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Worth: 5%
Purpose: To give you an opportunity to put into practice what you've learned so far about
proper email format, organization, netiquette, professional tone and style.

Due: Sunday of Week 2 by latest 11:59 p.m. (submit as Word document)


1. Email Content

1.1. Read the article, posted on our FOL Content with the email/memo material, on Google’s
changing expectations when it comes to hiring new employees. Underline or highlight what
you think are the article’s key terms or key points.

1.2. Consider the following scenario: You are planning to apply for an internship at Google, and
as part of your application you are required to write an email – addressed to an internship
manager by a name of your choice – in which you lay out why you are an ideal candidate for
an intern position.

Tailor your email in a way that you directly relate to the top soft skills Google has come up
with based on Project Oxygen and Project Aristotle (see Google article). Emphasize the top
soft skills that apply to your professional skill set (i.e., your transferable set of soft skills);
use examples from your work and education that illustrate how you have developed and/or
utilized these skills.

Copy 5 key words or key phrases directly from the article in your email. Bold those 5 key
words/phrases so I know that you are not plagiarizing (i.e., copying word for word from the
article in a way that suggests the words are yours; that kind of plagiarism will be penalized).

Generic emails will receive a zero grade since they do not meet the assignment task.

2. Email Format, Organization, Mechanics, and Submission:

2.1. Compose a formal email, addressed to an internship manager by a name of your choice,
in appropriate format, organization, content, tone, and language use (see FOL Content
for our lecture on emails/memos and the sample email/memo). Your email should not
exceed one page in length.

2.2. Incorporate at least one bulleted or numbered list for easy readability (see FOL
Content for our lectures on lists and readability)

2.3. Carefully proofread your email before submission (esp. sentence structure errors and
colon use and list errors as these subjects have been covered in class).
Professional  Email    

2.4. Save your email as a Word document, and submit it to the Week 2 FOL submission
folder by latest Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

How I Will Mark Your Email (out of 10 marks):

1) Content
2) Mechanics (grammar, sentence structure, proofreading, spelling)
3) Tone and language use
4) Email format
5) Organization and readability

**Generic emails will receive a zero grade since they do not meet the assignment task.
**Plagiarism will be penalized with a grade penalty and possible write-up.

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