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Alyssa Rodrigues


Ways of the Church

As members of the church we are taught that Virtue is a high principle

and one of the most value to our Heavenly Father. Many places we are
around we can see there being unequal distribution on some of things
mentioned. However, we are all different in many ways, when it comes to
being spiritually unequal it’s not because of the choices of others but the
choices we ourselves make. There is nothing virtuous about a woman who
decides to abort her baby simply because she doesn’t want it or because she
feels like it. The woman’s divine role is of a mother, our purpose is to bring
Gods children to earth to raise them, care for them, and love them through
His righteous ways. This however, as horrible and immoral it was that
mother’s choice, she became spiritually and virtuously unequal the moment
she made that decision. God gave her free agency and its up to us to decide
if we use it wisely or not. One can be equal to another spiritually and
virtuously, but one would have to make the choices and sacrifices that the
other made to reach that spiritual level.

Virtue brings us closer to our Father in Heaven, it helps lift us and

makes us better people. Having virtue within the society brings hope for
better things to come. If we were to make decisions for our country based
on virtue, then I am sure many things could be solved and equality would
not be an issue. Making virtuous choices within our society does not mean
special rights, it means making choices that god would make that would help
and benefit the whole of the country. Unfortunately, people in general don’t
think that way. When we bring up issues like abortion and homosexuality the
people want more then equal rights, they want acceptance and extra rights
to make what they legally right and moral within the eyes of the country.
When many states went and legalized same-sex marriage and abortion they
weren’t giving them equal right but special rights to endorse their actions
and make the people shut up and accept what they do.

I truly believe that when the country comes to together for one sole
Godly purpose to make this nation brighter and righteous God will be on our
side, he will help make sure things happen accordingly to bless us and our
country. If we do nothing and stay on the sidelines God will see we really
don’t care, as long as it’s not affecting us personally then just let it be. This
however is not Gods way.

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