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During the contextualization of this learning activity, Richard and Caroline

made a presentation about the future of food. By the end of the presentation,
Richard asked this question:

Would you change your current behavior if your grandchildren asked you to?

For this evidence, you need to, first, read a letter written by a child who lives
in the future and, then, write a response to him. Let’s begin!

Part A

Fuente: SENA

This is Cameron. He lives in the year 2050. He wrote an open letter to the
people who lived on Earth by the year 2000. He is 12 years old and he has a
few things to say about the experiences he has lived so far. Read his letter. You
will find it below.

Dear fellow citizens of the Earth in 2000,

My name is Cameron Cahill. I live in Mexico City. I’m writing this letter from the
future. I know you might be a little surprised to hear that, but a few friends and I
had the idea of writing to our ancestors. I chose to write to you, the people who
lived in Earth by 2000. I hope my words help you decide if the future is good for
you. In case it is not, you can still change it!

There are great things about the future. We have flying boards to move around.
They are very helpful for getting to school, for example. We can go very fast
and the best thing about them is that they don’t need to be charged. They use
solar energy, so my board charges by itself while I’m moving around. Actually,
none of the devices we use every day has to be charged using wires. My
grandma has told me that when she was young, she used to have a mobile
phone charger with her at all times! I don’t even have chargers because all my
devices get their energy directly from the sunlight. Dad says this is one of the
greatest advances of science. He says that using the solar technology
massively was not easy, but when it happened, our future changed.

There are some other interesting things about future, for example, we use very
funny swimsuits to go to the beach. I’ve seen some photos of people from the
past wearing nice bikinis and shorts at the beach. Our swimsuits are horrible!
We have to be all covered when we get into the sea. My biology teacher
explained to me that there is an overpopulation of jellyfish all around the world.
She says that the oceans used to be a balanced ecosystem but now, many
marine species have gone extinct. For that reason, fish like the jellyfish have
increased in numbers and it is not safe to swim without protection because if
one of these touches you can get very sick.

About the future I can also tell you about our food. We eat very healthy and
delicious dishes. For example, we have a soup made out of spirulina. Spirulina
is a super food because it has a lot of protein in it. When I was little I used to eat
spirulina in capsules but now my mom has learned to make a spirulina soup,
which I think is very tasty. I have heard that you used to eat a lot of beef and
hamburgers by 2000. I love hamburgers! I think they are great but I don’t get to
eat them very often because they are incredibly expensive!

I have told you a few things about the future. What do you think of it? Do you
like it? I enjoy things very much, actually. Just one little thing, remember that the
future is in your hands now. You can leave it the same, make it worse or make it
much better. I hope you have lots of great years ahead.

Take care,


Part B

Now that you have read Cameron’s letter write a response to him. Be as
creative as possible and remember, you need to include some conditional
phrases to talk about any hypothetical situations that may be relevant.
Good afternoon

Dear Cameron

Upon receiving your letter it was a great surprise to see the year in which he wrote. It is a
surprising but distant year, as you see our photos and changes, as I once did with the
photos of my grandparents but with a big difference in which the environmental damage
was not as big as you were.

I am proud to read about the solar charge to devices of daily use this will pause the
damage that people do to the environment. If you continue to conserve the planet your
future family members will be able to live quietly and without worries or strict rules such
as those that have touched you.

I understand that you can get angry with all the people of the year because we are
responsible for a result as terrible as the overcrowding of jellyfish although I would like to
help and I will start with my colleagues to clean and encourage recycling in our homes.


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