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A person who I admire…

Im going to write about an important person in my life,my sister,Her name is Nadia,she is 25

years old and now,she lives in Tucuman.
I miss her so much,she is in Tucuman since 2014,she is really kind,and i know that a wanna be
like her in my future,obviously we have our differences,but we are really close.
She is really intelligent,now she is studying Biotechnology,she loves it!
When we were younger,we played a lot and argue too!
I think one of her bad points is that she always get annoyed with no reasonb,maybe we are
playing and then she starts shouting with no reason!or maybe she get angry...but i think that is
her own personality,and i love her in that way.

Now,that she doesn't live with me,we stop being confident,but we know,we'll be always there
when one of us need something

Student:Lucia Valdivia 5°2° T.M

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