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Basic - Vedic Astrology Course

it is an elementary course to disclose you the basic analysis of the horoscope. Any person, who has an
interest in the Astrology, can begin to learn Vedic Astrology by studying this course. In this course you will

Fundamental of Astrology
Introduction of Astrology a modern and balanced view. Introduction of Jyotish Shastram, Astrological terms,
some facts on Zodiac Signs and cycle. Meaning of Go - char [transit of planets]. Karmas and planets, types of
karmas and remedies and To get acquainted with astronomical terms in astrology, planets, constellations,
horoscope and zodiacs.

The 12 Zodiac Sign The 9 Planet

 Zodiac Signs and Zodiac cycle.  Exalted, Debilitated, Mool trikon Planets.
 Grouping of a sign.  Hindi name and ruling of zodiacs signs by planets.
 Odd and even signs  Nature, Gems, Colours and direction of planets.
 Male and female sign.  Caste, gender and social status of planets.
 Element of a sign.  Benefic and malefic planets.
The 27 Nakshatras - Constellation  Characteristics of planets.
 About Nakshatras.  Retrograde Planets.
 Nakshatras - symbol, signs and pada or charan.  Combust
 Nakshatras - lord and longitudinal distance.
 Nakshatras - characteristic
 Nakshatras - deity and quality

Mathematics of Astrology
The Divisional Charts in Astrology assume great and larger importance for horoscope analysis according to
Vedic system. The Divisional Chart is also called as Varga Chart. The credit for success of Vedic astrology over
all other systems available in the present world goes in no small measures to the system of harmonic Vargas or
divisional charts

Making of Horoscope and other divisional charts

Rashi or the Lagna chart as it is of 30º to study all aspects of life.

Hora or one-half of a sign -15º is the varga to study wealth.
Dreshkana or one-third of a sign – 10º is the varga to study siblings.
Chaturthamsha or one-fourth of a sign – 7º30′ is the varga to study destiny and house.
Saptamsha or one-seventh of a sign – 4º17`8.5″ is the varga to study progeny.
Navamsha or one-ninth of a sign – 3º20′ is the varga for spouse and many other things.
Dashamsha or one-tenth of a sign – 3º- is the varga to study ones profession.

Calculation of Vimshottari Dasha

Vimshottari Dasha is a 120 year long cycle of planetary positions based on the position of the Moon in one of
the 27 divisions, or lunar mansions, called nakshatras. There are many types of Dashas, ten of which are
based on Nakshatras. Vimshottari Dasha is held to be the most important Dasha System in Jyotisha of Vedic-
Puranic tradition. Three types of Vimshottari dashas are calculated:-
 Mahadasha
 Antardasha
 Pratyantar Dasha
Panchdha Maitri (Compound Relationship)
This defines relationship between planets. Panchadha Chakra is formed based on the Natural Friendship and
Instantaneous Friendship. Panchadha Chakra is classified in 5 types. These Classifications are following :
Great Friends, Friends, Even, Enemy, Great Enemies.

Fundamental of Predictive Astrology

Following elements of horoscope are analysed as to be the most important aspects for prediction.
 House (Bhav)
 House Lord (Bhavesh)
 Significator (Karak)
 Bhavat Bhavam (from house to house)
 Related Divisional charts

Course Material — Booklet of Course Covering all topic of astrology in a soft copy.
LIVE class — Total 2 Hours Class/webinar, will be conducted on weekend or week days.
Duration of Course — 50 Hours
Tuition Fees including Course Material — $500

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