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Currently, there is an important topic that everybody is talking about: how to reduce ecological

impacts. This alterity in the lifecycle has increased drastically because of human activities like
industrialization, monocrops, logging, natural sources explotation, which speeded the climate
change impacts. Those activities have produces pollution and have reduced fauna and flora

In view of dramatical effects, some people have taken awareness about natural sources protection
and ecological impact reduction. I think that everybody should take action about environmental
problems. Each act starts in home, when we are taking a shower and we use more of we need. We
should reduce our dregs and classify in recyclable material or rubbish.

In the case of companies, they should incorporate in their organizational strategies a program of
social responsibility, which includes some actions to reduce the impact like consume less water
and recycling. For instance, Reprograf is a company of paper production located in Colombia. This
organization seeds trees in the forest, which can’t be deforastated in 30 years, to compensate the
logging they do.

Other economic field like hospitality have started to build sustainable infrastructures, which
consume less power energy and water.

In addition, I would like to say that every little good action contribute to a better world and a clean
and safety environment.

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