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Alex Vu

MANF 3000-03

Rockwell Hardness Data

Given a data series of a manufacturing process’ Rockwell hardness values, the following
values were calculated:
MAX 57.5
MIN 53.1
RANGE 4.40
STD.S 1.1127
Cp 1.1983
Cpk 1.07843

The data series was consolidated into 12 evenly distributed values, which reorganized the
process data as shown by the histograph below. The orange line running over the consolidated
data is a normally distributed curve that is imposed over the data to compare its distribution.

The mean, or average value, of the manufacturing process conveys the central tendency
of the manufacturing process: demonstrating what value that the process tends to produce
around, which is shown by the apex of the normal curve. The kurtosis of the curve – how widely
the curve spreads – is shown that the manufacturing process is not very accurate. The process
maintains its limits for the most part, but the data shows that the process has a wide distribution
from within those tolerances. The data’s skewness, although slight, is also leaning more towards
the maximum than the minimum. Furthermore, the Cp and Cpk values – process capability –
demonstrate the process accuracy by telling how many of its normal distribution can fit within
the tolerance limits. In this case, the manufacturing process barely fits more than 1 curve, and
considering the kurtosis of the distribution as well as its mean value – this process does well for
staying within its tolerances, however the process overall lacks accuracy and does not produce
exact work.

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