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2013 DSE P2 Q7

Asian singers and movie stars are gaining popularity all over the world and are no longer appealing

only to Asian audiences. Write an article for your school newspaper explaining why Asian stars are

gaining popularity in Western countries. Give a title to your article.

Asia's Entertainment Industry Takes the World by Storm

With their stunning dance moves, Bigbang, Shinee and Arashi have captivated audiences

all around the globe. Indeed, it has come to my attention that Asian singers and movie stars

are becoming more and more popular on the other side of the world. Why is this so? I

believe I am not the only one who is curious. It is high time we probed into this

phenomenon and found out its causes.

A good many reasons account for this phenomenon. The first popping into my head is that

Asia’s entertainment industry is thriving. With a view to improving their economy, many

Asian governments, like Japan and Korea, have invested heavily in promoting their

entertainment industry in the past few decades. In an age of globalization, many

entertainment moguls are able to extend their influence all over the world. As westerners

began to be exposed to Asian music and movies, they started to fall in love with them. Yet,

this only explains part of the reason for their rise to the global entertainment stage.

What further contributes to the growing influence of Asian pop stars in the West is that

their songs, dances, and movies contain highly innovative ideas. On the one hand, the

entertainment industry in the West is less diverse than it used to be. On the other hand,

Korean and Japanese songs have incorporated elements of rock, rap, ‘R and B’ and electronic

music, and to Westerners they are something new and fresh. Big Bang’s worldwide hit

Fantastic Baby" is a case in point - it achieved international success as it mixes different

music genres. Besides, Asian dance moves have intrigued Westerners. For instance,

‘Gangnam Style’, with its innovative ‘horse-riding’ dance moves, took the world by storm

because It was highly innovative. It is no wonder that Asian stars are gaining popularity in

the West.
Apart from Asian innovation, in no way should we overlook the fact that Asian stars have

superb fashion sense. While very few Western stars whose style impresses us, many Asian

stars are leaders of the global fashion trend. If you have ever come across a Korean music

video, you will definitely be amused by their stylish outfits. Take Shinee's music video as an

illustration: members of the Korean boys group are always dressed in glamorous and tailor-made

clothes to show off their slim body. In addition to that, they have gradually

started a global trend - wearing tailor-made clothes to make themselves look slim. It is not

uncommon to see Westerners in tight pants10 these days, who are probably under the

influence of the global fashion trend started by Asian celebrities.

It is not surprising that Asian entertainment is so attractive to Westerners, since Asian

stars are supported by wealthy companies, have innovative ideas in their songs and movies,

and have great fashion sense. After all, westerners, like every one of us, love new and fresh

One World One Dream

Jackie Chan, Wonder Girls, PSY are among the many music and movie stars who are

admired by Asian audiences for their talent. Have you ever wondered that, while you are

listening to ”Gangnam Style", an Australian teenager might also be listening to it on YouTube

in a different time zone? In fact, Asian pop culture is no longer consumed by Asians. lnstead,

Asian singers and movie stars now have their music footprints all over the world.

This phenomenon could be ascribed to many different reasons, with cultural

globalization being the most important one. With technological advancement,

communication is no longer restricted by time or space. Transmission of information from

one side of the globe to another can be completed with a simple click of the ‘share’ button.

In light of this, many Asian countries have incorporated English phrases into their songs. A

classic example is Wonder Girl’s ‘Nobody’ (‘I want nobody, nobody, but you’), which is very

appealing to Westerners, whose interest in K-pop has grown since its debut. The use of

English has made Asian songs accessible to Westerners.

While globalization fosters the prominent rise of Asian celebrities, growing Western

interest in Asian culture also plays an indispensable role in the rise of Asian music and

movies. An often-quoted example is the Disney film adaptation of the story of MuIan, a

Chinese heroine who takes her aged father’s place in the army. Nowadays, many Westerners

are interested in Chinese culture, such as Kung Fu and martial arts, and indeed they have

been watching Kung Fu films, such as those by Jackie Chan, since the 19605, when they were

first introduced to Western audiences. Not only did the likes of Jackie Chan have the

opportunity to take part in Hollywood productions, the West increasingly paid attention to

Asia's entertainment industry. Thus, in recent years, there have been a lot of movie and
music collaborations between Asian and Western celebrities, and Asian artists have begun

to gain recognition in many parts of the world. Indeed, apart from Jackie Chan, there are

many Asian ”exports”, such as Chow Yun-fat (”Pirates of the Carribean”), Anthony Wong

(”The Painted Veil”), Donnie Yen (”Rogue One”), and Stephen Chow (”The Mermaid"). They

can all testify to the rising popularity of Asian culture and the growing recognition of Asian


Another key factor that contributes to this phenomenon is that Asian artists and producers

are gaining recognition on the international stage. For example, Ang Lee’s two

masterpieces, “Brokeback Mountain” and “Life of Pi”, not only earned him fame, they also

showcase to the world the success of the Asian entertainment industry. In addition,

Deannie Yip, a famous Hong Kong actress, won the “Best Female Actress" award in an

international movie festival; PSY, a Korean singer, made his name when “Gangnam Style”

became an international sensation with the YouTube music video viewed two billion times.

Their talent has brought them fame, popularity and respect from many parts of the world.

As the slogan from the 2008 Beijing Olympics goes, “One World, One dream”. I believe the

dream of a celebrity is more than just making a living. Instead, what artists around the world

have in common is their passion for music and acting and their urge to bring joy to the world

through their works. The fact that Asian singers and movie stars have gained popularity in

the global entertainment arena embodies “One World, One dream”, something that is

achieved not only in the Olympic Games, but also on the global entertainment stage. I hope

that the spirit of this slogan will extend to other issues so as to make this world a better

place for everyone.

Asian Stars Take the World by Storm

Girls' generation, Jay Chow and Zhang Zi Yi are some of the most well-known Asian stars in

the globe. When you click into a western music website, you will probably see Asian faces

hogging the headlines. Why are they gaining currency and why have they become so

popular in the West? it is high time we delved into this phenomenon.

The reasons accounting for the phenomenon are numerous, with globalization being the

most prominent one. Time and space constraints have been loosened, so information can

now spread far and wide. in the past, Asian stars only developed their careers in one place,

and they did not have the opportunity to organize concerts overseas. With the rapid

development of transportation industry, artists can now travel to many places by airplane.

Since travelling has become easier and travelling time has greatly shortened, they have

started to promote themselves in western countries. As mentioned above, a swift

information flow lets westerners gain a better understanding of Asian celebrities.

it might also be noted that the advancement in information technology has increased the

exposure of Asian stars in the West. With just a click of the mouse, you can gain access to

YouTube, Youku and Tudou. These days, music videos and movie trailers are being uploaded

on such online platforms on a daily basis. Everyone with internet access can view these clips

and learn more about Asian stars, who are featured in many such videos. It is manifest that

the prevalence of video-sharing platforms has boosted the popularity of Asian stars in the


Yet, on no account should we overlook the role social networking websites, such as

Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace, plays. These platforms have helped introduce Asian stars to
the West. Consider Jay Chou: he used to be famous in Taiwan only, yet with the rise of social

media, his works have become more accessible to Westerners, and he has since become

widely admired in many corners of the world. This vividly explains why Asian celebrities

have started to gain global recognition.

In addition to globalization and social networking sites, we should not neglect the fact

that cultural homogeneity is equally vital. Our world is becoming a global village, and the

differences between cultures have diminished. Therefore, the content of Asian movies and

songs has become more palatable to Western audiences. For example, "Infernal Affairs”, a

movie starring Andy Lau, was a blockbuster in the UK, the US and Canada, probably

because the genre - crime thriller - is familiar to Western audiences.

Closely associated with this factor is the increasing participation of Asian stars in

Hollywood movies. Jackie Chan is a case in point: he was the leading actor in many

smash-hit movies, like "Rush Hour". His many appearances in Hollywood movies have

introduced Kung Fu to Westerners.

Some may think that Asian stars have gained popularity in the West owing to their hard

work. There is no need to deny this, as it is surely crucial to their success, but other external

factors must also be considered. Without YouTube and Facebook, would Asian stars be

known globally? It is evident that these factors play an essential role in their immense


To sum up, it is the lnternet, cultural immersion and globalization that allow Asian stars

to gain increasing popularity in the West. For them, the rise to global fame is no longer as

distant as reaching the moon.

Asian Celebrities Finally on the International Stage

Asian singers and movie stars have been increasingly recognized by the West in recent

years. PSY and Girls' Generation from South Korea; AKB48 and Luna Sea from Japan; and Li

Bingbing and Zhang Ziyi from China are some of the Asian celebrities who have gained fame

in the global entertainment industry. What makes Asian popular culture intriguing and

appealing to Westerners? Why are people all around the world all mesmerized by Asian


In fact, Asian stars’ phenomenal success is due to various reasons. Probably the most

notable is that Asian stars are very hardworking and like to take on challenges. Decades

ago, Chinese Kung Fu stars, such as Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, impressed the West thanks to

their superior martial arts skills. As time went by, a lot of young movie stars showed the

world their perseverance. For instance, Li Bingbing learnt Kung Fu in order to play the role of

Ada Wong, a Chinese spy in the Resident Evil movie series. This has greatly impressed many

westerners. On the other hand, action films produced in Hong Kong are still beloved by

many from the West because they have meticulously constructed storylines and

professional fights. With the help of advanced technology, movie quality has improved, and

so has Western audiences’ fascination with Asian culture. In the meantime, Asian singers

are also praised for their determination. Take Girls’ Generation for example. The team

members often practice dancing from dawn to dusk, which is why their dance moves are so

beautiful. This devotion has captured the hearts of people all around the world.

Alongside the painstaking effort that Asian stars have put into their work, their creativity

also explains their rapid rise. One typical example of Asian creativity is the horsing dance

first started by PSY, the legendary Korean singer whose music video, “Gangnam Style", got
over two billions of views on YouTube and had stayed top on Billboard Hot 100 for quite

some time - even President Obama learned the dance. PSY's success undoubtedly points

to the importance of creativity in the rise of Asian singers. Besides, the movie industry in

Asia is also well-reputed for excellent movie scripts. For example, “Echoes of the Rainbow”,

a film produced in Hong Kong, won an international film award. “Journey to the West:

Conquering the Demons”, a movie directed by Stephen Chow, is also well-accepted in the

West. A well-written script can always touch the heart of the audience. in fact, many

Hollywood producers have rewritten some Asian scripts and produced the Hollywood

versions of some Asian movies in recent years. However, most of them are not as famous as

the original ones. Asian stars' amazing creativity is beyond compare, and is without doubt

a significant contributory factor to their meteoric rise to fame.

It should also be noted that a lot of Asian stars are enormously talented. For instance,

Taiwanese singer Jay Chou is hugely popular in the West despite singing in a different

language, probably because his songs have beautiful melodies. Also, singers like Khalil Fong

and music bands like Luna Sea are well-known by Westerners. The former one is particularly

noted for his R&B songs with some Asian elements incorporated into them. Since Asian

music and movies are easily accessible to Westerners in this age of globalization, Asian

artists, many of whom are tremendously talented, are becoming popular in the Western


In conclusion, Asian celebrities’ hard work, creativity, and talent are the keys to their

unprecedented success. They have continued to impress global audiences with these

personal traits. It is foreseeable that Asian popular culture will be more influential in the

near future.
The Myths behind the Craze for Asian Entertainment

Girls' Generation, BigBang, PSY, Eason Chan, Jackie Chan are some of the most renowned

Asian singers, music bands, and movie stars in the world. Yes, their sphere of influence is

no longer confined to Asia: indeed, they are now well-known in the global entertainment

industry. But why are they so immensely popular across the globe? Let me uncover the

myths about the global craze for Asian pop culture in the following.

There are several reasons contributing to the latest Western craze for Asian entertainment.

The most notable one is that Asian celebrities are extraordinarily talented. Many of their

music and movie performances have captivated the hearts of audiences around the world.

PSY is a compelling example. In recent years, horse-riding dance moves and earworm songs

from Asia have penetrated the Western market: many Americans, for instance, have

imitated the dance moves and played the songs over and over again. The success of Asian

celebrities is in part due to their intense training. In Korea, singers and actors start their

training since young adolescence, which is far earlier than those from the West, who pale in

comparison as many of them indulge in drugs. Western audiences are therefore intrigued

by Asian stars.

Apart from the talent that Asian stars possess, the advancement of technology is an

important factor behind the rise of Asian singers and movie stars. With the advent of

video-sharing platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Weibo, time constraints

and language barriers now matter much less. Asian celebrities can easily promote

themselves to the Western World on such platforms by posting their works on YouTube,

where they can interact and build a relationship with their international fans. Today, a

Facebook status or an lnstagram post may spread like viruses, generating extensive publicity
on a scale that is unthinkable in the pre-digital era.

Under no circumstances should we overlook Asia’s rising soft power. Undoubtedly, Asia is

less economically and technologically advanced compared to the West. Yet, we should bear

in mind that Asia now enjoys a high international status in part because its entertainment

industry shows how much soft power it has. With the continuous support of the Korean

government, “The Moon that Embraces the Sun” and “Secret Garden” have become TV

shows that have opened a window for Westerners to understand Korean culture. In recent

decades, China has acquired cinematographic techniques from the West and is now

producing movies of ever higher quality. Western countries are curious to find out more

about the country through its music and movies. Even Thailand, Singapore and India are

producing movies that appeal to the West.

With the above analysis, the myths behind the craze for Asian entertainment have been

solved, and I do believe Asian songs and movies will continue to capture the hearts of more

and more people all over the globe.

An Overwhelming Surge in the Status of Asian Stars

Recently, there has been a new surge in enthusiasm for Asian popular culture around the

world. PSY, a Korean singer most famous for ”Gangnam Style”, is a compelling illustration.

Only two months after the song video was uploaded on YouTube, it was viewed two billion

times, making it one of the most viewed videos of all time. What makes Asian stars like him

so successful?

In fact, there are a multitude of reasons behind Asian stars’ overwhelming success. First

and foremost, information technology has played an indispensable role in the rise of Asian

singers and movie stars. In this digital age, information can spread in a matter of seconds,

thanks to the discovery of optical fibres by Charles K. Kao. Nowadays, netizens can

download a full-length music video in many parts of the globe in the blink of an eye“. This is

why Korean songs like ”Gangnam Style”, martial arts movies like ”Ip Man”, and television

shows such as “Running Man" can be accessed easily by people from every corner of the

globe. Not only are these Asian films and songs available on computers and smartphones,

they can also be watched and listened to anytime and anywhere.

The second reason for the phenomenon is that Asian entertainment is highly innovative.

Nowadays, Asian shows are comprised of electrifying stage elements, including danceable

beats, sophisticated spotlight sequencing and new camera perspectives. Consider “Mr.

Simple”, a music video by a Korean pop group, Super Junior. Throughout the video, camera

angles move constantly as if the group were dancing in front of the audience. The singers

wear glamorous make-up that is distinctively Asian. It helps that K-pop has vivid rhythms

and melodies”. All these elements, without a doubt, contribute to the rise of Asian pop

Apart from the aforementioned reasons, never should we overlook the influence of Asian

culture. Westerners can often find something in Asian movies and songs that they enjoy.

Wing Chun is a case in point. Westerners have long had an unquenchable enthusiasm for

Chinese martial arts, and as more and more Kung Fu movies are produced, Wing Chun has

become an established movie genre in the West: they are so popular that people would rush

to cinemas whenever a new Kung Fu movie is released. Today, the majority of Americans can

name their favourite action movie stars easily: Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen,

and so on and so forth. Most impressively, a skyrocketing number of Asian movie celebrities,

like Jackie Chan, have participated in Hollywood films. It is little wonder that the popularity

of Asian stars is on the rise.

In conclusion, there are a host of factors that can explain the rise of Asian popular culture

and Asian singers and movie stars. These days, people around the world are paying more

and more attention to other cultures, and increasingly, they are mesmerized by Asian

songs and movies.

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