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Philippine Normal University

National Center for Teacher Education

Taft Ave., Manila


Master of Arts in Educational Assessment and Evaluation INV 702 – Fundamentals of Knowledge and Innovation


A New Environment for Remedial Classes

One of the major concerns in schools is the academic underachievement of the students. There
are students who can perform well in all academic areas and there are some who have difficulties in
learning. In order to help the students who have difficulty, remedial classes are proposed.

According to the Philippine’s Department of Education’s Order #14 of 2013 which focuses on the
Strengthening of the K-12 Educational Program delivery system for Elementary Education, schools
should provide the “less able” students or those struggling with their understanding, special instructional
programs or remediation to ensure that they meet the standards set and the competencies expected of

Remedial class is designed to close the gap between what a student knows and what he or she
expected to know. It is also referred to the instruction given to the students who lack in reading,
mathematics, writing and other core academics. This tool will be useful in developing the skills of the
academic underachievement students. There is a need of remedial classes because some students fail
to make an average progress in reading, writing and mathematical skills, the gap widens between their
performance and achievement the students of the same grade level. In their study on how remedial
teaching impacts the improvement of competencies of low achievers, Selvarajan & Vasanthagumar
(2012) seemed to support earlier researches as they averred that remedial programs are one of the
acceptable solutions for low achievement.

Some schools require students to take a remedial class to catch up to the present lesson and to
their other classmates, but the problem is many students do not want to take remedial classes. One of
the reasons why students are avoiding remedial classes is because of the stereotyping that it is only for
slow learners and failed students. They do not want to be labelled as a slow learner or a failure. Another
reason is lack of interest because they see it as another boring class like the regular class they are taking.

This paper focuses on having a new environment during remedial classes. The classroom is where
they will gain an understanding of their place in the world and the gifts that they have to offer it. It is
where the student develops what they want their future to look like, as well as knowledge of the skills
needed to reach that goal. With the classroom being such an important place in the growth of a child it
is important to understand the ways in which to affect this environment in order to receive maximum
effectiveness in instruction (Hannah, 2013). The students spend most of their time inside the classroom.
It is their second home and the teachers are their second parents. A remedial class should be like a home
for the students where they can feel accepted and help them in their difficulties. We can build a friendly
environment by letting them share their unforgettable experiences in school, share their hobbies,
strengths and weaknesses. In this first activity before the proper remedial class they can relate to each
other and feel that they are not just the one who is experiencing difficulties. Students in regular
classroom have lack of interest in learning because of the lack of creativity in the classroom activities.
The second way in building a new environment is having a creative activity. The reasons that teaching
creative thinking is less than successful are undoubtedly many, but the major reason might be the de-
emphasis and the ineffectiveness of classroom creativity in teaching and learning (Beghetto & Plucker,
2006). Second way to have a new environment in remedial classes is to establish the idea of using
creative activities to catch the interest of the students. In addition to this, teaching creative thinking to
the students is also included. How do we do this? Since using creative activities and teaching creative
thinking should go together, we should know first the ideas of the students. In that platform, we can
now create activity sheets, problem solving, and strategies in teaching that will not be boring for them.
After all the efforts of the students and teachers in the remedial class, giving recognition to the both of
them is important. Aside from giving grades to the students and telling them that they can proceed to
the next level or the same level in the regular class, congratulating them in a sincere manner has a great
impact on them. Schlechty states that to “affirm or recognize student work is not to approve or
disapprove; it is to declare that what happened matters and is important. Affirmation suggests
significance and thus attaches importance to the event or action” (1997). Third way to have a new
environment in remedial class is giving recognition. Remedial class is not an easy thing, it takes time,
effort and patience, so finishing it is already a success to the teacher and students. Giving certificates to
the teacher for doing a job well done and to the students for finishing the class well.

This new environment for remedial classes will give motivation and new perspective to the
students that there are many chances to be successful. They just need to accept the help of the teachers
and cooperate with them.

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