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In the Laboratory

Lipid Extraction and Cholesterol Quantification: W

A Simple Protocol
M. Carmo Barreto
Departamento de Ciências Tecnológicas e Desenvolvimento, Universidade dos Açores, 9502 Ponta Delgada, Portugal;

This experiment is of interest for introductory biochem- Experiment

istry classes, because it is simple and gives consistent, repro-
ducible results. The experiment involves disruption Lipid Extraction Method
techniques, extraction with solvents, separation with two-phase The lipid extraction method was modified from Folch
systems, and a semi-quantitative analysis with a specific colo- et al. (7, 8). Before starting the work, the theory of lipid ex-
rimetric reagent. It was devised for a general biochemistry traction is discussed with the students, including safety pro-
course for first-year biology undergraduates. General biochem- cedures, stressing the fact that the experiment must be done
istry takes place in the second semester, after general chemis- in a fume hood. Students work in pairs, so the extraction
try (inorganic and organic). In the theoretical biochemistry step can be carried out at the same time for the egg yolk and
classes, these students are studying the classes of biological the walnut. An aliquot of the total lipid extract is collected
molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. for cholesterol determination and the remaining “total lipid”
Laboratory biochemistry classes, besides accompanying the extracts are evaporated to dryness until the following day and
theory from the lectures, start with experiments that are more quantified by gravimetry.
qualitative and gradually advance to a more quantitative ap-
proach. This work is at an intermediate level, since it allows Quantification of Cholesterol
for a semi-quantitative approach. It is designed for a two-hour Total lipids extracted as described above can be subse-
lab session, except for the evaporation of lipids to dryness, quently separated into lipid classes and quantified using chro-
which proceeds overnight. Similar articles reported in this Jour- matographic procedures. There are, however, specific tests
nal are designed for more advanced students and require sev- for some types of lipids that allow for a quantitative analysis
eral three to four-hour sessions (e.g., 1–3). without a previous separation step. An example is the quan-
As a result of an increasing concern about health issues, tification of “total cholesterol” (free cholesterol and choles-
comparison of cholesterol in different food sources has a spe- terol esters) by the Liebermann–Buchard method. The basis
cial attraction for most students. This practical experiment of this method is the reaction of cholesterol and cholesterol
provides an opportunity to discuss the influence of eating esters with acetic anhydride and concentrated sulfuric acid,
habits on health. An example is the increased probability of resulting in the formation of a blue–green complex (9). This
developing atherosclerosis in people with high cholesterol di- reaction is used to determine cholesterol in the aliquots re-
ets, although other consequences of this type of diet include moved at the end of the previous section, yielding results in
cholesterol gallstones and liver dysfunction, among others (4). 10–15 minutes. Students compare the colors resulting from
The discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of ani- the Liebermann–Buchard reaction in egg yolk and walnut
mal versus vegetable sources of dietary fat also raises a lot of lipid extracts with cholesterol standards and a chloroform
interest, especially considering the fact that the number of blank.
vegetarians and vegans has been steadily increasing in the stu-
dent population. Hazards

Basis Chloroform and methanol are flammable. Methanol is

toxic if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed by the skin. Chloro-
Isolation of lipids from natural sources is based on the form is listed as irritant and possible carcinogenic. Inhala-
fact that these molecules are less polar than most cell com- tion and ingestion are harmful and may be fatal.
ponents and can therefore be selectively extracted with or- Concentrated sulfuric acid is extremely corrosive. All work
ganic solvents. Egg yolk and walnut were chosen for their must be done with acid-resistant gloves in a fume hood.
high lipid content and also for their differences: (i) egg yolk
is very rich in cholesterol (5) while walnut is almost choles- Discussion
terol free (6) and (ii) egg yolk is fluid, which facilitates ex-
traction, while walnut has to be ground, to increase the After students have the results, including the mass of to-
contact surface with the solvent mixture, and heated to help tal lipid extracted, they write a brief report, including: (i) the
release the lipids. The experiment can be enriched by includ- quantity of lipid per unit of mass of egg yolk or walnut; (ii)
ing other animal and vegetable sources. the relative quantity of cholesterol in the samples assayed; • Vol. 82 No. 1 January 2005 • Journal of Chemical Education 103

In the Laboratory

and (iii) the advantages and disadvantages of vegetable and W

Supplemental Material
animal food sources, considering cholesterol-related health
problems. This work can be expanded in further lab sessions: Instructions for the students and notes for the instruc-
(i) It can be done in a quantitative way, using a spectropho- tor are available in this issue of JCE Online.
tometer; students can design a cholesterol standard curve and
measure the absorbance of the blue–green complex at 550 Literature Cited
nm and (ii) lipids can be separated in lipid classes by TLC;
in that case, the lipid should be extract to dryness under ni- 1. Koning, A. J. J. Chem. Educ. 1974, 51, 48–50.
trogen to avoid undesirable oxidations. 2. Taylor, R. P.; Broccolli, A. V.; Grisham, C. M. J. Chem. Educ.
1978, 55, 63–64.
Conclusion 3. Vestling, M. J. Chem. Educ. 1990, 67, 274–275.
4. Tabas. I. J. Clin. Invest. 2002, 110, 583–590.
Although enzymatic methods are currently used to mea- 5. Kuksis, A. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1992, 1124, 205–222.
sure cholesterol levels, the method described here has the ad- 6. Tsamouris, G.; Hatziantoniou, S.; Demetzos, C. Z.
vantage of being simple and inexpensive, which is particularly Naturforsch. 2001, 57c, 51–56.
important when one has repeated lab sessions during the 7. Folch, J.; Lees, M.; Stanley, G. H.; J. Biol. Chem. 1957, 226,
week. Furthermore, it can be carried out on the organic phase 497–509.
containing the lipids, without evaporating the solvent, yield- 8. Cyberlipid Center–Resource Site for Fats and Oils. http://
ing almost immediate results. It is a experiment most stu- (accessed Sep 2004).
dents find interesting and which leads to fruitful discussions 9. Huang, T. C.; Chen, C. P.; Wefler, V.; Raftery, A. Anal. Chem.
on scientific and health issues. 1961, 33, 1405–1407.

104 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 82 No. 1 January 2005 •

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