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European Journal of Heart Failure 10 (2008) 165 – 169

Fluid overload in acute heart failure — Re-distribution and other
mechanisms beyond fluid accumulation
Gad Cotter a,⁎, Marco Metra b , Olga Milo-Cotter a , Howard C. Dittrich c , Mihai Gheorghiade d
Momentum-Research Inc, Durham, NC, USA
University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
University of California, San Diego, California, USA
Division of Cardiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL USA
Received 3 October 2007; received in revised form 9 January 2008; accepted 15 January 2008


Although fluid overload is one of the most prominent features of acute heart failure (AHF), its mechanism remains challenging, due to the
lack of consistent data from prospective studies. Traditionally, fluid overload was thought to be mainly the result of either increased intake of
fluid and salt or non-adherence with diuretic therapy. However, recent data showed little weight change before or during an AHF event
suggesting that in many cases fluid overload is caused by other mechanisms such as fluid redistribution and neurohormonal or inflammatory
activation. Redistribution may be the result of a combined vascular and cardiac process reducing capacitance in the venous system (and hence
increasing preload) and increasing arterial stiffness and resistance (and hence afterload). When these vascular processes occur acutely and are
superimposed on reduced cardiac function; fluid is redistributed to the lungs instigating pulmonary congestion. In this paper we elaborate on
this possible pathophysiological mechanism and review its potential causes and amplifiers.
© 2008 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fluid overload; Heart failure

1. Introduction (EHFS II) [5], and 87% of patients enrolled in the ADHERE
registry received diuretic therapy [3,4].
Heart failure is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality
[1]. Recent registries and clinical trials have allowed a better 2. Sub-classification of the AHF syndrome — acute
characterization of the clinical profile of patients with AHF cardiovascular vs decompensated cardiac failure
[2–5]. Fluid overload, especially in the form of pulmonary
congestion confirmed by chest x-ray is found in the majority Two general types of AHF syndromes – acute cardio-
of patients. Based on the assumption that fluid overload is vascular (hypertensive) and acute decompensated (cardiac)
the result of fluid accumulation, correction of volume status failure – have been previously suggested [9,10]. Although in
using diuretics, to reduce the total volume of fluid in the most cases no “pure” presentation is encountered, in many
body, is recommended by European and American Heart patients one of those types of AHF predominates:
Failure Societies as a first line therapy [6–8]. Indeed, 93% of
patients received diuretic therapy in the Euro Heart Survey II 2.1. Acute cardiovascular (hypertensive) failure

This rapidly progressive disorder is characterized by high

⁎ Corresponding author. Momentum-Research Inc. (MRI), Suite 802, blood pressure accompanied by severe acute dyspnoea. It is
3100 Tower Boulevard, Durham, NC, 27707, USA. commonly encountered in emergency settings and when
E-mail address: (G. Cotter). extreme (pulmonary oedema with systemic oxygen
1388-9842/$ - see front matter © 2008 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
166 G. Cotter et al. / European Journal of Heart Failure 10 (2008) 165–169

desaturation), may be life threatening. This type of AHF is A few recent registries and studies support this hypo-
more common in the elderly, women, and patients with thesis. First, patients admitted with AHF have high blood
history of hypertension, and is accompanied by relatively pressure. In registries documenting blood pressure of patients
preserved ejection faction [11]. Acute cardiovascular failure with AHF, it was found to be high [2–4]; and in a recent study
is the more frequent clinical presentation for patients with a that recorded the first blood pressure before any treatment
first episode of AHF (generally referred to as de novo AHF). was administered it was reported to be extremely high [14].
This increased blood pressure subsides rapidly with treat-
2.2. Acute decompensated (cardiac) failure ment and almost normalizes in less than 24 h from admission
[15]. Lewin et al. [14] comparing patients followed in out-
This syndrome is characterized by milder and more patient clinics who developed AHF versus those who did not,
slowly worsening symptoms; infrequent pulmonary oedema, only found that weight gain did not differ between the two
frequent jugular vein congestion, hepatomegaly, peripheral groups; however, the most predictive change in patients
oedema, signs of renal and hepatic dysfunction, poor symptoms and signs prior to an AHF episode was an increase
peripheral perfusion with azotaemia and mental obtundation. in blood pressure. This significant increase in blood pressure
Blood pressure is usually in the normal or low range rather prior to and during an AHF event may be explained by
than elevated. Patients generally have a history of HF and are increased vascular resistance/stiffness. In a small study that
more frequently younger and male. Precipitating factors are followed haemodynamic changes in patients who developed
commonly detected, including non-adherence with diet and AHF versus those who did not [12], the main finding was an
heart failure treatment, concomitant pharmacologic therapy increase in vascular resistance superimposed on reduced and
(i.e. anti-inflammatory agents, negative inotropic agents), deteriorating cardiac contractility in patients who later
concomitant infection, or decreased ventricular contractility developed AHF. In support of such vascular mechanism in
due to ongoing myocardial injury (e.g., ischaemia). Acute AHF, Balmain and McMurray [16] have recently published
decompensated cardiac failure has a poor prognosis with the results of a non-invasive study assessing arterial
high in-hospital and short-term (3–4 months) mortality. compliance and venous capacitance in patients with HF
and preserved versus reduced systolic function and controls.
3. Fluid redistribution vs. fluid accumulation Patients with acute cardiovascular failure commonly have
preserved systolic function and hence generally resemble
A few recent studies support the notion that fluid ac- those with HF and preserved systolic function. In the reported
cumulation does not play a pivotal role in most AHF patients. study, patients with HF and preserved systolic function had
Verwey et al. [12] demonstrated that patients with chronic decreased arterial compliance as well as venous capacitance
heart failure monitored closely by invasive and non-invasive as compared to the other groups, again supporting a role for
measures had worsening of AHF and increase in pulmonary these abnormalities in HF, especially when with character-
pressure, days to weeks before weight gain was first istics similar to those of acute cardiovascular failure [17].
observed. Moreover, even when weight gain did occur it Combined ventricular and arterial stiffening, beyond that
was only in the range of about 2 kg. Those results were associated with aging and/or hypertension, has also been
confirmed by Lewin et al. [13], who demonstrated that weight shown by Kamaguchi et al. in patients with HF and preserved
gain did not differ, in a prospective cohort of patients with ejection fraction [17]. Finally, studies examining the effect of
chronic HF, between those who developed acute heart failure vasodilators in patients with AHF have shown beneficial
and those who did not. The same findings were observed in effects. In a small study, we compared two strategies early in
the MIRACLE study (Bourge RC; personal communication). the treatment of patients with AHF — high dose nitrates with
It is suggested that in patients with predominantly acute low dose diuretics versus low dose nitrates with high dose
cardiovascular failure, fluid overload mostly in the form of diuretics [18]. The study showed a clear advantage of the
pulmonary congestion, is caused by fluid redistribution rath- vasodilator strategy on rate of improvement in oxygen
er than by fluid accumulation. Increased vascular resistance/ saturation and prevention of mechanical ventilation, infarc-
stiffness may lead to both reduced capacitance in the large tion and death. In the VMAC study [19], a substantial
veins and increased arterial resistance. The decrease in improvement in patients' symptoms was achieved by more
capacitance in large veins will lead to increased venous effective vasodilatation with nesiritide.
return and heightened preload. The increased stiffness and On the other hand, some studies have suggested a dis-
resistance in the arterial bed leads to increased afterload. crepancy between weight loss per se and symptom improve-
Cardiac dysfunction may also play a central role in this type ment or outcome in patients with AHF. In the IMPACT-HF
of AHF. The hearts of these patients may have a reduced study and registry [10], the degree of weight loss during an
contractile reserve and probably increased stiffness, leading AHF admission was not associated with the degree of
to decreased compliance. Hence, the heart cannot effectively improvement in fatigue, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, or
accommodate a change in fluid balance imposed by both pre- rest dyspnoea. Only orthopnoea and dyspnoea on exercise
and after-load increase, leading to increased intracardiac improved more in patients who lost more weight. A greater
pressures transmitted back to the pulmonary veins and lungs. degree of weight loss was not associated with a reduction in
G. Cotter et al. / European Journal of Heart Failure 10 (2008) 165–169 167

recurrent HF or death at 60 days. In the EVEREST study, the Despite the increased production of natriuretic peptides,
administration of the aquaretic tolvaptan led to a significant subjects with HF fail to increase the glomerular filtration rate
reduction in weight. However, this did not translate into a and urinary sodium excretion. Several mechanisms have
substantial and sustained improvement in patients’ symptoms been proposed to explain this natriuretic peptide resistance.
or outcome. These include down regulation of renal receptors for na-
As stated previously, vascular mechanisms have a triuretic peptides, increased endopeptidase activity, secretion
relatively more pronounced role in cardiovascular versus of inactive natriuretic peptide and enhanced proximal tubular
decompensated cardiac failure [20]. However, on aggregate sodium reabsorption, which leads to diminished delivery of
these data suggest that vascular constriction – arterial and sodium to the distal nephron which is the site of natriuretic
possibly venous – occurs in patients with AHF and hence its peptide action. This natriuretic peptide resistance may ex-
relief may improve patients' symptoms. On the other hand, plain some of the fluid overload as well as increased vascular
fluid loss per se is not related to significant improvements in resistance observed in AHF.
symptoms and outcome in most patients. These data suggest
that the mechanism of fluid overload in most AHF patients 4.3. Arginine vasopressin release
may relate to redistribution rather than simple accumulation.
In the early 80s, Szatalovicz et al. first reported in-
4. Other mechanisms contributing to fluid overload and appropriately elevated levels of plasma arginine vasopressin
redistribution (AVP) in hyponatraemic heart failure patients [25]. This non-
osmotic release of vasopressin, mediated by baroreceptors,
The combination of decreased arterial compliance and overrides the osmotic regulation of AVP and is one of the
cardiac function commonly observed in AHF leads to arterial leading factors for hyponatraemia in patients with heart
under-filling. The hypothesis of arterial under-filling was first failure. Vasopressin stimulation of V2 receptors with changes
proposed in the late 80s by Schrier and colleagues and of AQP2 water channels, results in the passive reabsorption
examined body fluid status in different oedematous disorders, of water. In addition to activation of the V2 water channels,
including heart failure, cirrhosis and pregnancy [21,22]. The AVP has also been reported to activate V1a receptors in the
kidney is one of the most important organs and responds to vascular smooth muscle, with constriction of coronary
this process with sodium and water retention. Arterial under- vessels and stimulation of cardiac myocyte proliferation
filling at the level of the carotid sinus and aortic arch, [26,27]. These data suggest a role for vasopressin in the fluid
activates the sympathetic nervous system with a subsequent overload observed in AHF. However, as mentioned above,
cascade of physiological responses, including an increase in the use of the vasopressin antagonist tolvaptan did not result
peripheral and renal vascular resistance, non osmotic release in improved outcome in patients with AHF.
of AVP and AQP2-mediated renal water retention, catecho-
lamine release and renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system 4.4. Inflammatory activation
(RAAS) activation.
Inflammatory activation has been documented repeated-
4.1. Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system ly in patients with HF and especially in AHF [28]. In-
flammatory activation may have a role in heart failure by both
The RAAS system is stimulated in patients with heart contributing to vascular dysfunction and magnifying fluid
failure. Angiotensin, aldosterone and renin levels are overload. This issue is reviewed by Colombo in detail [29];
increased in these patients. Activation of the RAAS system however, one important aspect of inflammatory activation
leads to vasoconstriction, thus amplifying the above men- relates to its contribution to volume overload without fluid
tioned core processes of AHF as well as fluid accumulation, accumulation. The amount of fluid in the pulmonary inters-
both directly and through stimulation of intermediary titium and alveoli is tightly controlled by an active process of
mediators such as aldosterone. The importance of this system re-absorption. Recent studies have shown [30] that inflam-
in HF is emphasized by the fact that blocking any of its mation interferes with this process. Hence, inflammatory
components (ACE inhibitors, AT II antagonists, aldosterone activation per se may lead to pulmonary fluid overload des-
blockers) has resulted in improved outcome of patients with pite no increase in total body fluid.
HF mainly by preventing the occurrence of AHF.
4.5. Progressive renal dysfunction
4.2. Natriuretic peptide resistance
Chronic renal failure secondary to diabetes, hypertension,
Inability to respond appropriately to escalating levels of and atherosclerosis is common among patients with heart
natriuretic peptides has been reported in patients with heart failure. In addition to these “traditional” risk factors, which can
failure [23,24]. Elevated plasma levels of BNP and NT- cause irreversible changes such as permanent structural
proBNP are now widely used as a sensitive diagnostic mark- abnormalities or reversible changes like vasomotor nephro-
er in heart failure patients. pathy, heart failure itself may accelerate development of renal
168 G. Cotter et al. / European Journal of Heart Failure 10 (2008) 165–169

dysfunction. In the setting of CHF the most common type of were reported in patients with previous history of CHF, and
renal dysfunction is pre-renal azotaemia [31]. Reduction in when TZDs were used as a combination therapy with insulin.
renal perfusion and the consequent fall in GFR, leads to reflex Current recommendations advise against the use of this class
activation of the RAAS with tubular reclamation of salt and of drug in patients with NYHA class II–IV heart failure.
water. In addition, some of the neurohormonal and inflamma-
tory activation commonly observed in HF patients probably 5. Summary
also contributes to renal dysfunction. The result is reduced
functional, but to some degree also structural, kidney The pathophysiology of volume overload in patients with
dysfunction with hypoxic and vasoconstrictive injury which AHF remains challenging, due to the lack of consistent data
may also lead to tubular necrosis. Relatively recent data from prospective studies and the resulting lack of formal,
suggest that the high renal venous pressure contributes to this evidence-based treatment guidelines. Recent studies have
vasomotor nephropathy and further amplifies renal dysfunc- suggested minimal weight changes before, during and after
tion in HF [32].Finally, in patients with combined HF and renal an AHF episode. On the other hand, vascular constriction of
failure it is possible that diuretic therapy by itself contributes to both the arterial and venous beds seems to occur commonly
some renal impairment, although there is no direct evidence in patients with AHF, particularly in the cardiovascular type,
from prospective randomised studies to support this claim. and its relief has been shown to improve symptoms of fluid
Progressive renal dysfunction, by inducing salt and fluid overload and possibly outcome. Hence, it is possible that the
retention as well as further neurohormonal and inflamma- main pathophysiological mechanisms of fluid overload in
tory dysfunction, stimulates the HF process inducing an AHF are related to fluid re-distribution rather than ac-
important vicious cycle — one of the key contributors to cumulation. This redistribution is induced by vascular
HF exacerbation. mechanisms as well as neurohormonal and inflammatory
In support of this concept, recent preliminary studies activation, renal dysfunction and inappropriate use of some
examining the effect of adenosine blockers in AHF have medications. The end result of these processes is that fluid
shown promising results. These agents block the tubuloglo- accumulates in some peripheral organs and especially in the
merular feedback mechanism (TGF), preventing adenosine lungs, causing the AHF symptoms of volume overload.
mediated renal arterial vasoconstriction in response to diu- Better understanding of the pathophysiology of fluid over-
resis. This mechanism is reviewed in detail in a paper by load may enhance our ability to develop effective treatments
Vallon et al. [33]. In a preliminary study utilizing different that will improve the outcome of AHF.
doses of the adenosine A1 antagonist rolofillyne, trends were
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