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Karen Estrellado

EDU 214-1001
January 23, 2018
Professor Saladino

Creature Of The Night

If you close your eyes, and think of the scariest thing what comes to your mind? A
tsunami, an earthquake? Your death? Well let me tell you a tale of misery and deceit. One that
takes place right here in our home town. Have you heard of the creature of the night? This is not
a human, nor an animal. This is a winged demon of education some call him by a far more
haunting name. Do you know what that name is? I will give you a hint it…. the more you ignore
it the more you are hurting, the more you ignore it the more you will suffer any guesses?
Nothing, ok I will tell you, but let me warn you that this name is the evilest thing you will hear of
and once you have sign the contract and given your life to it there is only one way out. But don’t
fear little one, there is a way out if you choose to accept it.
Let me tell you a little bit about this creature of the night. Before you are cursed to hear
its name. If you don’t know what he looks like beware he might be in for you already. He comes
from the darkest region of hell to collect every bit of you that he can. He has the blackest horns
you have ever seen, with red wings that make it easy for him to trap his victims. His eyes are
small red that can be easily seen at night but not avoided. He has long white fangs that are
always dripping with the blood of the innocent. His face is marked with all the blood of his
sacrifices and in the middle of his head you will see the mark of the beast himself an upside
down pentagram. He has a wicked mustache that he always slightly curls whenever he sees fresh
meat and if you are not careful he might be curling it just for you.
Now you might have asked yourself how I came to know such hideous creature. Well I
am one of the ones that escape such horrid being. Many years ago, while I was resting at home I
found myself being harassed by this demon. I did whatever I could to escape but I was slowly
drowning in fear. I recruited the help of far more knowledgeable people that knew about this
demon. I follow their instructions to the point and then went beyond that to try to get rid of my
torment that was not just at night anymore it was all day every day, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t
sleep, all I thought about was that demon. My family was worried but I assured them that I got
things under control. Once day I gather all my strength and summoned this creature he never
suspected that I was ready for a battle. Just like him I was ready to destroy. Our battle was just
for a few minutes but it left a print in my life, a scar that I can’t ever forget. I tell this tale to
anyone to warn them of their actions, to think twice before doing something to look for a chance
an opportunity before they give themselves away. To have a plan of attack when it is necessary.
Everyone always gives me a look and questions me about this creature’s name and everyone is
surprised to know that they too have in fact heard of this demon. Perhaps you have heard of him
to. His name is: STUDENT LOANS.

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