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Airan John Cabrera

SJ Mananquil BSCE 2-A

Kenneth Santoyo

Okay, so maybe you're fine with wasting your parents' money and playing the catch up game,
and that's cool until there's something you can't fix. Oh, you forgot that there was a homework
assignment due in class? You better have a doctor's note to explain your absence, because it's a
common practice among professors to lower the grade for assignments turned in late. It gets
worse if you missed a quiz or exam. Some professors won't even allow for you to take them if
you don't have a proven legitimate excuse for missing them in the first place. Which means you
failed...badly. Oh, and let's not forget attendance policies. Professors can only take so much
truancy. After a certain number of unexcused absences, it may actually start pulling your grade
down, and no amount of good test scores and completed homework assignments will return
those lost points to you

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