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Method of staffs disciplinary control

1.Tindakan diambil oleh pihak pengurusan.

2. Terdapat SOP untuk menjalankan tindakan.

3.Hanya kurang daripada 5% kes disiplin yang dihadapi.

4.Memberikan khidmat kauseling kepada pekerja yang didapati menghadapi masalah.

5.Surat amaran akan dikeluarkan selepas rundingan.

6.Bagi pekerja yang tidak mempunyai performed, akan diturun gaji.

7.Tidak akan memecatkan pekerja sewenang-wenang, tetapi diberikan nasihat dan


8.Pekerja diberikan insiatif untuk meningkatkan kesedaran diri dalam mendisiplinkan diri.

9..Kepimpinan ketua adalah amat penting bagi meningkatkan disiplin pekerja.

10. 良好的纪律对一家公司和一所学校都是一样重要。纪律可以提升公司的产品品质和
Method of staffs disciplinary control

1. Disciplinary protocols that shall be taken by the management level of each

constitution may be differ from one another. However, for a constitution to work
efficiently, it requires a strict and clear ordinance 【章程】

2. With strict ordinance, a constitution needs a clear and efficient Standards Of

Procedure to carry out the rules and regulations. With clear instructions and rules
each and every person in the constitution will work accordingly to the rules. Hence,
the constitution could achieve an optimum level efficiency.

3. Moreover, with the strict and clears regulations that had been stated, the chance of
encountering a disciplinary case would only be as low as 5 %. This number will be
much lower if cooperate with a strict 【vetting process 筛选过程】 during the
employment period【面试阶段】.

4. A professional counseling service should be provided to the employees who are

suffering from various issue to help rectify their low performing standards and thus
they will also be more loyal to the constitution as act of empathy that they had

5. Warning letters will be issued towards the employee that breaks the disciplinary
protocols only after a thorough investigation and meeting of the management level.

6. If there is an employee who under perform for a long period of time. Wage
reduction will be a way of slight punishment and also act as a reminder for a better
work performance.

7. An employee with not easily get dismiss but will be given advice and counseling

8. Incentive will be given if an employee managed to achieve self enlightment when try
to do self-disciplinary.

9. As the quote from Ronald Reagan, “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one
who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest
things.” A good leadership will boost the employee’s discipline hence the overall
performance of a constitution.

10. A good vibe in the working environment that encourage good discipline is crucial to
any constitution. Nevertheless, a working company or a school requires the same
level of disciplinary efficiency. A good discipline vibe in a company can boost the
quality of product from a company whereas in a school, it can help boost the morale
of teachers as well as the results of the students. Therefore, as a leader, we play an
important role in creating a good vibe in the working environment which able to
gains employee’s loyalty and forming a strong and intact working team.

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