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Andean Past

Volume 4 Article 15


Early Occupations at Gran Pajaten, Peru

Warren Church
Columbus State University,

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Church, Warren (1994) "Early Occupations at Gran Pajaten, Peru," Andean Past: Vol. 4 , Article 15.
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293- Church: Gran Pajaten

uncover substantial evidence for cultural oc- Acknowledgments

cupation from the end of the Kotosh
Higueras Period (early Early Intermediate This report is a revised version of an ar-
Period) to the terminal Late Intermediate Pe- ticle published in the Revista del Museo de
riod, although local events probably differed Arqueologfa of the University of Trujillo,
regionally. In the subalpine zone above Gran Peru in 1991 (Church 1991). I would like to
Pajaten, test excavations at Chirimachay thank the director of the Rfo Abiseo National
(Cave) (Lennon, Vasquez S., and Church Park Project, Thomas J. Lennon, for giving
1989) rendered a small sample of tri-color me the chance to participate. Lennon, with
Middle Horizon pottery (Figure 22). Also, a project co-director Miguel Cornejo G., di-
previously unreported radiocarbon date of rected the excavations. Project coordinator
630 ± 80 B.P.: a.d. 1320 (1-16,822) from Patricia Moore handled the difficult logistics
Building Number 2 at the montane forest site of field work. I wish to express special
of Las Papayas (Lennon, Church, and thanks to Tito Hurtado and Isabel de Hurtado
Cornejo G. 1989) corresponds to the Late for facilitating our work from Pataz. Archae-
Intermediate Period. While these data are ologists, students, volunteers, and Pataz vil-
scattered, and analyses of materials from lagers who participated in excavations are
these sites are still in progress, they do sug- Rolando Paredes, David Ayers, Elke Cedron,
gest that discussion of an occupational hiatus Cesar Soriano, Barbara Roth, Robert Lee
in the Rfo Abiseo Park area may be prema- Morris, William Cabanillas, Macedonio Gon-
ture. Also, it bears repeating that the occupa- zales, Rolando Lopez, Marcos Salirosas,
tional histories of sites within the continuous Elias Zegarra, and others. Various forms of
montane forest probably differ from those in support for this project were rendered by the
the alpine and subalpine zones above. Instituto N acional de Cultura, the Ministry of
Agriculture Direccion General Foresta! y de
Gran Pajaten, Kuelap, Cancharfn (Ruiz Fauna, the University of Colorado-Boulder,
E. 1972); and perhaps Huepon are the only the University of Trujillo, Hugo Ludefia,
reported northern ceja de selva sites to render Vfctor Rodriguez Suy Suy, Cesar Jaramillo,
clear evidence for early occupations, yet few and Abel Salirosas. Project field work was
sites have been subjected to intensive sub- made possible through generous donations of
surface exploration.6 Archaeological investi- invaluable services, supplies, and equipment
gation in the ceja de selva has consisted by Aeroperu, Allied/Signal, Brunton/Lakota,
largely of clearing and examining architecture Eureka! Tent/Johnson Camping, Jansport,
and surface collection of ceramics. In the Rfo L.L. Bean, Kaufman Footwear, Nalgene,
Abiseo Park and the Pataz area immediately REI, Smokey Canyon, Wigwam Mills, and
to the west, we invariably noted an absence others. Support of the Fulbright Commis-
of surface pottery unless the sites had been sion in Lima and the kind attention of Marcia
greatly disturbed by cultivation or pothunt- Koth de Paredes enabled the ceramic analysis
ing. We also learned by experience that at- and my stay in Peru. Payson Sheets, Freder-
tempting excavations for extended periods of ick Lange, Frank Eddy, and Richard Burger
time in such a remote region presents daunt- offered guidance at various levels of this
ing logistical difficulties. This particular ef- work. Warren DeBoer, Hernan Amat, Luis
fort, however, was rewarded with ample evi- Lumbreras, Ryozo Matsumoto, Arturo Ruiz,
dence for the earliest human occupation yet Theresa Topic, John Topic, Heidy Fogel,
encountered in the eastern montane forest. and Steven Wegner gave freely of their
Hopefully, sub-surface sampling methods opinions regarding northern Peruvian ceram-
will be increasingly utilized to evaluate issues ics and chronology. Peter Birkeland, Donald
of ceja de selva prehistory adequately. Rodbell, and Kenneth Young helpfully sup-
plied opinions and unpublished information
regarding geology, paleoenvironment, and
6 Schjellerup's (1992) program of excavations farther climate in the park. I also appreciate the
north at the headwaters of the Utcubamba River con- guidance of an anonymous Andean Past re-
stitutes an exception to this observation. viewer. To these people and institutions and
many others unmentioned I am grateful.
ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -294

Most of all I would like to thank Elke Cedron Goicochea Viuda de Cedron for giving me
Church, Thomas and Sylvina Church, and their unconditional and unwavering support.
the late Otto Cedron Alva and Estela


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299- Church: Gran Pajaten



10° 100 kma

• Modern city
• Archaeological site

Figure 1. Some archaeological sites and modem cities in northern Peru.

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- - -
Rio Abiseo National Park Boundary

Political Department Boundary

Major Rivers
I • Towns

·-..\ D Study Area


301- Church: Gran Pajaten


I • I Puerto del Monte
I • 2 Chochos Volley site No.4
•...' ,-, • 3 Unnamed site N
- ' • 4 El Mirodor

;----" • 5 Lo Ployo
', I
• 6 El Enconto
• 7 Los Papayas
i • 8 Los Pinchudos
''\ • 9 Cerro Central
,_ •10 Gron Pojote"
•I I Unnamed site
''-..._,Western ed9e of forest

,,- ....,,,,,
... _-....... I I
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,- I


__,......"'' --.
I ( 17
~ ( I1
;I \
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Figure 3. The Upper Montecristo River Valley.

ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -302
E c:
Figure 4. The Gran Pajaten site complex (after Pimentel G. 1967; Lennon, Church, and Cornejo
G. 1989.
-----------------~--- --
303- Church: Gran Pajaten

Figure 5. North fa<;ade of Building 1, Gran Pajaten.

ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -304

Gran Pajaten

Plan of Excavations

Building No. 3
No. 5

No. 2

o Huanca

No. 7

PC = Control Unit

Figure 6. Plan of the 1985-86 excavations at Building 1. Building 2 excavations are not illus-
305- 0
a 0
a Church: Gran Pajaten
Ir) 0
Figure 7. East profile of Units 12 and 1 demonstrating ten of twelve strata (Strata T4b and T8b
not shown) observed within Building 1. Stippling represents strata containing Abiseo Phase re-
mains. Diagonal hachure represents strata containing pre-Abiseo Phase assemblage.
--- - --- --------------------------------
ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -306


Excavation l II 10 I 9 8 7 6 i' I
Unit Number
East Woll West Wall
: . . Datum 2,850 40 m

'--,,_ -1

L im1t of Excavation ·--,


0 3 meters
uo... Present ground surface
~ Stratum 3, Abiseo Phase floor
D Strata Conraining Abiseo Phase materials
I§§ Strata Containing pre-Abiseo Phase materials
Em Bedrock of clay and siltstone

Figure 8. Approximation of cross-section of Building 1. Section is approximated by employing

the east wall of the test trench and the west wall of the control unit. Note: a reversed portrayal of
the east wall profile of Units 12 and 1 illustrated in Figure 7 has been substituted for the badly
disturbed west wall profile for clarity.
307- Church: Gran Pajaten

- 0.50m



- 1.50m



- 2.50m

Figure 9. West profile of control unit. Stippling represents strata containing Abiseo Phase re-
mains. Diagonal hachure represents strata containing pre-Abiseo Phase assemblage.
ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -308

"' '
/ ""
"'\. '\.
/ '\
/ '\
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
\ I
I \
I I \
"' ....... _
/ I
--- ./ b
\ I
\ I
\ I
\ I
\ /
' I
\ "' ....... ........... ___ -- _, /
\ I
""' /
/ a

"" /

" '-..... /

-- -- -
.......... /
.......... .._

-- --- --- 5 cm

Figure 10. Vessel shapes of pre-Abiseo Phase assemblage. a: jars, b: collared bowls, c: simple
309- Church: Gran Pajaten

,.. 20 23

l" e

2 cm


Figure 11. Rim profiles of short-necked jars. Numbers represent rim diameters in centimeters.
ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -310

-,q -, -,.

11 12 12 14

7o 11

2 cm

Figure 12. Rim profiles of collared bowls. Rim t shows red paint. Numbers represent rim di-
ameters in centimeters.

- - - - - ----
311- Church: Gran Pajaten

-,a ~ -,
8 8 10

-,d -,e -. --,.

? ? ?


9 'h
-,, -,j -k,}
14 14 16 18

-,m -,n -,0 -\p

12 12 12 12 12

7 9 10 10

/r -is ] u
2 cm

Figure 13. Rim profiles. Rims a-g from collared bowls. Rims h-u from simple bowls. Rim h
shows red paint. Numbers represent rim diameters in centimeters.
ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -312

16 16

b c

20 21 25

)" I


2 cm

Figure 14. Rim profiles of kaolin ware. Rims a-dare undecorated. Rims e-h show traces of red
paint. Rims i-k show a thin red painted line on the top of the lip. Numbers represent rim diameters
in centimeters.
313- Church: Gran Pajaten


{ )


2 cm

Figure 15. Fragments of kaolin ceramics with geometric designs rendered in red paint. Numbers
represent rim diameters in centimeters.
~~DEAN PAST 4 (1994) -314




~ fi5 I 7

<Je 111, ~· 'L..--....,j

2 cm

Figure 16. Fragments of kaolin ceramics with red and black painted designs. Numbers repre-
sent rim diameters in centimeters.

315- Church: Gran Pajaten


2 cm


Figure 17. Fragments of fine ware ceramics. Sherds a-dare kaolin with red and black painted
designs. Rims e-h are fine orange ware. Numbers are rim diameters in centimeters.
ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -316

-. ?





c e

-, 12?


2 cm


2 cm

Figure 18. (above) Fragments of coarse-tempered red ware bowls. Sherd h shows white paint.
Numbers represent rim diameters in centimeters.
Figure 19. (below) Fragments of fine ware ceramics. Sherds a-c show white-on-red paint.
Sherd d shows white, red, and orange paints. Numbers represent rim diameters in centimeters.

317- Church: Gran Pajaten



2 cm

Figure 20. Fragments of fine ware ceramics. Sherds a-c, probably from the same vessel, show
orange paint on pink kaolin. Sherds d and e, also pertaining to the same vessel, show orange and
black paint on gray kaolin. Numbers represent rim diameters in centimeters.
ANDEAN PAST 4 (1994) -318



Figure 21. (above) Hoe blade recovered from construction fill in base of Building 1, Gran
Figure 22. (below) Sherds of probable Middle Horizon age with black and red paint on buff-
colored kaolin paste from Chirimachay (Cave) near Pataz. Numbers represent rim diameters in

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