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CNST 318 – Statics and Strengths of Materials

HW #11 – Center of Gravity

Use your textbook Chapter 6, Section 6.1 (pages 300 to 310), the resources and information on
Blackboard and my lectures (videos have now been made available to all sections) to develop
your answers. Answer all of the following questions using a ruler and graph paper:

1. Textbook homework question 6.3 on pg. y

Find the centroid of the shape given. Use
the referenced origin marked by the ‘O’
(blue dot) as (x,y) = (0,0). Do not forget
units in your answers.

= SxA/A =
= SyA/A =

Component Area (ft2) x (ft) xA (ft3) y (ft) yA (ft3)

Summations SA = SxA = SyA =

2. Use the sketch given to the right with
the two cross sections shown (a C7x9.8
channel cap with its flanges down and
an S12x35 beam). They are arranged
in a common configuration for
supporting a dynamic load such as
those that might occur on a monorail or
jib crane beam (the hoist and payload
would ride along the bottom flange of
the S12 beam). The starting reference
origin is shown as the middle of the
bottom flange of the S12 beam. Due to
the vertical symmetry about the y axis
the x center of gravity (x_bar) is zero.
That is to say there is no eccentricity in
this cross-section about the vertical
axis. However, the horizontal axis is

Determine what the y center of gravity

(y_bar) is relative to the reference
origin shown. Do not forget units in your

[Hint: There is an example Component Area (in2) y (in) yA (in3)

very similar to this one on
page 327 of your C7x9.8
textbook. The first table is
the determination of the
y_bar.] S12x35

You can get the cross- Summations SA = SyA =

sectional properties for
the S12 and C7 on page
573 of your textbook.

= SyA/A =

HW #11 - Center of Gravity.docx

Page 2

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