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Having conversation with foreign tourists

- Hi…
- Good morning
- Hello

- We are from senior high school of Temanggung (Central Java)
- We are English Students
- We are sorry for disturbing your activity, do you have time?

Question topics:
- What’s your name? Your name please…
- Where do you come from? / Where are you from? / What is your nationality?
- What brings you here? / What are you doing in Indonesia? / Are you here for
holiday? / Are you on vocation?
- What is your first impression when you arrived at Indonesia?
- What do you think of Indonesia? What do you think of Borobudur?
- Could you tell me about tourism places in your country?
- Could you tell me about the geography of your country?
- Could you tell me about the seasons in your country?
- Could you tell me something you like and dislike about Indonesia?
- The last question…
- Can I have your complete name, address, and e-mail please? We are going to send
you a letter or e-mail.

- Well… thank you for your time. / Thank you for your information
- We are sorry for disturbing your activity. / It’s nice talking with you.
- Have a nice day. / Have a nice holiday. / Have a nice visit.

- Good bye…
- Bye…
- See you…

Other good topics

- Could you tell me about your love story?
- Could you share your interesting experience with us?
- What do you think of the most different thing between Indonesia and your
- Is it the first time coming to Indonesia?
- What place will you visit after Borobudur?
- If you want a village panorama with tea plantation, fresh air and spring water, you
can visit my home village
- Can I have the newest popular expression of English?
- Who is the most popular artist in your country?
- How long have you been in Indonesia?

Other useful expressions

- Are you okay to take picture with us?
- Could you speak slowly, please?
- Could you repeat your question? / Pardon? / Sorry? / Excuse me?
- Yes, please
- No, thanks
- Right, good, very nice
- Only three questions, please!


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