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While doing my 45 days of walking I noticed that I already was setting time aside for walking

throughout most all of my weeks and weekly activities. I was however more self-conscious of

this, due to the assignment. The experience was interesting, because it is not intrinsically difficult

to walk for an hour but getting yourself to get up and go do it for an hour straight is something

different altogether. This requires an impressive amount of psychological power, to be able to get

yourself up and out of the chair you’re slouching in, so although easy physically for me, I found

it quite difficult to remain consistent with my walking schedule, as I had wanted to do at least an

hour every day, that however didn’t occur.

I believe that walking is something extremely helpful not only to my body, but also to my

brain, as I felt more free to think and send my thoughts to the universe, it’s not something that

your able to get in a gym or a class, it took alone time, a time for me to think, a time for me to

dream as I walked throughout my town. I found that I would leave my house and just start

walking, with no destination in mind, but would end up somewhere I knew pretty well. My feet

led me to places I wanted to go without me realizing it, and that’s why I’ve kept on taking walks

whenever I could, and I plan to continue to do so, due to how it lets me think and wonder. I

found the use of walking to be rather helpful, it helped me physically and mentally.

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