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Zoila Brown

Professor Moore


Project 1 Reflection

The personal prescription project gave me the opportunity to reflect on and assess my

own health and lifestyle habits. This project helped me to understand the most important things

about my health that I never focused on and put on the back burner. I was able to piece together

the different aspects of health that are important to incorporate in daily life and encompass the

entire idea of living a healthy lifestyle. Learning about the different health dimensions opened

my eyes to areas I was not allowing to manifest into my everyday lifestyle and choices that I

need to in order to live a healthy and happy life. I now know that I have to not just focus on one

dimension of health, but focus on all of them to find a balance in my life. I also realized I was

paying most attention to my physical health and dwelling on my own insecurities. This project

made me set goals for myself that were not only realistic for me to achieve, but would also

challenge me to get over my humps and strive for becoming a better me. In finalizing the project,

I came to the conclusion that in order to sustain and maintain a healthy lifestyle the individual

must be fully aware of the areas they need work on and be completely open to change.

Cultivating a healthy lifestyle takes time and is not something that can be rushed because as

one’s body and mind changes that balance of the dimensions will change and need adjustment. In

conclusion, this project made me realize how hard maintaining a healthy lifestyle is, but how

beneficial it is to our overall well-being.

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