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Name Category Synopsis

---- -------- --------

ac Alias Add-Content
asnp Alias Add-PSSnapin
clc Alias Clear-Content
cli Alias Clear-Item
clp Alias Clear-ItemProperty
clv Alias Clear-Variable
cpi Alias Copy-Item
cpp Alias Copy-ItemProperty
cvpa Alias Convert-Path
diff Alias Compare-Object
epal Alias Export-Alias
epcsv Alias Export-Csv
fc Alias Format-Custom
fl Alias Format-List
foreach Alias ForEach-Object
% Alias ForEach-Object
ft Alias Format-Table
fw Alias Format-Wide
gal Alias Get-Alias
gc Alias Get-Content
gci Alias Get-ChildItem
gcm Alias Get-Command
gdr Alias Get-PSDrive
ghy Alias Get-History
gi Alias Get-Item
gl Alias Get-Location
gm Alias Get-Member
gp Alias Get-ItemProperty
gps Alias Get-Process
group Alias Group-Object
gsv Alias Get-Service
gsnp Alias Get-PSSnapin
gu Alias Get-Unique
gv Alias Get-Variable
gwmi Alias Get-WmiObject
iex Alias Invoke-Expression
ihy Alias Invoke-History
ii Alias Invoke-Item
ipal Alias Import-Alias
ipcsv Alias Import-Csv
mi Alias Move-Item
mp Alias Move-ItemProperty
nal Alias New-Alias
ndr Alias New-PSDrive
ni Alias New-Item
nv Alias New-Variable
oh Alias Out-Host
rdr Alias Remove-PSDrive
ri Alias Remove-Item
rni Alias Rename-Item
rnp Alias Rename-ItemProperty
rp Alias Remove-ItemProperty
rsnp Alias Remove-PSSnapin
rv Alias Remove-Variable
rvpa Alias Resolve-Path
sal Alias Set-Alias
sasv Alias Start-Service
sc Alias Set-Content
select Alias Select-Object
si Alias Set-Item
sl Alias Set-Location
sleep Alias Start-Sleep
sort Alias Sort-Object
sp Alias Set-ItemProperty
spps Alias Stop-Process
spsv Alias Stop-Service
sv Alias Set-Variable
tee Alias Tee-Object
where Alias Where-Object
? Alias Where-Object
write Alias Write-Output
cat Alias Get-Content
cd Alias Set-Location
clear Alias Clear-Host
cp Alias Copy-Item
h Alias Get-History
history Alias Get-History
kill Alias Stop-Process
lp Alias Out-Printer
ls Alias Get-ChildItem
mount Alias New-PSDrive
mv Alias Move-Item
popd Alias Pop-Location
ps Alias Get-Process
pushd Alias Push-Location
pwd Alias Get-Location
r Alias Invoke-History
rm Alias Remove-Item
rmdir Alias Remove-Item
echo Alias Write-Output
cls Alias Clear-Host
chdir Alias Set-Location
copy Alias Copy-Item
del Alias Remove-Item
dir Alias Get-ChildItem
erase Alias Remove-Item
move Alias Move-Item
rd Alias Remove-Item
ren Alias Rename-Item
set Alias Set-Variable
type Alias Get-Content
Get-Command Cmdlet Gets basic information about cmdlets...
Get-Help Cmdlet Displays information about Windows P...
Get-History Cmdlet Gets a list of the commands entered ...
Invoke-History Cmdlet Runs commands from the session history.
Add-History Cmdlet Appends entries to the session history.
ForEach-Object Cmdlet Performs an operation against each o...
Where-Object Cmdlet Creates a filter that controls which...
Set-PSDebug Cmdlet Turns script debugging features on a...
Add-PSSnapin Cmdlet Adds one or more Windows PowerShell ...
Remove-PSSnapin Cmdlet Removes Windows PowerShell snap-
ins ...
Get-PSSnapin Cmdlet Gets the Windows PowerShell snap-ins...
Export-Console Cmdlet Exports the configuration of the cur...
Start-Transcript Cmdlet Creates a record of all or part of a...
Stop-Transcript Cmdlet Stops a transcript.
Add-Content Cmdlet Adds content to the specified item(s).
Clear-Content Cmdlet Deletes the contents of a item, such...
Clear-ItemProperty Cmdlet Deletes the value of a property but ...
Join-Path Cmdlet Combines a path and child-path into ...
Convert-Path Cmdlet Converts a path from a Windows Power...
Copy-ItemProperty Cmdlet Copies a property and value from a s...
Get-EventLog Cmdlet Gets information about local event l...
Get-ChildItem Cmdlet Gets the items and child items in on...
Get-Content Cmdlet Gets the content of the item at the ...
Get-ItemProperty Cmdlet Retrieves the properties of a specif...
Get-WmiObject Cmdlet Gets instances of WMI classes or inf...
Move-ItemProperty Cmdlet Moves a property from one location t...
Get-Location Cmdlet Gets information about the current w...
Set-Location Cmdlet Sets the current working location to...
Push-Location Cmdlet Pushes the current location onto the...
Pop-Location Cmdlet Changes the current location to the ...
New-PSDrive Cmdlet Installs a new WIndows PowerShell dr...
Remove-PSDrive Cmdlet Removes a Windows PowerShell drive f...
Get-PSDrive Cmdlet Gets information about Windows Power...
Get-Item Cmdlet Gets the item at the specified locat...
New-Item Cmdlet Creates a new item in a namespace.
Set-Item Cmdlet Changes the value of an item to the ...
Remove-Item Cmdlet Deletes the specified items.
Move-Item Cmdlet Moves an item from one location to a...
Rename-Item Cmdlet Renames an item in a Windows PowerSh...
Copy-Item Cmdlet Copies an item from one location to ...
Clear-Item Cmdlet Deletes the contents of an item, but...
Invoke-Item Cmdlet Invokes the provider-specific defaul...
Get-PSProvider Cmdlet Gets information about the specified...
New-ItemProperty Cmdlet Sets a new property of an item at a ...
Split-Path Cmdlet Returns the specified part of a path.
Test-Path Cmdlet Determines whether all elements of a...
Get-Process Cmdlet Gets the processes that are running ...
Stop-Process Cmdlet Stops one or more running processes.
Remove-ItemProperty Cmdlet Deletes the property and its value f...
Rename-ItemProperty Cmdlet Renames a property of an item.
Resolve-Path Cmdlet Resolves the wildcard characters in ...
Get-Service Cmdlet Gets the services on the local compu...
Stop-Service Cmdlet Stops one or more running services.
Start-Service Cmdlet Starts one or more stopped services.
Suspend-Service Cmdlet Suspends (pauses) one or more runnin...
Resume-Service Cmdlet Resumes one or more suspended (pause...
Restart-Service Cmdlet Stops and then starts one or more se...
Set-Service Cmdlet Changes the display name, descriptio...
New-Service Cmdlet Creates a new entry for a Windows Se...
Set-Content Cmdlet Writes or replaces the content in an...
Set-ItemProperty Cmdlet Sets the value of a property at the ...
Get-Acl Cmdlet Gets the security descriptor for a r...
Set-Acl Cmdlet Changes the security descriptor of a...
Get-PfxCertificate Cmdlet Gets information about .pfx certific...
Get-Credential Cmdlet Gets a credential object based on a ...
Get-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet Gets the current execution policy fo...
Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet Changes the user preference for the ...
Get-AuthenticodeSignature Cmdlet Gets information about the Authentic...
Set-AuthenticodeSignature Cmdlet Uses an authenticode signature to si...
ConvertFrom-SecureString Cmdlet Converts a secure string into an enc...
ConvertTo-SecureString Cmdlet Converts encrypted standard strings ...
Format-List Cmdlet Formats the output as a list of prop...
Format-Custom Cmdlet Uses a customized view to format the...
Format-Table Cmdlet Formats the output as a table.
Format-Wide Cmdlet Formats objects as a wide table that...
Out-Null Cmdlet Deletes output instead of sending it...
Out-Default Cmdlet Send the output to the default forma...
Out-Host Cmdlet Sends output to the command line.
Out-File Cmdlet Sends output to a file.
Out-Printer Cmdlet Sends output to a printer.
Out-String Cmdlet Sends objects to the host as a serie...
Add-Member Cmdlet Adds a user-defined custom member to...
Compare-Object Cmdlet Compares two sets of objects.
ConvertTo-Html Cmdlet Creates an HTML page that represents...
Export-Csv Cmdlet Creates a comma-separated values (CS...
Import-Csv Cmdlet Imports comma-separated value (CSV) ...
Export-Alias Cmdlet Exports information about currently-...
Invoke-Expression Cmdlet Runs a Windows PowerShell expression...
Get-Alias Cmdlet Gets the aliases for the current ses...
Get-Culture Cmdlet Gets information about the regional ...
Get-Date Cmdlet Gets the current date and time.
Get-Host Cmdlet Gets a reference to the current cons...
Get-Member Cmdlet Gets information about objects or co...
Get-UICulture Cmdlet gets information about the current u...
Get-Unique Cmdlet Returns the unique items from a sort...
Import-Alias Cmdlet Imports an alias list from a file.
Select-String Cmdlet Identifies patterns in strings.
Measure-Object Cmdlet Measures characteristics of objects ...
New-Alias Cmdlet Creates a new alias.
New-TimeSpan Cmdlet Creates a TimeSpan object.
Read-Host Cmdlet Reads a line of input from the console.
Set-Alias Cmdlet Creates or changes an alias (alterna...
Set-Date Cmdlet Changes the system time on the compu...
Start-Sleep Cmdlet Suspend shell, script, or runspace a...
Tee-Object Cmdlet Pipes object input to a file or vari...
Measure-Command Cmdlet Measures the time it takes to run sc...
Update-TypeData Cmdlet Updates the current extended type co...
Update-FormatData Cmdlet Updates and appends format data files.
Write-Host Cmdlet Displays objects by using the host u...
Write-Progress Cmdlet Displays a progress bar within a Win...
New-Object Cmdlet Creates an instance of a .Net or COM...
Select-Object Cmdlet Selects specified properties of an o...
Group-Object Cmdlet Groups objects that contain the same...
Sort-Object Cmdlet Sorts objects by property values.
Get-Variable Cmdlet Gets the variables in the current co...
New-Variable Cmdlet Creates a new variable.
Set-Variable Cmdlet Sets the value of a variable. Create...
Remove-Variable Cmdlet Deletes a variable and its value.
Clear-Variable Cmdlet Deletes the value of a variable.
Export-Clixml Cmdlet Creates an XML-based representation ...
Import-Clixml Cmdlet Imports a CLIXML file and creates co...
Write-Debug Cmdlet Writes a debug message to the host d...
Write-Verbose Cmdlet Writes a string to the verbose displ...
Write-Warning Cmdlet Writes a warning message.
Write-Error Cmdlet Writes an object to the error pipeline.
Write-Output Cmdlet Writes objects to the success pipeline.
Get-TraceSource Cmdlet Gets the Windows PowerShell componen...
Set-TraceSource Cmdlet Configures, starts, and stops a trac...
Trace-Command Cmdlet The Trace-Command cmdlet configures ...
Alias Provider Provides access to the Windows Power...
Environment Provider Provides access to the Windows envir...
FileSystem Provider The PowerShell Provider for accessin...
Function Provider Provides access to the functions def...
Registry Provider Provides access to the system regist...
Variable Provider Provides access to the Windows Power...
Certificate Provider Provides access to X509 certificate ...
about_alias HelpFile Using alternate names for cmdlets an...
about_arithmetic_operators HelpFile Operators that can be used in the Wi...
about_array HelpFile A compact data structure for storing...
about_assignment_operators HelpFile Operators that can be used in the Wi...
about_associative_array HelpFile A compact data structure for storing...
about_automatic_variables HelpFile Variables automatically set by the W...
about_break HelpFile A statement for immediately exiting ...
about_command_search HelpFile How the Windows PowerShell locates
about_command_syntax HelpFile Command format in the Windows
about_commonparameters HelpFile Parameters that every cmdlet
about_comparison_operators HelpFile Operators that can be used in the Wi...
about_continue HelpFile Immediately return to top of a progr...
about_core_commands HelpFile Windows PowerShell core Cmdlets
about_display.xml HelpFile Controlling how objects are displayed
about_environment_variable HelpFile How to access Windows environment
about_escape_character HelpFile Change how the Windows PowerShell
about_execution_environment HelpFile Factors that affect how commands run
about_filter HelpFile Using the Where-Object Cmdlet to fil...
about_flow_control HelpFile Using flow control statements in the...
about_for HelpFile A language command for running a com...
about_foreach HelpFile A language command for traversing al...
about_function HelpFile Creating and using functions in the ...
about_globbing HelpFile See Wildcard
about_history HelpFile Retrieving commands entered at the W...
about_if HelpFile A language command for running a com...
about_line_editing HelpFile Editing commands at the Windows Powe...
about_location HelpFile Accessing items from the working loc...
about_logical_operator HelpFile Operators that can be used in the Wi...
about_method HelpFile Using methods to perform actions on ...
about_namespace HelpFile Namespaces maintained by the
about_object HelpFile Working with objects in the Windows ...
about_operator HelpFile Types of operators supported by the ...
about_parameter HelpFile Working with Cmdlet parameters in th...
about_parsing HelpFile How the Windows PowerShell parses co...
about_path_syntax HelpFile Full and relative path name formats ...
about_pipeline HelpFile Combining commands into pipelines in...
about_property HelpFile Using object properties in the Windo...
about_provider HelpFile Windows PowerShell providers provide...
about_pssnapins HelpFile A Windows PowerShell snap-in is a .N...
about_quoting_rules HelpFile Rules for setting the boundaries of ...
about_redirection HelpFile Redirecting output from the Windows ...
about_ref HelpFile How to create and use a reference va...
about_regular_expression HelpFile Using regular expressions in Cmdlet ...
about_reserved_words HelpFile Words in the Windows PowerShell that...
about_scope HelpFile The visibility a function or variabl...
about_script_block HelpFile Grouping statements and commands int...
about_shell_variable HelpFile Variables that are created and decla...
about_signing HelpFile Describes the Windows PowerShell exe...
about_special_characters HelpFile The special characters for controlli...
about_switch HelpFile Using a switch to handle multiple if...
about_system_state HelpFile Data maintained by the Windows Power...
about_types HelpFile Extending the .NET type system in th...
about_where HelpFile Filter objects based on object prope...
about_while HelpFile A language statement for running a c...
about_wildcard HelpFile Using wildcards in Cmdlet parameters...
default HelpFile Displays help about PowerShell cmdle...

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