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The Senior High Dilemma

By: Karl Dexter Belza

“Basic lang yan. Wala pa kayo sa college level.”

“For the next quiz and report…”
“May meeting daw sa journ.”
“Maghugas ka, maglinis ka ng bahay wala ka ng natutulong dito.”
“Anong kukunin mo sa college at sure ka na ba?”
Suddenly you heard a loud thug as your classroom door closed. As you wake up inside this
dim, noisy, chaotic classroom with earphones on, uncertain what is happening while waiting for
the next teacher to come in. You yawned, trying to recover from the last quiz that just “raped”
you. Your mind is agonized by the resounding temptation of wanting to sleep and rest due to
deep exhaustion. Your teachers and classmates asking if you are ok. And your brain can’t
thoroughly function, disproportion, thinking that maybe you didn’t drank enough coffee? Smiles,
nods, and signs of agreement. You carelessly pretend that you are fine just so you can get by and
avoid drama for less trouble. Thinking that lamenting has no room in your schedule perceiving
that you need to catch up on your missed lesson due to extra-curricular activities for extra
credentials. With the new education curriculum implemented by the government adding 2 more
years in the secondary level. Those students who are in that rank are called Senior High School
students. And that scenario up above is pretty common in their so called student lives.
Yin and yang. Light and dark. Everything really does have their grim and bright sides.

“Projects! Assignments! Research work! Thesis! Things I need to do ASAP! I. Wanna. Die.”
Bombarded with many works causing detriment to many students. Would the new
curriculum lead us straight to the end of the rainbow? Or straight to heaven or hell?
With classes finished as you wait for transportation, you stare at the lake of shining lights
above trying to smile and be optimistic. But you noticed that gloomy clouds starts to form as if
it’s going to rain. Little droplets fell, and pessimistic thoughts stormed your heart and mind.
As you close your old wooden door, flooded with many conflicting thoughts, tears
unexpectedly brushed your forlorn face whilst staring at unfinished papers, uncertain of what to
do anymore. Melancholy is like embedded in the minds of senior high school students. Stabbing
their hearts and minds as they try to balance everything in terms with their family, school, and
even personal matters. Nowadays passing is more important than learning. “Quantity” is more
substantial than “Quality”. Some teachers are not innovative enough to find ways to teach
complex lessons and sometimes they just read what’s on their power point and not teach at all.
Senior high aims to prepare learners honing skills through providing sufficient time for
improvement, and prepare fresh grads for tertiary education intending to meet the challenges of
the 21st century and global competitiveness. But in reality, senior high school is like walking on a
tightrope holding a 10 foot pole with 10 tons weights at both end. Survival of the fittest, the
“Bahala na, ok na ‘yan.” syndrome. The “Mematology” perspective just to gain a passing grade
to elevate to the next level. Back then it was said that 4 th year is the most bombarding state of
high school, but now 11th and 12th grade is said to be the most overwhelming state not to mention
the pointless feuds of comparison between college and SHS students. Drowning in a sea of grief,
trying to fish for salvation and light. It may seem exaggerated and ridiculous, but many parents
questions their children’s state asking if they are fine. Most diligent students pretends to be okay
thinking that their parents should see them as well and fine for them to not add any more burden
to them. Moreover, many students has to pretend alive and well, to cope up in their own chaotic
households and not cause any more drama that would hurt them. Physically or emotionally.
Conflicted if you should take rest or finish the 4 th chapter of your paper you noticed that
your eyes starts to get heavy. Resolving it with a cup of coffee, feint energy rushed through your
veins. “No to demerits!” you said to yourself with a compelling mind having delusions of grandeur
to make your parents proud and reach your goals and dreams.

“Not all students can do this things. Be proud at the same time bro.” Your mind whispering
to you as the breeze from your fan touch your skin. Unfortunately not all SHS student prefers to
wait for the harvest at the end of the rainy season. Many SHS students decides to go for the
easiest way as possible sticking with mediocre works as long as they pass the semester.
Despite the heavy thoughts in your mind, moonlight passed through your opaque
window, lighting your gloomy dark room. A bright thought promptly flashed your mind like a
lightning strike. As you grab your pen, sweat trickled down your neck making you gulp and
breathe. The thought of exploration in terms with friends, love, self, society, life, light and
darkness, enthralled you giving you the urge to reach new heights and explore more worlds.
Deciding with grit to breakthrough knowing that you have your loved ones and God beside you.
Armed with resilience, the shield of faith and sword of the spirit, you chose hope and dreams to
soar high and fly above the gray stormy clouds.

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