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THE OBSCURE: Heraclitus of Ephesus



Heraclitus was born around 535BC in Ephesus, a flourishing city in Ionia located in Asia Minor
or modern day Efes, Turkey. The region was ruled by the Persians. Ephesus was close to another city,
Miletus, which was renowned as a center for learning, especially pre-Socratic thoughts.

Few details are available about Heraclitus’ life. According to ancient historian and chronicler
Diogenes Laertius, known for writing biographies of famous thinkers, Heraclitus was the son of
Herakon, a descendant of Androclus, the founder of a great Ionian dynasty of that period, which ruled
the region.

Diogenes claims, Heraclitus, since childhood, bore a mournful demeanor and would be seen
brooding alone in corners of his parental home or temples. Heraclitus was a brilliant and inquisitive
student but contemptuous towards conventional studies. Diogenes states, Heraclitus as a boy would
claim that he knew nothing. Later, he claimed to possess knowledge acquired by questioning himself.
“Things that can be seen, heard and learned are what I prize the most, “Heraclitus would say.

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