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YEAR 5 &




Otherwise you will
never know.

Yulleh is reading a notice at his father’s clinic. (page 13, Year 3)

Health Advice
From Our Doctor
Look Good and Feel Good

You are what you eat. If you eat too much oily or sweet food, you may gain
weight. You may also feel tired and sleepy.

You must eat healthy food. You must eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. When
you eat healthy food, you will not get sick easily.

Paven is telling his friends what he does to stay healthy.

Speech. (Page 14, Year 3)

Good morning friends. To be healthy, I eat balanced meals and I exercise. I drink
plenty of water and get enough sleep.
I usually eat bread or boiled eggs for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, I
usually eat rice, fish, and vegetables. I love vegetables like long beans, carrots
and cabbages. I also eat a lot of fruits like papayas, apples and strawberries.
I do not like oily food like fried chicken. I always exercise in the evening. I
play games like Police and Thieves with my friends. I enjoy cycling in the park.
That’s it. Thank you.

Write about what you do to stay healthy.


Pulau Redang, Terengganu Pulau Tioman, Pahang

Activities: Activities:
 snorkel  have a picnic
 swim  walk along the beach
 walk along the beach  build sandcastles
 play beach games  collect seashells

Pulau Redang is in Terengganu. There are many activities that I can do there. I
can snorkel or swim in the sea. I can also walk along the beach or play beach

Now, write about Pulau Tioman.


Ashwini wrote in her diary about her ride in the safari. (page 78, Year 3)

Dear Diary,
I am very happy today because my father took me to the safari. I saw many
interesting animals in the safari. I learned their names and what food they like to
eat. I found out that ostriches are big birds that cannot fly. They eat fruits and
seeds. I learned that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. They can eat
leaves from tall trees. I also learned that elephants can use their trunks to breathe
like we use a snorkel in water.
I hope I can visit the safari again.

Now you try.

Write a diary entry about the animals below.
- zebras
- cheetahs
- crocodiles

Fini writes an email to her friend. (page 110, Year 3)

From :
To :
Subject : Hi!

Hi Liana,
How are you? How’s your new school?
I go online on weekends. I use my father’s laptop to surf the Internet. I play
educational games such as IQ games. I listen to music online. Sometimes, my
parents and I watch movies online. I also send emails to sister who is studying in

When do you go online? What do you do?

Hope to hear from you soon. Take care.

Your friend,

Encik Azril, the choir teacher, received this email the day before the concert.
(page 125, Year 3)

From :
To :
Subject : Choir Performance

Dear Encik Azril,

I am Susie. I cannot sing in the choir tomorrow. My mother is sick and my father
is working out of town. There is no one to take me to school. I wanted to call
you but I do not have your telephone number. I am sorry. I hope you will excuse
Your pupil,

Match and then write Susie’s reply.

Dear Susie,

1. I am sorry to hear that your and find out the choir practice date
mother is sick from the notice board.
2. I am sad that you cannot sing in or I hope you will join us next year.
the choir
3. There is no more choir practice but there is no one to send you to
after this concert school tomorrow.
4. Come and see me next year am glad that you informed me

I hope your mother gets well soon. Take care.

Your teacher,
Encik Azril

The expert in
was once a beginner.

Invitation to a fund-raising fair. (page 6, Year 4)

The Parent-Teacher Association is organising a fund-raising fair on 31 January from

9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. The proceeds from the fair will be donated to Mak Dillah to
help rebuild her house. Nurul will sell vegetables. Kinah will sell fruits and Pravin will
sell cakes and cookies. Drinks will also be on sale.
The organising committee wants to invite the community to come to the
fair. Help them to complete the invitation below.

Invitation to a Fund-raising Fair

Date: …………………………… (1)
Time: …………………………… (2)
Place: ………………………………. (3)
Items on sale: ……………………………. (4), ……………………………………... (5),
……………………………. (6), ……………………………………... (7),
……………………………. (8)
All proceeds will be donated to Mak Dilah to help rebuild her house.

Write an invitation for your School Sports Day.


Jagjit writes an email to his friend. (page 26, Year 4)

From :
To :
Subject : Badminton Practice

Hi Nurul,
There will be a badminton practice on Wednesday next week. It starts at 3.30 p.m.
and finishes at 5.30 p.m.

It will be at the school badminton court. You only need to bring your racquet. The
school provides shuttlecocks.

Mr. Ramesh is our new coach. He will be training us for three months. Would you be
able to come for the practice?

Do you have an extra racquet? I lost mine last week. Can you lend me one of yours?

Thank you. Hope to see you soon.


Help Nurul to reply to Jagjit’s message.

From :
To :
Subject : Re: Badminton Practice
Hi Jagjit,

Thank you for your ………………………. . I am going for the ……………….. next
week. …………………… is a good coach. We can learn a lot from him. Sorry to
hear about …………………… . Yes, I have …………………… that you can

See you next week.

Your friend,


Notice: (page 68, Year 4)

18 August
Away on A Holiday

This is to inform all friends and visitors to Our Garden that I will be away on a holiday
starting tomorrow. I shall be back on 25 August. My cousin, Jelini will take over my
garden duties while I am away. take care everyone, see you soon!

(Owner of Our Garden)

Arrange these sentences into a notice. Use the information below.

Mr Ramesh 27 August NOTICE School Garden Advisor

Those who are interested please contact me.

Need helpers We need more helpers in our garden.

Choose a topic below and write a notice.

a) Things to bring for arts and craft lesson
b) Changes to the examination dates
c) A list of homework

Prince Fariz is reading a message of sympathy from his friend, Prince Arif.
(page 79, Year 4)

Dear Prince Fariz,

I was shocked and sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I can understand
how you are feeling now. However, you have to be strong and do take care of

Your friend,
Prince Arif

Choose a topic from below. Complete the message.

- A neighbour who lost his cousin
- A friend who lost his grandfather

Dear ……………….. ,

I am ……………………………………………………………………………….. .
I can ……………………………………………………………………………….. .
However, ………………………………………………………………….. .

Your ………………. ,

Invitation to open house. (page 95, Year 4)

Gawai festival is just around the corner. Kinah’s cousin, Jelini wants to invite her
friends to her house.

Hello, my dear friends. I am having an open house for Gawai festival and I would
love to invite you. Here are the details:

Date: 1 June 2019

Time: 2.30 p.m.
Place: 38, Jalan Budaya,93000 Kuching

Hope to see you there.

To accept invitation:
1. Thank you for inviting me, Jelini. Yes, I will be there. See you.
2. That’s lovely. Thank you. See you on that day.

To decline an invitation:
1. I’m sorry. I’ll be visiting my aunt on that day. Thank you for inviting me.
2. I’m sorry. I won’t be able to attend. My parents will be away.

Your friend invites you to his or her place. Accept or decline the invitation.

Mr Ramesh is organizing a cultural performance in Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri

Teratai. Here is a notice about it. (page 99, Year 4)


28th August

Cultural Performance

Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Teratai is organizing a cultural performance. All

pupils are invited.

Date : 4 September
Time : 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Venue : School Hall

Pupils may wear their traditional costumes to the show. There will be a
traditional costume parade, musical recital, singing, and dancing. Do not
miss this special event.

Mr Ramesh

Write a notice about:

1. A school concert
2. A school trip
3. An English Language Society meeting

Mount Fuji, the Symbol of Japan (page 150, Year 4)

Jagjit went on a holiday to Japan with her grandparents. They visited Mount Fuji.
It is located on Honshu Island. Mount Fuji is also the highest mountain in Japan. It
stands at 3,776 metres. She found out the mountain is surrounded by five beautiful
lakes. She also found out the entire area around the base is a national park.
Mount Fuji’s beautiful peak has made it one of the most popular sites in
Japan. The best time to visit is from July to August. During this season, hundreds of
climbers hike the mountain every day. People cannot climb the mountain during
winter when the weather and temperature are not suitable for climbing.

Jagjit wants to share the fascinating information with her mother. Help Jagjit to
complete her email to her mother.
Subject: Mount Fuji Holiday

Dear mother,
How are you? I am fine here in Japan. I just came back from visiting
………………. (1).
I am amazed by its natural wonders. Mount Fuji is surrounded by five lakes. It is one
of the most popular sites here because it has ………………………………… (2). I was
told that the best season to climb the mountain is from …………………………. (3).
I was surprised …………………………….. (4) hike the peak every day. Maybe we
can climb the mountains together one day, too.

I can’t wait to go home. I miss Malaysia so much.


Year 5
You are capable of
amazing things!!!

Poster. (page 4, Year 5)

Sigat is reading the poster of his school’s Family Day.

The Parent-Teacher Association

of Sekolah kebangsaan Muhibah cordially
invites you and your family to our
annual Family Day:
Date: 5 February 2019
Time: 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Venue: School hall and school field

 Speech by Encik Danial Zaini
Chairperson of Parent-Teacher Association
 Indoor and outdoor games
 Karaoke competition
 Lucky draw

Be part of the exciting activities. Enjoy the wide

variety of food and beverages.



Jasleen sent a postcard to May Lee telling her about her holidays in Penang.
(page 6, Year 5)

Hi May Lee,

I am so excited! Guess what! My family and I are

now in Penang Island. We just went up the
Penang Hill on a funicular railway. It was my first
experience. From the top of the hill, one can
have a bird’s eye view of the Penang Bridge, the
KOMTAR building, and the famous ferries. The
view was truly breathtaking.

Wish you were here.

Bye for now.

Tan May Lee,

36, Jalan Damai,
Taman Damai,

26400 Bandar Pusat Jengka,


A postcard is a card for sending a message by post without using an envelope. It

normally has a picture on one side. Think about a holiday destination you have
been to recently. Write a postcard to your friend describing the holiday.

 where did you go?  Who did you go with?  What did you see?

Notice. (page 56, Year 5)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Damai is organising a carnival on child safety and
protection on 25 May from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
The organising committee is inviting all the pupils and parents to join hands
to raise awareness and educate everyone on the importance of child safety and
protection. The carnival will be held at the school hall. Activities include a talk on
staying safe, a poster competition, self-defence demonstrations, and parenting
advice. Admission is free.
Complete the notice:


Date: 20 May

Child Safety and Protection Carnival

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Damai is organising …………………………… (1).

Date: …………………………... (2)

Time: ……………………………... (3)

Venue: ……………………………... (4)

Many interesting activities will be held. There will be:

……………………………... (5),

……………………………... (6),

……………………………... (7), and

……………………………... (8).

Let’s make our school and community safe.

Miss Sharmila

Carnival Coordinator

Look at the map. John wants to go to the King’s castle. Help him find his way
Directions. (page 62, Year 5)
From his house, he has to walk straight on and turn left at the first junction. Walk
on and turn left again at the second junction until he reaches a roundabout.
Take the second exit. The castle is at the end of the road.

Based on the map, give directions to your friend to get from:

- The market to the playground
- Dave’s house to the library
- The horse stable to Eric’s house

Read the letter from John to his friend in another kingdom about his experience
in the castle. (page 66, Year 5)

1. Writer’s Address 812, Artistic Road,

46000 Artistic Land.

2. Date
23 July 2019

3. Salutation Dear Ashton,

4. Introduction How are you? I hope you are doing well. I had an amazing
experience visiting the King’s castle today.

The castle was huge and beautiful. I never knew it had many
areas and rooms.

The first time I stepped foot into the castle, I was

amazed by the courtyard. It was well maintained with big
colourful flowers and beautiful plants. The trees were green
5. Content
and birds were chirping. I could spend hours painting there.

My favourite area in the castle was the Art Gallery. As

you know, the King is an avid art collector. He collects
paintings from all over the world. Most of the paintings were
painted by famous artists. I’m sure they are worth a lot.

Closing That’s all from me. Do write to me about your interesting

experience over the weekend.

7. Yours sincerely,
8. Signature

May Lee receives an email from her cousin who lives in Sarawak.
(page 76, Year 5)

Subject Sarawak River Cruise

Dear May Lee,

How are you? I hope you are well. Everyone here is fine.
In your email, you wanted to know the best way to see the beautiful
city of Kuching. Well, one of the best ways is to go on a cruise along the
Sarawak River. The Sarawak River Cruise provides a unique and different
experience. Along your journey on the river, you will pass small house-like
boats called perahu tambang which are used to ferry locals across the river.
You will also see Malay kampung houses built on stilts and fishing villages.
Besides that, you will pass the Astana, which used to be Rajah Brooke’s
residence. Located next to Astana is Fort Margherita which is now a police
Before returning to Kuching city, you will cruise by the Satok Bridge.
Make sure you don’t miss the new State Legislative Building. It is as grand as a
palace and resembles the Melanau tribal hat.

That’s all for now. Bye.

Your cousin,
Siew May

Notice (page 88, Year 5)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Damai is organising a space exploration week
campaign to give a chance to the pupils to experience the world of space. Read
the notice below for more information.


‘Exploring Space, Discovering the Universe’
The Science Club of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Damai is organizing a Space Exploration Week. The
details are as follows:
Date: 4 August 2019 – 8 August 2019
Place: Science laboratory
Time: 7.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Admission: Free
o The Solar System exhibition
o A session with Dato Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor
o Video shows on rocket launches
o A demonstration on making a space shuttle model
o Making diorama on planets
o Quiz
o Building a model of a telescope
o Colouring contest
o Essay competition

Everyone is invited to join in the fun! See you there!

Write a message to invite a friend to attend the Space Exploration Week.

Dear ………………… ,

I would like to invite you to ……………………………………………………….



Sigat receives an email from his pen friend in Japan. (page 99, Year 5)

Subject Greetings from Japan
Dear Sigat,
How are you? It is the school holiday here in Japan and I have been visiting a
few interesting places.
My family and I went to see cherry blossoms. These flowers are also
known as sakura. They bloom all over Japan from the end of March to early
May. We had a picnic along the riverbank to enjoy the flower most loved by
the Japanese.
Apart from that, I also went to Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. It is one
of the world’s largest cities. My mother went shopping in several big malls. She
bought me two dresses and a pair of earrings.
You should visit me one day. I will take you to the best local restaurant
and interesting places. It will be a trip that you will never forget. Can you tell
me more about your country in your next email?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Imagine you are Sigat. Write a reply to Hitomi’s email.


News report. (page 108, Year 5)

Kota Bharu, 12 January – Floods caused by the monsoon rain have forced over
40,000 people to evacuate their homes. News reported at least 10 people had
died while a mother and a daughter are missing.
More than 20,000 people have been placed in evacuation centers in
Kelantan. The rain also affects Terengganu, Pahang, and Johor. Almost every
year these states are affected and they usually last from late November to
Volunteers are helping people to move their belongings and food supplies
on small boats. One of the volunteers informed, “These victims have been placed
in Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Mentari and Sungai Jenuh Mosque for safety and
All flood victims have been advised to stay at these centers until the
situation is safe.

Based on the news report above, imagine that you are one of the victims of the
flood. Using the information provided, write a letter to your friend describing your
unforgettable experience.

Your friend is going to join a BMX race organised by the Adventure Sports Centre.
Write a letter to advise him or her on how to prepare for the race. Use the words
in the boxes to help you. (page 138, Year 5)

eat healthy take a break drink enough water

exercise fit and healthy wear protective gear
start training warm up exercises

2615, Jalan BP 14/1,

Taman Muhibbah,

47100 Puchong,


Hi ……………….. ,

How are you? Hope you are fine.

I heard that you are going to participate in the BMX race organized by
the Adventure Sports Centre. It is good that you have the courage to join an
adventure sport that you like doing.

Since the race is just around the corner, I would like to advise you to be
physically prepared. You must ……………………………….…. from now. Before
you start, you must always do …………………………………………. to prepare your
body for the training. Make sure you ……………………………………………. to
prevent any injury while doing the activity.

If you are tired, ………………………………….. before you continue with the

training. Make sure you …………………………………. to prevent dehydration.
Most importantly, you must always ………………………………. ,
………………………………. and train to make sure you remain …………………….. .

I wish you good luck and stay calm for the race. I know you can do it!



A letter used to be an important

way to stay connected with
friends and families. Now it has
been replaced by current
technology like an email which
is faster and easier.

The staff and pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Damai want to show their
appreciation to army veterans by organising a food fair for these real-life heroes.
Below are the details in a notice. (page 145, Year 5)


24 September 20__

The Year 5 pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Damai are organizing an
appreciation night for the army veterans.

Date : 26 October 20__

Time : 6.00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.
Venue: School field

Everyone is invited. Come join us.

Miss Sharmila
Event Coordinator

How can you volunteer your services for the fund-raising fair?

Our greatest glory is not in never falling,

But in rising every time we fall.

When you read a book and write what you think about the story, it is called a book report.
Your opinion can either be positive or negative. (page 7, Year 6)

Idith completes her book reports after reading Little House on the Prairie and Jaws.

Title: Little House on the Prairie

Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Genre: Classic

Characters: Laura, father, mother, Mary, and Baby Carrie


The story is about a family that moves to a new town. They work hard to make this new
place their home. There they learn about survival skills and the importance of family

Opinion about the book:

I like the book because it is exciting and interesting. Laura experiences a lot of adventures
in her new home.

Moral values/ knowledge gained:

I learnt the importance of family values, honesty, and hard work.

Title: Jaws

Author: Peter Benchley

Genre: Science Fiction

Characters: Brody (a police officer), Quint ( a shark hunter), and Hooper (a marine


The story is about a great white shark that attracts a small resort town and the journey of
three men to kill it.

Opinion about the book:

I do not like the book because it is frightening and scary. Many people who went
swimming were attacked and killed by the big white shark.

Moral values/ knowledge gained:

I learnt that we must take care of ourselves and be courageous.


Kamini made a personalised card for her father on Father’s Day.

(page 16, Year 6)

Dear Dad,
Thank you for always being there for me. You make my world a brighter and
happier place. I hope your special day is blessed with love and laughter.

Your daughter,

Make a card for one of your family members to express your love and gratitude.

You may use the phrases given below:

Thank you for being my ……………. I am proud to be your …………………….

You are an excellent ……………….. You are always there for me when ……..

Electronic cards or e-cards are cards sent online. They are easy to create and
quick to send through email. They are also environmentally friendly.

Example of an e-card:

Dear Lee Ann,

I hope all your birthday wishes come true. May your days be filled with happiness
and joy. Happy Birthday.


Send an e-card to your best friend for his or her birthday.


Encik Hakimi and the pupils of 6 Robotics visited the home for the elderly. They
cleaned the home, ate with the old folks, and entertained them with games,
songs and performances. The people at the home were very happy. They sent an
e-card to express their gratitude to the people at the home. (page 17, Year 6)

Dear Uncles and Aunts,

We would like to thank you for having us at the home yesterday. It was a great pleasure
to meet all of you. We were very pleased as we were given a warm welcome.

We had a lot of fun playing games and singing songs. We also enjoyed listening
to your stories.

We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. We cannot wait to meet all
of you again.

6 Robotics

You spent your holidays at your relative’s house. You had a great time. Send an
e-card to thank them.

Read the online invitation below. (page 36, Year 6)


Date: 12 April 2019

Time: 8.00 a.m.

Venue: Harmony Hall

Audience: Pupils, teachers and parents

Admission: Free

Officiated by: Encik Noor Razak bin Hasbullah

Objectives: 1) To raise awareness on animal cruelty among adults and school children

2) To raise funds to stop cruelty against animals

Activities: - football and netball games

- Colouring contest
- PowerPoint presentations on animal cruelty
- Pet adoption

NGOs involved: - Paws Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)


You are going to announce the Tunas Pet Project in the school assembly. Using
all the information provided on the online invitation, write the announcement.
Good morning, everyone. ………………

Announcement. (page 36, Year 6)

Good morning, everyone. There will be a fair to raise awareness on animal

cruelty among adults and school children. It is called the Tunas Pet project. It will
be held on 12 April 2019 at 8.00 a.m. in the Harmony Hall. Everyone is invited.
Admission is free.
There will be many interesting activities planned. First, the netball and
football games. Next, the colouring contest. There will be PowerPoint
presentations on animal cruelty. You can get free pet during pet adoption.
Thank you.
(82 words)

This is a letter from Lee Ann to Idith. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb.
(page 49, Year 6)

25, Oakhouse Bed and Breakfast,

81350 Krabi,


Dear Idith,
How are you? I hope that you are fine. As you …………………………(know)
my family and I are at Krabi, Thailand. Krabi ……………… (be) a small town.
Every morning, my family and I …………………… (wake) up early to see the
sunrise and we …........... (jog) along the sea. Then, we …………………. (eat)
breakfast at a café. My father usually ……………………….. (order) the local
coffee. The coffee here …………………. (be) aromatic and tasty.
People in Krabi ………….. (be) very friendly. They always
………………..(smile) at us. Many tourists love to come to Krabi. They
………………… (like) to buy clothes and souvenirs.
Hope you are having a good time too. We will be back home next Monday.
Till we meet again. Bye.
Lee Ann

Saving Our Environment (page 54, Year 6)

Good morning everyone. How are you today? I am Mr Tan, the Advisor to
the Junior Environment Club. I am here to talk about how young people like you
can save our Mother Earth.
First, switch off and unplug all the electrical gadgets when not in use. If we
do not switch off televisions, computers, laptops or telephone chargers, they
would still consume electricity. Therefore, switch off and unplug the gadgets to
save on power consumption.
Next, switch to energy efficient lights. Fluorescent or LED light bulbs last
longer and use less electricity than conventional bulbs, so, switch to energy
efficient lights because they are long-lasting and economical.
You can also collect rain water. You can use it to water plants, clean drains
and porches. Thus, collecting rain water helps to conserve water and save on
water bills.
Last but not least, please avoid using disposable items. Plastic cups, bags,
and containers take a minimum of 20 years to decompose. You can use your own
bags or refuse to accept plastic bags when shopping. Hence, you can reduce
the amount of waste going into landfills.
To conclude, I hope you as the next generation would protect and save
our Mother Earth. I would like to end my speech by saying “Keep the future bright,
turn off the light.” Thank you.

Encik Hakimi is making an announcement. (page 85, Year 6)

Good morning, everyone. There will be a carnival to raise funds for the homeless
and the less fortunate children on Saturday, 12th July from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Donations such as clothes, food, books, and cash money are welcome. Don’t
miss this opportunity to help the needy in Negeri Sembilan. Thank you.

The pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Tunas Cipta are distributing their donations to
several towns in Negeri Sembilan. Look at the map and help Najmee and his team
to go to Pedas.

From Johol, turn left at the junction. Go straight on. You will reach a T-junction.
Turn right and go straight again until you pass Rembau. You will reach Pedas at
the next junction in front of you.

Give directions from:

- Sri Menanti to Seremban
- Johol to Pedas
- Port Dickson to Labu

A formal letter is a letter written in formal language with a specific structure and
layout. We write formal letters to a teacher, a bank, a company or the local
council. We write formal letters to seek permission, to complain or to apply for
jobs. (page 88, Year 6)
Najmee was absent from school. His father wrote a letter to Encik Hakimi.

Naim bin Ahmad,

17, Taman Bukit Segar,

56100 Cheras,

Kuala Lumpur.

8 June 20__

Encik Hakimi bin Razman,

6 Robotics,

Sekolah Kebangsaan Tunas Cipta,

55100 Cheras,

Kuala Lumpur.

Dear Encik Hakimi,

Permission to be Absent from Co-curricular Activities

I am writing to inform you that my son, Najmee bin Naim, will not be able to attend the
co-curricular activities on Wednesday, 20th June. Najmee will be attending his brother’s
graduation in Penang.

I hope you will excuse him.

Yours sincerely,


Naim bin Ahmad

Imagine you are Asin’s mother. You would like to seek permission for Asin to be
absent from school for two days. Write a letter to the teacher.

Rearrange the information below to form a formal letter. (page 89, Year 6)

English Language Society, Tasty Chocolate Factory,

Sekolah Kebangsaan Tunas Cipta, Jalan SS16/4,

Jalan Pandan, 47500 Subang Jaya,

55100 Kuala Lumpur. Selangor.

We, a group of twenty students and two teachers, would like to visit your factory
on 10 July 20__ from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Permission to Visit Chocolate Factory

5 May 20__ Yours faithfully, Dear Sir,


As the Secretary of English Language Society of Sekolah Kebangsaan Tunas

Cipta, I would like to ask permission to visit your chocolate factory.

I hope to get a reply as soon as possible.

6 Robotics plans to visit Setia Kasih, the home for the elderly. Brainstorm the ideas
given below to request permission from the officer in charge to visit the home.
a) Complete the outline given:
-Purpose of the visit -Number of teachers and pupils
-Date and time of the visit -Officer in charge
b) Write the letter.

The pupils of 6 Robotics are learning to write a speech. (page 98, Year 6)
A speech is a formal talk that a person gives to an audience, for example, at a
school assembly.

Greet the audience. Good morning to the headmaster,

teachers, and fellow friends.
Paragraph 1 Introduce yourself. My name is Najmee from 6 Robotics.
Introduce the topic I’m here to present a speech on the
topic “Stay Safe from Strangers1.”
Main points and their You must always tell your parents
elaboration. where and whom you are going out
Paragraph 2, 3, 4
(Elaborate one point with. This is important because they
in one paragraph.) can help you during an emergency.
Paragraph 5 Thank the audience. Thank you for listening.

Write a speech on ways to stay safe from strangers. You may use the points

Do not:
- Talk to strangers
- Accept – candy
- Walk – alone

- Look – policeman
- Shout for help – crowd
- Wait for parents – inside school compound

A bank officer us giving a talk to pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Tunas Cipta about
children’s savings account. (page 136, Year 6)

Good morning pupils. I’m Encik Ramzi, from VC bank. Today, I would like to talk to
you about our ‘Junior Savings Account.’ It’s a great way to develop the habit of
saving money.
The ‘Junior Savings Account’ is a savings account for primary school
children between seven to twelve years old. You must be a Malaysian to open
an account.
You cannot open an account yourself. Your parent or guardian must do it
for you. You can enjoy earning profits when you save using this account. The more
you save, the higher your profits you earn.
The good news is you can open an account with only RM1.00. You will also
get a recognition card with birthday gifts, discounts at selected book and food
outlets, and your very own money box.
I hope you will not miss this golden opportunity to save with us. For those
interested, please proceed to our booth at the end of the hall. Thank you.

Idith sends an email to Kamini. (page 139, Year 6)

To :
Subject : My Pocket Money

Dear Kamini,

Hi, how’s your holiday going on? I saw a beautiful bag at the newly opened
supermarket in town. I wanted to buy it but I don’t have enough money.

I would really appreciate it if you could suggest ways to earn some pocket



Kamini has suggested four ways to earn pocket money. They are:

sell handicrafts sell second-hand items

bake and sell cookies collect and sell old newspaper, cans, and plastic bottles
to recycling centres

Help Kamini to write a reply email to Idith.


Bonus entry: Book Review: Cinderella [excerpt from Sir Abdullah (AMN) note]

I read a book entitled ………………………….. [TITLE] recently. The book is

written by ………………………………. [AUTHOR]. It is a ……………………. [GENRE]
The story is about ……………………………………………………………………
I like the book because / I don’t like the book because ……………………
I learned …………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………[MORAL VALUES].

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