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Miss Danielle Gordon

Dear Prospec+ve Employer,

I am wri+ng to express my interest in a full +me teaching posi+on in your school district.

I was recently a Second Grade Long-Term Subs+tute Teacher at Sunrise Estates Elementary in the Penn-Trafford
School District. In the short +me that I had the posi+on I have grown tremendously as an educator. I created
strong school/family rela+onships through effec+ve communica+on, tracked student learning using data, took
part in weekly Professional Learning Community mee+ngs, embedded Google Classroom into instruc+onal +me,
took part in team teaching, and held guided reading and math groups using flexible grouping based on pretest
data, running records, and STAR.

I was a Fourth Grade Long-Term Subs+tute Teacher at Amos K. Hutchinson Elementary School in the Greensburg
Salem School District during the 2017-2018 school year. Through this posi+on I have created: professional
lesson plans, an exper+se in classroom management and rou+nes, and built rela+onships with my students and
the staff. In addi+on, I had the opportunity to co-teach with support staff, issue grades at the end of each
quarter, and communicate effec+vely with parents. I worked closely with the learning support teacher and
assistant principal to create a classroom that ensures student success and progress. This posi+on has provided
me with the opportunity to aUend several IEP mee+ngs and professional development trainings, including the
A.L.I.C.E. training. Prior to accep+ng a long-term subs+tute teaching posi+on, I was a Classroom Assistant in
kindergarten at James H. Metzgar in the Greensburg Salem School District.

I obtained my Master’s Degree in Reading Educa+on in April of 2018. During the 2016-2017 school year, I had
the role of the Reading Specialist Intern at Amos K. Hutchinson Elementary and earned my K-12 Reading
Specialist Cer+ficate of Advanced Study through the University of PiUsburgh. I graduated from the University of
PiUsburgh at Greensburg with a Bachelor of Science Degree and majored in Early Childhood Educa+on. I believe
that my educa+on gave me the skills and experiences I need to be an excep+onal teacher.

I am a compassionate, nurturing individual, who recognizes that children do not all learn material at the same
pace. I am organized, open-minded, flexible, and professional. It is my belief that each and every child has the
ability to learn and should be able to do so in a harmless, influen+al atmosphere. I am certain that all students
have the ap+tude to succeed, and I believe I have the right character and teaching tools to help them reach their
goals. It would be a pleasure to interview for this posi+on if you believe I am qualified for the job. If you have
any ques+ons please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your considera+on.


Danielle Gordon

A d d r e s s: 109 Adella Court, Jeannette, PA 15644

E m a i l: Phone: (724) 640-8541

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