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I'm writing to you in my capacity as member of the Organization Committee for the 1st
Colloquium of Young Physicists-Chemists of the EUCOR, which will be held at University of
Strasbourg, Campus Esplanade, on 6 of December 2017. The Colloquium is organized by
International Ph.D. students in the domain of Chemistry, in collaboration with Collége Doctoral
Européen, International Doctoral Program and Doctoral School of Chemical Science and Doctoral
School of Physics and Physics-Chemistry. The subject of this Colloquium Is devoted to Energy
In addition to plenary and main sessions, the scientific program will include a round table,
oral communications and posters. We would very much appreciate your support in preparing for
this momentous occasion and invite you to be a volunteer abstract reviewer. We are confident that
the topics will generate interest and provide the framework for stimulating exchanges and valuable
learning opportunities.
We are hoping to have over 120 participants and 25 abstract presentations (10 oral
communications and 15 posters). We will be receiving the abstracts directly and distributing them
randomly (and anonymously) to the reviewers identified as experts on the selected theme.
We expected to have 10 reviewers in order to allow each abstract to be evaluated by at least
two reviewers. This means that each reviewer will be asked to review a maximum of 5 abstracts
awarding a score between 1 (very bad) to 5 (excellent). The first 10 abstracts will be selected for
oral communications, the remaining 15 will present posters.
The deadline for abstract submission is 20/10/2017 and we will need to have the evaluation
scores by 6/11/2017 so that a first selection can be made and participants informed. We hope you
will accept our invitation to be a reviewer and reserve time during those weeks in November for
work on the abstracts. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.
Working together to create a successful scientific program is an exciting and challenging
goal. Your contributions to the process are greatly appreciated. Please let us know by the end of
June if you accept our invitation to participate in the Colloquium as a volunteer abstract reviewer.
Please find enclosed to this e-mail the general program for the Colloquium

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