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1. “Do not train youths by force and harshness, but direct them to what amuses their minds so
that you may be able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius each.”

 Pressuring youths today cannot help them to be their better self. We must also
understand what they want, what they want to do for them to be able to know their
ability and capabilities for them to be independent in doing things. In that way, they can
fully understand their worth as an individual person. If we train them by force and
harshness a negative effect will most likely to happen, for they are being pushed to
something that isn’t comfortable to them anymore. Despite, we must ask them to be just
themselves and most important, we must also keep into their minds that whatever
happens they must do their very best in everything they do.

2. “Impressions made on a person during infancy have very important and lasting
consequences.” J.Locke

 If you are used to something during infancy period, it will affect you until you grow up.
The lifestyle and also the philosophy you have in life today has a great impact with what
you have truly known when you are still a child.

3. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates

 A life without a goal is something that is senseless. In life, you must have your goal for
you to test your patience and ability in doing things. Most importantly, if something
happens in your life that greatly affects you, you must reflect to it and think on how you
will become a better one especially in dealing with problems that comes around you.

4. “Study without thought is labor lost, thought without study is dangerous.” Confucius

 When you have learned something, you must be able to apply and use it when needed
because it will just become senseless if you did not. But in the same way, in applying
those things that you have learned always keep in mind that it must be always patterned
or relevant to where you have learned it.

5. “Children have a secret world of their own that educators can learn about if they make the
effort.” Montessori

 You can explore the inner self of a child not just by teaching him. But you can also truly
know if who they are if you communicate with them sincerely. They must feel that they
are comfortable enough to speak what’s in their mind to you. In this way, you will know
their weaknesses, strengths and the things that they didn’t like or not.

A. What teaching principles of Jesus Christ, Aquinas and Confucius are observed and practiced
in the current Philippine educational system? How are these principles implemented in
various academic institutions?
 Teachings of Jesus Christ – in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we have the parables. In
the educational system nowadays, for the students to understand the lesson they must
be first guided by some given situations for them to deeply understand it. They must
be given a lot of examples just like in parables, situations and examples first before the
proper explanation and discussion. These are being implement on academic institution
nowadays for the students has a subject called Values/ESP and Religion which talks
about giving value to God and giving value to Goodness.

 Aquinas – for him it is very important to know about goodness and beatitudes. We
must also nurture a child with words coming from the teachings of God for them to
become better, in that way we can help them to improve themselves and they will also
bring it until they grow up. It is implemented in academic situations for we teach not
just because we want them to learn something, but because we want them to be
inspired on us.
 Confucius – he has a principle which talks about ethics, benevolence and integrity.
Nowadays, a child must have these manners because if he does, he is already
considered as whole or ready in appreciating others especially in the social world just
like in school. In an institution it is not just important that you have the intelligent. The
intelligence that you have must be attached with a good attitude. You must be a good
employee or a boss and in return peace in your institution will be achieved.

B. Choose two (2) among the foreign philosophers cited in our course which you think has a
significant influence and in one way or the other contributes in the attainment of quality
and excellence in the educational system in the country. Why?

Confucius – aside from he is the one that I reported, Confucius has a great impact not just
in the educational system of the country but because of many people esp. nowadays that
are being inspired by his words of wisdom. In the case of educational system, he really
has a great influence for some reasons:
1. The implementation of Board exam which is very important nowadays for the
qualification or attainment on what you really can.
2. The importance of our multiple intelligences which he has said is that, we cannot just
learn by academics alone (although that is very important), but we can also learn from
arithmetic and arts. This give way to the thought that if you think you aren’t good at
something else, you are definitely not right because we all have our own capabilities
which makes as unique. And that’s the most important thing that learners should
3. Ethics is very important in an educational system nowadays not just to the students
but also to the employees in a given institution.

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