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TEAM: CMHU's Situation Report

Love Letter to My S.E.L.F. -- Past, Present, and Future:

c/o The Golden Wildling aka Coach T'Marie Wiggins
drafted Saturday 7/20/19

{S.E.L.F. = Sacred/Sankofa Energy Life Force}

{REF: | S.E.L.F. Study Summit| The Wounded Healer | Golden Chaos Magician}
Coaching-by-Story -- as an Extra Curricula Activity -- per A.M.C.V.P.T.s

Tarot of the Day (TOTD): The Wheel of Fortune

⦁ Seeking the magic-inside-the-very-moment.
⦁ Fate AND Free-will (exercising the powers of Yes, And) -- delivering the opportunities that make it easy to count
one's blessings AND share in the tough/tender lessons per season/cycle.
⦁ Leaning into the inspiring-anticipation/arrival of the signs and symbols that transmute into pure-synergy to help
with one's sensations&situations.

CMHU S.E.L.F. Study Summit Breakdown:

10% Metaphysically Speaking
60% S.E.L.F. Care/Coaching Tools/Tutelage
10% Tarot Treasure Trove
20% Coaching-by-Story/SongVersation Dedication

iNTRA2 Personal-Developmental Color-Code: BLACK-to-GOLD

KEY-NOTE {per Fortune's Cookie}: 'Someone who deserves special attention awaits your magic voice.' {that
someone just might be YOU!}

SongVersation Shuffle | Creativity Stimulus:

⦁ As {Stevie Wonder}
⦁ Count Your Blessings {Nas and Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley}
⦁ Patience {Nas and Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley}
⦁ F*ckin' Perfect {P!nk}
⦁ I Wanna Dance With Somebody {Whitney Houston}
⦁ Through the Fire {Chaka Khan}
⦁ Sinnerman {Nina Simone}
⦁ Someone Watching Over You {Najee ft. BeBe Winans}
⦁ Get Back To My Baby {Vivian Green}
⦁ Playa Cardz Right {Keyshia Cole ft. Tupac}
⦁ News for You {Eric Benet}
⦁ A Couple of Forevers {Chrisette Michele}

iNTRA Personal Tarot-Treasure-Trove (via Coach T's Jolly Staffers Oracle Card Deck prototype) |6Card
1. What's in the way? -- Softly ask your S.E.L.F. to assist you with bringing forth the important questions/answers.
2. The Moon: meditate upon your frequencies of intuition, faith, intentional serendipity, and sacred-synchronicity.
Increase honorariums of emotional-intelligence, dream-weaves, and aspirations.
3. Vocab(a)lyrics: customize the definitions surrounding your eureka and extra-ordinary moments -- ponder how the
utilization of inspiration may be of service to your thoughts, feelings, intuition, and synergy.
4. The Empress: meditate upon your efforts to grow, mature, and uniquely create/produce.
5. iNTRA Personal Research/Development: contemplate the following -- 'I am the One I've been waiting for' --
meditate/affirm for 21 days.
6. Investigate the powers of Oshun -- journal-the-journey, and possibly compose a love-letter to the Goddess of purity,
love, fertility, and sensuality.

#JournalOutfitters | #Work'nOnMe | #PhoenixRising | #LoveLetterLegacy

LoveLetter and Pro-Personal Situation Report:

{Saturday 7/20/19 @2am}

Dear S.E.L.F.,

This letter is arriving to report, reconcile, align and make-peace; Mind, Body, and Soul -- for the sake of inner healing,
iNTRA-personal creativity and development, plus the pursuit of supreme-individuality.

There has been so much unfolding over the past 18months that I can barely keep my focus faithful. But despite this (or
maybe because of it), I can't -- I won't lose Hope of the dream-positive visions that dance between the corridors of my
heart and my head. I wish to purposely reconcile my past (the good, the bad, and urban-ugly) and seek-out the balance
enfolded within my present, so that I may confidently access the fills of my (fortune's) future. The realization and
actualization of You shall ultimately satisfy this presently enormous feat!

I'am also seeking to fulfill my greatest-heart's desire by re-aligning the relationships between my growing godlings,
evolutionary muses, and invisible guides; as they are the source of my well-being and the only-reason for existing.
Especially my three godlings (aka my children) -- because honestly, I miss them terribly. All sacrifices were made so
that I could, would, become amidst the best-version of matriarchal-love with unconditional tendency. In this present
moment, I tussle with the urge to deem my attempts a failure (it's been such a wrinkle-in-time). There was a time, not
so long ago, when BigMomma (and her infamous Sunday Dinner gatherings was a cherished-thing). I miss mine so
much that it aches -- I wished to embody this energy to keep it alive. My aim has always been (and forever will be) to
grow into the example my-godlings can be (uniquely) proud-of. I know I'am (I know we are) being challenged to love
differently, and go toward the versions of S.E.L.F. that speak the most AUTHENTIC TRUTH, plus display a
progressive balance of Intuition, Feelings, Thoughts, and (synchronized/synthesized) Synergies. Keeping this in mind
(and heart), I often ponder C.G. Jung's quoted concept, "...the aim of one's life, psychologically speaking, should be not
to suppress or repress, but to come to know one's other side, and so both to enjoy and to control the WHOLE RANGE
of one's capacities, i.e., in the full sense to 'know oneself'."

It has been an awe-fully long journey, and for the most part, it's been filled with sifting through the tough and tender of
my troubles and triumphs. Because surely, not all of my LifeWorkStudyStylePassionPurposeProject(s) have been
influenced by trauma and turmoil. It's also been equally tender discovering how my faults could possibly have gifts
attached to them; dwelling within my inner-time and space. The tussle to face-off with my fears and reconcile my
individuality has been remarkable, to say the least. Having to enter into my own customized twilight-zone, reclaim my
courage and forgive what has long felt like life-altering mistakes and foolish scattering -- leaves me pottered for a
pursuit that shall transcend this reality.

I'am delighted to report, I have indeed emotionally and intellectually traveled the last 10yrs, 5months, and 11days
along-the-trajectory of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. In 2009 is when I received the initial-call to leave my
ordinary existence, which I immediately ignored. Eventually, I gained the acquaintance of several mentor-like
individuals who convinced me to accept the mission to spiritually and metaphorically rescue my childlike-empress from
the devastating clutches of the Nothingness. Upon crossing the threshold of this fear-riddled quest, I encountered all
sorts of testy situations which included allies, and enemies alike. And at the sixth-degree, I staggered into my
innermost-cave of reflection and experienced harsh ordeals of self-imposed rejection, indications of vacant esteem, and
false visions of a foreshortened bee-line leading into an ultra-positive, successful livelihood. The assumptions of this
ultra-positive, successful livelihood seemed to reveal the most of my character-flaws -- as I wanted to quickly hop, skip,
and jump into this newness. When it never materialized, my plan started to look (and smell) like swiss-cheese, which
amplify my lacking notions of self-worth. It took me a long while to re-gain the courage to continue this journey. I lost
faith in my ability to overcome, and became impatient with the seemingly prolonged return on my quest-like
investments. Because of this, I spent unnecessary time hosting pity-parties and appling for various job-positions, that
to-this-day, I've never gotten a response from. Thus, sending me tumbling into such a sunken-place -- a place I now
identify as 'Hell' (for which I have plenty t-shirts).

But while in this place, something remarkable took-root. I got the chance to live with my Dad (something I hadn't had
much of during my childhood). My troubled-heart finally felt safe and the stampeding of misery was forced to retreat.
So, I graciously siezed the opportunity to begin my scholarship within the inner-healing realms of life-coaching and
incubate my inner-light while under the careing tutelage of my Dad and StepMom's love and support. In 2011, I latched
onto the pursuit of creative-writing as a coaching-elective. And by the turn of 2013, I was well on my path to
accomplishing this goal. But, the decision to return to my Mom's to satisfy the need of her not living alone during her
elderly years put a pause on this pursuit, which proved to be timely since most of my siblings were contending with 9-5
work schedules and intertwined with all sorts of 'grown folk' business. I regard this particular time as Step10: The Road
Back. And even though this return to my Mom's provoked all sorts of deeply rooted childhood trauma -- it was such a
necessary occurrence, as we had no idea she'd be diagnosed with throat-cancer and would be among the Ancestors
within 2yrs. The hindsight of this raw-truth keeps me humbled about Time and it's non-refundable policies -- various
issues had to be hashed out in order for the time-ahead to heal properly.

Reflecting back, my Mom's transcendence in September 2017 thrust me into Step11: The Resurrection. Riddled with
silent-grief, I found myself facing a dilemma which landed me in my daughter's second-bedroom, and leaving the rescue
mission of my childlike-empress damn-near abandoned (which by then, had become intertwined in my professional
dream-weaving). I was emotionally stumbling from day-to-day with the shame of moving from my Mom's to my
Daughter's without much strategy as to how I was going to phase-out of my projected sorrows and get back to my
rescue-mission and professional pursuits (my capability to sustain myself was seriously in-question). Amazingly, I went
into this severe-mode of quietude. I'am not sure if I'll ever be able to depict the details regarding the war that was being
wage within me. But for now, I'am calling it The Wild Unknown vs. The NeverEnding Story; with me precisely in the
middle of a five-pointed-star lens: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. This intense mental and
emotional activity went on for several months, leaving me anxious and riddled with uncertainty. So-much-so I've
established a new-found respect for those disciplined in the arts-of-solitude and psychic warfare. I giggle at the honesty
of being pushed into this Art by way of having no-means to mingle, coupled with high levels of madness and emotional
mayham. And yet again, the remarkable happened -- and I was actually living within one of my wishes -- I got to be in
my BabyGurl's presence on a daily basis. My grief almost robbed me of this somewhat unconventional, yet invaluable
instance. So, with this gratitude attached, my curiosity once again started leeping at the commands of my inner-voice --
the invitations were to seek out what it truly means to 'know thyself' and acclaim my uniqueness as a hot-commodity of
multi-dimentional magick, which quickly proved beneficial. Because of this I was led across many intellectual-summits;
like the detailing of my birth-chart and my LifePath calculation, which identifies as the #7: The Seeker. Learning this
seriously charged my motivation and it wasn't long before I found myself back in-stride-again with my pursuit to rescue
my S.E.L.F. alongside professionally transmuting my experiences into a private-practice with comprehensive,
market(able) components. {SongVersation: Let Me Win by Chrisette Michele}
At the start of 2019, I'd became obsessed with combinining wholistic-healing, astro-alchemy, pro-personal-creativity,
sacred-serendipity, plus developmental-narratology (aka coaching-by-story); as a viable business-constitution. With-
this-said, I'am more-than-positive I have reached Step12: The Return w/ Life's Elixir. The road to one's Individuality is
such a customize(able) gesture of sacred-alchemy -- and I've finally touched upon my own (t-shirts will be delivered
soon..LOL!). Yes, I know the journey continues, and at best, I've faced the Sphinx and have gained my rites-of-passage
towards the newer version of Me, my S.E.L.F., and I. {Walking the Black-to-Gold Mile}

To conclude this (love) letter, I offer a passage from James Allen's As A Man Thinketh, (p.17) "Just as a gardener
cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend
the garden of his mind, weeding out all wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the
flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts (and feelings). By pursuing the process, the man sooner or later
discovers that he is the master-gardner of his soul, the director of his life. He also reveals, within himself, the laws of
thought, and understands, with ever-increasing accuracy, how the thought-forces and mind elements operate in the
shaping of his character, circumstances, and destiny".

Lastly, I thank-you-kindly for keeping my patience from completely fleeing the scene (esp. during those moments when
I had nothing else to hold on to). I also thank you for those whose shoulders upon which I stand; their generoisty is
(way over) due and deserves (respectful) reciprocity. With respect to the timeless lessons I've encountered, I shall be
forever in your debt for quietly guilding me upon the paths leading to their acquaintance. The rescuing of our childlike-
empresss is such an invaluable and irreplaceable experience, and if ever I loose sight of Me or better yet, We, again, at
best, I will have the maturing-wisdom of this (S)Hero's Journey&Rescue Mission as a blueprint.

P.S. Thank-you for my iNTRA2 treasure-troves and the host of Light-workers studying within the realms of astro-
alchemy. I have recently appointed for my S.E.L.F. an unofficial Tarot-Teaching-Tribe-of-Seven-Lady-Light-Workers.
Please keep them in teaching-comfort, as they have contributed immensely to my Energy-based scholarship and inner-
healing practices. My challenges to shift my emotional-paradigms and honor my Balance more-so than my boundaries is
cultivating nicely because of their authentic patience and transparency. They are my friendly-reminders to heal from the
inside-out, to meditate and breathe during intimate-transitions&transformations, and to observe with objectivity. I'am
gaining rapid surety when tap'n into my astro-alchemy (to Infinity and beyond) -- because they are due-diligently tap'n
into theirs!

Thank you for Our Story. I love you to the Moon, the Sun, and beyond our Infinite rising!


Your CapricornSun~VirgoMoon~VirgoAscending

Capture Your KEYwords

{Walking the Black/Golden Mile -- CoachT's BraveHearts, MahoganyMajesticMuses, PoeticJustices,
VineyardCreatives, CoachMaddHatters, iCrimsonVelvetVIPs, and iNTRA 2 Wounded Healers}

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