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Healing Sounds

About Sound 1

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“It is not sufficient merely to spiritualize our life,
but what we need is to materialize our spirit.” Menu
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All frequencies co-exist in the same time-space

About Sound 1 Page Contents:

(Click on the headings below or scroll down.)

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Super & Transonic Speed of Sound

Earth Speaks

Schumann Resonance

Primitive Brain

Ultrasonic Sound

Infrasonic Sound


Harmonic Life of Plants

Water July 1999 Breaking through

sound barrier
DNA Discoveries

Act of Intention

Sound 'charges' the Brain & gives the Body a 'Sonic Bloom'

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The lower and slower the frequency, the closer we come to matter. The higher, faster
and more refined the frequency, the closer we come to the spectrum of 7 colours of light
vibration - finally white light and then pure energy. The blue end of the colour spectrum
is where the vibration is fastest, whereas the redder the colour, the slower the
vibration. If we take the frequency of any specific note and double this frequency
enough times, we will eventually reach the light spectrum. The only difference between 1/18
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7 colours of the light spectrum
and the 7 notes of the sound
spectrum is the rate of vibration.
This also corresponds to the 7
energy Chakras, the vortices
that run along the centre of the
body. The body is a
manifestation of the harmonic
chord. (see Chakra Tuning Forks)

Go to "Explorer's Map of the

Electromagnetic Spectrum".
This map contains a most interesting example of the EMS.

Most of the time we a bombarded by disharmonious noises - e.g. traffic, fridge, dogs barking, loud
music, even by electric current. Sound can cripple or heal. Initially thoughts and emotions manifest as
frequencies. Sound can change the rhythms of our brainwaves, as well as our heartbeat and
respiration. In India there are ragas (meaning 'mood' or 'mode') for every hour of the day and season.
The octave represents a complete cycle of sounds. The division of sounds is akin to mathematical
proportions. Confucius (5th c. BC China), Pythagoras (5th c. BC), Plato (4th c. BC Greece) deeply
investigated the mysteries of these intervals. They believed that sound created a heavenly link and
brought sacred energies down into the world of matter.
(See Sound Evolution & the Genesis Ladder)

Healing is a manipulation of these

frequencies from discordant to
harmonious. Both the Earth and body
have a vibration of 8 cycles per second,
which can be conceived as a wonderful
orchestra of sound. (See the Schumann
Resonance heading under Products / the
Harmonic Tuner)
There are sounds that are so high that they
seem to ring in ones head, or so low that
the floor under ones feet seems to vibrate
like low thunder or an earthquake. The
low frequencies, like the noise we
experience in cities, are the exhausting
frequencies, whereas the higher more
refined frequencies (8,000hz) similar to
those we hear when we are embryos in the
womb are energizing. 2/18
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Super and TransSonic Speed of Sound

Sound travels at 340 meters per second at sea level. Sometimes, going close to that speed through air
can cause some unusual visual effects around the shock wave formed by the sound.

Supersonic Flight, Sonic Booms

Earth Speaks 3/18
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No matter how closely you listen, you will not hear the Earth hum –
but humming it is. Far far below the range of human
hearing, waves of energy are causing the ground beneath
your feet to rise and fall about three-millionths of an inch
every few minutes. Studies over the past decade have
proved that the hum is far too constant for it to be seismic
activity of small earthquakes. A likely origin is two ocean
waves traveling in opposite directions, colliding over
continental shelves sending a cacophony down to the sea
floor triggering vibrations that ripple through the planet.
Broadly defined infrasound waves are longer than 56 feet
and below 20 Hz. Crashing waves, hurricanes, tsunamis,
tornadoes, volcanoes and avalanches generate infra low
frequency sounds. A sign of a lengthy infrasound wave
passing by, is a slight variation in air pressure.
Detecting this signal can give an advance warning of
Our Blue Earth speaks
30minutes prior to the event.
by Gregory Mone

Georgia's Got Talent Genadi Tkachenko Sounds of the earth

Schumann Resonance
Research in Biophysics suggests that our biological system is tuned into the background
frequency of our planet - the Schumann Resonance - a steady pulse of 7.83 Hz which beats
around the planet in the cavity between the earth & ionosphere. It is affected by lightning & sunspot
activity. It has been found that this frequency is also the dominant brainwave rhythm of all mammals.
Weather may be influenced by group consciousness (nothing new about this to some indigenous
tribes). Weather is strongly influenced by Earth resonance frequencies (Schumann frequencies). But
those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when many people synchronize their
thinking or when spiritual masters focus their thoughts in a laser-like fashion, then it is not at all
surprising that they can influence the weather. 5/18
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My website gives more information on this subject.
Go to: Products / Harmonic Tuner / Sounds Used in the Harmonic Tuner / Schumann Resonance.

The Primitive Brain

The middle and inner ear of the human foetus attains practically adult size by the 5th
month of gestation. It is the first sensory organ to evolve and is like a primitive brain
affecting the brain’s
development. Therefore,
appreciation for acoustical
nuances is built into the human
brain during its embryonic
development. The response of
premature infants to music was
researched. One group listened to
Brahms lullaby (stringed version)
six times a day, while a control
group listened to nothing. The group of infants who listened to
Brahms gained weight faster, had fewer complications and were released from the
hospital an average of a week earlier than those babies who did not listen to Brahms.

Watch how this father stops his baby crying in seconds

Our auditory capacity ranges from approximately 16Hertz to 20,000 Hz (cycles per
second) and is ten times larger in range than our visual capacity, which extends from
infrared to ultra violet wavelengths. While our audible memory far exceeds our visual
memory, there is an enormously greater audible functioning happening in our
subconscious than we are aware of.

How conscious are we? Are some of us unconscious nomads looking for a ‘fix’ to our discord? Do we
spread discord and noise, or do we contribute to harmony? Are we are responsible for everything we
listen to and everything we generate. Sound can produce beauty and inspiration, or it can be
destructive, shattering, violent and painful. Using Sound to reintroduce harmony and sympathetic
resonance can transform and heal.

Today we live in a rapid, dynamic, ever-changing and disposable society bringing fear and stress - the
disease of the body, emotions and mind.
Through Sound it is possible to change rhythms of our brainwaves, our heartbeat as
well as our respiration. These principles of using resonance and entrainment are
fundamental concepts behind the use of Sound to heal and transform. From ancient
times, sound and music is used as a powerful tool for self-transformation. It facilitates
the experience of ourselves and in so doing, we experience mankind and the rest of the
world. 6/18
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Ultrasonic Sound
Refers to sound waves over 20,000 Hz., above the frequencies of
audible sound.
Sounds in the range 20-100 kHz are commonly used for communication and
navigation by bats, dolphins and some other species.
Medical diagnostic ultrasound scans extend to 1 to 20MHz. The use of longer
wavelengths implies lower resolution since the maximum resolution of any
imaging process is proportional to the wavelength of the imaging wave.

Infrasonic Sound
Refers to sound waves below 20 Hz., under the frequencies of audible sound.
Infrasound can travel for long distances and go through objects, including buildings,
dense forests and even mountains.
Sources of infrasound in nature include volcanoes, avalanches, earthquakes and meteorites. The
eruption of the Fuego volcano in Guatamala produced infrasonic sound in excess of 120 decibels in the
range below 10Hz. Mt Erebus, an active volcano in Antarctica generated very strong ultrasonic sounds
while the audible sounds were unremarkable. Ocean storms and waves generate a lot of infrasound.
Studies of infrasound of hurricanes offer some hope of deciphering the infrasound signature of an
approaching hurricane. Infrasound detectors are used to detect avalanches and send warning signals.
A number of animals produce and use sounds in the infrasonic range for communication over very
long distances. After 2004 tsunami it was reported that dogs refused to go outside, zoo animals that
wouldn't leave their shelters and elephants that burst their chains rushing to higher ground.
Elephants, whales, tigers, rhinos, giraffe, horses and other animals communicate using low frequency
sounds, some of which are infrasonic. It could be that herd animals rely on infrasound to keep the
group together and to communicate over distance.


Animal Sound Levels

30Hz is the high end of Beta waves and is roughly coincident with the
frequency of cat’s purrs.
According to an article in the London Telegraph 2001 by David Harrison:
“……the purring of cats is naturally healing and occurs between the
frequencies of 27 and 44 Hz which are the dominant frequencies for house
cats. Studies confirm that exposure to these specific frequencies naturally
heal and strengthen human bones and help them grow. This includes all cats
purr though not tigers.

Elephant Talk

are the
largest land
period is 22
months, the
longest of any land animal. Famed for their
memory and intelligence, they are a symbol of
wisdom and thought to be on par with cetaceans
and hominids. Hence they are known as the
Elephant Foetus @ 22 months
‘Memory-keepers’ of the Earth, guided not only by
intelligence but also by voices of their ancestors with generations of memory. 7/18
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Intelligence & Self-awareness: A wide variety of behaviours, including those
associated with grief, making music, art, altruism, allomothering, play, use of
tools, compassion and self-awareness is evidence of a highly intelligent species on
par with cetaceans and primates. Elephants recognize that the image in the mirror
is their own self and such abilities are considered the basis for empathy, altruism
and higher social interactions. This ability has been demonstrated in humans,
apes, dolphins and magpies.

Communication: Elephants live in a structured social order and in a network of

communication. Females live in tightly knit family groups made up of mothers,
daughters, sisters, and aunts led by a matriarch. Adult males live mostly solitary lives and are less
vocal. Around the age of fourteen, the mature male, or bull, sets out from his natal group for good. It is
usually the older bulls, forty to fifty years old, that do most of the breeding.

The largest areas in the elephant brain are those responsible for hearing, smell and movement
coordination. Their sense of hearing and smell is exceptional. Hearing receptors reside not only in
ears, but also in trunks that are sensitive to vibrations, and most significantly feet, which have special
receptors for low frequency sound.

Elephants are famous for their trumpet calls which are made during excitement - from startlement, to
a cry for help, to rage. They make rumbling growls when greeting each other. The growl can become a
bellow and a bellow can become a prolonged moan. This can escalate to a roar when threatening
another elephant or another animal.

Elephants can communicate over long distances by

producing and receiving infrasound - a subsonic
rumbling which can travel in the air and through the
ground much farther than higher frequencies. These
calls range from 15-35 Hz and would be deafening if
we could hear them – around 110 decibels, as loud as
a rock concert, with long waves at 225 feet and with a
maximum range of around 10 km. Other animals like
rhinos, alligators, hippos and whales use infrasound
as well.
Observations of elephant behavior suggests that they
responded to the waves through the ground before
they heard them in the air - plausible since the waves
would travel faster in the solid material.
This sound is felt and picked up by the sensitive skin
of an elephant's feet and trunk. To listen attentively,
every member of the herd will lift one foreleg from
the ground, and face the source of the sound, or often
lay its trunk on the ground. The lifting presumably
increases the ground contact and sensitivity of the
remaining legs aiding their navigation by infrasound.

Pioneering research in elephant infrasound communication has been carried out by Katy Payne, of the
Elephant Listening Project (detailed in her book, 'Silent Thunder').
This research shows how elephants can find distant potential mates and how social groups are able to
coordinate their movements over extensive range. Male and female elephants will find one another for
reproduction. With 2 years of gestation followed by two more for nursing, a female is receptive only a
few days every 4 to 5 years. The female is no sooner in estrus than she is surrounded by males until
her period of receptivity ends. The answer lies in a unique sequence of intense, low frequency calls
that receptive females make during their estrus. This sequence always has the same form and
technically may be called a ‘song’.

A new calf is usually the centre of attention and all herd members gather around the newborn,
touching and caressing it with their trunks. Everyone in the herd cares and protects the young. The
mother will usually select several full-time baby-sitters or "allomothers” who will help in aspects of
raising the calf. A roar and a scream from a distressed baby calf creates havoc as the relatives rush to
the rescue. Their rumbles of panic were among the strongest infrasonic calls recorded.

It is marvelous to see the ‘silent’ mass coordination and simultaneous arrival of several groups of
elephants from different directions. Sometimes there may be synchronous freezing or simultaneous
calling. The haphazard wanderings of family groups most often are not random but coordinated with
other groups.

National Geographic Aug1989 by Katy Payne, bioacoustics engineer, Cornell University.
Elephants are known to be the Memory & Wisdom Keepers of the Earth.
Wales are known to be the Memory & Wisdom Keepers of the Great Waters.

Whale Song
There were hundreds of thousands of these mammals at the beginning of the 20th century but they
have been hunted close to extinction. They are extremely intelligent and have a complex
communication system known as ‘songs’. Group loyalty is strong and each pod has its own particular
dialect. They are the first mammals known to have dialects in the same way as human language. The
blue whale is 100ft/31m long, weighs over 100 tons, is the largest animal ever to inhabit the planet. 8/18
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i.e. whales,
are warm
blooded, air
which give
to live

marine mammals map out their world through sound and are greatly dependent on
sound for communication and sensation, more so than land mammals, due to the
limitation of the other senses in water. "Seeing" with sound is called echolocation which
helps them locate food and navigate underwater. Dolphins make sounds above the
range of human hearing that helps them see detailed "pictures" of objects in the water.
A higher sound which has a shorter wavelength, produces a more detailed "picture".
Toothed whales e.g. Killer whales and Bottle-nose dolphins use ECHOLOCATION for
hunting and navigating, while Baleen whales e.g. Humpbacks and Blue whales found in
the Indian Ocean, are known to produce repetitive sounds at varying frequencies
known as ‘WHALE SONG’. Marine biologist Philip Clapham describes the song as
"probably the most complex in the animal kingdom". Whale songs with other sounds
representing our Earth planet, were carried into outer space by Voyager.

Toothed whales generally produce low frequency sounds by moving air between air-spaces or sinuses
in the head. Membranes are sucked together, causing the surrounding tissue to vibrate. These
vibrations can be controlled with great sensitivity and can be directed into a beam of sound for
echolocation. These sounds are reflected out & echoed back from objects providing information about
the seafloor, the shorelines, underwater obstacles, water depth, and the presence of other animals
underwater. A recent theory suggests that very high intensity focused sounds may be used to stun or
disorient prey in hunting. Lower sounds travel further in water because they have longer wavelengths.
These sounds are too low for humans to hear. The speed of sound in water is roughly four times faster
than in the atmosphere at sea level.

When Humpbacks ‘sing’ it is a very specific communication linked to migration, feeding and mating
patterns - not related to echolocation or other forms of communication. They often sing long
complicated songs lasting up to 30 or so minutes, over and over again, over the course of hours or
even days and can be heard up to 100 miles away. Mating songs are performed exclusively by males
competing for females. Slight changes to a song may be determined by social ranking. Specific whale
sounds are thought to be used to identify other individuals, for long-range contact and to warn of
threats, as well as navigation. Each whale species, like the Orca, has its own set of sounds. Groups of
whales within the same species often make calls that differ from other populations. Whales occupying
the same geographical areas (which can be as large as entire ocean basins) tend to sing similar songs, 9/18
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with only slight variations. Whales from non-overlapping regions sing entirely different songs. Most
other whales and dolphins produce sounds of varying degrees of complexity. Of particular interest is
the Beluga (the "sea canary") which produces an immense variety of whistles, clicks and pulses etc

Research by Dr Christopher Clark of Cornell University using 30 years of military submarine testing
data, showed that whale sounds travel up to 3,000 km. His research indicates that ambient noise from
boats is doubling each decade, reducing the range at which whale songs can be heard. Because these
sea mammals are so dependent on hearing, the increased noise is creating undue stress on the ability
to find a mate, thereby negatively affecting the overall population.
National Geographic Dec 1976, Nov 1995, July 1999

Harmonic Life of Plants

When plants were exposed to Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert they grew toward the
sound. Plants not only grew away from heavy rock music but also grew abnormally tall with
excessively small leaves or remained stunted with sparse roots using much more water than the
classically entertained plants which flourished in all ways. Music of Bach and the sitar played by Ravi
Shankar played to plants caused them to lean an unprecedented 35 degrees towards Bach’s music
and more than halfway in excess of 60 degrees towards the Indian classical music.
From 'Secret Life of Plants' by Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird.

Dan Carlson of Blaine, Minnesota discovered that

5000Hz makes plants ‘breathe’ better. Pulsed high
frequency sonics of around 5000Hz embedded in
Oriental, Indian and Classical music, was played daily to
the plants for half an hour and also sprayed with diluted
plant nutrients. Result!.....a phenomenal 99% growth
increase of any plant. A 4 ½ inch purple passion plant
grew to 1400 feet long in 2 ½ years. Normal size: 18
inches. (It grew into the Guiness Book of World
records.) A 15 foot tomato plant produced 836 tomatoes;
rose bushes with 75 blooms; double yields of potatoes
and beans; Jojoba seeds expanded 40% bigger and
germinated in 20 days instead of 1 to 5 months. Plant
yields not only increased two to tenfold with this
sound/spray treatment, but they were also more
nutritious having absorbed the nutrients better.

Sound could help replace chemical fertilizer and could help with
world hunger. 10/18
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Could high frequency sounds affect cell respiration in humans too? Could high frequency music
increase our absorption of nutrients?
Indian researchers studying Ayurvedic medicine chanted mantras over growing plants twice daily.
Herbal medicines made from these plants proved more effective and potent than those extracted from
mantra deprived plants.

In ancient belief where underground water rose up from the ground
it was considered sacred and to have high energy levels, making it
the ideal for erecting a shrine. In ancient times people paid true
respect to water (fertility symbol). But in recent times water lost its
mystique becoming just another substance of technology.

Water is a faithfully sensitive ‘master listener’ receiving sound

frequencies and recording information emitted by the world. It
mirrors this world. Could it be that even the events experienced
throughout our lives become recorded memories in water/blood !

The lesson that we learn has to do with the power of sound, intent and words. The
simple act of announcing your intentions, the realization of it will follow and gather
energy towards you.
The vibration of good words has a positive effect on our world (frequency + intention =
healing)…..whereas the vibration from negative words has the power to destroy…. and
the act of verbalization has the power to change the world (visualization + vocalization
= manifestation).

When water has had certain words, concentrated thoughts or pictures directed towards
it, high-speed photography shows the changes and the effects on crystals that form in
frozen water. It seems that complete geometric crystals are formed when water is in
alignment with nature and the phenomenon we call life. When crystals do not form,
there is a fundamental failure to remember the laws of nature.

Effect of Sound on Water

Dr. Emoto’s work provides factual evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts,
words, ideas & sound affect the molecular structure of water.
“Remember that water comprises over 70% of a mature human body & covers the same
amount on our planet. Water is the very source of all life. The fact that the molecular
structure of the water can be affected by our consciousness, our intent & our sounds is 11/18
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extremely important & may have great implications for the future of personal and
planetary harmony as well as healing.”

How this applies to us

People with similar frequencies are attracted/ resonate with each other.
However, if someone you don’t like approaches you and you react,
this also means that you are resonating in some way with that
person. In Japanese martial arts the secret is ‘winning without
fighting’ i.e. avoiding to resonate at all with the enemy. Even to
fight and win, results in resonance with the enemy.
Love has the effect of raising our frequency level & making us shine.
(Love/intention + frequency = ‘makes us shine’ / heals).

Masaru Emoto constructed a device and was able to

measure the negative vibrations coming from people.
They corresponded to the vibrations emitted by different elements. e.g.
vibrations created by irritation are equivalent to those of mercury
anger / lead
sadness & sorrow / aluminium
uncertainty / cadmium
despair / steel
stress / zinc

In an experiment when Saturn had a large influence on Earth, it was found that lead was easily soaked
up by paper floating in water, while other elements e.g. copper, silver, steel
showed little or no response…showing a close connection between Saturn
and lead, so the logical deduction is that Saturn, lead and anger are all
closely related.

So what should we do if we find our minds full of negative emotions? Based

on principles of vibration it is clear we need to emit the emotion
opposite to the negative emotion. By combining 2 opposite waves, the
negative emotion disappears. By identifying wavelengths of unwanted noise,
researchers broadcast the exact opposite noise from speakers, thereby
cancelling out the noise completely.

For every negative emotion there is an

exact opposite positive emotion:
Anger / Kindness
Fear /Courage
Anxiety / Peace of Mind
Pressure / Presence of Mind
Hate / Love, Gratitude, Appreciation

Love and Gratitude.....

What could be more effective at overcoming negative energy and
returning vitality & immunity to your body or the Earth body. If
love and gratitude are intended, spoken, written or shown to
water, the water forms complete crystals, making it immune to
damaging environmental effects. Our emotions and feelings have an
effect on the world moment by moment. Every part of the universe contains
the information of all the parts of the universe. In other words, everything
that takes place in the universe, also takes place within our own bodies
beyond time and space. Are you going to choose a world of love and
gratitude, or a tortured world filled with discontent and destruction? Our
consciousness has a role to play in this creation.

Rupert Sheldrake proposes that events are capable of resonating in the same way that sound
resonates e.g. when someone becomes aware of something, then other people also tend to become
similarly aware. The location where such events take place (morphic field) and the phenomena of
repeated similar events (morphic resonance) has an instantaneous impact on all space and all
time. The combined will of many people can act as a force to change the world.
‘The Hidden Messages in Water’ by Masaru Emoto.



White blood cells were collected for DNA from donors and placed into
chambers so they could measure electrical changes. The donor was placed in
one room and subjected to different "emotional stimulations" of video clips.
The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the
donor and his DNA exhibited emotional peaks or valleys measured by
THE SAME MOMENT – and at 50 miles the result was still identical. This 12/18
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transmission of energy is not affected by time and distance and exists everywhere all the time.

Human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container from which they
could measure changes in the DNA. Twenty-eight vials were given (one each) to 28 trained
researchers, who had been trained how to generate and FEEL feelings and strong emotions.
It was discovered that DNA changed its shape according to the feelings:-

1. When the researchers felt gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded by relaxing, the strands
unwound and became longer.

2. When the researchers felt anger, fear, frustration or stress, the DNA responded by tightening up, the strands
became shorter and switched off many of the DNA codes. These codes were reversed and were switched back
on again when feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation were felt by the researchers.

With HIV positive patients they discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and
appreciation created 300,000 times the resistance. So, by staying in these positive feelings,
you can maintain an incredibly strong immune system.

How does this Apply to Us?

Remember that the law of the Universe is that we attract what we focus on.
If you feel joy, love, appreciation or gratitude and focus on bringing more of that into
your life, you are going to avoid the negative stuff automatically. Find something to be
happy about every day, every hour, every moment.

We live through our feelings and this is how we echo our reality. As you can see from
everything that I have placed on this website, fundamental to all Life, is a pulsating web
of frequencies. Sound plays an integral part in echoing our overall existence,
connecting us with the energy and matter of a pulsating Universe.
Reported by Greg Braden, scientist & engineer.


Physicists have recorded tiny vibrations of individual
molecules, that can be called sounds.
The vibrations in their original form are too fast and small to hear,
but otherwise fit the physical description of what makes a sound -
producing similar vibrations in neighboring molecules spreading the
oscillations outward. That’s enough to meet dictionary definitions of
sound, though others apply the word only to what can be heard.
Audible sound consists of the same sorts of vibrations, but much
bigger and slower, and affecting trillions of molecules, so they can
Graphic Depiction of move the eardrums. But there’s no firm line between audible and
Molecular Vibrations inaudible.
Making a molecule’s vibrations audible, however, is just a matter of
playing them back much, much slower at a lower pitch and louder. To imagine what one molecule
might sound like picture the smallest bell making a tiny, high-pitched 'ping'. Then conceive of a tone
unimaginably smaller and higher.

To make the “sound” researchers struck hydrogen atoms with short, intense laser pulses. They then
scaled the vibration speeds, or frequencies, down to about 1,000 Hertz, for a human audible pitch.

Researchers analyzed molecular motions by breaking them into their various frequencies or vibration
speeds. Different frequencies create different pitches in music. The molecular frequencies could thus
be analyzed as if they were musical chords. Just as a C Major chord sounds different from a d minor
chord, other molecules also would have their own unique sound.

Courtesy Kansas State University & World Science staff 2008.

This study was based on experiments at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Germany.


It has now been scientifically proven and
explained that our body is programmable
by language, words and thought. This
research points to the immense power of wave genetics, which
obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms
than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.

There is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and
reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10%
of our DNA which is used for building proteins, is of interest to western researchers and is being
examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered "junk DNA."
According to Russian researchers our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but
also serves as data storage and communication. It was discovered that the genetic code (especially in
the "useless" 90%) follows the same rules as all our human languages. They found that the alkalines of
our DNA follow a regular grammar and have set rules just like our languages. It is clear that human
languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA. 13/18
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It was proven that since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline
pairs and of language is of the same, no DNA decoding is
necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the
human language!

Researchers modulated certain frequency patterns (sound)

onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and
thus the genetic information itself. Living DNA substance
(in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-
modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper
sound frequencies are used. This explains why affirmations
and hypnosis have such strong effects on us.

Russian scientists, through modulated radio and light frequencies are repairing genetic defects. They
have even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus
reprogramming cells to another genome. e.g. they successfully transformed frog embryos to
salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! The entire information
was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-
introducing single genes from the DNA.

This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution by simply applying

vibration (sound frequencies) and language instead of the archaic cutting-out

Of course the frequency has to be correct. In self healing the individual must work on his/her inner
processes and development in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. The more
developed an individual’s consciousness is, the greater the communication and healing potential.

Our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in a vacuum, thus producing magnetized
wormholes! Wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen
bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars). These are tunnel
connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information
can be transmitted outside of space and time. DNA attracts these bits of information
passing them on to our consciousness and one suddenly gains access to information
that is outside one's knowledge base. Such hyper-communication is then experienced as
inspiration, intuition, trance, telepathy and channeling. The side effects encountered
most often in hyper-communication in humans are inexplicable electromagnetic fields
in the vicinity of the persons concerned. Stress, worry, hyperactive intellect prevents
hyper-communication or the information will be totally distorted.

We attain access to all information via our DNA. Remote healing, telepathy or "remote sensing" about
the state of another, can thus be explained. Some animals know from afar when their owners plan to
return home. All this can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness
and hyper-communication.

The full article can be viewed -
DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA)


There is an ancient 6-tone scale called the original Solfeggio Scale.

This scale, which was lost for centuries and was just recently
rediscovered accidentally by Dr. Joseph Puleo, is said to hold
unlimited potential in healing and personal transformation.

One of the notes on the Solfeggio Scale, particularly the one that
vibrates at 528 Hz has been used by biochemists to repair human

The frequency of 528 Hz appears to influence the water

molecules that surround the DNA helix, thereby bringing
about healing effects on DNA.
According to Dr.Leonard Horowitz (Harvard graduated public health expert & well-known author of
15 health science books), all healing occurs from sonic waves or vibrations, specific frequencies of
sound, resonating throughout the universe. He claims that human cells use DNA, like radios use
antennae, to receive the note vibrations and attune the body’s rhythm to that of the cosmos. He refers
to the 528 Hz Solfeggio note as "the frequency of love" which, in addition to providing health benefits,
opens the portals to spiritual transformation.

This is echoed by Dr. Candice Pert, PhD, who states that energy and vibration go all the way to the
molecular level. When vibration and frequency reaches the 70 different receptors on the molecules
they too begin to vibrate. This vibration at the cellular level, opens the chromosomes and exposes the
DNA to the frequencies.

Experiments involving in vitro DNA exposed to different recordings of musical styles

have been performed by Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York.
Four styles of music, including Gregorian chants that use the Solfeggio scale, were 14/18
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converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD
player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The effects of
the music were determined by measuring the DNA test
tube samples' absorption of UV light after an hour of
exposure to the music. The absorption of UV light is
significant because the DNA helix unwinds to allow such

The results showed that the Gregorian chants caused a

significant increase in the absorption of UV light versus rock music, which had little or
no effect. It was concluded that the audible sound waves of the Solfeggio scale can cause
resonance in DNA and can, indeed, have profound healing effects.

To experience the effect of the 528 Hz note of the Solfeggio scale, just type "528 Hz" in
and you'll find several videos that feature this healing frequency.


Scientists say they’ve found approximate locations in our genome
where genes affecting musical talent may lie. The findings
suggest musical ability is partly genetic and may share
evolutionary roots with language.

The patch of DNA in question encompasses about 50 genes. Of particular

interest within these was a gene that interacts with molecules governing the
development of brain cells and their interconnections.
Mutations in the gene are also indirectly linked to defects in time and pitch
There’s also evidence such mutations may be connected to the language dysfunction of dyslexia,
suggesting possible connections between music and language. Interestingly, of the three musical tests
they used, the one with the strongest apparent link to the gene region is also predictive of dyslexia,
which impairs reading and spelling ability. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience also reported that
children with language syntax deficits also have musical difficulties.

Scientists have long suspected music might have

genetic roots. The not-uncommon appearance of
families of musicians, such as the clan that famously
spawned J.S. Bach in 1685, also suggest a genetic
basis — though other factors could explain that
phenomenon. For this to be absolutely definitive,
further mapping, isolation and characterization of
genes that predispose to musical aptitude needs to be
carried out.
World Science, April 30, 2008


To know the underlying motive or intention of
what moves us to do and to act the way we do,
is fundamental of being in harmony and
alignment, and also being in integrity with our
universe. This requires a hunger that
demands impeccability to discard what is not essential. An act of intention is an act of
Heart - the permeating force of universal wisdom.

Sound is a highly effective tool for healing and fortunately, one does not need to believe in it for it to
work. Most vibrational energy practitioners address the bodymind and when the power of creative
intention is included into the therapy, it greatly amplifies the effectiveness of healing whereby a
successful outcome is intensified. The Sound Therapy experience I offer includes time for simplifying
and refocusing with heart to formulate a clear impeccable intention. Intention consciously draws on
the universal energy field empowering and dramatically accelerating the healing process. The mind
holds immense healing and creative powers which continue to work on your behalf as long as
conscious focus of intention is maintained.

Simply put, ‘intention’ means focusing the mind with heart to bring thoughts and feelings into a
simplified clarity and using visualization to create this reality - different from ‘hope’, which relies on
help from external forces and sits in the position of capitulation wishing to be in another place because
the present situation is uncomfortable or too painful. Hope contains ‘the victim’ and lacks the energy
necessary for the creativity in searching for growth and truth within the situation one is confronted
with. Whether we are aware of it or not, we use the force of intention either positively or negatively
every moment of our every day. Our thoughts, feelings and dreams are the templates for the results
and experiences of our lives. In this context, like attracts like.

Creative intention has a sense of being deeply inspired, deeply moved. We are
motivated to respond to a deeper calling with the unwavering knowing that our
intention is not only reachable, but also will become a reality – ‘it is so’.
Lack of success usually stems from unresolved issues, negative beliefs harboured as
subconscious fears and old, ingrained issues that we may not even be aware of. Nothing
can become a part of our reality unless our thinking-feeling, conscious-subconscious 15/18
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mind is in alignment and fully engaged in the intention. This is where Sound creates an
environment for the mind to soften and become spacious from its chaotic milieu,
allowing it to harmoniously repattern according to the clear intention that the heart has
just articulated. Intention ‘seeds’ itself in the creative fertility of Silence, where stillness
is moved by a consciousness that powerfully recognizes, not only itself, but also
becomes one with the infinite mysteries of all and everything. Intent is comprised of
many levels which one may or may not attain in a lifetime. It all becomes a magical
journey of discovery.

The teachings of Don Juan Matus were recorded in a number of books by Carlos Castenada who,
under his guidance, walked the road of ‘the spiritual warrior’. His experiences go deeply into the
subject of ‘intent’.

Intent is the element that propels the warrior;

it is the flow of things; the pervasive force that
causes us to perceive; the force that
permeates everything; intent is what makes
the world, it is everywhere. Intent and will are
energies of alignment. Warriors know that
intent is the alignment of all the emanations
of awareness. They recognize the way it
causes things to happen around them.
Warriors know that they must exercise their
intent by voicing it, announcing their
intentions to spirit and stating their aims to
achieve them.

The average man’s link with intent has been

numbed by the ordinary, distracting, over-full
concerns of daily life and his incessant blind
habit of making incorrect assumptions and
not 'listening' to the uniqueness of the
moment. When we begin on the path of
knowledge our intent is vague and our
purpose unclear and faulty. Objectives don’t
materialize because we know nothing of the
hardships of learning and the battle to
understand. Intent is the power within the
warrior and has to be controlled and tuned.

The purpose of the warrior’s path is to bring

the connecting link with intent to order, to revive the link with intent and to sensitize
this link until it functions at will. It is repeated throughout our lifetime until the
personal command of intent becomes a mastery that projects beyond the human
condition to have a clear connection with Spirit.

Warriors know that one of the most engaging mysteries is how ‘will’ changes to ‘intent’.
The strangest part of this mystery is that in actuality, the change is so easy to
accomplish. Will channels the energy of our total being to produce anything within the
boundaries of possibility. Will is what allows us to succeed when our thoughts tells us
we are defeated. This is when will expands into the wondrous force of intent that
connects us with the pattern of spirit.

Sound 'charges' the Brain

& gives the Body a 'Sonic Bloom'

Very few people realize the importance of sound frequencies that energize our entire
brain and also the rest of our body.

At the beginning of life the development of the human embryo is largely reliant on 16/18
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receiving a wide range of sound frequencies via
the foetal ear, known as the ‘primitive brain’
triggering the messaging to every part of the
vibrantly growing foetus. These frequencies are
passed down the mother’s spinal column,
through the hip cradle, rippling into the
amniotic waters and received by the ‘primitive
brain’ of the unborn child in the womb.

These sound frequencies are also vital when we

get older and the upper range of hearing is lost. It is through gradual hearing loss when
they still
plenty to
that the
aged are
of being
cut off and

disconnected from our world. When the inability to hear sound coherently from outside
to the inner ear is left too long, the brain becomes disengaged and inert which in turn
can bring on depression, stress, moodiness, fatigue and early dementia. A wide range of
frequencies ‘exercise’ the brain slowing down the rate at which it deteriorates.

In my opinion don’t leave the inability to hear a wide spectrum of sounds too long. Look
after your ears, get them tested and be aware of what you listen to that affects your
audible functioning. Audible stimulation keeps memory alive in the elderly – a lack of it
brings memory loss. If you need hearing aids then celebrate that such amazing
technically advanced micro systems have been developed. It’s similar to the marvel of
wearing glasses and seeing clearly the sparkle and definition of flowers, the shine on
leaves and the range of colours for the first time. Our audible range is approximately 10
times larger than our visual range so you can imagine the subtleties that can be
celebrated with the improved landscape of physical hearing and the psychological gifts
that this bestows on our entire being.

Dr Tomatis, the famous French ear specialist said

“Working with Gregorian chants as background music are a
fantastic energy source charging the brain into a rested
space and nourishing the mind”. These new sound
discoveries can vitalize and resonate our connections to the
fields of memory, and give mind and body a ‘sonic bloom’.

Gregorian Monks

Your ear is your primary organ of consciousness not only for hearing but also for
charging the brain, body posture, balance, muscle tone and determining direction. In
acupuncture the entire body is reflected holographically on the outer ear. These energy
points are highly sensitive to sound which travels through acupuncture pathways
stimulating and energizing the body.

Inside the mysterious spirals

of the snail-shaped cochlea of
the inner ear, there are
24,600 special sensory cells,
the Corti cells. The cells in
the cortex act like small
electrical batteries
generating electricity for the
brain to produce the
electrical brainwaves seen on
the EEG. These ‘brain
batteries’ are not charged by
brain metabolism, but only
externally when the Corti
cells are stimulated by
sound. Tomatis found that it
is high frequencies that speed up the recharging process. It is the music of Mozart,
chanting the Om and Gregorian chants that energize these ‘brain batteries’ and 17/18
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generate serenity and power. Other music also have suitably high frequencies – Handel,
Vivaldi, Boccherini, Rossini, Telemann, Haydn, Bach and Tchaikovsky. Researchers
found that string music was most effective for ‘Superlearning Music’ probably because
the music for violin, mandolin, harpsichord or guitar contain high frequencies and help
recharge the brain.

The ear transmutes sound into energy along two auditory nerves. One nerve branch
dynamizes the cortex which distributes energy throughout the body’s entire nervous
system providing a beneficial dynamic flow to both mind and body. The other branch,
the vestibular nerve, determines posture and muscle tone throughout the body. This
dual function of the auditory nerves allows sound to recharge the mind, release stress
and at the same time tone muscle.

But beneficial sounds (high frequencies) can’t help you if you can’t hear them.
Tomatis found that varied high/low frequency sounds
gave the middle ear a gymnastic workout so that it
reopened its high-frequency hearing power. The brain
swiftly responded restoring vitality to the entire
organism. Tomatis discovered that the most powerful
frequency for rapidly recharging the brain cortex was
in the 8000 Hertz range. In fact benefits increased
when notes in the music under 2000Hz were filtered
out (about 3 octaves above middle C). Magnetic brain-
mapping confirmed this. Low frequency sounds act as
brain-drain sounds e.g. traffic, airports, construction
sites, buses, large trucks, low pounding music, booming
discos, boom cars – sound pollution is another
contributor to memory smog, high blood pressure and
heart disease.At the beginning of life we all possess a
wide hearing range from 16Hz to 20,000 Hz., but as life
progresses psychological and physical factors cause this Precious child, Precious
range to shrink. hearing, Precious Listening

The idea that specific tones can affect the mind and body has been handed down from the earliest
Semitic and Arabic sacred knowledge. Pythagoras drew on this knowledge. In taking care of our own
‘sound’ health, we may experience new vistas of self-discovery and aliveness that we never knew

Dr Tomatis’ discoveries have been tested and proved over several decades and deafness, epilepsy,
hyperactivity, autism, dyslexics, stutterers, singers, actors, public speakers have greatly benefitted
from his pioneering work. “The Tomatis Method” feeds more sound into the right ear than the left
because of the direct route to the language centre in the brain. Reading, learning, remembering,
concentration, attention and fatigue vastly improved with this right-ear training. All across the board,
new breakthroughs concerning hearing are giving us powerful new ways to boost and access memory.

Dr. Alfred Tomatis


Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute of Applied Science

See Hemi-Sync® sound for memorizing, learning focusing attention, concentrating.
This has been tried and tested in formal education since 1978.

The effect of the Music of Mozart, known as “the Mozart Effect”

On Hearing Loss

See "About Sound 2" for more fascinating information.

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