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Rico Larry


My Little Bro…

My little brother Tyrese is the person I am going to be talking about in this essay. He is twelve

years old and he goes to Man Middle school. He can be intelligent at times and I can also learn a few

things from him. A few good things I can say about him are when he was a little younger is when he got

an award at for his good behavior. Another thing is when I saw him play baseball, he is a real star on the

field. Last but not least, I can say I do remember when he graduated from elementary school. He acted

like he was graduating from high school.

When my little brother got his award from Balboa Elementary in 2007 he was a happy kid that

day. He dressed like a normal ten year old nothing to fancy. He was awarded for good behavior at his

school. I never thought he would get this kind of award because he is kind of bad at the house and he is

not on any type of good behavior even he was shocked a little bit. My little brother said “I never thought

I would get the award for good behavior”! We just laughed. I thought to myself how he gets an award

for good behavior and I didn’t, I really wondered about it but I was proud of him.

I remember when I also my little brother play baseball and he was really good. He can play all of

the positions. He can pitch, be the catcher, play the field and he can even bat. He played for North Park

at Morley Field in 2008. He looks like an Ichiro Suzuki on the field. He is all dressed up with the wrist

bands and his under amour. He wears his pants up showing his colored team socks. When he is on the

field he’s a star. People are cheering for him all the time because he can do a great job.” That boy is an

all-star, natural born player” I said one day. He acts like he isn’t proud but you can tell because he is

always smiling and having fun with his teammates. After a while you can tell he be tired but it all shows

at the end. I remember him saying after one of his games “I am tired but happy because I know I played
hard”. I thought about what he said and the first thing that came to my mind was that my brother is

trying to be just like me but I don’t think he can because everybody know that he learned from the best.

One of the important things I remember him doing or achieving was when he had graduated

from elementary school. I wasn’t the only person proud of him, my whole family was proud. He

graduated from Balboa Elementary in 2009. On this day he looked sharper than a pencil. He had a fresh

hair cut with a fresh white pro club, some crispy 501 jeans, with some all white Air Force One shoes. He

looked like me when I saw that boy. After they got situated they start calling out names for the

ceremony. They finally called his name and he walked up with a kool-aid smile on his face. I was really

proud or him at that moment. He was even proud of himself. He acted like he was graduating from high

school or something. He said “Finally I graduated”. “You still got middle school and high school” my

mom said. Then my brother said “awe man”, and then we all laughed and took him out to celebrate. On

this day I thought to myself”dang it’s only a couple more years before I graduate from high school”. Now

I have less than 2 years before I’m finally done.

These are some of the things that I will never forget about my brother. I know that if he keeps

up with the baseball he will definitely be successful in life in sports. It isn’t just the sports he needs to be

successful at, he also needs to graduate from both middle school and high school. I have no worries

about that because the road he is on the correct one he doesn’t need any distractions that will get him

off track. I know there are plenty more memories to come as the days go by and I hope they get better

and better and I am going to get him on track of doing.

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