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Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polly technic

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Practical Assessment for database trainers

Practical Exam
LAP Test Method:


December 18,2014 Start Time End time

Effective Date:


 You are expected to perform any of the following tasks:

Request your teacher to arrange for you all necessary facilities, then perform the following tasks in
front of your teacher
 Submit your outputs to your teacher
I. Create a Database which named Registrar System on local drive D: in the folder which named by
your name.
II. Create the following tables properly and enter all the records by using data entry form.

Teacher ID Full Name Sex Age Address Salary

1 Roman Bekele F 20 Addis 3000
2 Ashenafi Lemma M 21 Gonder 4000
3 Ruth Bezuneh F 22 Addis 5000
4 Alazar Bekele M 23 Adama 2000
5 Yonas Asefa M 24 mekele 1500
Save the table with name teacher
III. Set the following field property settings for teacher table fields.
Teacher full name -the field is has to accept only 15 characters.
-The first character of this field is have to be upper case and the
Rest is has to be lower case.
Teacher sex - is have to accept only 1 character
-set default value to M
-the field is have to accept only M or F
-set a validation text for the field

Teacher age is not has to accept age above 25

Student ID Full Name Sex Age Address B/Date

1 Keberon Kebede F 20 Adama 3/2/1984
S2 Melat Abebe F 19 Gonder 3/3/1985
a3 Surafel Asefa M 18 Gonder 2/2/1986
v4 Girum Bekele M 17 Addis 1/1/1987
e5 Rahel Yohans F 16 Addis 25/2/1988
6 Meron Abebe F 15 Addis 22/8/1989
t7 Sara Bezabeh F 21 Adama 23/7/1983
h8 Mekedes Abera F 22 Adama 24/9/1982
Save the table with name student
Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polly technic
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Practical Assessment for database trainers

Department ID Department Name

2 Construction
3 Manufacturing
4 Automotive

Save the table with name department.

Course Code Course Title Course Hour

1 Operate Personal Computer 90
2 Connect Hardware Peripherals 85
3 Install Software Applications 80
4 Protect System or Application Software 75
Save the table with name Course.

IV. Create many too many relationships among Teacher, Student, and Course tables.
V. Create a one too many relationship between:
 Teacher and department
 Student and department
 Course and department

VI. Retrieve the information of all female students which their age is 20 and above. Save the query
with name female students.
VII. Retrieve the information of teachers which their address is outside of Addis and their salary is
less than 3000. Save the query with name teachers OA.
VIII. Increase teacher Yonas Asefa’s and Ruth Bizuneh’s salary by 20 %. Save the query with name
Update YR.
IX. Decrease teacher Roman bekele’s salary by 10 %.
X. Delete student which their address is GONDER. Save the query with name Gonder.
XI. Copy paste Teacher table and delete all the records from the copy of teacher table.
XII. Append the records of Roman Bekele and Ashenafi Lemma from the original table of teacher to
the copy of teacher table. Save the query with name Append.
XIII. Create a table that shows teacher name, student name, course and grade of students in one
table by using Make table query. Save the query with name students grade
XIV. Create a parameter query that asks the students ID and name. Save the query with name
parameter query.
XV. Create the following table, convert the grades in to a percent as given below and calculate total.
save the query with name percent of grade.

ID Math’s English Civics Total

S01 50 60 70
S02 60 70 80
S03 70 80 90
S04 80 90 100

 Math’s = 40%
 English = 40%
 Civics = 20%
Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polly technic
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Practical Assessment for database trainers

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