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Voter Registration.

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation

Social media was the first option I used to create online campaigns to get people to register.

Almost everyone is using social media like Facebook, twitter and WhatsApp. I included dates of

registrations, deadline, links to applications where people can even confirm whether they are

registered or not. This was posted and shared to different groups and it brought many new voters.

I also volunteered to register people around me who had not yet been registered during my free

time. There are many people seated around and do not bother registering because they don’t want

queue to register or don’t want to get online and register and if I met this people in the

neighborhood I registered them in my smartphone probably if they come from states that can be

registered online.

The other way I used was educating people about the rights to vote. I went around randomly

reminding people that neglecting the right to vote is a big deal and they need to exercise it fully.

The last way I used was to get posters and board in the crowded areas explaining the importance

of registering as a voter, how easy it is to get registered and the deadline to register.

I found out that one of the reason why many people do not vote is because they are not registered

voters and they believe that it takes too long to register as a voter. like someone would say that it

takes a lot of paper work to get registered and they would vote if it Was all automated and you

needed less work to register. Also other people though that their vote will not count. This is

argued by the basis of the strong hold of some candidates has so many voters that even if you

vote it won’t affect the votes from this strong hold. Also that in some cases there are beliefs that

powerful people influence the outcome of the elections no matter who has many votes so after all

casting one vote is useless. Other people think it’s not worth it to queue for hours to vote while

their work and businesses just sit their unattended. Lastly, also the fact that others do not vote

because their favorite candidate is not vying.


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