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The Dream Envelope - Your Guide To Creating Financial

Abundance And A Life Of Freedom (In Your Sleep)

Warm greetings!

If you don’t know me yet, my name is Ed Lester. My mission

is to provide you with tools and techniques which make the
law of attraction not just work, but provide results which are
stunning. Results which go way beyond what most people
would consider reasonable.

I’ve been studying and perfecting these tools for over 30

years now. What I’m putting into your hands works. Follow
the steps outlined in this workbook and you will get great

Personally, I was very lucky. At 15 years old I was lost.

Totally stuck. Somehow by a cosmic stroke of luck, when
skipping school one day I found myself in the presence of a
professional hypnotherapist. What I learned about
harnessing the power of the mind that day set me off on a
lifelong path and mission to help people break free and live
their very best lives in abundance and peace.

Everything you’re about to read has its foundations in the

laws of neuroscience…physics…psychology and peak

But all of it, I present to you in a way which is creative and

fun and will awaken a playful, energetic and highly
achievement-oriented part of you.

It doesn’t matter where you are right now. These are the
same techniques used by the most successful people in the
world to make the Law of Attraction work. Anyone can make
them work.

The Dream Envelope 2

You don’t have to already be at the Oprah or Anthony
Robbins stage to have access to the most effective personal
development tools. Like Robin Hood, my goal is to level the
playing field for you today and to give you the same tools,
information and secrets millionaires and successful people
have access to.

Use the Dream Envelope techniques in the way I teach you

and then make them your own. Take this to the next level by
turning it into your own creative tool.

I have absolutely zero doubt that if you follow what I lay out
for you here, your life will soon be filled with abundant
energy and the perfect mindset and beliefs to make the Laws
of Attraction work for you consistently. The fears, doubts,
disappointments and sheer exhaustion you’ve been carrying
around with you can soon be released forever. To be
replaced (if I have my way) with provable, measurable

So keep reading all the way to the end and let’s get this thing

What is the Dream Envelope?

The dream envelope brings together an advanced and

proven process for goal setting in combination with the
most powerful self hypnosis and manifestation technologies
in the world.

What you really have here is a powerful tool for change. A

secret method of manifestation based on a simple technique
used by successful people today and throughout history.

The Dream Envelope 3

Does it work?

The Dream Envelope put simply is the most effective goal-

setting and achieving tool you’ve ever been exposed to.

The intention-creating part of the process is based on

everything we know about how successful individuals and
organizations get clear on their mission…their
purpose…their life path.

The manifestation aspect is an amplified version of how

creative geniuses in the arts, science, business and all areas
of life have been getting measurable and extraordinary
results to show up since the dawn of time.

These two aspects combined give you a way of attracting

your dream life and becoming financially abundant and free,
that you’ve never experienced before.

Before I show you how to create your own dream envelope,

let me share something with you…

It’s a comment a “skeptic” left recently in my blog.

“Wow, Am I the only one that thinks this is a bunch of

meaningless words that make no real sense, less any practical
application? I might as well sleep with crystals under my
pillow thinking that in the morning things will be fine.”

My answer to the person posting this question…

“No. You’re certainly not the only person. Not by a long way.
There are millions of people to whom the law of attraction
makes no sense. And all of them are going to struggle to create
an extraordinary life because they’re disconnected from any
magical energy or sense of possibilities. They just don’t back

The Dream Envelope 4

themselves or trust the power of the universe in that way.
Sleeping with crystals under their pillow (or far better a
dream envelope) would be the perfect way for skeptics to start
to get it. But they never will experience miracles. When you’re
ready to truly back yourself the universe will be waiting for

Here’s the facts…

Great people throughout history have harnessed the power

of dreams and the subconscious mind to get what they want.

Just a few famous examples:

Thomas Edison - Perhaps one of the

greatest inventors in history. He would
put his unsolved problems…unfinished
inventions…into his mind as he was
falling asleep and he would trust his
subconscious, and a higher power, to
deliver answers and solutions.

More often than not he would awaken

with a powerful breakthrough.

Without his use of an invisible dream envelope, you quite

possibly wouldn’t be reading these words right now. (Not
without a piece of parchment and a candle anyway).

And don’t forget, Edison was not handed life on a silver

platter. He teaches us the value of harnessing our previous
failures and disappointments so that they work for us
moving forward. Not against us:

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't

The Dream Envelope 5

Walt Disney - Would sleep with pen
and paper next to the side of his bed.
He’d awaken in the night with strange
ideas flooding his mind and would
scribble these “messages” down.

Once he famously wrote “Three Little

Pigs” without any conscious clue of
what it meant.

This went on to become a hugely famous movie for him.

Without Walt Disney discovering the dream envelope and
developing a process for collaborating with the universe,
possibly none of those magical fairy tales on screen would
ever have been created.

As well as his ability to work in a world filled with magic, he

also teaches us that the universe often creates things in
unexpected ways!

“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that
this whole thing was started by a mouse.”

Paul McCartney - I can’t even begin to list the number of

artists and musicians who use sleep and dream time to
create masterpieces.

One great example that epitomises the process is the story of

Paul McCartney coming up with the idea of Yellow
Submarine (One of the Beatles most famous songs):

“And there’s a nice twilight zone just as you’re drifting

into sleep and as you wake from it; I always find it quite a
comfortable zone, you’re almost asleep, you’ve laid your
burdens down for the day and there’s this little limbo-land
just before you slip into sleep. I remember thinking that a

The Dream Envelope 6

children’s song would be quite a good idea and I thought
of images, and the color yellow came to me, and a
submarine came to me, and I thought, ‘Well, that’s kind of
nice, like a toy, very childish yellow submarine.”

So many songs…book characters…movie concepts…that you

and I know and love, were delivered to the artist from
dreams and sleep.

Even history has been changed and redirected this way.

Winston Churchill, for example,

Britain’s famous war prime minister,
used to solve problems and make
some of his most effective decisions
during his afternoon snoozes.

And he teaches us a very simple truth

about staying in positive energy and
focusing on one problem…one
breakthrough at a time.

“It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of

destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.”

With the dream envelope filled and sealed, you get to

multiply the power of the process that these famous people
used. You get to place an arrowhead on your goals and
desires. Trust me, when you start to use the technique I’m
sharing with you here, you will be able to turn your financial
results around. You’ll be able to create and manifest any life
and lifestyle you choose.

These are very exciting times for ambitious, abundance

minded people who want to make a positive difference in
the world.

The Dream Envelope 7

And by the way, as I write these words for you, it’s 4am in
the morning here in New Zealand. I made no conscious
preparation for this. I knew I wanted to create it for you. I
told my subconscious and the universe I wanted to do
something very special to help people and teach them how
to use the dream envelope for themselves.

I slept on that intention. And now the words are simply

pouring onto the paper with no conscious interference.

This literally is a gift from the universe to you.

The science behind the Dream Envelope

I once read something very profound about dreams and


I don’t remember the author’s name but he made a powerful


Human beings are supposed to be hardwired for survival.

Everything they do is supposed to keep them alive before
any other priority.

Survival, they say, is our strongest instinct.

Interesting then that if you were an alien visiting earth

during certain night time hours, you’d find the vast majority
of the human creatures on this planet to have their eyes
closed. Totally silent, still and disabled like a computer
switched off between work sessions.

So this species of beings on earth, who are SO focused on

survival, spend a third of their time completely vulnerable
and unaware of their surroundings.

That’s curious isn’t it?

The Dream Envelope 8

It turns out, sleep and dreams must actually be very, very
important to leave ourselves unaware and exposed in that

Many scientists agreed for decades that dreams were

actually pretty useless in terms of practical outcomes. They
were simply the brain’s way of flushing away all the
unnecessary waste at the end of the day.

This belief never resonated with me. It didn’t remotely ring

true. I always suspected (as you probably do too) that
dreams and the imagination serve a WAY more powerful
purpose in our lives.

Stunning Scientific Discoveries

Dream research today is going in a different direction. Take

for instance some fascinating studies carried out by MIT and
Harvard concerning the “skiing dreams”

What researchers did was get participants to play a “skiing”

video game. They measured how good they were at it. What
scores and skill level they achieved.

Then when those participants went to sleep in the

laboratories, they were instructed that they would dream
about playing the skiing game. And they would practice and
improve whilst asleep.

The scientists verified the experiments like this…

When their instruments told them that the participants were

actively dreaming, they would wake them up and ask them
“What are you dreaming about?”

The participants would reply, “I’m skiing”.

The Dream Envelope 9

Then in the morning the most remarkable thing of all would

Their scores on the video game would be measurably

improved. And over time, this improvement would grow and

What do babies dream of?

My friend and esteemed hypnotherapist Iain Anderson was

sharing something fascinating with me the other day. The
fact that he’s so excited about the sheer volume of scientific
evidence and information about the power of the human
mind and the way we can use it to create amazing lives for

The thing he was really inspired by was REM sleep. The

stage of sleep where our imaginations and subconscious
minds are totally active and connected (with whatever you
personally believe we connect to).

He mentioned to me that babies in the womb sleep a lot of

the time, and shortly before birth their sleep consists of 75%

In other words, they are in the final stages of programming

themselves for the remarkable journey to follow.

Babies, incidentally, sleep a lot. And they dream a lot. And

they change and transform A LOT.

Have you ever considered the challenge of learning to walk

and learning an entire language as quickly as young children
master these skills?

It’s unthinkable for most adults.

The Dream Envelope 10

Until you start tapping into the same natural processes and
you start to unleash unlimited results.

The Dream Envelope - Finally You Can Start To Make

“The Secret” Really Work The Way It Was Supposed To

Does any of the following sound like you?

 You believe in the power of the universe to deliver

amazing results. You believe the law of attraction is a
real thing that can be used to manifest amazing riches
and a life of happiness

 However you’ve struggled to make it really work for


 You’ve tried so hard to attract your dream life and to

“make” yourself believe that you’re now feeling
exhausted and a little fed up that your efforts haven’t
been fully rewarded

 You feel stuck and not sure how to get this whole
manifestation thing to light up and produce miracles

 You’re finding it hard to hang on to that positive energy

and higher vibration with any degree of consistency.
The doubts…or the negativity of others…or the sheer
tiredness and overwhelm of day to day life…is blocking
your success

If any of these feel like you right now, then I’m giving you
here a process and a secret step by step method that will
totally transform your results.

And as you’ll see, the results can be experienced…

measured… and proven.

The Dream Envelope 11

The key is to follow each step carefully and take action on it.

This whole journey is going to be fun, exciting, creative

and totally freeing

Right, grab a pen and some paper and some quiet time to
yourself. This is where things get exciting.

Please don’t skip steps or try to shortcut what I’m sharing

with you here. Each part of the process is critical to your
ultimate results.

As the famous story goes, there are “acres of diamonds”

right under your feet at this very moment.

Use the dream envelope and you’ll start to get access to


The Dream Envelope 12

Step 1: The Chariot of Life (Part 1)

Life Coaches the world over use a tool called “The Wheel of
Life” to help their clients gain clarity and goal focus.

I have put together a very simple version for you below.

This version has the power to set you on course towards

your dream life. This part of the dream envelope process will
become not just a wheel but your golden chariot to a life of
fulfillment and bliss.

Happiness Money

Health & Life
Wellbeing Direction


 Money
 Life direction (career or business)
 Love
 Health and wellbeing
 Happiness

All I want you to do for Step 1 is to put together a goal (or

intention) for each segment. These are relatively long term
goals. One year from now is probably a good timescale to
work with.

The Dream Envelope 13

In terms of structure, please write each “In the future” AND
in the present tense.

For example…

 “In the future, I have a bulging bank account, zero debt

and I own a beautiful home by the sea”

 “In the future, I have found my purpose and I feel truly

grateful and excited to wake up and begin each new

 “In the future I am in a relationship which is

committed, loving and special. I am truly and deeply in
love with and loved by someone who wants the same
things I do”

 “In the future I have wonderful health and incredible

fitness and energy”

 “In the future I feel happy, I am free of worries and self

doubt. I believe in myself and have found my true joy
and bliss”

OK, now you may wish to make those more specific to your
life. You may want to make them so they resonate more
powerfully and personally to you.

That’s fine. You set those goals however you see fit.

Write each one down on a piece of paper. We’re going to

start to polish each one like an individual diamond now.

The Dream Envelope 14

Step 2: The Chariot of Life (Part 2)

Next step is to go for something shorter term - we’re talking

days or weeks maximum. But, if possible, it’s best not to be
more specific than that.

These smaller goals should each move you towards its

bigger sister goal like one domino tipping into another.

Again, focusing on the wheel of life for guidance will help

you here.

So for instance…

 “Soon, I will have attracted $100 into my life”

 “Soon, I will have had a wonderful day and I felt excited

about my future. I’m experiencing a feeling of getting
closer to my path”

 “Soon, I will be feeling far better about myself. I’m

starting to slowly like myself more, feel more confident,
forgive and trust myself 5% more”

 “Soon, I will have moved down a dress size OR I have

gone for a 1 mile run OR I have joined a new social/
sports/ dance club”

 “Soon, I will have helped someone in a way that made

me feel really positive and grateful”

Now in this case, you really will want to make these resonate
for you. These shorter term goals / intentions should really
light you up with excitement that finally things really are
going to start shifting and transforming for you.

The Dream Envelope 15

Again, make them specific and personal for you and make
sure that they are aligned—that they each point you towards
your longer term dream life.

Again, write each down on a piece of paper and put them

aside for later.

Step 3: The Desire Distinction (Polishing the Diamond)

Go back to your 10 goals / declared intentions (5 long term

and 5 shorter term)

I want you to be totally clear that these goals are exciting

and motivating.

Next to each one put a score between 1 and 10 as to how

much you desire that thing (10 being the highest).

And then, think about what you need to do to get that score a
little (or a lot) higher. And make that change.

Here’s the thing…

I want you to visualize a long bridge between two cliffs.

If you’ve done this right, the long term intentions represent

the beautiful vision on the opposite cliff. (Your dream life)

And the short terms intentions represent the individual

steps you are building on the bridge across. (Your journey)

Each intention or goal, should light you up with desire.

If they don’t then stretch the ambition factor very slightly

until they do.

The Dream Envelope 16

If they still don’t then you’ve probably uncovered a
subconscious conflict. This is fine. These are now conflict

Simply write next to that particular intention “Overcome the

conflict, subconscious mind, so that I can want this (or
something else) 10 out of 10!”

IF you feel an internal conflict, you’ve simply added another

task for your dream envelope. Don’t worry, it’s all good!

Step 4: The Belief Distinction - Training Your Mind For


Go back to your 10 goals / declared intentions (plus any

conflict goals).

I want you to ask yourself for each goal or intention “Do I

believe this is possible?”

And the answer should be “Yes. Just!”

Consider going to the gym. What do you do when you’re

weight training?

You choose a weight which stretches your abilities. Pushes

you a little. Tears the tiny sinews in your muscles so that as
they repair during rest, you get stronger and stronger.

There’s no point in using weights that are too light. Your

strength doesn’t grow.

And there’s no use trying to lift weights that are too heavy.
You won’t be able to move them which is demotivating. And
if you do manage to lift them, you could injure yourself.

Beliefs are the same. Choose goals that just stretch your

The Dream Envelope 17

beliefs a little, not too much.

If you’re already a millionaire, growing your wealth 25%

may be quite a reasonable belief stretch.

If you’re starting with nothing, $250,000 may feel

unreasonably hard and could cause you to become quickly
disillusioned. Best start with $25 or $100 and remind
yourself that you are building steps of a belief bridge which
will ultimately take you to abundance.

So do this.

Visualize yourself at a mental gym. It’s just like a physical

gymnasium except it’s for the mind.

Now next to each of your goals put a score between 1 and 10

for believability.

1 feels really difficult. 10 feels easy. You know you CAN do it

in theory.

Again, try and get these scores higher. I’m not asking you to
compromise on your dreams. I just want you to stretch
yourself a little more each time you do this. So that you get
stronger and stronger.

By the way, once you start to get results with the belief
bridge, like any skill you’ll become better and better at it.
The speed with which your finances and other aspects of
your life can grow and flourish becomes impressive.

The Dream Envelope 18

Step 5: The Bargaining Distinction

When people suffer a bereavement or a great trauma, they

go through a natural process of realignment. They go
through stages such as denial…anger…depression…etc.

It’s the same when you change your life in positive ways.
You have to let go of a lot of things from the past that for a
long time felt normal. No matter how bad the thing you let
go of, you can still feel a deep seated sense of loss.

One of the stages of grieving is “bargaining” and it’s a very

interesting one when breaking through on your path to
abundance. You HAVE to be aware of it because it can knock
you off your path if you let it.

Bargaining, for the most part shows up in setting overly

strict conditions for the universe to meet.

The universe doesn’t want to be bargained with (i.e. If you

make a million dollars show up for me by the 1st June, I’ll
believe in you and I promise to be more self confident in

The universe doesn’t want to be manipulated…given

conditions…or be held hostage.

The universe wants to be your friend…your partner… and

wants to go on a creative adventure with you…

And the universe WILL deliver - It will get you to an

amazing, awesome, complete life of fulfillment and

But don’t give it conditions. Especially strict time

scales…gotchas…and plea bargains “If you do this, I’ll do

The Dream Envelope 19

You wouldn’t make a genuine friend feel uncomfortable and
pressured in that way would you?

All I want you to do on this step is to simply make sure

you’re giving the universe some space to have fun and create
paradigm shifts for you.

If you tell the universe “I want to get married to Fred Smith.

I want to live at a specific house. I want 3 kids, all girls, here
are their names”. And so on…The universe may feel more
like a servant than a partner.

Let me help you create the energy to manifest your dreams.

And you WILL go on a remarkable journey. But, leave a little
space for delightful surprises and unexpected twists and

Step 6: The Flexibility Distinction

Again it’s very easy to make demands on the universe such


 “I must have this specific man come back to me”

 “I must win the lottery. It must be $12 million. It must

happen this year”

 “I want to lose 20 pounds in weight by next week”

Again, remember the universe wants to be your creative


In the future, when you look back along the road to

abundance you’ll realize nothing ever went the way you
expected it too. There were paradigm shifts.

The Dream Envelope 20

But everything does turn out wonderfully well when you
follow the steps I share.

I know it’s tempting to make specific demands and not to

feel you are compromising on your dreams.

But here’s what the universe likes to hear:

 “I want to be head over heals in love with someone

who also loves me unconditionally”

 “I want to be financially abundant and free to live a life

of freedom”

 “I want to look awesome in a smaller size dress.”

With the shorter term goals it’s OK to be more specific with

details, because these things are so much closer and

With the big goals, let the universe do as much of the work
as possible, and give it the freedom to create wild paradigm
shifts and unexpected breakthroughs for you.

With the Law of Attraction, the beautiful thing is you don’t

need to constantly worry about HOW it’s going to happen.
You just need to know it is going to happen.

I’m not trying to tell you that you need to give up on the love
of specific person. Or that you shouldn’t desire a certain job
or your wish for a lottery win.

If those things are your destiny, they WILL happen

But give the universe the creative space to bring its full force
to bear.

The Dream Envelope 21

I once hear a woman friend of mine let out a bloodcurdling
scream about a man who had just left her.

“I want him!”

The scream shook the building. Soon after that however, she
met someone else. This was over 20 years ago and as far as I
know they’re still together.

Similar things happen in business.

If Google had been particularly precious about just being a

search engine it may not have stood the test of time. Google
has done so many other things including becoming one of
the biggest advertising companies in the world.

Sometimes the universe has a different path in mind for you.

If you’re open to unlimited possibilities of how your path
will unfold, this will give you a LOT of manifestation power.

But…hat if you don’t know what you want? How to have

compelling goals even if you don’t know exactly what
they are yet…

It is absolutely fine to not know what you want. But it’s great
to know how you want to feel and to set intentions around
that outcome.

Not all goals need to be in the form of:

“I want to be a successful business owner and married with

3 children”

Sometimes a great goal is:

“In the area of career and business, I’m going to start to

KNOW myself better and soon I’ll discover what I truly

The Dream Envelope 22


Goals about gaining clarity or self-belief are just as powerful

as goals about getting specific things.

Your goals and intentions should be focused on who you

want to BE. This is perhaps the most critical step of all…

Not just what you want to do and have.

Research has shown time and again that the biggest changes
happen at the level of identity.

Go through each of your intentions and make sure that you

feel comfortable with them on a BEING level.

Are you going to be comfortable and proud to be THAT

person mentioned in your future goals and intentions?

What happens next?

Now you should have a list of at least 10 goals or intentions

(5 short term and 5 long term) that you are putting out

They should excite you. They should feel real. They should
feel precious and should energetically “fit you” like a perfect
set of new clothes.

They should be filtered and polished like diamonds due to

you putting them through the first 8 steps I just outlined.

The Dream Envelope 23

Step 7: Now you’re ready to go and make it all happen.
Celebrate in Advance!

Take all those pieces of paper and put them into your dream

Decorate the envelope however you wish. Do anything what

you want to make this feel perfect for you. This is an
opportunity for you to celebrate your results in advance.
This is where you really do set your energy intention. And
make sure you invite the universe to this party. Don’t feel
alone. Share!

Perhaps this is a great opportunity for a luxurious bath. A

walk by a lake. Or just dancing around your room to your
favorite tunes.

However you celebrate results in advance, you’re making a

statement to the world (and to your inner world)

“This is how it is now. Abundance IS happening. Bring on the


Step 8: Declare Your Blissful future…

Seal the envelope. This is the difficult part. Kind of like when
someone goes on a diet and you tell them they’re not
allowed to weigh themselves for a month.

But that’s how it is.

That envelope now goes under your pillow or in a safe

hidden place and stays there for at least a couple of weeks.
You almost want to forget about it. Kind of like with the
tooth fairy and Santa. You have to let it go. The magic
happens when you’re asleep.

The Dream Envelope 24

Rinse and Repeat — Constant, Never Ending Progress

In a couple of weeks you can open it. Reassess. And then you
go through the whole process again.

Sweet dreams :)

What next?

Now that you’ve completed the dream envelope process it’s

critical that you meditate or listen to abundance audios at
least once a day. Ideally when you go to bed at night and just
before you fall asleep. In what Paul McCartney called “The
Twilight Time.”

It will totally reprogram the way you think about abundance.

It will set you on a higher frequency and keep you feeling
positive and empowered.

In isolation the dream envelope is a seriously powerful tool

for abundance. In combination with mediation or abundance
self-hypnosis, you’re playing a higher game. You can expect
to experience quantum shifts in the days and weeks ahead.

Don’t worry if you ever feel you’ve fallen asleep listening to

abundance audios. You really haven’t. You’ve just gone very
deep into a hypnotic, meditative state. It’s fine to do that.

In fact, you’ll probably find you’re starting to have some of

the best night’s sleeps of your life.

Your subconscious mind, your body and your spirit are

literally starting to awaken with energy and possibilities.
This is where the true fun and creativity starts to kick in.

The Dream Envelope 25

Before you know it, the law of attraction will be working
WAY better for you than it ever has before.

You’ll wonder what you were worrying about. You’ll be a

true manifestation genius.

When you open your envelope next time, you should be

pretty much amazed at what’s starting to happen.

But remember. Be careful what you wish for. It may just

come true :)

Moving Forwards

If you find you aren’t manifesting some of your goals, simply

go through the 8 Step process again and ask yourself
honestly, are you skipping some of the steps or not
implementing them the way I showed you?

You CAN do this. Even if things have been bad in the past,
and you’re still carrying many of the negative effects around
with you, that can and does change.

Never give up before the magic happens.

Ed Lester
Your Abundance Coach

PS I would love to warmly welcome you to my upcoming

free training event “Become an Abundance Expert”.

The Dream Envelope 26

It will teach you how to use the Law of Attraction—to
energetically change your mindset and create consistent,
positive focus like a true expert.

Here is the link where you can register and grab a spot.
Go here

Numbers will be strictly limited and it is happening in just a

few days.

The Dream Envelope 27

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