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[ Analysis and Control of Variation.

John McConnell, Brian Nunnally, and Bernard McGarvey

Quality Risk Management

and Variability Reduction
John McConnell, Brian Nunnally, and Bernard McGarvey

“Analysis and Control of Variation” is dedicated WHAT IS QUALITY RISK MANAGEMENT?

to revealing weaknesses in existing approaches to Quality by design (QbD) is a significant initiative within
understanding, reducing, and controlling variation the pharmaceutical industry at the present time. It is
and to recommend science-based alternatives that based on the idea that most of the issues that are seen dur-
demonstrably work. The objective of the column is to ing the manufacturing, transport, and delivery processes
combine sound science with proven practical advice. for a product are built in to these processes during the
Reader comments, questions, and suggestions will design phase (1). Quality risk management (QRM) is a
help us fulfill our objective for this column. Please key part of this QbD approach. QRM is a process for iden-
send your comments and suggestions to column tifying risks within a process, evaluating the significance
coordinator John McConnell at of these risks, and taking appropriate actions to mitigate
au or managing editor Susan Haigney at shaigney@ such risks as are deemed unacceptable. QRM recognizes that there will always be some level of risk associated
with any process and that it is up to the pharmaceutical
KEY POINTS DISCUSSED manufacturer to understand the risks inherent in their
The following key points are discussed: products and processes. The regulatory expectations for
• Quality risk management (QRM) is a key part of QRM are outlined in a guidance document from the
quality by design. International Conference on Harmonisation (2). Figure
• Guidance for QRM is provided by ICH Q9. 1 shows the high level approach to QRM that is outlined
• QRM is intimately linked with the pharmaceutical in Reference 2.
control strategy for a product. Over several years of being involved with QRM, we
• Risks represent the potential for variability in the have found that a critical aspect of QRM is the risk
process or product. question. The risk question defines the ultimate goal
• QRM can help reduce variability in the following of the risk analysis. For QRM the risk question being
two ways: addressed is clear: What are the risks to the patient
• By ensuring the initial control strategy does not when they use a particular product being manufac-
lead to high levels of variability. tured, stored, shipped, delivered, etc. using a particular
• By helping the quality systems work better when set of processes?
the process is in operation and product is being When answering this question, there are two guiding
delivered to the patient. principles within QRM (2), as follows:
• Just as there will always be some level of variability • The evaluation of the risk to quality should be based
in a process or product, there will always be some on scientific knowledge and ultimately link to the
risks associated with the process or product. protection of the patient.

For more Author John McConnell is owner and director at Wysowl Pty Ltd in Queensland, Australia. He may be
information, reached at Brian K. Nunnally, Ph.D., is in charge of process validation at
go to Pfizer in Sanford, NC. He may be reached at Bernard McGarvey, Ph.D., is process modelling group leader, Process Engineering Center at Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis,
IN. He may be reached at

12 Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2011] iv

John McConnell, Brian Nunnally, and Bernard McGarvey.

• The level of effort, formality, and documentation Figure 1: QRM process outlined in ICH Q9.
of the quality risk management process should be
commensurate with the level of risk. Initiate Risk
Management Activity
QRM is a proactive approach because we try to
anticipate and manage the risk of issues before they
actually occur.
Risk Assessment
In any manufacturing system, variability is managed by
proactively defining the controls that must be in place
Risk Mitigation
to manage the variability in the process to acceptable
levels. In many industries, this is referred to as a control
plan. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is referred to as
the control strategy for the product or process. Within
QbD, the formal definition of a control strategy is, “The Ongoing Risk Review
planned set of controls, derived from current product and
process understanding that assures process performance
and product quality. The controls can include: been developed. Two problems are possible: flaws in the
• Parameters and attributes related to drug substance control strategy or incorrectly executed control strategy.
and drug product materials and components
• Facility and equipment operating conditions Flaws in the Control Strategy
• In-process controls The control strategy may not have been correctly
• Finished product specifications designed. The following are examples:
• And the associated methods and frequency of moni- • The control strategy states that the rotational speed of
toring and control” (3). the agitator in a reaction tank should be in the range
120-130 RPM. However, this range was defined for
Storage and Shipping Considerations a 2000-gallon reactor and the process is now being
Some pharmaceutical companies add “storage and ship- manufactured in a 4000-gallon reactor. This caused
ping conditions” to the list of controls in the above defi- the reaction to proceed differently, and at the end
nition. This is a good idea because in reality storage and of the reaction an impurity level was higher than
shipping are part of the overall process for delivering the originally seen.
product to the patient. Unless properly controlled, storage • The control strategy does not specify any control of
and shipping can introduce significant variability to the the color of glass used to contain a liquid product.
quality of the product and hence have the potential to It turns out that the product is light sensitive and
increase patient safety risk. Examples of elements of the the bottle should have been specified to consist of
control strategy might include the following: darkened glass.
• Temperature of a reaction must be controlled within
the range 75-80 °C. Good Control Strategy—Not Executed
• Product must be stored in a container with a relative Correctly
humidity in the range 10%-25% during shipping The control strategy may have been well designed
• The particle size distribution (PSD) must be con- and developed, but was not executed properly. The
trolled to ensure that the required product dissolu- following are an example:
tion profile is met • The control strategy states that in order to protect
• Operators must pass a proficiency test before they the product from cross contamination, certain
are allowed to operate the process equipment. valves must be used to maintain a tight seal. How-
ever, over time the valves are not maintained cor-
CONTROL STRATEGY PROBLEMS rectly and they begin to leak, thus introducing a
The control strategy is designed to manage the variability contaminant into the product.
of the product that is taken by the patient. However, • The pH meter used to verify the pH of a buffer is
problems may still occur even when a control strategy has not maintained frequently enough and so the mea-
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Analysis and Control of Variation.

surement error of the meter increases over time and Figure 2: Relationship between QRM and the
subsequently impacts the quality of the product. control strategy.

Not only is it important that the right control strategy

is in place, but also that the control strategy is executed
in a reliable fashion.

The control strategy is concerned with specifying what
controls must be in place to manage variability. QRM
is concerned with identifying the risks to patient safety
when a product is manufactured using a given process.
These observations provide the linkage between QRM
and variability reduction. In fact, we can say that QRM
assesses and mitigates the risks associated with a con-
trol strategy where such risks, if not mitigated, would
lead to products and processes with too much variabil-
ity. Another way to say this is that risks represent the control system. This control system is designed so that
potential for variability in the process or product. Going the variation of environmental conditions across a year
further, it does not make sense to even talk about doing is so small that it does not impact product quality. This
a risk assessment if you do not have a proposed control is the control strategy that would be implemented to
strategy. This sometimes comes as a surprise to people produce the product. Of course we recognize that even
when they hear it for the first time. So QRM plays an this new control strategy has some residual risk associated
important role in variability reduction because if used with it. This is equivalent to saying that no matter how
properly, it identifies areas of high risk in the process that good our control strategy is there will always be some
could lead to unacceptable variability in the process or variability in the process.
product performance. Further, it provides actions to miti-
gate these risks so that when the product is manufactured Example: Powder Filling
and consumed by the patient, it has an acceptable level As an example of this use of QRM to reduce variability,
of quality. QRM can help us get it right from the start. In a new product was being developed that involved filling
fact, for organizations that are committed to six sigma a small amount of product into a vial. The product was
levels of quality for their processes and products, QRM is in a powder form that would be reconstituted later with
an essential activity in process and product development. water. An important part of the control strategy was to
The relationship between QRM and the control strat- control the weight of product filled into each vial. Based
egy can be represented by the diagram in Figure 2. on previous experience with filling vials with liquid,
an initial control strategy was proposed where the vial
Example: Environmental Control weights would be checked by sampling a small number
We start by having a proposed control strategy as of vials on a periodic basis and checking the weights on a
described in Figure 2. Sometimes this initial control gravimetric laboratory balance. Once weighed, the vials
strategy may have no controls at all. Consider a product are discarded so this testing is inherently destructive. This
or process that is sensitive to environmental conditions. works well for liquids because the variability of adding a
The initial control strategy might be to have no environ- target weight or volume of liquid to a vial is very stable.
mental controls. Then we perform the risk assessment However, powders are a different matter. The density of
and realize that because of the changes in temperature a powder can vary through the filling equipment and
and humidity across the year, the risk to product quality this leads to higher levels of variability in the weights
(and hence patient safety) is too high. Thus we have a of powder filled into the vials. A risk assessment based
gap in the control strategy. What we are really saying is on this control strategy showed that the risk of produc-
that if we go ahead with this proposed control strategy ing out-of-specification (OOS) product weights in the
(no environmental controls), product quality will be vial was too high. Once this was realized, the simplest
too variable. This would then lead us to propose a new change to the control strategy was proposed—increase
control strategy. For example, we propose a humidity the number of vials sampled. However, the risk assess-
14 Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2011] iv
John McConnell, Brian Nunnally, and Bernard McGarvey.

ment showed that in order to reduce the risk of vials with Figure 3: Relationship between QRM and the
product weights that were out of specification, so many control strategy.
vials would have to be weighed that the process would
not be economic.
An alternative approach to checking the weights was
needed before this process could be implemented. The
solution chosen was to implement a process analytical
technology (PAT) solution to weigh the vials. A non-con-
tact check weigher (NCCW) system was implemented.
Because the system was non-contact, the weighing was
non-destructive, and weighed vials were not discarded.
This technology directly measured vial weights during
filling with the following risk reduction benefits:
• Because each vial is weighed, any vial with an OOS
weight can be discarded automatically.
• The weights of each vial could be used as part of an
automatic controller to adjust the filling system to
reduce the variability of the product weights. This The four quality systems are as follows:
was the real win for this approach because not only • Product and process monitoring
did we keep OOS product from reaching the patient, • Corrective action and preventive action (CAPA)/
we were able to minimize the variability of the prod- improvements
uct weights for the vials patients did use. Deming • Change management
and Taguchi would be proud of us (4). • Quality systems monitoring.

Gravimetric balance weights will always be more QRM gives us a risk model of the process, and as the
accurate than the NCCW weights. However, because quality systems are used, they should be used in the con-
the NCCW can measure the weights of all vials, risk is text of this risk model. To see how this works, consider
reduced. With the NCCW system, the revised risk assess- the following hypothetical situation for the vial filling
ment showed that the risk to the patient from OOS prod- process described in the last section.
uct weights in the vials was insignificant, and the process
was eventually implemented with this control strategy. Example: Powder Filling #2
Experience from the implemented process showed that The control strategy using the NCCW was implemented
the PAT solution did in fact deliver the reduced vari- and production started. Because the NCCW was new
ability expected. technology to the company, it had been decided as part
of the risk analysis to do some spot-checking with a
QUALITY SYSTEMS, gravimetric balance just to compare the NCCW results
CONTROL STRATEGY, AND QRM with the balance results. For the first three months of
In the previous section we looked at how QRM can production, the output from the filling process matched
reduce variability by addressing the first issue that can the predictions of the risk assessment. However, follow-
arise with a control strategy—that is, there is a flaw ing this initial period of good production, the weights
in the proposed control strategy. QRM can also help from the gravimetric spot checks began to rise, and the
reduce variability by addressing the second issue, that rate of OOS weights rose to 0.03% (on the high side).
is, where the control strategy is good but is not imple- The weights from the NCCW measurements remained
mented correctly over time for the actual production similar to that of the initial three months. This is the
processes. Once a process is implemented and product “product and process monitoring” quality system in
is being produced and delivered to the patient, the action, where the trending of the weight data picks up
effectiveness of the control strategy is managed by the a signal that would not be expected. In the language of
quality systems. The quality systems will react to both statistical process control (SPC), the weights are not in
inadequate control strategies and control strategies that a state of statistical control. QRM improved the quality
are not implemented correctly over time. In QbD, four system by suggesting adding an extra measurement for a
such quality systems are recognized (5). Figure 3 shows period of time until full confidence in the NCCW system
these in a diagrammatic form. could be established.
gxpandjv Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2011] 15
Analysis and Control of Variation.

Once this trend has been observed, a deviation Finally, with respect to quality system monitor-
would be raised and the CAPA system would take ing, management reviews should focus on those
over. This system would conduct a root cause analysis areas of highest risks as identified by the QRM
on the deviation. As the engineer begins to look for analysis. This will make the management reviews
causal factors that would cause the observed devia- more successful.
tion, the engineer can use the QRM analysis to rank
where to look first. That is, start by looking for causal CONCLUSIONS
factors in those aspects of the process that have the QRM can play a vital role in managing and reducing the
higher risks of adding variability to the vial weights. variability of pharmaceutical processes and products.
Given that the NCCW weights were still in a state of It does this by identifying risks that can add variability
statistical control, and the NCCW is used as an input as well as actions that can be taken to mitigate these
to an automatic controller that adjusts the weights if risks and so control variability to acceptable levels. As
they stray too far from target, the process engineer the process is implemented and product is delivered
looked at the controller action to see if there were to the patient, it can aid the quality systems because it
any changes. What the engineer found is that at the provides information that speeds up the identification
same time as the gravimetric weights began to rise, of causal factors for deviations. It also helps ensure that
the output of the automatic controller began to rise. changes can be made to the process without introduc-
This led the engineer to look at the NCCW system. It ing unintended consequences that will subsequently
was noticed that at this time a calibration had been increase variability.
performed on the NCCW. The NCCW was retested
and found to be reading low. This explained what was
being seen—the NCCW was reading low, so in order to REFERENCES
get the NCCW weights back on target, the controller 1. Joseph Juran, Juran on Quality by Design: The New Steps for
would have to increase its output. Once the reason Planning Quality into Goods and Services, 1992.
for the incorrect calibration was determined, fixes 2. ICH, Q9 Quality Risk Management, November 2005, avail-
could be put in place to prevent it occurring again. able on the ICH website,
Change Management Products/Guidelines/Quality/Q9/Step4/Q9_Guideline.pdf
Now suppose that the product sales increased and 3. ICH, Q8(R2) Pharmaceutical Development, available on the
production rates must be increased. We have been ICH website,
asked to increase the vial filling rate. In order to make Site/ICH_Products/Guidelines/Quality/Q8_R1/Step4/
such a change, we must use the change management Q8_R2_Guideline.pdf
quality system. And of course, we want to make sure 4. J. McConnell, B. Nunnally, and B. McGarvey, “Meeting
that when we implement the change, we do not create Specifications Is Not Good Enough, The Taguchi Loss
any unintended consequences and increase the vari- Function,” Journal of Validation Technology, Volume 17, Num-
ability of the process. How would the QRM analysis ber 2, Spring 2011.
help here? Because we know the risks we found when 5. ICH, Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System, June 2008, avail-
we analysed the current process, we would want to able on the ICH website,
make sure that we check the impact of the change on Public_Web_Site/ICH_Products/Guidelines/Quality/Q10/
these risks. So we would want to answer the follow- Step4/Q10_Guideline.pdf JVT
ing questions:
• How will the increased filling rate impact the mea- ARTICLE ACRONYM LISTING
surement capability of the NCCW? ICH International Conference on Harmonisation
• How will the increased filling rate impact the con- NCCW Non-Contact Check Weigher
troller performance? OOS Out of Specification
• How would the increased filling rate impact the PAT Process Analytical Technology
ability of the system to discard out of specifica- PSD Particle Size Distribution
tion vials? QbD Quality by Design
QRM Quality Risk Management
So QRM can be integral to ensuring that variability SPC Statistical Process Control
is not introduced via the change management qual-
ity system.
16 Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2011] iv

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