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I think all Indonesian citizens are entitled to health insurance for their protection, for

health insurance are entitled owned by anyone, especially for the poor.

government had been put through a variety of efforts, among them the public health
insurance for the poor (JAMKESMAS). So with the JAMKESMAS the poor could be easier
in paying health insurance by utilizing JAMKESMAS. Thank you


1. Hozaima
2. Gina’a Fitriyanti
3. Kurnia Dewi R
4. Febriyana istighfarini
5. Fitril Akbar W
6. Leviana Dea C
7. Gita Rahma Dani
8. Choiril Amin
9. Ansyariadi
10. Arisona Chandra P
11. Dedy Iqbal
12. Farina norhasanah
13. Fathor Rahman
14. Fifin Ayu S
15. Agustino Riza R
16. Eko Fathoni
17. Doni
18. Hendro Heri S

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