no more than this mortal vessel. And when
I have claimed my rightful place as master of Naptesh, I will come for you, Matthias. The
last thing you see in this life will be my true form and I will await you on the other side.
Death is no escape from the Dark Gods.
[Subject began to emit smoke from his mouth and eyes. Subject was destroyed by fire.]

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

death cult hierarch 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 8 20×20 mm

death cult acolyte 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 7

troop type special rules

Infantry Undead, Dust to Dust
Generate spells from Path of the Sands, Light or Death

  d e at h p r i e s t s 12 tomb harbingers 
A mong the grave goods Valdes brought us was the golden icon
whose rough shape I have sketched here. It incorporates com-
mon elements from the Naptaan religion, such as the winged scarab
and the radiant sun. It is also inscribed with heiroglyphs proclaiming
the praises of the king. It seems likely that this formed a part of the
king’s banner.

Most interesting to me, however, was a carving we found on the de-

cayed remains of the banner pole. From what legible sections we could
recover, it read:
l oya l s h e kt u k , f i r s t a m o n g t h e fa i t h f u l s o l d i e r s o f t h e
k i n g , b e a r s t h i s s ta n da r d .
l e t a l l w h o o p p o s e h i s l o r d t r e m b l e at i t s s i g h t .

This constitutes one of the few mentions in the written history of the
Naptaan of anyone not of the royal blood, for we can presume from his
name and lack of titles that Shektuk was a simple soldier. Valdes’ men
claim they found this artefact inside the tomb of Kharatep himself, a
position of great honour for one so lowly born.

One of Valdes’ crew in particular — one Miguel — was willing to tell

me a little more. According to Miguel, the banner-pole was found still
clutched in the hands of an intact skeleton, at least a head taller than
the other bodies in the tomb. Valdes was forewarned about how lightly
the dead sleep in Naptesh, and ordered the men to smash it to pow-
der with clubs and hammers. If Miguel is to be believed, it killed three
men before the icon could be prised from its phalanges — and even
then, one fleshless hand kept hold of the banner pole long after the
rest of the undead creature had been destroyed.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

tomb harbinger 4 4 3 4 5 2 3 3 8 20×20 mm

troop type special rules

Infantry Undead, Dust to Dust, Flammable, Lethal Strike,
Undying Will, Poisoned Attacks, Royal Guard

  d e at h p r i e s t s 13 tomb architects 

31st of Keimzeit, 1648 A.S.

W e are four days out of Port Reynaud, and have come to the land-
marks Abdullah tells me are called the Teeth of the Asp. The
name is certainly apt - these two great obelisks jut up out of the desert
hills like the fangs of a great snake.

  tomb harbingers 14 tomb architects 

tomb architects

In the glory days of the Naptaan empire, these monuments would have
marked the boundaries of the Naptaan territory, standing as a state-
ment of the empire’s great power and a warning against invaders. Now
they are eroded and half-buried in the dunes, but some of the intricate
carvings recording the victories of the king who erected them still re-

I had Gunther’s porters shovel away six feet of the sand obscuring the
base of the columns — much to the amusement of Abdullah and his
guides, who were content to sit and watch our northerners labouring in
the hot sun. Beneath the dedication to the pharaoh Oseput we found
what I was searching for — the maker’s mark of the Naptaan mason
who built the Teeth.
From the texts recovered by earlier expeditions, we already know that
among the common-born Naptaan the monument-makers were held in
high regard, second only to the priesthood. They were commissioned
to build the immense tombs of the pharaohs, and great statues glori-
fying their rule. The inscription we found on the Teeth says that this
architect — one Ammtunek — oversaw two thousand slaves in their
construction, and was favoured in the eyes of the pharaoh. Intriguingly,
the inscription also says that Ammtunek is buried under the obelisks,
and whosoever disturbs him by destroying his work will suffer his curse.
These great monuments must have been his life’s work.

I put forward the idea of sinking a mine pit under the right-hand obe-
lisk to try to locate the burial chamber, but our guard captain Gilles
refused outright, saying the obelisk might topple and crush us all to
death. These people have no vision!

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

tomb architect 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 7 20×20 mm

troop type special rules

Infantry Undead, Dust to Dust, Flammable, Master of Stone,
Artisan’s Wrath, Mason’s Menagerie

  tomb architects  15 arc of ages 

ark of ages

O n the second obelisk of the Teeth, we discovered another inscrip-

tion. Though very worn by time and the elements, the hieroglyphs
were still legible, but of a variety I was not familiar with. A few pointed
prods of my staff woke Grunstein and set him to work translating the an-
cient script (I suppose this proves he is good for something, at least). It
would have taken the him weeks to study the entirety of this inscription,
but we had only until sunset — Abdullah and his men insisted we had to
depart before dark. In the few hours we had available, what Grunstein did
manage to decipher made extremely interesting reading.

The inscription told of the great river Napaat, and the high priestess of
the river god who cruised its waters in a gilded barge crewed by eunuch
slaves. A loyal servant of the pharaohs, her power brought wealth and
glory to the dynasty. Barbarous kings from far and wide brought annual
tribute to her temple.

When she died, she was mummified within her ark, which was buried in-
tact in a great tumulus along with its crew to serve her in the afterlife. Ac-
cording to the curse-script chiselled upon the obelisk, she would serve her
masters in death as she had in life, and sail the waters of the underworld
to bring divine retribution on any who defiled the lands of the great river.

We had no time to decipher any more of the legend. With the fading of the
light, Grunstein and I were all but dragged away from the hieroglyphs by
our native porters. Abdullah never ceased scanning the darkening skies,
eyes wide with fear, until we were far from the ancient monuments. He
asked me what the two of us had found from our translation, but I thought
it best not to tell him. These Qassari are evidently even more superstitious
than our own men.
profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

ark of ages - - - 4 5 4 - - - 60×100 mm

necropolis guard (2) - 3 3 4 - - 3 1 8
bound spirits 4 2 - 2 - - 2 6 -

troop type special rules

Chariot Undead Construct, War Platform, Ward Save (5+), Lethal
Strike (Necropolis Guard only), Poisoned Attacks (Ne-
cropolis Guard Only), Magical Attacks
u p g ra d e s
Necromantic Aura

  tomb architects  16 s k e l e t o n wa r r i o r s  

2nd of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

T wo days past the Teeth, we have passed through the hills and en-
tered what is known as the Great Desert. Before the fall of the
Naptaan empire much of this was supposedly fertile farmland. Now
there is nothing but windblown sand - the curse of the gods, or so the
legend says. I have my own theories - the Naptaan civil war was a bitter

  arc of ages 17 s k e l e t o n wa r r i o r s  
s k e l e t o n wa r r i o r s

one, and the poisoning of water sources was a well-established weapon

of war even in those ancient times.

This evening, we came upon an area that Abdullah and his guides begged
us to avoid. When I pressed him as to why, he claimed it was the site
of a forgotten battlefield, haunted by the spirits of the dead. Sure
enough, a cursory investigation turned up a great number of human
bones and even corroded weapons buried only a few inches beneath
the sand. You can imagine my excitement - we must return this way
with more camels!

Allowing for Abdullah’s nerves, I have allowed the camp to be pitched

on a nearby ridge, despite the fact that the old battlefield was much
better sheltered from the wind. A sandstorm is blowing in from the
southwest, and I fear we are all going to have to endure a sleepless
night to indulge the superstitions of our guides.

3rd of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

S omeone is playing practical jokes in the camp. When Gunther and

his men finally managed to clear the sand that half-buried us dur-
ing the night, they unearthed several skeletons taken from the battle-
field, posed as if crawling towards my tent! Abdullah and his men deny
it was them. I have told them in no uncertain terms that unless the
culprit is produced I will be docking their pay.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

skeletons 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 20×20 mm

troop type special rules

Infantry Undead, Dust to Dust

  s k e l e t o n wa r r i o r s 18 skeleton chariots 

4th of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

T his journey was bound to be full of moments of discomfort, but

this morning’s sight exceeded my expectations in every possible
way. To the amusement of my colleagues and my chagrin, I took a tum-
ble in the sands when confronted by two skeletal horses rising from the
sands with a scythed chariot in tow.

Only once I realised the chariot was (of course) stationary and half
buried was I able to pick myself up off the ground and collect my wits,
with the sound of laughter ringing in my ears. Our guides however
did not share in the mirth and instead tried to move us swiftly on. To
lessen their distress I reluctantly agreed, though I was able to make a
few sketches for later research. The similar iconography of this chariot
and the riders we encountered nearby seems to confirm many of the
theories of my old friend Doctor Friedman. Perhaps I can salvage his
reputation and prove at least some of this theories to be correct.

  s k e l e t o n wa r r i o r s 19 skeleton chariots 
skeleton chariots

Before the rise of the horseman, chariots were the first use of horses in war. As a means of carrying no-
bles into the heart of battle with speed and style, chariots were highly prized in Naptaan armies.

The prevalence of chariots in the Naptaan empire is disputed, yet my studies have unearthed evidence
of the vast scale of their usage. A tablet inscribed with a record of the battle of Qashek was uncovered
some fifty years ago and I have spent most of those years attempting to translate the hieroglyphics. It
tells the story of King Kentak the First, who led a force of ten thousand chariots against the Edu peo-
ple. Allowing for poetic licence, this is still the greatest use of war machines in ancient times, or possi-
bly even to this day.

As described on the tablet, each chariot was part of a squadron of one hundred headed by a noble, with
gilded hieroglyphics proclaiming the honour of the squadron leader’s dynasty. I have often dreamt
of that sight; the lines of chariots as they crested the dunes, glittering in the sun like a golden wave
poised to crash down and wash away their foes. What I wouldn’t give to possess a specimen for the So-
ciety, to display and to prove that Naptaan society predated the spread of modern cavalry, which was
only developing among the more nomadic peoples of the Edu and the ancestors of the Qassari.

Doctor Eckhardt Friedman - “The Golden Dynasty” (Eichtal Press, 1623 A.S.)

The messengers said, the Edu stand ready. We have strong men and strong horses, our arrows are
swift and our spears are long. We are more numerous than the grains of sand in the desert.

And Pharoah said unto them, just as the sand of the desert, we shall crush your armies beneath our

- Excerpt from inscription on the Qashek Stone

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

desert chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - 50×100 mm

charioteer (2) - 3 2 3 - - 2 2 7
skeletal horse (2) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 -

troop type special rules

Chariot Undead, Dust to Dust.
u p g ra d e s
Free Reform

  skeleton chariots 20 skeleton horsemen 


where most of their neighbours lived a settled,

agrarian existence.

Of course, a nomadic life in this region does not

breed a love for material wealth as we would think
of it. The monuments and golden idols of Naptesh
were far below water in the Edu reckoning of
wealth. It was Naptaan control of the great river
Napaat, therefore, that eventually brought the Edu
into the fold as auxiliaries in the pharaoh’s armies,
after long years of conflict.

Some centuries after the end of the reign of King

Phatep, however the Edu appear to have suddenly
ceased their trade with the empire. Most of my col-
leagues believe this highly skilled and successful tribe
was wiped out in the wars that followed the king’s
death, or by one of the many plagues which sprung
up around the time

The Edu tribe were rivals to the Naptaan, before I find these explanations unsatisfactory. Perhaps
their empire reached its peak. Once Naptesh at- there is some truth to the legends of the Great Dy-
tained ascendancy, they were pushed to the fringes ing. Why else were fields left to ruin and desolation
of the region, but their unparalleled horsemanship at the height of the country’s might? What other
ensured their survival. force could have wiped out the Edu, who for so long
had resisted or evaded the armies of the greatest em-
Records of running battles survive which show pire of their time? It seems overwhelmingly likely
the success those riders had in many battles, both that it was the curse of undeath which overtook
against the armies of Naptesh and the tribes which these people, and swallowed up their famed horse-
populated the less fertile lands to the east. men into the armies of the dead.
The success of the lightning raids made the Edu a Dr Eckhardt Friedman — “The Golden
wealthy group, able the Edu to succeed as nomads Dynasty” (Eichtal Press, 1623 A.S.)

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

skeleton cavalry 4 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 25×50 mm

skeletal steed 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3

troop type special rules

Cavalry Undead, Dust to Dust, Vanguard, Scout, Free Reform

  skeleton chariots 21 g r e a t v u lt u r e s , s c a r a b s w a r m s  
g r e at v u lt u r e s
5th of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

W e are in the deep desert now. The nights are freezing, the days
are baking hot. This damned sand gets everywhere, even into my
books. Gunther has turned as red as a beetroot, but soldiers gallantly on.
A growing flock of vultures have been circling us as we progress. Tiring of
their attention, one of Gilles' men managed to bring one down with his
bow. Thinking it might make a decent supper, when he went to retrieve it
he found its flesh was putrid and decayed, as if it had been dead for many
months. It seems that in the kingdom of the dead, even beasts and birds
can find no rest in death.
profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

great vulture 2 3 - 4 4 2 3 3 4 40×40 mm

troop type special rules

War beast Undead, Dust to Dust, Fly (10), Skirmishers

s ca ra b s wa r m s
W e have lost one of the porters. He must have disturbed a nest of
some kind while he was searching for water. We were only alerted by
his screams. When we found him, he was completely covered with a swarm
of glossy black beetles, which were consuming his flesh at a startling rate.
Gilles’ men drove the swarm off with burning torches, but by the time the
last of the insects had fled little was left of the poor man apart from bones
and scraps of bloody skin. I managed to convince one of Gunther’s men to
retrieve one of the dead beetles for me, though they were understandably
loath to touch even the dead ones after what had happened to their friend.
From the sinister markings on its carapace, I believe these may be the scar-
abs of Har-Khowar spoken about in von Bodenheim’s Pyramid Texts — sup-
posedly sacred to the god of the Naptaan underworld. It is easy to see now
how these insects might have picked up such an association with death.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

scarab swarm 5 3 - 2 2 5 1 5 10 40×40 mm

troop type special rules

Swarm Undead, Dust to Dust, Armour Piercing (1), Poisoned
Attacks, Scout, Underground Ambush

  skeleton horsemen 22 sand scorpions 

sand scorpions

6th of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

T oday we entered a bank of deep dunes that Abdullah claims is

one of the last obstacles between us and the necropolis of Kha-
ratep. The sand here is very fine, making our boots sink up to the ankle
with every step.

Shortly after midday, we learned we were not alone in the dunes.

A huge claw burst up from beneath the sand, cutting one of our camels
in two and dragging the larger half under. I was scarcely able to believe
my eyes — all of us must have stood there for a good two or three sec-
onds before the hue and cry began.

Probing with their spears, Gilles’ men managed to unearth the beast —
a scorpion bigger than a bear. It burst from the dune in a terrible rage,

  g r e a t v u lt u r e s , s c a r a b s w a r m s 23 sand scorpions 
sand scorpions

slaying three of our guards with its claws and striking another with its
sting. The spears of the guards could draw no blood from it — only a
trickle of desiccated dust. Like the carrion birds, I do not believe it
was truly alive. Even my strongest spells appeared to have little effect.

When it became apparent that our numbers were too great for it to
overcome, it burrowed back out of sight. The last we saw of it was
a fast-moving wave of sand, rolling away from us and out into the des-

Whatever venom is in these creatures’ stings must be extremely

powerful — the entire arm of the man who was stung is now severe-
ly necrotised, and the rot is spreading to his torso. It is a testament
to the strong constitution of Gilles’ guards that the man is still alive,
but he surely will not last the night. I must secure some samples
of venom from the wound to show to the alchemists back home.

The Lost Crusade

In 1101 A.S., King Guillaume the Vengeful called together a second Crusade from the knights of Eq-
uitaine. In retaliation for attacks on travellers out of Avras, they were to strike at the necropolis of
Hanaphuk, and cleanse the desert of the undead.

Two thousand knights rode south from the holy city. One man returned, delirious and dying of thirst.
The king’s messengers searched for months, but could find no sign of their lost army - the dunes of
Naptesh had swallowed them whole.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

sand scorpion 7 4 - 5 5 4 3 4 8 50×50 mm

troop type special rules

Monstrous Beast Undead Construct, Lethal Strike, Poisoned Attacks,
Magic Resistance (2), Underground Ambush, Fear

  sand scorpions 24 shinxes 


8th of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

W e have arrived! Our scouts sighted the necropolis early this morning,
and we pushed the men hard to reach it before dusk. The pyramid
of Kharatep is a magnificent sight. A man-made mountain, it towers over the
desert. Looters have stripped it of much of its marble facing, but much still
remains around the apex, shining a brilliant white in the sun. The necropolis
stretches for some distance around it, half-submerged beneath the shifting

  sand scorpions 25 shinxes 

sands. We have identified several lesser tombs, and what appear to be an
avenue of statues leading up to the pyramid of the pharaoh. It was at the
entrance to this avenue that we found the Sphinx.

It is buried almost up to its shoulders in sand, but what remains above the
dunes is three times the height of our camels. Its head has been sculpted
bearing what I believe to be a pharaoh's crown - possibly this was once a
likeness of King Kharatep himself, although the frequent sandstorms have
weathered the face beyond recognition, giving it an almost skeletal appear-

Grunstein has identified some inscriptions that he claims are spells of awak-
ening, designed to turn the statue into a walking engine of war. I told him
his hypothesis was absurd, but for the sake of the record, I include on the
following pages a few of the sources he presented to me as the "evidence"
for his claims.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

battle sphinx 6 4 - 5 8 5 1 4 8 50×100 mm

riders (4) - 4 3 4 - - 3 2 8

troop type special rules

Ridden Monster Undead Construct, Lethal Strike (crew only), Poisoned
Attack (mount only)
u p g ra d e s
Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks), Innate
Defence (4+)

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

royal sphinx 6 4 - 5 6 5 1 4 8 50×100 mm

troop type special rules

Monstrous Beast Poisoned Attacks, Large Target, Terror
u p g ra d e s
Lethal Strike or Necromantic Aura

  shinxes 26 shabti 

You want to hear about the Kingdom of the Dead, a crocodile and an eagle and a fox. It’s hard to see
you say. You ever heard about statues that walk, their movements in the flicker of those damn lamps,
twelve feet tall and swinging blades bigger than but they’ve got giant bows, bigger’n me. The rats get out
a man? I thought not. their pistols and start firing back, but it’s no good. Be-
hind us, the other statues are coming alive too, one right
I used to fight for the empire, but the vermin- next to me. This thing is fifteen feet tall if it’s an inch,
kin caught me. Made a slave out of me, sweating all stone and bone, with a blade even bigger than those
down in the dark, ‘til they rounded a dozen of us damn bows. I’ve never been so scared in my life.
up for their expedition into the desert. All us hu-
mans had heard the stories about that place, but After that it was a blur. The rats’ stolen horses are
you don’t say no to a rat with a whip. shrieking and the monster is slamming its jaws open
and shut, making an awful clacking sound as it kills.
Some people call the rats cowards. They’re prob- Seeing the rats running, I grab the pack horse beside
ably right. But rats are damn good at saving their me, motion my friend Lora to do the same and we
skins — a rat will be running before a man has flee the cave, out into the storm. Never looked back,
even soiled his breeches. We were about three days not once.
into the journey when suddenly the rats went all
twitchy. There was a big sandstorm blowing in, Wulli Schmidt,
once of the Seventh Auldheim Spears
and they could feel it in their whiskers. The over-
seer screams something in their filthy language and
next thing we’re all running for cover in a crack in
the cliff-face. Us slaves in the back barely make it
in before the storm hit.

It wasn’t just a cave, though — it was a tomb.

With the rats’ green lamps we can see the walls are
covered in marks — glyphs — and there are these
statues, huge things, surrounding us. The floor around
them’s covered with pots and boxes, I figure valuable
stuff — but the rats go dead quiet, all twitchy again.
Next thing I know, the overseer flies across the room,
stuck with an arrow the size of a spear.

The statues are moving. There are four closing off the
exit, each with the head of some animal; a bull and

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

shabti 6 4 2 5 4 3 3 3 8 40×40 mm

troop type special rules

Monstrous Infantry Undead Construct, Fear

  shinxes 27 s a n d s ta l k e r s  
s a n d s ta l k e r s

I remember as a boy I once went out into the desert. Some friends and I had wanted to do it for weeks
but my father had always forbidden it. I stole one of his camels and we took a tent between us. We
took it in turns, two of us would ride the camel and the other would walk.

We only stayed out there one night; we awoke to find our camel frozen into stone. I was sick I
think — what kind of a thing can do that? All around our tent were ridges and valleys of sand, ris-
ing over and under one another for tens of feet in every direction. To the south of us, five valleys met
and carried on together as far as the eye could see. Must have been their tracks, whatever they were.
Needless to say we packed up the tent and fled. I’ve never been comfortable in the desert since.

Funny thing is, when I got back, I thought my father would be angry about the camel, but other than
me, he seemed more worried that he would lose the tent.

Adil El-Amin, Qasari trader

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

sand stalker 7 3 6 4 4 3 3 2 8 50×100 mm

troop type special rules

Monstrous Beast Undead Construct, Fear, Petrifying Gaze, Free Reform
u p g ra d e s
Underground Ambush

  shabti 28 t o m b c a ta p h r a c t s  
cata p h ra c t s

Dear Joanna, I close my eyes and picture you ev- I long to talk with you more about this, for I’m
ery day. I want to hold you close to me again, now sure your mind could find some wondrous insight
more than ever. The Caravan was attacked three that I have missed. I shall probably head north to
days ago, but thank Sunna, I am safe. trade somewhere safer, though I have more than
half a mind to travel home with this letter.
One of the women in our caravan spotted a dust
cloud to the north. Looking through my spyglass, Yours with love, Oscar.
I could pick out five dark shapes in the murk, Letter found aboard the wreck
which I showed to Hassan, the caravan master. of the Empress Matilda, in 1598 A.S.
I have never seen the blood drain from a man’s
face so fast. The image of what descended on us
from out of the dust is burned into my memory.
Five stone beasts, ridden by grinning skeletons.
They took different shapes — serpent, crocodile,
camel monstrous, scarab beetle and bird — but
Joanna, they were living statues, foul facsimiles of
life, built from coloured stone and embossed with
gold. They fell upon us with terrifying speed.

Hassan called for the caravan to split into three

groups. The creatures attacked the northern group
with brutal efficiency. To their credit, the men there
brought down one of the monsters — the huge bird
— before they were overpowered. One moment it
was wreaking carnage, the next, it tumbled into
pieces like some child’s discarded plaything. To our
astonishment, the remaining four creatures just
turned and left, though I am sure they could have
overtaken the rest of us if they chose.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

rider 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8 50×100 mm
amuut 7 3 - 5 4 4 3 3 8

troop type special rules

Monstrous Cavalry Undead Construct, Lethal Strike (Rider Only), Fear, Poisoned
Attacks (Amuut Only)
u p g ra d e s
Underground Ambush

  s a n d s ta l k e r s 29 n e c r o p o l i s g ua r d  
g ua r d

The Luxopolis Codex, Page 17 Commentary and Translation by Guglielmo Baldarini

The Luxopolis Codex is one of our most valuable insights into the history of the ancient kingdom
of Naptesh.

Many lesser scholars have frittered away their lives debating its contents; they have grown hoary
with age picking over its every detail, seeking to imagine the some new implication – how many
nights did they eschew wine and song for such pursuits? Here, I shall finally resolve one of its greatest
mysteries. I present here the definitive translation of the famous Verses of Amet-Ptuk.

According to the learned Professor Schiffer, these texts are merely “a ghoul tale for children”. Others
have supposed they represent a historical record of the punishment for tomb robbers. My translation
shows both views to be incorrect. I write it below – square brackets indicate supplements or correc-
tions to the damaged papyrus.

  t o m b c a ta p h r a c t s 30 n e c r o p o l i s g ua r d  
n e c r o p o l i s g ua r d

1 t h e l a s t l i v i n g p r i n c e s p r e pa r e t h e i r f o r e v e r
pa l a c e s i n t h e i m m o rta l c i t y .

2 i n t h e i r o w n h o m e s t h e i r a n c e s t o r ’ s s e rva n t s
wa i t u p o n t h e m .

3 i n t h e i m m o rta l c i t y t h e i r a n c e s t o r ’ s [armies]
s l e e p , w ra p p e d i n b a n da g e s ,

4 wa l l e d u p awa i t i n g t h e [ a r r i va l o f t h e i r m a s t e r s ], blade-
armed, shield-bound.

5 stores of weapons but [no food. . . t h e y ca n ]

c u t b u t n o t e at .

6 sir hezek of [a l at e n a p ta a n s p l i n t e r ]
[entered] t h at g r e at c i t y .

7 h e t o o k t h r e e g ua r d s a n d
[ . . . p o rt e r s .] w e n e e d e d g o l d f o r t ra d e .

8 o n e t o m b wa s o p e n e d . d u s t i s s u e d [ f o rt h ].
hezek entered.

9 h e z e k ’ s fa m i ly n o w c o u n t s i t s e l f fat h e r l e s s .
a p o rt e r r e t u r n e d .

10 t h e t o m b h a d g ua r d s , u n b r e at h i n g , d u s t - f l e c k e d , d e a d ly .

As anyone of the meanest intelligence can see, the most valuable information contained in these
verses is not the robber’s fate, but rather the guards — cursed with undeath as the legends of the
old kingdom say, and sealed inside their master’s tombs! A journey to the ruins of Luxopolis is all
that is required for proof that I am correct. I dispatched my assistant Beppe on a south-bound ship
to investigate such a possibility, but he has not yet returned. No doubt the lazy boy has absconded
with the money I gave him...

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

necropolis guard 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 20×20 mm

troop type special rules

Infantry Undead, Dust to Dust, Lethal Strike, Bodyguard, Magical
Attacks, Poisoned Attacks

  n e c r o p o l i s g ua r d 31 colossi 

I met a traveller through a southern land

Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Serve well the words on which the stone feet stand.
'My name is Phatep, king of kings:
This mighty city shows the the wonders of my hand.'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Parzeval Schalle

  n e c r o p o l i s g ua r d 32 colossi 

9th of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

E ntering the necropolis, we passed an avenue of colossal statues

that might have stepped out of Schalle’s poem. There are few
works of sculpture that could have rivalled their size or grandeur when
they were intact. Even in ruins, they towered over our party to the
height of the largest guild houses on the Geldstrasse.

Grunstein, as always, is convinced that these colossi were animated by

the magic of the Naptaan priests. He claims they were used as labour
to construct the pyramids of the pharaohs, quite ignoring the histori-
cal evidence that the Naptaan used flesh and blood giants for this very

In fact, we have found several immense burial pits on the outskirts of

the necropolis that can only have been dug for such creatures. I tried to
convince the men to excavate them, but even Gunther was reluctant
to do so, finding excuses about his men being “tired” and “thirsty”.
The Society is really going to have to start hiring a better class of ser-

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

colossus 6 4 2 6 6 5 2 5 8 50×50 mm

troop type special rules

Monster Undead Construct, Grinding Attacks (D3+1)

  colossi 33 c h a r n e l c a ta p u lt  
cata p u lt
O n the remains of the necropolis walls, we have found remnants
of siege weapons – likely used at the height of the Naptaan civil
war. Without exception they have been dilapidated and rotted, cer-
tainly not capable of useful function. I doubt they would teach our own
fine engineers anything, but they give the lie to those who paint this
ancient civilisation as «primitive». During my readings on Naptesh I
have come across claims that these weapons have been used more re-
cently. The tales make chilling reading, but can be largely dismissed
as hyperbole or invention. Interesting though they are, I do not think
these engines will be of much value to the Society, and likely would
not survive transportation home.

I beg yer forgiv’ness Sire. The lads and me, we marched on the hill like we was ordered. There was a
few of the skellingtons there, but nuthin we couldn’t handle. Until the bits of bodies started fallin’.

One first, then two, it were just rainin’ bones and gristle. We went from 50 brave lads to just a handful of us
in minutes. We tried ta stand, we truly did Sire, but we was dyin’ by the score. But that weren’t the worst.

They spoke. I ‘eard them in my head, whispering and laughin’. I ain’t heard nuthin like it. Told us
they was coming fer us, they wanted to kill us all. Like they was alive and mad, and they wanted
to be chucked at us. And we knew those voices. Friends who died last week. Me wife, dead these five
years. Me old mam. Our own friends, our family, whisperin’ how they were coming for us, how we
failed them all, laughin’ at us. I know I shouldn’t have run. Shoulda have stayed, shoulda reported to
army. But once we was running, we couldn’t stop to save oursel’s. And now I can’t get the voices out
me head. I hafta ask Sire, beg you, please take me home with you. Don’t bury me here. The laughin’
won’t stop, and I don’t want ta be one of them. Lady and Land have mercy on me.”
Final words of Robert de Sadoul, leader of the 2nd Levy of Lord Auvray’s Crusade
before being hanged for desertion. Recorded by the scribe Lukas Bernstein.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

machine - - - - 7 3 - - - 75 mm
skeletons (3) 4 2 2 3 3 - 2 1 6 round

troop type special rules

War Machine Undead, Dust to Dust
Charnel Catapult

  colossi 34 winged reapers 

winged reapers

I write this late at night, having been woken by a frankly alarming

turn of events.

When we made camp this evening, one of Gilles’ men found a curious
onyx bauble in the sand. It was marked with Naptaan heiroglyphs, so
they brought it to me for study. I deciphered some parts — most in-
triguingly the infamous name Setesh, and a strange mention of “winged
guardians”. Finding Grunstein in a rare moment of lucidity (the way

  c h a r n e l c a ta p u lt 35 winged reapers 
winged reapers

the qat juice blackens his lips is repulsive!), I got him to confirm my
findings before tiredness got the better of me, and I fell asleep with
the thing in my hand.

In my sleep, angelic figures visited my dreams. They reached out to

me, gently — but as their fingers brushed my face they became talons
of sharp bone. The flesh shrivelled from their faces, showing snarling,
inhuman skulls, and I sat bolt upright, tearing myself from sleep.

To my dismay, the precious artefact was gone. Bursting out of my tent,

I saw the thief had not got far. It was one of Gunther’s porters, the thin
boy with the weasel eyes – he was still clutching his pilfered prize as
he ran. Woken by my shout of alarm, Gilles went to intercept him with
a dagger in his hand.

I still do not trust my senses as to what happened next, but I will re-
cord what I saw all the same. It seemed that something huge dropped
suddenly from the sky, its wings hiding the moon for a brief instant. It
landed heavily, blocking the boy’s path, towering over him.

It appeared only in silhouette, but in the moonlight that filtered through

its ragged wings I thought I caught the gleam of bone. With a sweep of
its blade it severed the heads of both Gilles and the boy, then stooped
down to recover the stolen treasure. With a single beat of its wings, it
disappeared into the night sky, leaving nothing in its wake but dancing
motes of sand.

The camp is now in a state of ferment. Abdullah and his guides have
struck their tents, saying they will leave at dawn — they say I am
cursed. Half of Gilles’ guards are leaving with them. The remainder
I have persuaded to press on — whatever the thing was that struck in
the night, we have come too far to turn back now.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

winged reaper 6 5 3 5 5 4 4 3 10 50×75 mm

troop type special rules

Monstrous Infantry Undead Construct, Fly (6), Terror, Necromantic Aura

  winged reapers  36 dread sphinx 

dread sphinx

10th of Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S.

G runstein was right. I was too quick to doubt him, too quick to
dismiss his ideas about the Naptaan and their cursed statues.
He has paid for the evidence with his life.

With some hesitation after our experiences last night, we made our en-
trance to the pyramid of King Kharatep this morning, using the secret
passage we were told of by Valdes and his men. Inside, we located the

  winged reapers  37 dread sphinx 

dread sphinx

entrance to the king’s chambers in a great pillared hall. The painted

murals on the walls were faded and crumbling, but what drew our at-
tention was the great sphinx that dominated the far end of the hall.

It was quite unlike any such statue I have seen, more human than beast,
with great wings like an eagle. Approaching, we saw it was crouched
above what could only be the doorway we were seeking. The gates
were marked with hieroglyphs, which formed the riddle:

f e w s e e k m e , t h o u g h s o m e e m b ra c e m e ,
others flee me, but all find me.
w h at a m i ?

Grunstein immediately set to puzzling it out, claiming the answer was

Death. Reluctantly, I turned to the doors and spoke the same word
in the Naptaan tongue: Pakhat. With a deep rumble, the doors swung
open — and as they did, the sphinx turned its head to look upon us.
Dust drizzled from the ceiling as its stone wings unfurled, moving as if
truly alive.

Someone screamed for us to run, and we did, straight through the open
gates. Grunstein alone was left behind, shouting for joy at how his
theories had been vindicated. The last I saw of him was the ecstatic
expression on his face before the lazy flick of a stone claw removed his
head from his shoulders. Moments later the passageway behind us col-
lapsed, brought down by the shifting weight of the beast.

It is still waiting there, behind the rubble. There must be another way
out — we must press on.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

dread sphinx 6 5 0 5 8 5 1 5 8 50×100 mm

troop type special rules

Monstrous Infantry Undead Construct, Fly (7), Devastating Charge, Large

Target, Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Cavalry, Mon-
strous Beasts and Monsters), Terror, Lethal Strike, Poi-
soned Attacks, Armour Piercing (1)
u p g ra d e s
Innate Defence (4+)

  dread sphinx 38 t h e c a s k e t o f p h at e p  
t h e ca s k e t
o f p h at e p

I write this in haste. If I escape this place, it will ensure I forget

nothing of what I have seen — if not, I hope it will serve as a warn-
ing to those who come after.

With our escape blocked by the collapse of the tunnel, we headed

down into the darkness. In the narrow passageway. It seemed an age

  dread sphinx 39 t h e c a s k e t o f p h at e p  
t h e c a s k e t o f p h at e p

before we reached the bottom. There we found two arches., each

sealed with a stone slab. One had been broken, no doubt by Valdes’
men. This then was the burial chamber of King Kharatep. Inside, the
light of our torches reflected from a dazzling hoard of treasure.

A golden casket of exquisite craftsmanship stood on a stone dais above

the other grave goods. If the histories of Kharatep’s reign are true, this
was one of the nine funerary caskets of the god-king Phatep himself,
recaptured by King Kharatep at the battle of the Burning Sands. It
shone magnificently in the light of our torches, as bright and untar-
nished as the day it was made.

Before I could shout a warning, Gunther and the porters rushed for-
wards to open it, overcome by greed. The moment they had levered
open the lid, a searing light burst from inside, and howling spirits
swarmed from the casket, babbling curses on those who defiled the
mortal remains of their god. Where they struck, men fell dead with-
out a mark on their bodies, faces contorted in terror.

To my shame I fled, leaving the others to die. I ran until I could no

longer hear the screams of the hunting ghosts. Now I hide in an al-
cove of the pyramid’s internal passageways, writing these words. I
will never forget what I saw — not only when the casket was opened,
but during my flight. The second archway we passed — the one still
sealed with a stone slab that would have taken a giant’s strength to
move — is now open.

profile m ws bs s t w i a ld base size

casket - - - - 7 3 - - - 75 mm
necropolis guard 4 3 3 4 4 - 3 1 8 round

troop type special rules

War Machine Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Ward Save (5+), Wailing
Spirits, Undead, Dust to Dust, Poisoned Attacks

  t h e c a s k e t o f p h at e p 40 n a p ta a n m a g i c  
n a p ta a n m a g i c

n a p ta a n m a g i c

sun-bleached skeletons decked out in ill-fitting ar-

mour. In moments we were upon them.

I crushed two beneath my hammer, feeling their

bones shatter beneath each blow. The long forgotten
scent of cardamom filled my senses and my limbs
became weak, drained by more Naptaan sorcery.
Looking around, I saw my comrades stagger under
the weight of the same witchcraft. I thank the gods
we had destroyed so many, or in that moment we
might have been overwhelmed.

Behind me, I heard Klaus cry out: «Father, they

are rising from the dead!» I realised in horror that
he was right. As the silk-wrapped corpse before us
croaked her dry words, the shattered bodies of her
guards rose again and staggered back into the fray.

“The mage!” I shouted. “We kill her and this ends.

Strike at the mage!” At last, Berthold battled
We’d fought for most of the day to reach their mage, through the scrum, smashing her from her pedes-
a desiccated woman, shrouded in tattered silk tal with a single blow of his hammer — although
and surrounded by her honour guard. As we rode, not before he had been pierced a dozen times by the
hammers raised, towards that final confrontation blades of her bodyguards. As the skeletons fell to
I felt my throat parch. Magic, of some unknown dust around us, that noble knight breathed his last.
He did not die in vain. Magic so strong cannot
I was nearly thrown from my horse. Looking be left to survive. Magic stronger than the sands,
down, its forelocks were sinking into to sand which stronger than the bodies of men. Magic stronger
had until moments ago been firm. I pulled the reins than death.
and my horse struggled free, moving slower now.
The group of soldiers loomed larger, perhaps twenty Grand Master Jonas Kortig, commander of the
Knights of the Silver Hammer

  t h e c a s k e t o f p h at e p 41 n a p ta a n m a g i c  
t h e pat h
of the sands
name ca s t i n g type d u rat i o n effect
va lu e

A Denied their rightful afterlife by the traitor

n o r e s t i n d e at h - Universal Instant This spell always targets the same
target(s) that the spell triggering the
attribute is targeting. For friendly
Setesh, the dead of Naptesh drag the living
Undead units: Raise the number of
down into the dunes or swell the ranks of their
wounds as stated in the unit’s profile
deathless kings. under Risen.If the target is a Combined
Unit declare whether the unit or the
character will have its wounds raised.
For enemy units: Target suffers D3+1
Strength 1 hits with Armour Piercing (6).

S The legions of the dead ride the sandstorms

t h e d e s e rt w i n d 7+
24” (12”
Instant For friendly Undead units: Target
may perform a “X” Magical Move,
where X is equal to the unit’s
that choke their enemies. Aura),
Universal Movement allowance. For enemy
units: Target suffers 2D3+2 Strength 1
hits with Armour Piercing (6).

1 cursed blades
It is said that the edge of a cursed Naptaan
Lasts one Augment
turn, 24”
Target gains the Lethal Strike special
rule. Attacks that already had Lethal
(12” Aura) Strike may reroll failed to wound rolls
blade can sever the ties between body and soul.
in close combat.

2 protection
o f p h at e p
Lasts one Augment
turn, 12”
Target gains Ward Save (5+)

The murdered god-king of Naptesh still has the (12” Aura)

power to halt the spears and arrows of the enemy.

3 righteous smiting
The warriors of the pharaohs are filled with
Lasts one Augment Target has +1 Attack. All Aspen
turn, 24”
(12” Aura)
Bows, Great Aspen Bows, and
the fury of their masters. Massive Aspen Bows in the target
unit receive Multiple Shots (2).

4 9+ Lasts one Hex Target has -D3 M (to a minimum

shifting sands
(12+) turn, of 1) and treats all terrain (including
The desert serves the will of the old gods
24” (48”) open ground) as dangerous terrain,
of Naptesh, swallowing entire crusading armies
failing dangerous terrain checks on
down to their dusty graves. rolls of 1 and 2.

5 deadly desiccation
The shrivelled bodies of tomb robbers are testa-
Lasts one
Hex Target has -1 T (and -1 S)

ment to the deadly power of the priesthood’s curses. 24”

6 a n c i e n t g l o ry
For the briefest moment, the armies
10+ Lasts one turn, Augment Target has +1 WS, S and I.
(15+) 18” (Remains
in play,
of the pharaohs are returned to the glory [17+]
9” Aura)
they possessed in life.
[Remains in
Play, 15” Aura]

  n a p ta a n m a g i c 42 army special rules 

special rules
rulers of the dead
An Undying Dynasty army requires the Player to field a special model called an Hierophant. The Hiero-
phant of the army must be a Wizard using the Path of Sands and must be designated as the Hierophant on
the army list. The chosen character gains Regeneration (6+) and grants this effect to any unit it joins. Units
suffer one less wound than normally inflicted by Unstable and Dust to Dust if within the range of the Bat-
tle Standard Bearer’s Hold your Ground.

dust to dust
At the end of any phase in which the Hierophant is removed as a casualty, every unit in the army with one
or more models with Dust to Dust must pass a Leadership test or suffer an amount of wounds with no
saves of any kind allowed, equal to the amount by which the test was failed. These wounds are distributed
following the rules for Unstable except they can never be distributed to models that do not have Dust to
Dust. This is reduced by one wound if the unit received Hold Your Ground.
At the beginning of your next Player’s Turn following the death of the Hierophant, a new Hierophant may
be selected. In order to do so, the Player must nominate another eligible character who is a Wizard using
the Path of the Sands. This character is your new Hierophant. If the army does not have any eligible char-
acter, every unit with the Dust to Dust rule must once again pass a Leadership test or suffer wounds as de-
scribed above. This effect will repeat itself at the start of each of the owning Player’s turn until the game

undead constructs
Models with this special rule reduce the number of wounds caused by the Dust to Dust and Unstable Spe-
cial Rules by 1. Furthermore, models with this Special Rule are subject to Undead and Dust to Dust.

u n dy i n g w i l l
A character with this rule may confer its unmodified Weapon Skill to all Undead models that are part of its
unit. The Player may chose to do so at the start of any Close Combat phase. If the Character is mounted on
a Large Target, it may instead choose to confer this bonus to a friendly Undead unit within 6” or, if engaged
in combat, to one friendly Undead unit engaged with the same enemy unit as the Character. In either case,
the effect lasts until the end of the phase.

n e c r o m a n t i c au ra
Units within 6” of a model with Necromantic Aura suffer one less wound than normally inflicted by Unstable
and Dust to Dust. A model with a Necromantic Aura rule cannot benefit itself from the effects of this rule.

mummy’s curse
When a model with this rule is removed from play, the model which caused the final wound automatically
suffers a Strength 6 hit with Armour Piercing (6). If more than one model was part of the action which
brought the downfall of the character, the hit is randomly distributed like shooting

  n a p ta a n m a g i c 43 army special rules 

underground ambush
A unit with this rule follows the same rules for Ambush with a one exception: instead of entering the
battlefield from atable edge, the designated unit must enter the board from a location called the Under-
ground Point. To designate an Underground Point, the Undying Dynasties Player may select any point
on the battlefield outside 3” of an enemy unit and outside 1/2” of impassable terrain. The point is then
scattered 2D6” in a random direction. The Underground Ambush unit may be placed with with the
front of its first rank, or back of its rear rank, touching the Underground Point. If the point ends be-
neath an enemy unit, place the Ambushing unit in base contact with this enemy’s front facing instead
(maximizing contact as normal). The arriving unit counts as having successfully charged with no charge
reaction allowed. If it is not possible to place the Ambushing unit for whatever reason, the ambush is
failed and the Player may roll again next turn.

Each unit’s profile contains a Risen sub-section that determines the number of wounds healed or raised
with No Rest in Death.

a r m o u ry
aspen bow
Shooting Weapon. Range 24”, Strength 3, Volley Fire; This weapon ignores all modifiers To Hit.

g r e at a s p e n b o w
Shooting Weapon. Range 36”, Strength 5, Volley Fire; This weapon ignores all shooting modifiers
To Hit. Counts as Hand Weapon, -1 Strength in Close Combat

giant aspen bow

Shooting Weapon. Range 48”, Strength 7, Multiple Wounds (D3), Armour Piercing (6); This weap-
on ignores all modifiers To Hit.

  army special rules 44 m o n a r c h s o f u n d e at h  

o f u n d e at h
These options represent various kinds of Undead forces that can be encountered in the world.

commander lord of the barrow

of the terracotta legion
army • Skeletons must take Heavy Armour for +2 pts/model;
• Skeletons, Skeleton Cavalry, and Necropolis Guard may take Halberds +2 pts/model
must be upgraded with +1 Toughness, -1 Initiative and • Skeletons must take Heavy Armour for +2 pts/model;
Undead Construct special rule for +3 pts/model may exchange Spears for Halberds +2 pts/model
• All other non Undead Construct units (including • Scarab Swarm must take with the Ethereal special
characters) must be upgraded with +1 Toughness, -1 rule for +15 pts/model
Initiative and Undead Construct special rule for +15
pts/model. • Necropolis Guard must be upgraded with Heavy Ar-
mour for +2 pts/model;
• All models reduce their Risen characteristic to 1.
• Skeleton Cavalry may take Lance for +3 pts/model;
• The Underground Ambush and Free Reform special may take Heavy Armour for +3 pts/model
rule can not be used by any unit in the army.
• Models with Large Target and Monstrous Cavalry
• Great Vultures, Scarab Swarm and Winged Reapers may not be taken in the army. Underground Ambush
may not be taken in the army. and Scout Special Rules may not be used by any unit
in the army. Units with Heavy Armour cannot use Free
Reform Special Rule
• Ethereal models reduce their Risen characteristic to 1

During the fall of Naptesh, many of the Naptaan The Naptaan empire once spread from shore to shore
people fled the crumbling empire. Among those of the Middle Sea. Many of the northern tribes who
recorded was Haskhunet, high architect of Hanaphuk traded with Naptesh absorbed parts of Naptaan cul-
and builder of the queen’s own tomb. According to ture; those who warred against them were subjugated
the Gods’ Sea Annals, Haskhunet fled east, past the and assimilated in turn. From Destria the Empire,
Barren Mountains and out of recorded history. barrow mounds can be found imitating the Naptaan
tradition of ritual burial.
Some years later, the histories of the eastern empire
of Tsuandan make note of a sage from the west who Like the pyramids of Naptesh, these barrows also
aided the Emperor in the construction of a terra- have a dark reputation for harbouring the undead.
cotta army, to guard his tomb for all eternity. If the Some may have worshipped a bastardised version
stories of the Naptaan proficiency with war golems of the Naptaan pantheon, and so been afflicted by
are true, this could well have been Haskhunet, ply- Teput’s curse; others ignorantly imitated the dark arts
ing his skills in a foreign land. Unfortunately, few of Setesh, inscribing the stones of their tombs with
records of the Xun Dynasty remain, most having necromantic incantations to keep their rulers from
been destroyed with the coming of the Dragon Em- true death. Such wights can be found haunting the
peror. No-one now knows the resting-place of the barrowlands of Volskaya and Equitaine, as well as
last Xun Emperor — or, if the legends are true, of our own dear Empire - the greatest numbers being
his slumbering army. found near the border of cursed Zagvozd.
- Excerpt from Chapter VI of Death Knows No Bor- - Excerpt from Chapter IX of Death Knows No Bor-
ders, Alberich Hauptmann, Eichtal Press 1597 A.S. ders, Alberich Hauptmann, Eichtal Press 1597 A.S.

  army special rules 45 treasures of the tomb 

of the tomb

treasures of the tomb

magic weapons

55 pts type Halberd. Models on foot only. The Weapon has two
va n q u i s h e r
e t e r n a l
modes of attack, Focused Strike and Sweeping Strike. Choose
at the beginning of each combat round which mode is used.
Steeped in scorpions’ venom and inscribed
with the direst curses, this weapon carries focused strike Attacks in this mode have Multiple
the doom of a god. Down the aeons, Wounds (D3) and Lethal Strike Special Rules.
the blade waits for the hand that will cut sweeping strike All of the model’s attacks are exchanged
down Setesh, never to rise again. for: each enemy model in base to base contact with the wielder
suffers an automatic hit. Models which could make a supporting
attack against the wielder suffer a hit on 4+. These hits have the
Lethal Strike Special Rule.

scourge of kings 50 pts type Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon have
The punishment for rebellious vassals was to Armour Piercing (1). Every successful hit with this weapon
becomes two hits instead of one.
be flogged — one strike for each day of their
rebellion. Khantakh the Just was famous for
ordering his smiths to make him a scourge
that could flay a man in under a ten lashes.

magic armour

crown 65 pts type None (6+ armour save). The wearer may use his Undying
o f the pharaohs Will special rule on a single friendly unit within 6”. If a character
is engaged in close combat, it may only choose to confer its
In life, the crown of Naptesh was a symbol
unmodified WS to one friendly Undead unit engaged with the
of divine rule. In death it is an object
same enemy unit as the Character. In addition, the player may
of eternal dominion. choose to use the Undying Will special rule in the shooting
phase by bestowing his unmodified BS instead of his WS.
The Undying Will special rule may be used only in a single phase
of each turn. A wearer mounted on a mount with the Large
Target rule adds 6” to the item’s range.

armour 35 pts type Plate Armour. Models on foot only. The wearer has +1
of eternities
Through forgotten magic, this armour
is bound to the great river Napaat. Just as
the river brings life to the barren desert,
so the life of the wearer is eternally renewed.

ta l i s m a n s

brooch of the 15 pts One model (or part of a model) in base contact with the
sun wearer’s model, chosen by the controlling player, has its Attacks
First worn by Mentaawet, High Priest of characteristic reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Models which
do not use the Attacks characteristic to attack cannot be affected
Nephet-Ra, this little trinket has doomed more
by this item.
foes then some of the finest weapons of the world.
Polished to a mirror finish, its glittering reflections
dazzle those who raise arms against the bearer.

  treasures of the tomb 47 treasures of the tomb 

treasures of the tomb

enchanted items

30 pts Enemy units in base contact with the wearer cannot receive the
d e at h m a s k
o f t e p u t
Inspiring Presence or the Hold your Ground rule. Choose before
your opponent performs a Leadership test at the end of a round
To look upon the face of the last queen is to of close combat.
share in her doom.

60/40 Models on foot only. Choose at the beginning of owner’s turn:

sandstorm the Wearer either has Fly (7) Special Rule in the Remaining
cloak Moves sub-phase, or all enemy shooting beyond 12” suffers a
It is said that long before the rise of the penalty of -1 To Hit when targeting the Character or the unit he
Naptaan empire, desert mystics learned is in. Either effect lasts until the beginning of owner’s next turn.
the secrets of the sands and wove them into
camel-hair cloaks. Few now remain, guarded
closely in the treasure vaults of the priesthood.

25 pts Models on chariots only. The Impact Hits made by the wearer’s
o f n e p h e t - ra
chariot and the chariot’s mount’s attacks have Magical Attacks
and Flaming Attacks special rules, and are resolved at +1
The golden scarab of the sun god carries his Strength.
blessing. When mounted on a chariot, this
gaudy ornament causes the wheels to burn
with the fires of the sun, setting light to the
unfortunates who are trampled in its path.

a r ca n e i t e m s

b ook of the dead 35 pts When generation spells the bearer must exchange the
Path Attribute of his chosen Path with No Rest In Death
According to legend, the first priest of the Path Attribute from Path of the Sands. If already using No
Naptaan people won this book and its Rest In Death, the D3 for healing effect may be re-rolled.
knowledge from Har-Khowar himself in
a game of senet. The god of the underworld is
long gone, usurped by the traitor Setesh, but
his book still holds the secrets of life and death.

magic banners

40 pts Bound Spell, Power Level 4. Contains the spell Protection of

unyielding Phatep (Path of the Sands), which can only be cast on the unit
s ta n da r d carrying the standard.
The jewelled standard of the royal city of
Tehmet invigorates the warriors who fight
beneath it to shrug off even the heaviest

  treasures of the tomb 48 army list 

army list
m ws bs s t w i a ld risen
175 pts single model
20×20 mm
4 6 3 5 5 4 3 4 10 1

armour o p t i o n s pts
Light Armour May take Magical Items up to 100
undead special rules May take any of the following:
Undead, Dust to Dust Heavy Armour 12
special rules Shield 3
Flammable, Undying Will, May take a Great Aspen Bow 15
Fear, Mummy’s Curse May take a weapon (one choice only):
Additional Hand Weapon 5
Flail 5
Halberd 10
Lance 15
Great Weapon 15
May take a mount (one choice only):
Skeletal Horse 20
Chariot 45
Royal Sphinx 180
May select Monarchs of Undeath (General only):
Commander of the Terracotta Army free
Lord of the Barrow Legion free

death cult hierarch

m ws bs s t w i a ld risen
175 pts single model
20×20 mm
4 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 8 1

undead special rules o p t i o n s pts

Undead, Dust to Dust May become a Level 4 wizard 35
special rules May take Magical Items up to 100
Level 3 Wizard ​Master​. May take a mount (one choice only)
Generate spells from the Skeletal Horse 20
Path of the Sands, Light or Ark of Ages 150
Death May be upgraded to Soul Conduit 50

s o u l c o n d u i t​

If a friendly model with this rule is present on the battlefield at the beginning of the
Magic Phase, the owning player rolls 7+D3 instead of 2D6 to determine the effects
of the Magic Flux roll. The number of Dispel Dice designated to the opposing player
is always 6 plus any generated through channeling and other means.

  treasures of the tomb 49 army list 


115 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

20×20 mm
4 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 9 1

armour o p t i o n s pts
Light Armour May take Magical Items up to 50
undead special rules May take any of the following:
Undead, Dust to Dust Heavy Armour 12
special rules Shield 3
Flammable, Undying Will, May take an Aspen Bow 3
Fear, Mummy’s Curse May take a weapon (one choice only):
Additional Hand Weapon 3
Flail 3
Halberd 4
Lance (mounted only) 6
Great Weapon 6
May take a mount (one choice only):
Skeletal Horse 20
Chariot 45

death cult acolyte

65 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

20×20 mm
4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 7 1

undead special rules o p t i o n s pts

Undead, Dust to Dust May become a Level 2 wizard 25
magic May take Magical Items up to 50
Level 1 Wizard ​Apprentice​. May take a mount (one choice only)
Generate spells from the Skeletal Horse 15
Path of the Sands, Light or Ark of Ages 150

  army list 50 army list 

tomb harbinger
70 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

20×20 mm
4 4 3 4 5 2 3 3 8 1

armour o p t i o n s pts
Light Armour May be the Battle Standard Bearer 25
undead special rules May take Magical Items up to 50
Undead, Dust to Dust May take any of the following:
special rules Shield 3
Flammable, Undying Will, Heavy Armour 12
Lethal Strike, Poisoned May take an Aspen Bow 3
Attacks May take a weapon (one choice only)
Additional Hand Weapon 3
Flail 3
Halberd 4
Lance 6
Great Weapon 6
May take a mount (one choice only)
Skeletal Horse 20
Chariot 45
Amuut 50

r oya l g ua r d ​
Should a Pharaoh or Nomarch in the same unit as a Tomb Harbinger be attacked in Close Combat, before rolling
to wound, one hit may be transferred onto the Tomb Harbinger instead. A Tomb Harbinger may intervene against
only a single attack per round of Close Combat and cannot intervene against hits suffered during a Challenge.

  army list 51 army list 

tomb architect
70 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

20×20 mm
4 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 7 1

armour o p t i o n s pts
Light Armour May take Magical Items up to 50
undead special rules May take a Weapon (one choice only)
Undead, Dust to Dust Additional Hand Weapon 3
special rules Lance 6
Flammable May take a mount (one choice only)
Skeletal Horse 15
Chariot 45
Amuut 50
May be upgraded to Master Mason 30

master mason

The range on the Master of Stone special rule is increased by 6’’.

master of stone ​
At the beginning of the owning player’s Turn a single friendly Undead Constructs unit within 12” of a model
with this Special Rule may be given the Regeneration (5+) Special Rule. The Regeneration save lasts until the
beginning of the next owning player’s turn, or until the Tomb Architect is removed from play, whichever comes

a rt i s a n ’ s w rat h

At the beginning of the owning player’s Close Combat phase a single friendly nonUndead Construct unit
within 6” of a model with this Special Rule may be given the Hatred Special Rule. The Hatred lasts untilthe end
of owning player’s turn, or until the Tomb Architect is removed from play, whichever comes first. Ifthe unitis
already in second or other subsequent round of combat the unit counts this turn’s close combat round as the first.
If the Tomb Architect’s unit is engaged the rule may only be used on his unit. The Hatred Special Rule does
notwork on mounts. The Artisans Wrath cannot be used in the same turn as the Master of Stone.

mason’s menagerie

If a Tomb Architect is your army General one unit of Shabties may be taken as a Core rather than a Special

  army list 52 army list 


50 pts 10 ​models, may add up
to 40 ​models 5 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

20×20 mm
4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 D3+3

armour o p t i o n s pts
Shields, Light Armour May take (one choice only):
undead special rules Spears free
Undead, Dust to Dust exchange Shields for Aspen Bows 1 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 10
Musician 10
Standard Bearer 10
May become the Veteran Standard Bearer*

*A Veteran Standard Bearer is One of a Kind and may take a Magical Standard
worth up to 25 pts.

skeleton cavalry
65 pts 5 ​models, may add up
to 15 ​models 11 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

Rider 4 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 D3+2 25×20 mm

Skeletal Horse 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3

armour o p t i o n s pts
Mount’s Protection (6+), May exchange Scout and Free Reform for
Shields Mount’s Protection (5+) 3 / model
undead special rules May take (one choice only)
Undead, Dust to Dust Light Lances 1 / model
special rules exchange Shields for Aspen Bows 2 / model
Vanguard, Scout, May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Free Reform Champion 10
Musician 10
Standard Bearer 10
May become the Veteran Standard Bearer

  army list 53 army list 

skeleton chariots
135 pts 3 ​models, may add up
to 7 ​models 35 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - D3+1 50x100 mm

Charioteer (2) - 3 2 3 - - 2 2 7
Skeletal Horse (2) 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3

weapons o p t i o n s pts
Aspen Bows, Light Lances May take Free Reform free
armour May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Mount’s Protection (6+), Champion 10
Light Armour Musician 10
undead special rules Standard Bearer 10
Undead, Dust to Dust May become the Veteran Standard Bearer

  army list 54 army list 


necropolis guard
80 pts 10 ​models, may add up
to 30 ​models 10 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

20×20 mm
4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 D3+1

armour o p t i o n s pts
Light Armour May take Shields 1 / model
undead special rules May take one of the following weapons
Undead, Dust to Dust Additional Hand Weapons 1 / model
special rules Halberds 2 / model
Lethal Strike, Bodyguard, May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Magical Attacks, Champion 10
Poisoned Attacks Musician 10
Standard Bearer 10
may take a Magical Standard up to 50

scarab swarms
70 pts 2 ​models, may add up
to 5 ​models 25 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

5 3 - 2 2 5 1 5 10 D3+3

undead special rules

Undead, Dust to Dust
special rules
Armor Piercing (1),
Poisoned Attacks, Scout,
Underground Ambush

120 pts 3 ​models, may add up
to 7 m
​ odels 40 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

6 4 2 5 4 3 3 3 8 1
Monstrous Infantry

armour o p t i o n s pts
Light Armour, Innate May take one of the following weapons:
Defence (5+) Additional Hand Weapons 3 / model
undead special rules Halberds 5 / model
Undead Construct Great Aspen Bow free
special rules May upgrade one Shabti to each of the following:
Fear Champion 10
Musician 10
Standard Bearer 10
may take a Magical Standard up to 25

  army list 55 army list 

tomb cataphracts
165 pts 3 ​models, may add up
to 3 ​models 55 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

Rider 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8 1 Monstrous
Amuut 7 3 - 5 4 3 3 3 8 Cavalry

weapons o p t i o n s pts
Light Lances May take Underground Ambush 20
armour May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Mount’s Protection (6+), Champion 10
Light Armour, Innate Musician 10
Defence (5+) Standard Bearer 10
undead special rules may take a Magical Standard up to 50
Undead Construct
special rules
Lethal Strike (Rider Only),
Fear, Poisoned Attacks
(Amuut Only)

great vultures
60 pts 2 ​models, may add up
to 7 ​models 20 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

2 3 - 4 4 2 3 3 4 D3+1
War Beast

undead special rules

Undead, Dust to Dust
special rules
Fly (10), Skirmishers

sand scorpion
85 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

7 4 - 5 5 4 3 4 8 1
Monstrous Beast

Innate Defence (5+)
undead special rules
Undead Construct
special rules
Lethal Strike, Fear, Poisoned
Attacks, Magic Resistance (2),
Underground Ambush

  army list 56 army list 

sand stalkers
150 pts 3 ​models, may add up
to 4​​models 50 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

2 3 - 4 4 2 3 3 4 1
Monstrous Beast

weapons o p t i o n s pts
Halberd May take Underground Ambush 20
armour May upgrade one model to a Champion 10
Innate Defence (5+)
undead special rules
Undead Construct
special rules
Fear, Free Reform

petrifying gaze

Models with this rule may perform a special shooting attack with the following profile: Range 12”, Strength 2,
Armour Piercing (6), Multiple Shots (D6+1), Quick to Fire. When rolling To Wound, use the highest Initiative
of the model as its Toughness.

battle sphinx
220 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

Battle Sphinx 6 4 - 5 8 5 1 4 8 50x100mm

1 Ridden
Riders (4) - 4 3 4 - - 3 2 8 Monster

weapons o p t i o n s pts
Light Lances May take Innate Defence (4+) 25
armour May take Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks) 25
Innate Defence (5+)
undead special rules
Undead Construct
special rules
Lethal Strike (Rider Only),
Poisoned Attacks
(Mount Only)

  army list 57 army list 


winged reapers
160 pts 2 ​models, may add up
to 3 m
​ odels 75 pts/model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

6 5 3 5 5 4 4 3 10 1 Monstrous Infantry

armour o p t i o n s pts
Innate Defence (5+) May take Light Armor 10 / model
undead special rules May take a weapon (one choice only):
Undead Construct Additional Hand Weapons 5 / model
special rules Halberds 10 / model
Fly (6), Lethal Strike, Terror,
Necromantic Aura

dread sphinx
225 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

6 5 - 5 8 5 1 5 8 1
Monstrous Beast

armour o p t i o n s pts
Innate Defence (5+) May be upgraded with Innate Defence (4+) 25
undead special rules
Undead Construct
special rules
Fly (7), Devastating Charge,
Large Target, Multiple
Wounds (2, Monstrous
Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts
and Monsters), Terror, Lethal
Strike, Poisoned
Attacks, Armour Piercing (1)

  army list 58 army list 

180 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

6 4 2 6 6 5 2 5 8 1

armour o p t i o n s pts
Light Armour, Innate May take a weapon (one choice only):
Defence (5+) Additional Hand Weapon 5
undead special rules Great Weapon 10
Undead Construct Giant Aspen Bow 15
special rules Scales of Destiny 5
Grinding Attacks (D3+1)

s ca l e s o f d e s t i n y

Close Combat Weapon. Type: Hand Weapon, -1 Attack in Close Combat. The
Colossus has two Bound Spells: Burning Brightness (Power Level 4) and Touch
of the Reaper (Power Level 4).

casket of phatep
115 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

Casket - - - - 7 3 - - - 1 75mm round

Necropolis Guard (3) 4 3 3 4 4 - 3 1 8 Machine

Light Armour
undead special rules
Undead, Dust to Dust
special rules
Lethal Strike, Poisoned
Attacks, Magical Attacks,
Ward Save (5+)

wa i l i n g s p i r i t s

A Casket of Phatep may perform a special shooting attack which has the following properties: Range 36”,
Armour Piercing (6), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (Ordnance). Instead of rolling to hit and to wound
as normal, the target of this attack must take a Leadership test on 3D6. If the test is failed, the target is
automatically hit and wounded. Hold Your Ground cannot be used for this Leadership test.

  army list 59 army list 

charnel catapult
130 pts single model m ws bs s t w i a ld risen

Charnel Catapult - - - - 7 3 - - - 1 75 mm round

Skeletons (3) 4 2 2 3 3 - 2 1 6 Machine

undead special rules

Undead, Dust to Dust

c h a r n e l cata p u lt

This is a Catapult (5”) Artillery Weapon​with Range 48”, Strength 3, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks. Units
that suffer at least one casualty from this weapon must take a panic test just as if had suffered 25% casualties.
Panic tests caused by a Charnel Catapult are taken at -1 Leadership.

  army list 60 army list 


The Mounts section is for character mounts. Non-character mounts follow the rules given under their respective entries.

skeletal horse m ws bs s t w i a ld

25x50 mm
8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3
War Beast

armour o p t i o n s pts
Mount’s Protection (6+) May take Barding 10
undead special rules
Undead, Dust to Dust

amuut m ws bs s t w i a ld

7 3 - 5 4 3 3 3 8
Monstrous Beast

Mount’s Protection (6+)
undead special rules
Undead Construct
special rules
Poisoned Attacks, Fear

royal sphinx m ws bs s t w i a ld

6 4 - 5 6 5 1 4 8
Monstrous Beast

undead special rules o p t i o n s pts

Undead Construct May be upgraded with (one choice only):
special rules Lethal Strike 25
Poisoned Attacks, Large Necromantic Aura 15
Target, Terror

chariot m ws bs s t w i a ld

Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - 50x100 mm
Skeletal Horse (2) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 -

armour o p t i o n s pts
Mount’s Protection (6+), May be pulled by two additional Skeletal Steeds free
undead special rules Base Size increased to 100x100 mm
Undead, Dust to Dust

  army list 61 army list 

ark of ages m ws bs s t w i a ld

- - - 4 5 4 - - - 60x100 mm
Ark of Ages
Necropolis Guard (2) - 3 3 4 - - 3 1 8
Bound Spirits 4 2 - 2 - - 2 6 -

armour o p t i o n s pts
Mount’s Protection (5+) May gain Necromantic Aura 15
Aspen Bow (Necropolis
Guard only)
undead special rules
Undead Construct
special rules
War Platform, Ward
Save (5+), Lethal Strike
(Necropolis Guard
only), Poisoned Attacks
(Necropolis Guard Only),
Magical Attacks

sacred ark
A Wizard mounted on an Ark of Ages adds 3” to the range of his spells and gains three additional spells: Wind
Blast from the Path of Heavens, Curse of the Westerlies from the Path of Heavens and Shifting Sands from the
Path of Sands. The wizard gains these spells in addition to any spell he might already have. Duplicate spells are
resolved following the normal rules for duplicate spells in the Rulebook.

  army list 62 quick reference sheet 

reference sheet
l - l o r d s , h - h e r o e s , c - c o r e , s - s p e c i a l , r - ra r e , m - m o u n t s o n ly

l Pharaoh 4 6 3 5 6 4 3 4 10 c Skeleton Cavalry 4 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 6
Death Cult Hierarch 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 8 - Skeletal Horse 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3
h Death Cult Acolyte 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 7
Monarch 4 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 9 MONSTROUS CAVALRY
Tomb Harbinger 4 4 3 4 5 2 3 3 8 s Tomb Cataphract 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8
Tomb Architect 4 4 2 4 4 2 3 2 7 -Amuut 7 3 - 5 4 3 3 3 8

c Skeleton 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 CHARIOTS
s Necropolis Guard 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 c Skeleton Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - -
- Charioteer (2)[0] - 3 2 3 - - 2 2 7
- Skeletal Horse (2)[2-4] 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 3
m Ark of Ages - - - 4 5 4 - - -
s Shabti 6 4 2 5 4 3 3 3 8 - Necropolis Guard [2] - 3 3 4 - - 2 1 8
r Winged Reaper 6 5 3 5 5 4 4 3 10 - Bound Spirits 4 2 - 2 - - 2 6 -
(2) - number of crew members when taken as a separate unit
s Great Vulture 2 3 - 4 4 2 3 3 4 [0] - number of crew members when taken as a mount
m Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3

r Colossus 6 4 2 6 6 5 2 5 8

s Sand Scorpion 7 4 - 5 5 4 3 4 8 RIDDEN MONSTERS

Sand Stalker 7 3 6 4 4 3 3 2 8 s Battle Sphinx 6 4 - 5 8 5 1 4 8
r Dread Sphinx 6 5 - 5 8 5 1 5 8 - Rider (4) - 4 3 4 - - 3 2 8
m Amuut 7 3 - 5 4 3 3 3 8
Royal Sphinx 6 4 - 5 6 5 1 4 8 WAR MACHINES

r Casket of Phatep - - - - 7 3 - - -
- Necropolis Guard 4 3 3 4 4 - 3 1 8
s Scarab Swarm 5 3 - 2 2 5 1 5 10 (crew)
Charnel Catapult - - - - 7 3 - - -
- Skeleton Crew 4 2 2 3 3 - 2 1 6


SPECIAL SHOOTING WEAPON Range S Multiple Shots Multiple Wounds Armour Piercing

Sand Stalkers Petrifying Gaze - 12’’ 2 D6+1 - 6

Casket of Phatep Wailing Spirits - 36’’ * * * 6
Charnel Catapult Charnel Catapult Catapult (5”) 48’’ 3 - - -


All Characters 1 Skeleton D3+3 Necropolis Guard D3+1

All Undead Constructs 1 Scarab Swarm D3+3 Skeleton Chariot D3+1
All War Machines 1 Skeleton Cavalry D3+2

    army list 63 epilogue 


Unknown day, Blühenzeit, 1648 A.S. A single figure stepped out of the dark-

ness. Armoured in bronze scales, she car-
t has taken what feels like an eterni-
ried a tall spear, and her face was hidden
ty, but I have found a way out of the
behind a serene death mask of shining
pyramid. In the king’s chamber, I found a
gold. For a moment, its blank eyes passed
narrow shaft behind a faded tapestry that
over where I crouched on the pyramid’s
fell into dust at my touch. Barely wide
side and I froze, convinced against all rea-
enough to crawl through, it led upwards
son that she had seen me. I did not need to
into darkness at a steep angle. With few
understand the dry syllables she uttered
other choices, I crawled into it and began
to the legion below to know who she was.
the laborious ascent.
Mahatesh, handmaiden of Teput, wife of
Hours later, my shoulders cramping, I Kharatep, queen of Djedesh, whose deeds
reached the top. A narrow aperture led onto were written in chronicle and whose slum-
the flank of the pyramid, two hundred feet ber we had disturbed with our reckless
above the ground. Taking a deep gulp of the rummaging through her husband’s grave.
sweet night air, I inched out onto the nar-
Through the gates beneath her, a proces-
row ledge and looked down. Lights were
sion of skeletal guards carried out the cas-
glimmering down below, and for a moment
ket, now firmly shut again. They loaded it
I thought Abdullah and the others had re-
onto a gilded chariot, and the army began
turned to rescue us. When I saw the scale
to file out of the square, heading north into
of the gathering, however, I quickly realised
the desert in a winding column of bronze,
the lights did not come from honest torch-
bone and ancient stone. The queen rode
es. They burned in the eye-sockets of an
with them, riding beside the precious char-
army of the dead, standing in orderly regi-
iot that carried the casket. Having seen its
ments in the ruins of the great plaza.
power first-hand, I have no doubt she in-
As best as I could make out, there were at tends to use it as a weapon.
least two thousand skeletal soldiers, ac-
I clung to the ledge on the pyramid’s side
companied by squadrons of chariots that
until the last of the living dead had disap-
seemed almost as numerous. The statues of
peared over the dunes and the sun began
the necropolis strode between their ranks,
to rise in the east. With trembling legs
like giants among children. I recognised
and aching arms, I painstakingly picked
the great sphinx we had passed in the des-
my way down to the ground, where I now
ert, and the winged beast that had killed
write this last entry in my journal.
Grunstein. The moonlight picked out tat-
tered banners flying over the ruins of a tem- We have her husband. The chronicle
ple near the pyramid’s base. A convocation cannot call her Mahatesh the Vengeful
of wizened creatures in white and gold — for nothing, and unless I am very much
the tomb city’s priests — stood waiting on mistaken she and her army will be head-
its walls, awaiting the arrival of their leader. ing for Eichtal and the headquarters of
the Society. I must get there first.


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