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Hoy en día en los centros de formación educativos de primaria y secundaria, existen demasiadas
dudas respecto al uso de celulares por parte de estudiantes dentro del salón de clase, se sabe que
los docentes prefieren que sus estudiantes no los lleven a la escuela, ya que pueden ser causa de
distracción en el aula o realizar otra actividad fuera de la clase. decir es uno de los temas más
debatidos en el sector


 You cam listen to this on the radio(Music)

 You eat this after you sing the hapy birthday song(Cake)
 People laugh at him at parties because his work is to be funny(Clown)
 You can take very nice and cool pictures with this(Camera)
 This food has cheese and vegetable in it (Sandwich)

 Not for children under 3 years old. Small parts

On books

On toys

On clothes

 Play with me! Children 3+

On a watch

On a toy

On a guitar

 Try again! Start the game – with a new animal

On a camera

On a radio

On a computer

 Please do not call, text message or e-mail here

At the café

At the hospital
At the bank

 Watch the elephants from here

In a zoo

At a street

On a beach

 I still have a month to send the article!

What a pity!

Never mind!

Lucky you!

 Emma shouldn´t spend so much money

I suppose not
This is lovely
Doesn´t sound like it
 Why don´t you try it on?
You´re welcome!
May I sell this?
Maybe I will
 Could you explain to me how to download this file?
Let me check
It´s true
That´s enough
No one KNOWS who flew the first kites they were created, THEREFORE historians believe they
appeared approximately 3,000 years ago. Probably, kites were DEVELOPED in china
People used kites FOR many purposes such as communicating , fishing and for funerals. There are
stories about Chinese soldiers using THEM before 200 BC. During war, soldiers frightened THEIR
enemies using special kites.

In India, kites have had a very importan place in the culture for centuries. The world´s LARGEST
kite festival is held in Ahmedabad; every January, 100,000 kites are flown in the sky at once. There
is a sport called kite fighting in WHICH flyers attempt to knock other kites out of the sky. The Hindi
language has over 100 related words because kites are VERY important there.
I grew up in wellington , New Zealand. My family owned a zoo and we lived in a house next to it.
My brother and I helped by looking after the animals. I was a runner while my brother preferred
riding his bike. My father belonged to a soccer team.

One day, my family decided to move to Canada. We sold a few of the animals and took the others
on a ship. Everything was fine until there was a thunderstorm and the ship broke into pieces. I was
thrown into the sea but was able to get into a small boat that ha come from the broken ship.

Soon, it was night time and I couldn´t see very well. Then I noticed a big bear in the boat. I couldn´t
believe it. I jumped into the sea but I knew of tsbearome to the he dangers there, so I climbed
back into the boat. I was afraid, but fortunately, there was some food and mineral water there. For
the next few days, I caught fish and gave some to the bear, and also used what I knew to give
instructions to the animal. Most of the time, I lay down on the boat looking at the sky. Close to
the end, I got sick and just hoped I would be saved. I spent 227 days on the boat until I finally
arrived in Mexico.

 The writer´s troubles began when

Some animals were sold

An accident happened

He went swimming

 What surprised the writer?

The night sky

The big animal

The weather

 How did the writer fel when he got back on the boat?




 The writer was lucky because he was able to

Enjoy the view

Be with someone

Have a meal

 What did the writer usually do on the boat?

He rested
He called for help

He gave orders

 What happened near the end of the writer´s jouerney?

He went mad

He became ill

He got lazy

 What´s the best title for this text?

My amazing adventure

Sailing for fun

A dangerous job

I became a photographer when I was little, long before I seriously picked up a camera. I
remember walking on my own in the country and being amazed by the landscape ahead and the
space above. After a rain the air was so clear and the mountains seemed so close that I could
touch them. I wanted to hold everything I saw, show it to family and friends and say “Look, isn´t
this great”

My interests have been no different since then. At first, I kept doing it because I enjoyed it, not
because I showed any particular talent. Photography became a clear choice for me as it mixed
together my love of the outdoors, my wish to make things, and my interest in technology. By the
time I was in college, it became the obvious choice of my heart. I knew I would miss a life of luxury,
since photography is not good financially, but I like my decision and stopping is not a choice. With
the places I´ve seen, the people I´ve met and the chances I´ve had to make a better society,
photography has made my life better than I could ever have imagined.

Photography is not about showing your talent in a gallery. It is about using technology to catch the
happiness and fear of seeing things, and showing others what they´re missing. When the
photograph shows true light, coming from a true place, it can have an effect that cannot be easily
matched by any machine. That´s why I want to keep visiting different places, in an active search for
ways of translating the beauty I see into something that I can share.

 What is the writer doing in this article?

Sharing this feelings about the business of photography

Explaining how photography is a great way to make money

Showing the ways in which photography changes the world

Describing his reasons for choosing photography as a profession

 What can the reader find about the author in paragraph 1?

An opportunity he missed

A point of view about his future

A memory from his childhood

The dangers he faced when traveling

 One of the ideas presented in the text is that the writer

Has always had a special ability to take pictures

Might want to show his wok in a public exhibition

Usually makes his photos look completely different

Chose this career because it combined things he enjoys

 The writer thinks that his interest in photography

Has improved his quality of life

Appeared after he started his studies

May decrease due to his love for traveling

Is changing his personal view of technology

 A description in the writer´s CV could be:

a. Experienced photographer, principally interested in looking at the real world and givin
people the opportunity to se it, too.
b. Keen photographer, willing to work mainly with digital environments and different types
of equipment that technology offers.
c. Photography professional only looking to improve the world through communication and
actions he can take in many places.
d. Photography expert wanting to develop activities that mostly involve individual work and
his ability to play with light.

Music has a POWER FUL influence on our bodies and mind. Fro the MOMENT we are first
conceived we are influenced BY the rhythm and sounds in our mother´s womb. It may be for this
reason that we are so drawn to music for the rest of our lives.
Differente Studies have found that listening to music can reduce stress levels and can also lower
the heart rate and blood pressure. Listening to music before going to bed helps people sleep
better and longer. However, music that you do not like can have a negative effect on you.

Music with a similar to the heartbeat can be especially relaxing, as well as music containing loud
drums or flute beats. Music achieved live or at a moderately loud volume can have a beneficial
RESPONSE as well, because the body will also TAKE up the vibrations of the music through the

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