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Is a big problem to felt Depression?

My name is Mayra, I’m 21 years old; I am studying nursing at La Sabana University. I always “have
been”interested in the behavior of the human. For this reason when I started to study about
mental diseases, my interest grew. I needed to clear up my questions but the brain is an organ so
difficult to understand because It has many connections between neurons and neurotransmiters
and this organ controls many functions in our body, for example: the balance of our behavior
associated with emotions and actions. While I researched about mental diseases I didn’t know or I
didn’t think that I could live an experience associated with this. It happened a year ago when I
lived with my friend, She’s from Boyaca and her parents live there. We enjoyed many moments
together and I was a great support and She for me, too. She was very intelligent and She was so
happy Suddenly, She started to behave strange, She didn’t go to university, She didn’t take a
shower, she didn’t eat, she didn’t smile, she cried and wanted to sleep all day. This for me was
very strange because she always was cheerful and she never missed class, she said me that she
didn’t fell well and she couldn’t control this situation. She was very sad and she felt a huge hole in
her heart. I didn’t know what to do, no me gustaba verla asi, I didn’t understand what was
happening I just or only? Wanted to help her and I listened to her and I tried to giver her
encouragement but this wasn’t enough. She decided to go to the psychologist and
psychiatrist, I accompanied her. After many sessions She was diagnosed with major depression
among the possible causes are: neurobiológical when there is a decrease in neurotransmitters
such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, genetics and psychosocial. Currently, She take
medicines, she lives with your parents in Bogotá and she resumes at university this semester. Her
life has improved and she must continue treatment for a long time. The depression is not a game,
the people don’t decide to suffer it and they always need help. You could be a good person and
you could help!

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