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Name ________________

No. ____ Class ____

Grade 5 Unit 3 Grammar Review Sheet
a) Modals of Ability – Complete the table.
Past Present Future
1 I could work. I can work. I will be able to work.
2 I can write.

3 I can’t sleep.

4 I can swim.

5 I can’t remember

6 I could draw.

Now write 3 sentences of your own with modal verbs: one in past tense, one in present
tense, and one in future tense. *Don’t copy the sentences above, but you may use them as
7 __________________________________________________________________

8 __________________________________________________________________

9 __________________________________________________________________

b) ‘in-’ prefix + adjective = opposite (antonym) – Write any 3 ‘in-’ adjectives in the
sentences below. *Hint: use your O.D. Student book p. 35.

10 If you cannot see something and it is real, maybe it is __________________.

11 You must finish your math test because it is ___________________.

12 UFO’s are ___________________ things. They are hard to believe!

c) Adjective + Preposition – Fill-in the blanks below with an adjective (careful, afraid,
excited, interested, good/bad) + a preposition (in, of, at, with, about)

13 I am so _______________ _______ dinosaurs. I love reading books and watching movies

about them.
14 He is ________________ _______ doing math, so he practices math problems every day.

15 Please be ________________ __________ those chemicals! Don’t drop them!

16 I’m _______________ _________ snakes! I don’t want to hold any!

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