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Miguel Robles

Professor Rojas

Kinesiology 34

10 September 2022

Prescription Paper

Not everyone can say they have their health life figured out. Some go day by day just

living without a worry while others struggle to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy.

I for one struggle with my health. Throughout my life I have had my own personal ups and downs

regarding how I treat my well being. Health is something I know I should not take for granted so

that is why I strive to improve my current lifestyle. Healthy living can only benefit those willing

to accept it as a part of their daily lives. Fortunately, I have developed my own set of goals to

achieve my vision of a better version of myself.

As an introduction, my current way of living is not where I would like it to be. My body

is not well considering I generally feel lethargic most of the time since I have started school.

Eventually my mental health is also affected by the amount of work I am dealt between classes

and work outside of college. My eating habits are downhill as I do not eat as many healthy foods

that are recommended for better living. I believe this all comes down to my stress and how I deal

with it.

As of recently, I have been studying about different types of dimensions in our health as

humans. Such factors that I strive to improve on are physical and intellectual. The most basic

solution for me would be to simply exercise. But the biggest problem I have is time management.

Organizing my time with school and work would prove to help me make time to workout. Even
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just going out for daily walks or meditation in the morning would benefit me. In Jennifer Walsh’s

“I Discovered a New New York Walking Throughout the Pandemic” she quotes, “On my walks, I

encourage people to study their cadence and experience the senses that movement releases in our

brain when we are outdoors. It’s a mindful meditative practice that enables one to see and feel the

health and transformative powers of nature.” Being able to take in the beauty of the outdoors

would destress me from my influx of work. Even when I am not exercising, I would need to

incorporate more healthy eating in my daily life too.

The importance of living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t seem to interest some people. But I

for one value life. I am grateful for every moment I am alive. Sustaining a healthy way of living

comes with nothing but beneficial results. According to “Dimensions of wellness: Change your

habits, change your life” by Debbie L. Stoewen, our holistic health allows us to become the best

version of ourselves. As quoted “Wellness is a dynamic, ever-changing, fluctuating process. It is

a lifestyle, a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to become the best kind

of person that your potentials, circumstances, and fate will allow” (Stowen).

Where there is a will, there is a way. Goals of mine that I have produced are to live a

successful life doing what I love, to have better time management, and to care more about my

physical health. Choosing what I want to work towards my life has been a big challenge in my

life. Until I am undoubtedly sure of my career choice, I will move forward to continue my general

education classes. With this, I will be able to set a road for myself, working towards something

rather than sit idly by. With enrolling in college while working, comes moments in life where I

will have to manage my time wisely. Abstaining myself from certain distractions would allow me

to be more productive and leave me with more time to care for my physical health. With my
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scheduling mastered, working out more time throughout the week would benefit me to stay

vigorous for college and work.

Overall, it may be said that health is a concept people don’t take seriously. I for one do not

take it as given. Improvements can always be made to a person’s life. Goals are an alternative for

someone to become motivated to care for their own holistic health. Salubrity comes to those who

are willing to incorporate it into their daily way of living. My goals I have set in stone will help

me achieve this plan of achieving maximum mental and physical health.

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Works Cited

Stoewen, Debbie, L. “Dimensions of wellness: Change your habits, change your life.” National

Library of Medicine. Aug. 2017,

Walsh, Jennifer. “I Discovered a New New York Walking through the Pandemic.” Medium, 19

Mar. 2021,


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