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Non-statutory Abatement

Randy Lee and John William
Honorable Fellows in Good Standing with the
California Jural Societies,
John Joseph.

Copyright 101996 by
The California Jural Society Press
Second Printing, 1996


Non-statutory Abatement

• by

Randy Lee and John William

Honorable Fellows in Good Standing with the
California Jural Societies,
John Joseph.

Compiled in the Second month in the Year of Our Lord
Nineteen hundred and Ni nety-six
in the

• Two hundred and Twentieth Year of the Independence of America.

Copyright © 1996 by

• The California Jural Society Press

Second Printing, 1996
Revision 2.0

• Published and Distributed by

The American Jural Society Press
Canoga Park, California

• Table of Contents

• Preface and Acknowledgements................... ............... .. .......................... ... ........... ......................... I

Part One

Historical Background......................................................................................... ....... ............... .... I
Death of a Republic.............. ..... .................... ........................................................................... ..... I
Introduction to Non-Statutory Abatements............ ................. ....................................................... 7
What Non-Statutory Abatements Do............ ............... .................................................................. 7
Faith Helps................................ .............................. ............ .......................................................... 9
The General Rules. ................... .......... ........... ... ................ ................... ....... ................................. 10
Plea Out of Bar.... ............. .......... ................................................................................................. 10
When to Use Abatement Processes............................. .... ...................................... ....................... II
On Appearance .......... ................... ................................................... .................. .......................... 13
The Rules of English....... ... ........ .................... ................................................ ............. ....... ......... 16
What's in a Word.................... ..................................................................................................... 17
Letters from the Government.... ..... ...... ............... ............................. ............................................ 18
Response Tactics of Imperial Powers .................................. .. .............................................. ......... 18
Response Tactics of the Private Christian Man ............................................................................ 20
Misnomer.... ................ ................................... ............................................................................. 21
Kitchen Sinkers............. ... .... ..... .... ................................ .. ...... ...................... ................................ 22
On the Uniform Commercial Code............. ........... .......................... ................. ........................... 22

Conflict of Laws. .. ............................................................................... ........................................ 23
Recognizing Defective Process ........ ........................................................ .................................... 23
Address vs. Location............... .... .............. ....... ............................. .... ................... .............. ......... 24
Serve IL Don't File It !!! ............................................................................................................... 25
Serving Non-Statutory Abatement Processes.................................................................. ............. 25
Actions Against Women.... .................................................................................. ........................ 27
Footnotes.. .. ... ................... ......... ... .......... ..................... ....... ....................................... .................. 28

I Part Two

• The General Terms.. ....... ................... ..........................................................................................

Maxim's of Law in Abatements ............................................................................. ·.................... .
Sample Abatement of Invalid persona designata.......... ...............................................................
Sample Default for Invalid persona designata..... ........................................................................
Sample Abatement of the Internal Revenue Service................ ................................................... .
Sample Abatement of Federal Tax Lien ...................................................................................... ·
Sample Abatement of Foreclosure....................................................................................... ........ 53
Sample Abatement of Traffic Warranl... ..................................................................................... · 60
Sample Abatement of Action Against a Wife or Child................................................................ 66

Sample Abatement of Traffic Ticket............................................................................................ 72
Educational Material from the California Jural Sociery Press

• Preface

• With the e' tra ordinarv sllecess of the No n-sta tutory Aba tement Package. Version 1.0. The American Jural

Society Press has decided to Issue a fo rmal Handbook incorporating additional information and newlv formulated
process that has bee n developed since the Package waS released one year ago. .
Th us. The No n-Statutory Abateme nt Handbook.. Ve rsion 2. incorpo rates new material regardin g when a nd
how lO use abatements: additions/c hanges [Q abatement wording: the use of special fea tures that ooth broaden the
applica tion of. and e'1 end the reac h of. non -statutory abatements. Much of the new material is used onlv unde r
I special circumstances. The average length of the process may be c:\1ended approximately one page. and no morc.
Success has also brought many imitators out of the woodwork.. who. without pennission or a polite request.

have merged Version 1.0 into their works. cha rge a healthy fee for it. and have not even bothered to acknowledge
those who resurrected the process and distributed it to America.
\Ve expect tlus pract ice to be even more widespread wi th the present Hanci1:x>ok. Apparently. there are many
out the re. in the law reform move ment. who have the sa me ethics as those thev use the abateme nt agai nst.
But. many arc abbreviating the package 3nd dropping the example cases. The po int of this is beyond
explaining. Why would anvone drop the very items that are proof of the abatements success unl ess thev had an
alt ,,;rior motive?

(nformation has come to us that there are those with a vested interest in seeing the abatements faiL and have
thu s modifi ed them in subtle. but critical wavs that have cost people their li berty and property.
This is reprehe nstble no maner who does it.
Thus. we caution Readers to make cenain they have an original work and not a !doctored' version. If you have
any questions conce rnin g the Handbook.. cail 8 18-347-7080.


I A5 in previous issues. there a re many who have co ntributed to this wo rk..

Howeve r. we wo uld li ke at this point to thank all those who have ca Ued us in the last year to either ask

questio ns. or offer the ir personal experiences with abatements thev had served This has greatly added to the
co ntinued development of the non-statutory abateme nt process and has helped us to acquire a la rge amount of
knowledge of how effective they have been.
The reaction of public officers to abatements has ge nerated a profile of typical responses. none of which seem

• to amount to a nything more than an invitation to appear vo luntarily. which is the best indicator of just how
powerful the abatement process is.
And of course. there are those who ca Ued to thank us. often in ways that were difficult to listen to without

To aU of you, we, at The American Jural Society Press would like to be able to say thank you. but nothing we
ca n write would ever do the job right.

Last. we are pleased that John Joseph has joined our Staff. He brings a wealth of learning and experience
to our writing teams. and his contributions to the work wiil be found on every page.

Thanks anyway. and God Bless.

•I The Staff.


I With America's governments in crisis, there are many vested interests in what civil govern-
ments do. if indeed~ one can call them 'civil' governments. 'Civil' sounds too much like a govern-
I ment of laws, to apply the word~ to what passes for civil government, today.
Among vested interests there are those~ who seek to wring every benefit and privilege they
can out of bureaucrats and politicians at all levels as if they were entitled to them~ there are the
I "low and lawless forms ofhumanity,,{I} that ignore the Law, Codes, Ordinances, Rules .. and Regu-
lations that govern these so-called persons, 14th Amendment citizens .. state citizens, natural per-

•I sons, human beings, (2} and individuals~ {3} there are self-professed Christians with no interest in
government because they are waiting for the Lord to return next week sometime; there are
'patriots' in the law reform movement that appear to worship the Constitution and the U.S. Flag
more than God and Christ~ there are those who want the benefits, privileges, and opportunities of
common law and specifically deny that God has anything to do with anything~ and, there are the
conspiracy types who cower in corners with others of like mind to share the newest conspiracy
[I revelations.
Those above 'believe' they may be a factor in turning the country around.
However, there is a minority of Christian men and women who know the Constitution is mere

I parchment. They know the real story, if not self-consciously, then in the heart, that before any
rights listed on parchment, there must first be a will among the people to repent and pray and seek

His face, and obey Him from whom the rights come. Then and only then, will any parchment may
have meaning.
They don 't read~ they study the laws of God and man, and know the difference. They hold
their allegiance to God far more dearly and precious than any allegiance to a mere flag or parch-
I ment. They put their husbands, wives, children, family, home~ church, and community far ahead
of the Constitution, or any mere piece of parchment. On their list of priorities, parchments are
somewhere around forty-fourth on a list of forty-six.
I This work is for those above, who've spent the time in court, paid the price behind bars,
survived the beatings, false arrests, and harrassment. They will understand it:> develop it, and use
it as a tool to restore, reconstruct, and heal the land. The rest may only use it for any purpose,
I except that of God and the Crown Rights of King Jesus.
While there is no room here for a detailed study{4} of the history of American law, a thumb-
[I nail sketch is needed, or Readers may not understand why non-statutory abatements work.
As they read this~ many may have demand letters on their desks or the I.R.S. breathing down
their necks and may be impatient to get to the meat. But:> if one does not understand the law
I sYstem now used in America, their abatement may fail. Thus, we urge you to take the time to
study it now.

I Death of a Republic
To those digging in the bone piles of history, it becomes clearer everyday that the Republic
that was the united States of America, died at the hands of A. Linco~ who seized power - with-
I out any constitutional authority whatsoever - and set forces in motion that drove the South into a
war it did not want, and knew it could not win. In the eruption that followed, on the killing
grounds of Antietam, Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge, and Gettysburg, the life blood of patriots
flowed out onto the earth and into the crevices of revisionist history Long before the flag of truce
\Vas raised. the Re pu bl ic had already died. not with a bang, but ignominiously, in a whisp~r no one
heard amidst the ragi ng winds of war.
When the Southern states walked out of Cop.gress in 1860, the quorum to conduct business
under the Constitution, was lost, The only votes Congress could lawfully take were those to set
the time to re-convene, and vote to adjourn. The only lawful, constitutional power who could
declare war, was no longer lawful, or in session.
Congress abandoned the House and Senate without setting a date to reconvene . Under the
parliamentary law of Congress, when this happened Congress became sine die , literally, "without
day," and ceased to exist as a deliberative body. It was re-convened by Executive Order and sat
unlawfully under the direct military authority of A. Lincoln, Commander-in-Chief. To this very
day, Congress still exists by the military authority of the Commander-in-Chief, and not as a lawful
Constitutional body.
While Congress was away, Lincoln ruled by Executive Order He wrote only a handful of
E.O.' s during his time in office but, they were momentous. Executive Order No. I, P} the first
ever signed by a President was executed April 21st, 1861, and called up 75,000 militia.
The point is, Lincoln had no authority to issue any Executive Order, and he knew it. Thus, he
commissioned a special code to 'govern' his acts under martial law. In fact, the Code merely
justified his seizure of power. "The Lieber Instructions," t 6 } had the effect of extending The Laws
of War and InternationallMunicipal Law beyond the boundaries of Washington, D.C. , and for the
fir st time, it brought foreign law onto American soil. Later, the Lieber Code put the U.S. into the
1874 Brussels Conference (two years after Washington, D.C., was incorporated), and the Hague
Conventions of 1899 and 1907 .
The Lieber Code explicitly states in Section [, Article I , that:

"A place, district, or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence

of the occupation, under the Martial law of the invading or occupying army,
whether anv proclamation declaring Martial Law, or anv public warning to
the inhabitants, has been issued or not. Martial Law is the immediate and
direct effect and consequence of occupation or conquest." (emphasis added)

Lincoln imposed Martial Law on Americans without ever telling them. Americans could be
arrested (falsely mustered), hauled into military tribunals, tried, convicted, sentenced, put in jail,
or put to death, without ever knowing the trials were in fact, military proceedings in court martial
against civilians. By the way, in such courts, no defendant has any Constitutional rights. The Code
goes on to say in the same Section, Article 10, that:

"Martial Law affects chiefly the police and collection of public revenue and
taxes, whether imposed by the expelled government or by the invader,
and refers mainly to the support and efficiency of the army, its safety, and
the safety of its operations." (Emphasis added)

[s it 'coincidence' the IR.S . first flexed its muscle about this time? Of course, it only collected
war reparations from the conquered peoples in the South. Later, F.D. Roosevelt, went Lincoln
one better when he extended the same unconstitutional acts to all the states .

I The Lieber Code then states in Section II , Article 3 I., that

I "A victorious army appropriates all public money, seizes all public mov-
able propeny until funher direction by its government, and sequesters for
its own benefit or that of its government all the revenues of real propeny
I belonging to the hostile government or nation. The title to such real prop-
eny remains in abeyance during military occupation. and until the con-

I quest is made complete. " (emphasis supplied)

Under Martial Law, one cannot gain absolute title to anything, since all propeny belongs to
f the military. The Commander-in-Chief may, in his benevolence, exempt some propeny from
taxation and seizure.
The District of Columbia was incorporated in 1872 and, in modern Titles and Codes, we find
that D.C. , can also be called. the "United States" Now, why did the federal power need a corpo-
ration? The answer is, since the republic and the united States of America no longer existed as a
lawful, constitutional government, some entity had to take its place so the charade could continue.
Manial Law powers cannot create a lawful republic or restore the Constitution, since only the
people have the "inherent power" to do such a thing.
One option was a corporation, which is not lawful, and a fictio nal persona. Since corpora-
tions are contrary to God's Law and common law, it follows, that eventually the new fiction must
eliminate what it could of common law couns and process. This is made easier, if the people
forget. After the War ended and hostilities were declared at an end, the Lieber Code justified
keeping manial law a secret.
Thus, Lincoln 's successor, Andrew Johnson, giving his reasons for vetoing Reconstruction
Acts, stated: PI

"The veto of the original bill of the 2d of March was based on two
distinct grounds, the interference of Congress in matters strictly
appenaining to the reserved powers of the States, and the estab-
lishment of military tribunals for the trial of citizens in time of peace. "
(Emphasis supplied).

Thus, as late as July 19, 1867, the South was still under Martial Law and only Congress knew
It. If the people had known it, today 's history might have been different.
We move forward to March, 1933 , and F.D.R.'s administration in which he began to solidify
the power of the federal government under the cover of a national banking emergency.
It seems American bankers were giving paper gold certificates to the people in exchange for
gold coin at $22.00 an ounce and re-selling the gold to European bankers at $34.00 an ounce, a
tidy 50%+ profit on each coin.
The American people discovered what was going on and started demanding gold coin back,
but the banks didn 't have enough reserves to meet demand. They appealed to President Hoover
who declined to take Federal action and bail them out of trouble.
Onto the stage comes Roosevelt. He makes a deal with the bankers to fix the problem, labels
the conduct of the American people "hoarding," declares a bank holiday, and raises the price of
gold to $34.00 an ounce. Problem solved, right. Well..., that depends.

The banks re-opened and did business again. but the price Roosevelt extracted from them was
that. thev could stav open to do business - but onlv on the President' s Signature !!! Thus.
anytime a President wants, he can close all banks and the Federal Reserve. as well. All he need s is:
for the people to believe there's a national emergency. Whether real or not, the power to decide is
solely within the hands of the President.
Roosevelt extended 'emergency powers' and, in a flood of E.O.'s over the next few weeks. he
declared that; all Americans were enemies of the United States;I'1 converted all acts involving
money to commerce that required a license to conduct business; created the tools for the licensure
of all Americans and the registration of ail automobiles: and many others, all of which were ratified
by Congress, without debate, in a series of lightning sessions, where most of those who voted on
bills, never even read them.
Solely by E.O .. Roosevelt took total control of the nation, and onlv a President can termi-
nate his own power of Executive Order. Today. Congress passes no act without the authority of
a pre-existing E.O .. Perhaps, it doesn 't matter, since Congress doesn ' t write legislation. anyway
No, it's done for them. by contract with West Publishing Co, St. Paul, Minnesota; the same com-
pany that produces Black ' s 6th_ the law dictionary .
The imperial power is now and has been for over 130 years, using The Laws of War, Interna-
tional, and Municipal Law under the Commander-in-Chief, and these are the real supreme law of
'he land. They govern all process, its form. submissions to courts, and process used by attorneys
in such courts.
This is why peop:e lose trying to argue Constitutional rights. Courts are militarv tribunals
sitting in court martial proceedings against civilians. Constitutional or common law arguments
are not allowed in such courts.
Judges may li sten to such arguments for many reasons and even decide in one ' s favor, but not
because of any Co nstituti onal or common law argument. One may make an argument or reveal
evidence and not realize why a judge renders a 'not guilty' verdict. Or, ifhe has coUected excellent
revenue (war reparations) for the day, he may just release you because he likes you. But, when the
stakes are high enough, one must not delude themselves into believing that Constitutional or com-
mon law tactics will work - ever.
We must face the fact that what we oppose today, are the same imperial powers in all their
arbitrary capriciousness, that have always lurked in the wings, waiting for God's People to lay
down and go to sleep .
A new breed of Cresars stalk the Earth, seeking whom they may devour. If we fai l to learn and
apply the proper use of God ' s Law and the common law: if we fail to learn the science and art of
being self-governing Christian men and women under God; if we fail to teach these things to our
posterity; then we, like all men who sleep in ignorance, deserve nothing better than extinction.
Now, comes the rude awakening l
One may scream to high heaven about the courts, the IRS, the SATF, the FBI, and rail at
countless agencies, bureaus. departments, and other branches of imperial governments with charges
of fraud, theft. murder, and a whole host of other crimes, but in the majority of cases, imperial I
governments merely do what the people require them to do. The imperial governments obey their
law, but we do not obev the law we claim. We honor it with our lips and not with our actions.
Thus, the Lord has said: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the
Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. "t91And the agent on Earth to exact
punishment for violations of this Commandment is none other than the courts we have today. I

• We violate this Commandment by our own acts - daily. We do those things we ought not.

• against God's Law, while demanding the benefits, privileges, and opportunities of ungodly gov-
Thus, the Lord has said: "And thou shalt take no gll:t for the gill blindeth the wise, and

• perverte th th e wordsot
cri mes - against God
f he n'ghteous. ,,\IO } [t .IS we w h0 commit the fraud , theft, and other

If we enter imperial courts they cannot judge us by OUR law, but by THEIR law and they

• have no option to judge or rule - otherwise, because they are under the military authority of the
Commander-in-Chiefl ll

Thus, the Lord has said: "Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before
the unjust, and not before the saints?,,{1 I} [s this not a command to set up our own courts under
Godly jural societies???
Why, if we successfully abate a traffic ticket, does a court withdraw its Bench Warrant from
service by officers in the field, yet, keeps it on the Docket? The question is important because
that is, in fact , what the courts do .

The answer is; abatements tell the court that one does not want the benefits, privileges, or
opportunities. The court says, "Fine, but we will lodge the Warrant on the Docket just in case you
contradict yourself, and show up in our courts anyway, where the Warrant will be served and you

• will be prosecuted I"

The reason why courts recognize the non-statutory abatement in the fi rst place is because
they recognize true Law when they see it, which is not often On this fact alone, the people could

• have stopped the imperial governments, - decades ago.

The Law of War, International Law, Municipal Law, Emergency Powers, all of which we put
in one category of Imperial Law, is not law, It is arbitrary and capricious and continually contra-
dicts itself, which is why the United States Supreme Court uttered its famous dicta in Erie Rail-
road v. Thompkins. to wit: there is no stare decisis, i.e., no prior decision of any court, binds the

present courts under imperial powers.
Co urts may vacillate from one contradictory decision after another for they have no law
standard by which to measure what they do, and they do not hesitate to admit it. Therefore, one
cannot accuse such courts of fraud . Deceit (legal in International Law) maybe, but not fraud.
But, when true Law stares the court in the face, they never vacillate, and recognize it as the
true Supreme Law, which is God's Law.
In simple terms, if we are who we say weare, and not what they say we are, then what are
we doing in their fictitious courts who have no jurisdiction over the man we say we are???
The imperial system will make certain that you strictly adhere to one law or the other. You
must, therefore, either live your life in all you do by the law of substance, liberty, and self-
I government, which is God ' s Law and the common law, or, you will live by the laws of the ficti-

tious persona, without substance or liberty, and they will govern your every move and punish all
deviation from their arbitrary and capricious system.
There are those out there who believe that the imperial system can be done away with, and

replaced by some other Non-Christian system. But, the entire history of English and American law
shouts with one voice, that such is sheer folly. Men will either be ruled by God or Imperial
Tyrants. Choose this day whom you will serve. God or Cesar? This statement has nothing to do

with any evangelistic motive. It ' s just a simple statement of fact .
Thus, if one claims to be in a common law, Christian venue, yet lives under the arbitrary law,

I·; ~

,"o n-Chri stian svstem. one is punished for his lies. contradictio ns. fraud. and deceit. which is le!!al

onlv in their couns. not ours.
If one claims the bene j'i ts of God 's Law and His providence and sti ll ask s for benefIts from
Rome. then one deserves what one gets. Defendants who sit on the fence deserve to be split

asunder God may take Hi s own time to punish evil doers. but man wants punishment now and he
has created the couns to fulfill that demand .

And. the system they hav.; used is really not as compli cated as everyone seems to assume. To
understand it. all we need do is recall so mething of old Roman law during the time before and after
Chri st
In those days. when Rome conquered a nation, the conquered peoples suffered novation.
which redefines the real man and creates a new and different man. for imperial purposes, a ticti-
tious entity called a persona. An advocate (lawyer) spoke for the persona because a fict ion has I

no mouth. voice. eyes, ears. o r brain.
[n modem America, a new twist was added to the novation scheme. suretyship, in which the
real man stands as surety for the fictional persona. each time he voluntarily applies for. or uses
some benefit. privilege, or opportunity from the imperial, federal power.
Thus. God has said . · ~t-fe that is surety fo r a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth
surdyship is sure."I' ''
Afier all is said and done. everyone seems to want to know how its all going to tum out. But,
God has said: "Therefore take no thought for the morrow. for the morrow shall take thought for
the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. ,,1131
We know that victory is assured to God 's People, and based on the analogy of Scripture, we
know that when Israel was returned to the land after Babylon, that Ezra 's first task was to re-

lorm the lawful civil power. This is our mandate under God 's Law, to re-form the lawful civil
power and since the existing forms of Martial Law government cannot do this, the people must.
Thus, as a companion volume to this book, we urge you to study "The American Jural Soci- I

ety Handbook " l "I Consider how you will joi n us, in righting the law once given unto the saints.
Our duty and responsibility to God, our wives, husbands, children, and our posterity demand it.
Thus, the Lord has said: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble them-

selves. and pray, and seek my face, and tum from their wicked ways; then willI hear from heaven
and will lorgive their sin, and will heal their land" 1151 Note carefully , the Lord does not call
upon imperial governments to repent, but on the people who are called by His name that are
currentl y the slaves of the imperial governments . It is ~ who are wrong, not imperial powers
And if we will love the Lord Our God with all Our hearts, and with all Our Souls and with all
Our Minds. we will find the crown of victory at the end of the race .

"And they that shall be of thee,


shall build the old waste places:
thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations:
and thou shalt be called,
The repairer of the breach,
The restorer of the paths to dwell in. ,,1 1



• The non-statutory abatement package is now Version 2.0 and in a book form and has a great

manv additions rangi ng ITom small and relatively insignificant ones, to major ones that embody
some very important new research, largely motivated by feed back ITom those who have called
and offered it. And . we have added another researcher to our staff, John Joseph, who has made

very important contributions to the work.
All publications of The American Jural Society Press have but one goal. To compel the impe-
rial federal. state. county, and city governments, their agents (tax collectors and banks), and as-

• signs - to keep the law . [ft hey do this, they will leave us alone and let us get on with our lives .
Contrary to the media and the press, we are not here to overthrow any civil power, for very
simple reasons.

• While we seek to be self-governing men under God, we also realize that governments exist
to keep the "low and lawless forms of humanity" ITom doing violence to everyone, including
themselves. Thus, as lawless as the current governments are, without them there would be total

• anarchy.
The real problem, o f course, has nothing to do with law, but religion, as Washington said in

his Farewell Address to the nation. One ' s god dictates the kind of law one implements and also
control s the application and development of that law over time. Given enough time, all Non-
Christian systems of law self-destruct in a fit of tyranny.

Thus, we seek to restore the vitality and enforcement of God 's Law for all men in all ages .
This means, of course, a fu ll restoration of common law which is simply the collected traditions
of Chri stians learning to apply God 's Law to their everyday problems.

There are some, of course, who will disagree with this obvious Christian agenda, but that is
their problem, not ours. After many years of study in the origins of common law, we have no
doubt of its Chri stian roots . For us, the common law is simply God's Law extended and applied
by Christians throughout the history of England and America, and it will be Christian men and
women, who will extend and apply it today, to provide the Godly system that will once again, put
the church on the march.

• The Non- Statutory Abatement Handbook and The American Jural Society Handbook are, for
us, the first two steps in the process of restoring true law and reconstructing the Christian system.

[n a few weeks, further publications will be offered to attempt a few more steps on a very long
road back, ITom the Dark Age of Humanism which has claimed more victims than Europe' s Black
The American Jural Society Handbook, ITom modest beginnings, has sparked a new interest
in local self-government across the nation. And, because it provides a mechanism for restoring
lawful civil government at the local level, it has also given the people hope.

The Non-Statutory Abatement Handbook, is the first in a series of tools in the arsenal of
lawful weapons that can be used to retard the advance of Imperial powers by pietahls simulators,
until jural societies can be established lawfully, and create their own Courts of Common Law.

• OUf position on restoring the people ' s liberties and reconstructing the land is: "law is better
than blood - one law for alL "

• What Non-Statutory Abatements Do.

Non-statutory abatements respond to the vast majority of imperial powers paperwork -

, ~

head on W11en used and served properly, they have been very successful at slOpping imperial

SUIl S - before they get started .
Abatements have the force and effect of an indictment and/or a civil case or suit.
.-\batements, when the defendant does not answer, and with Default properly written and
served. become Res Judie .:a. i.e., final judgment has been made .
Abatement s. when properly served with default, constitute a public reco rd of wrong doing.
and as such can be used as the basis for action by the abating plaintiff (the one who files the
abatement) in further actions against imperials powers fiduci aries (agents, bureaucrats. judges.
etc .. ) - in their personal. not public. capacity.

A.batements turn those who fil e imperial process against us. from plaintiffs. to defendant ' s
Abatements are low in cost to create and serve. and by ending an opponents case quicklv.
lower dramaticall y. the cost of maintaining and defending again st imperi al powers suits.

.-\batements discussed. herein. have been fil ed all over America, and have been used success-
fu lly against

- Federal District Courts,
- [nternal Revenue Service.
- Bureau of Land Management,
- Depallment of the Inteti or,
- State Tax-ing Entities.

- County Agencies, Bureaus. Departments,
- And, countless others.
- Banks and Loan Companies
The sample abatements listed after the text are based on more than one year ' s experience and
thousands of actions served. in virtually every state in the union, in all types of courts, juri sdic-
tions. and venues.
More importantly, research on the further development of the abatements has not only con-

ti nued, but intensified, with a marked increase in the number of genuinely committed men and
women working on perfecting them.
E very word , clause, phrase, and sentence in the sample abatements has been gone over with

a fi ne-toothed comb , and if there was any doubt about using a specific wo rd, etc , it was re-
searched and rep laced.
The capitalization of nouns, appellations, and names. has been checked and re-checked .
The Maxims of Law used in the samp le abatement have been carefully selected from Bou-
vier 's Dictionary of Law (1856), and Broom' s Maxims (1845) .
The po int of explaining the care that has been taken in compiling the sample abatements is:
to caution Readers. that any changes made in abatements herein, adding words and sentences to
existing text, etc .. is dangerous, and may likely result in a document that is worthless. I
The American Jural Society Press, its authors and staff, accepts no responsibility for anyone,
who makes any changes in the sample abatements. They are as complete as they can be, keeping
in mind the importance of brevity/ and conciseness, that is so important in all lawful instruments.
Repl acing the text of the appellation of demandant. name of the defendant , demandant ' s loca-
tio n fo r a defendant to respond to (if he can) , and defendant 's address, should be all the changes

.. necessary. In most cases.

• We know, that in spite ofwarrtings, thousands will make all sorts of, frivo lous, unnecessarv.
and harmful changes in the samples, the vast majority of which will compromise the abatemeni s
effectiveness We strongly caution the Reader against doing so.

• Faith Helps.

The old adage that "faint heart ne 'er won fair maid," can be re-worded as "lack offaith can
cut your own throat in law "
Recently, a man back east, filed a non-statutory abatement to stop a foreclosure, one of the

first such abatements we had ever done. The abatement was successful and stopped the banks
fo reclosure fo r six months .
Then, the bank began sending nasty letters to him, making threats, etc .. Instead of sticking to
the abatement, he got involved in the Warrant game, and sure enough, shamed his abatement.
In the end, the banks got what they wanted and the foreclosure was re-opened by the War-
rants. which only made matters worse. The man ' s position now, is worse than before, because he

wanted a quick and dirty way to end it all. It 's sad that he never stopped to ask whether or not the
Warrants were the Christian thing to do .
Faith in God ' s Law and common law, kept the wolf from the door in this man' s case. War-

• rants did not just re-open the door to foreclosure, it smashed the door, utterly.
What is so shocking is, men and women of otherwise good will, are getting involved in a very
dangerous game that is utterly contrary to God ' s Law and the common law, and they still call

• themselves Christians and patriots.

• 9
The General Rules

Non-statutory abatements take their name from the fact that the process exists and can be
used - not because of any statute passed by some legislature - but by virtue of its customary
usage arising out of common law. The authority for its use, therefore, does not require any

legislature's stamp of approval.
If our courts were under law, non-statutory abatements would have the effect of
overthrowing an "action caused Iby the defendant's pleading some matter of fact tending to
impeach the correctness of the wIjt or declaration., which defeats the action for the present, but
does not debar the plaintiff from recommencing it in a better way.,,{17} The only fact therefore,
argued in an abatement are the facts of defects in plaintiff's initial process, that is, the very first
piece of paperwork sent to a defendant.
Thus, in lawful society (not ~nder The Laws of War), non-statutory abatements suspend a
suit until a plaintiff can correct errors in his original process. If errors are corrected in a response
to the abatement, plaintiff's suit continues. This is why a non-statutory abatement is called a
dilatory plea because it acts to delay proceedings of a plaintiff's suit, but does not prevent the I

plaintiff from correcting his errors and re-filing his suit.

, Marks" in abatements are statements to note., or mark errors in a plaintiff's process so that
a plaintiff can bring a correct, or better action against defendant. But, when proper non-statutory

abatenlents are issued against imperial powers, they have the effect of process in equity or
chancery practice and suspend "all proceedings in a suit, from the want of proper parties capable
of proceeding therein."{ 18}
The 'want of proper parties' comes about, because the abatement is filed by one who asserts
his rights appertaining to a Christi~ against those who are in another jurisdiction, and thus have
no standing to respond to the abatement.

Parties under emergency powers, The Law of War, International and Municipal Law, have
no standing at Law and thus cannot answer non-statutory abatements. They recognize the
existence and power of common lavy, but can do nothing about it. The reason being; it is the duty •
of the military power to preserve the common law and any answer to a common law action, by
martial powers courts tends to destroy common law.

The Rule is; those under The Law of War, International and Municipal law cannot answer
processes at Law.

Plea Out of Bar.
A plea in abatement is NOT a plea IN bar, but OUT of bar. That is, a court cannot hear and
judge matters that have not yet come under a court's authority. For cases to come under court
authority, all preliminary matters (errors in the original process) must have been resolved, or the
plaintiff has failed to properly bring his case to the court.
Indeed, there is no case and hence, no court can hear anything. The case exists in the first

place, because someone (plaintiff) serves a written action on someone else. Thus, courts are
created by the paperwork.
Thus, plaintiff cannot put a case IN bar, unless his process complies with court rules, the first
of which is, plaintiff's process must have no errors in it. Errors constitute defective process and
are sufficient cause for a respondent to issue an abatement.

Since abatements are pleas out 0'£ bar, courts cannot hear argument on a case, unless some
act of the respondant, brings him IN bar and makes him a defendant, i.e., by making some fonn

• of appearance; by entering a motion; asking the court questions; etc .. This is why one never

• argues the merit or lack of merit in plaintiffs complaint. nor challenges jurisdiction.-;-;;-;;-;;
abatement. Such arguments compromise the abatement and render its force and effect - null and
void. Why?

• Because, such argument joins respondent to plaintiffs action and converts respondent to a
defendant (persona) [n effect, respondent admits there is a cause of action, indict s him selt~ and
converts his abatement to a demurrer and concedes jurisdiction.

• Given the current state of courts, (military tribunals), a defendant who thinks he knows the
law is then angered by what appears to be gross violations of law and often attacks the coun, the

judge, makes threats. liens a judge or district attorney, or commits some other act that does noth-
ing more than compound his previous errors. The temptation to respond in a rage and give the
coun ' what-for' is strong. [n this case, we make one recommendation - don't do it, - you'll

be in viI/eli/liS.
Stick to the abatement process outlined herein, and control your emotions. The voice of God
and the spirit of cool deliberation will win for you. Anything else wi ll have severe repercussions

The Rule is, non-statutory abatements are pleas out of bar and grant no jurisdiction to a
coun .

• When to Use Abatement Processes.

There are certain situations where an abatement is not used, and some Rule is needed that will
show the Reader when an abatement will lie, and when not. Use of an abatement in nations under

• imperial law, is different from when a nation is at peace, internally or externally, with respect to
the United States. And, while abatements are a major form of process, they have limits on their
Thus. if one uses a benefit, privilege, or opportunity, not allowed in common law. i.e., one
that requires a license. and a case is broUght by imperial powers for vio lations of such benefits,

privileges, or opportunities the abatement is generally, not applicab le.
But, if one is engaged in doing that which is allowed in common law, i.e., exercising a right
common to all, but which has been converted to a benefit, privilege, or opportunity, by statute,

then the abatement will lie.
The arrest of liberty of movement on common ways consistent with the customs and usage's
in a state, is an example of trespass, against liberties held in common by the people. Such, is a

criminal act against the people in general, and against the private Christian, in particular. Abate-
ments are very effective in such cases.
Much is made of the so-called 'right to travel,' but such is really a privilege in com-

• merce and has nothing to do with common law, i.e., lex non scripta. Thus, wording in the
previous paragraph is deliberately chosen as the basis of a 'mark' in an abatement. (Hint -
Hint) We do not use the idea of 'travel' or 'driving' in any common law abatement process.

• But, if one is engaged in doing that which is allowed in common law, i.e , exercising a right
common to all, but which has been converted to a benefit, privilege, or opportunity, by statute,

then the abatement will lie.
The arrest of liberty of movement on common ways consistent with the customs and usage's
in a state, is an example of trespass, against liberties held in common by the people. Such, is a

criminal act against the people in general, and against the private Christian, in particular. Abate-
ments are very effective in such cases.

Much is made of the so-c~Jled 'right to travel,' but such is really a privilege in I

commerce and bas nothing to do with common Jaw, i.e., lex non scripta. Thus, wording in
the previous paragraph is deliberately chosen as ~he basis of a 'mark' in an abatement.
(Hint - Hint) We do not use the idea of 'travel' or 'driving' in any common law abatement


The phrase above, "trespass a~ainst liberties held in common by the people," replaces any
reference to travel or driving in an abatement. Such wording defines a crime and a misdemeanor,
in most states. (See the remarks on spelling the word 'state' in discussion of The Rules of English
Grammer, below.)

In contrast to the above, consider a situation where one works, is mustered into, or employed
by imperial powers, i.e., "effectively connected in a trade or business with the United States."
First. the law says it is a privilege to work for civil governments. {19}
Second, all privileges granted by civil government are taxable. (cite from jj) {20}
Thus, it is likely that non-statutory abatements will not lie against process issued by imperial

governments to seize wages and salaries paid by them, unless the entity who files the process to
seize~ is utterly incompetent. Then" abatement may work, but its use may be in vain.
Differences between the 'persona' created by imperial governments, and a private Christian

man, a"'e important and determine when the abatement will lie and when not. State granted,
imperial privileges, via the license (a token of the persona) differ from prerogatives held by a
king, i.e., a private Christian man. All private Christian men have the prerogatives Uussus and

immunitas) of the King. {21}
A maxim of law is~ Domus sua cuique est tutissimum Refugium, or ''Every man's house is his
castle. ,,{22} Registered churches in a 501(c)3 and Living Trusts, are both statutory and thus,
cannot resist seizures~ and abatements will not lie. Other examples are: private employment
contracts v. independent contractor{23}; employees of Departments of Motor Vehicles; and, others
~privileged' to be a fiduciary (agent, trustee, actor, representative) of an Imperial power, are
subject and the abatement will not lie.
Scripture has something to say on these points. ''Render therefore, unto Cresar the things
which are Cresar's; and unto God th~ things that are God' s. ,,{24} These verses apply, especially to •
the resurrected, Roman Imperial Law, that now rules current governments.
It also relates to the money question, in that, Federal Reserve Notes are fictitious debt

instruments created by imperial governments with no value or substance, while dollars specie
(silver), have value and substance, and are lawful, civil, and Godly. If Cresar permits issuance of
F.R.N. 's, he has jurisdiction (imperium) over their use.
But, if private Christian men de81 only in dollars specie, Cresar is dead - long live Christ Our
King. Currently, Imperial powers do not want to open the money issue in any court.
The Rule is, Imperial privileges created can also be abolished, destroyed, or taxed, by their


Imperial creator.

• On Appearance.

• There is much discussion in the movement on the tvpe of appearance one can make in court
wi thout granting jurisdiction The co nsensus is. by special appearance only. But. do such appear.
ances acco mpli sh the desired result·)

An appearance is any act or proceeding by which a defendant places him self before the court.
in order to part icipate in an acti on. "Personal jurisdicti on or power to render a judgment in per-
so nam may be acquired either by persona l service of summon s or by appearance If a defendant
or his attorney does any act with reference to the defense of the action, he is held to submit
himself to the authority of the court and all defects in service of process are thereby

cured "'''' i(emphasi s added) .
"The modem law does not seek to compel appearance. but if the defendant is properlY
served and neglects to appear and plead. the court will render judgment against him for default of

appearance. I.nasmuch as the default constitutes an admission of the cause of action set forth in
the declaration. all that the plaintiff has to prove is hi s damages"I"1 Special appearances are only
fo r the purpose of delertnining whether a court has jurisdiction or not . But. where a court or. its

•I pri ncipal. has a monev interest in a case. the court always decides in its own favor
Motions to courts grant jurisdiction to hear the motion, with the same result as a special
If one appears and answers ' here ' when his name is called. he grants jurisdiction to a court
over a persona. not ove~ a private Chri stian man . Saying ' here.' means. the Christian man is
present and ready to defend a persona. The Christian man has waived all the rights of his persona,

• and the Christian ' s right to abate the process.

The prob lem is. the Christian pays the fine and does the time, not a persona. because the

Christian. as surety. applied for the benefit, privilege, or opportunity that created a persona.
The Christian has the 'benefit of discussion ' in the court concerning a persona, but no prerog-
ative to use his own law, (Scripture and conunon law), because he waived his rights when he
answered lor a persona without first. correcting plaintiff s process by abatement. The Christian
appeared and perfected the errors in plaintiff's process. which is always defective agai nst the man.
but not against the persona. From that point on, only the law of the persona can be used .
The 'benefit of discussion,' is: "A proceeding, at the instance of a surety, by which the credi-
I tor is obliged to exhaust the property of the principal debtor, towards the satisfaction of the debt,
before having recourse to the surety; and this right of the surety is termed the ' benefit of discus-

•I sion. ",1271 Note: one has the ' benefit' of discussion, not the ' right' of discussion which can never
exist under the Laws ofWar .
An important, out of print work gives an excellent discus sion of the related concept of
"p ledge.,,11I}
Never, never, confuse the difference between the Christian and a persona . They are never the
same and neither can use the law of the other, because both are bound by the law of their respec-

.: . tive creators. Christians have a relationship to God thru Covenant created by Christ's sacrifice and
resurrection. When a man 1becomes a Christian., his Christian appellation is written in the Lamb 's

Book of Life which is a private Christian name known only to God . The Covenant requlfes the
Christian to abide by God 's Law, not the man-made law of the imperial persona .
The law of persona clouds a Christian's relationship to God and interferes with his duty to

obey God. Imperial powers create a persona to give an appearance of legal process to justifY
trespass on the Christian 's liberties, throu gh the imposition of a persona created by novanoll

Because the Christian and a persolla are under different laws, there is an immediate conflict of
laws. that are mutually exclusive ultimates, i.e., each, mutually excludes the other. This is the
ul timate conflict of laws.
To illustrate by analogy. God looks at the Christian through Christ and sees one whose sins
are ' white as snow ' An imperial powers judge looks through the Codes at the persona and sees
one who is as black as the pit, because he is blinded to the existence of the Christian man , who ,
even ifhe could see him, could not hear his testimony .
The law of persona is never law, because directly contrary to God ' s Law and common law.
It is based on the Law of War, and is spawned by the god of war (Mars), while the Law of God
is based on Himself and is the Law of Peace and Safety. Thus. the maxim: "The Law of God and
the Law of the Land are all one; and both preserve and favor the common good of the land ,,{29}
By way of contrast, the maxims of the Law of War are clearly opposed to all true law. I
"S ilent leges inter armas;" the laws are silent amidst arms .130 } Thus, under the laws of war _
real law, common law, and Constitutional law are silent. They have no voice, no force, or effect,
unless the imperial powers feel the need to use them at their option.
In 1628. a Petition of Right by Sir Edward Coke } was issued against Charles I that stopped
martial law in England. The relevant passage in the Petition is:
"And also sundry grievous offenders by colour thereof, claiming an exemption,
have escaped the punishments due to them by the laws and statutes of this your
realm, by reason that divers of your officers and ministers of justice have unjustly
refused, or forborne to proceed a~ainst such offenders according to the same laws
and statutes, upon pretence that the said offenders were punishable by martial law,
and by authority of such commissions as aforesaid, which commissions, and all
other of like nature, are wholly and directly contrary to the said laws and statutes
of this your realm:" I
There are many in the law reform movement who object, if not openly, then in the heart, each
time we raise so-called religious arguments in Jural Societies, in abatements, or other processes. I
Such men must reckon with the clear and unequivocal facts of God' s Law and common law and,
if they deny God, must learn to live with a dead persona, and rest content with the Imperial
Heaven they have now . Only by asserting the Crown Rights of King Jesus, can we or any other
people, have any defense against imperial powers.
The bottom line is, one cannot claim a king's prerogatives or sovereignty, without being an
heir or son of the true King of Kings, Christ Jesus. "The Spirit Itself beareth witness with our
spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God and joint-heirs with
· ,,1321
Chri St " ..
Perhaps now, we see why imperial powers create the fictitious persona, with fictitious alter
egos, i.e., persons, individuals, human beings, natural persons, etc.,133 1 because they have no
power over Christians whose law is God's Law and common law. Their power extends only to I
what they create, the persona, not to a Christian.
God's Law and man's law are opposed at every point in Creation. God is no respecter of
persons,I3oI l but man is, and his law reflects it, as seen above. Man knows he has no right to domin- I
ion over other men, but he nevertheless seeks to gain it, by creating the fictional persona, known
only by the nom de glierreP'1


• The Christian man cannot control what imperial military powers of the State do with his

• name. But, he can control the way he responds to a persona's nom de gue"e. The spelling makes
all the difference between the real, substantiv'e Christian man~ and the fictitious vacuum that is a

persona, which, so long as it exists, is the means whereby the Christian's life, liberty and property
are raped, plundered, and pillaged, by lawless, greedy, little men.
We now know why names on Court Dockets (from which one's name is read) and names on

imperial process are spelled in all capital letters, and why such names are called a nom de guerre
(name of war), which are specific evidence of the existence of a fictitious persona. Arguing
jurisdiction is ajail accompli and utterly irrelevant when one has already answered as surety for

a persona..
One may think this is'£Taud,' but, all names are spelled this way on all imperial process and
on the Docket sheet posted outside the door of courts - where all the world can see it. If one fails
to note that his name is not spelled according to the Rules of English, that the true Christian name
is not on the process., they have no one to blame but themselves. A name spelled in any way other
than in the proper Christian form is an error.

•I The persona has no power to answer defective imperial process. It has no hands to write a
response and no voice, because, as the creation of an imperial power it is an absolute fiction,
created ex nihilo, out of nothing. And, there is nothing that can qualify as a contract to tell you
when and how the persona is created, it is always assumed.
The maxim of law is: ''Fictions arise from the law, and not law from fictions.,,{36} But, if the
Christian fails to 'appear' or answer the process, the courts will issue default judgment against the

•I persona, anyway. Thus, if a Christian wants to stay out of jail and keep his liberty and property,
he had better respond to the process and inform the court of the errors that are always there.
With abatements, one responds without 'appearing' and process is not perfected on a per-
sona, until the court issues a Warrant. The Christian man, however, is severed from the persona
by the abatement, which is the only response that answers imperial process and stops default

judgment against the Christian man, provided he has not traversed his case by writing some-
thing stupid in the abate~ent (like UCC codes). This is the reason why, technically, Non-
Christians cannot use non-statutory abatements.

• This may be difficult for some to swallow, but in more than two hundred years of Supreme
Court decisions from the Runkle case (1799) to the present, which state, the laws of the nation
presuppose Christianity - upon which they depend. Non-statutory abatements are therefore, a

• specifically Christian remedy. .

When a Non-Christian asks whether they may use Christian premises in an abatement, we
must reply, "No man warring for God should be troubled by secular business. ,,{37}

• To continue, once an abatement is served, one must not appear until plaintiff answers the
abatement - lawfully. Such an appearance \Vill set aside the abatement and grant jurisdiction

to the court over the persona.
It's nerve-racking when one serves an abatement against imperial powers and one's court
date passes without his making an appearance. But, trust in God., the abatement will not be an-
swered properly and will go to default. Then, one SelVes default against plaintiff and the matter
becomes Res Judicata, i.e., final judgment has been made. Imperial process goes to default for the
same reasons that the imperial court will grant default judgment if one fails to appear and answer

an imperial plaintiff's proce~s. (See, ''Response Tactics," beloW).
The truth is, no real man, Christian or otherwise, belongs in imperial powers courts. These

courts may distinguish, but we must not.
As the Scripture says: "One law shall be to him that home born, and unto the stranger. that
sojoumeth among you. ,,1" 1
The Rule is: "The presence of the body cures the error in the name."
- I
T he Rules of English
A major problem created by imperial schools, posing as ' public schools,' that directly impacts
on one 's understanding oflaw is, the failure to teach The Rules of English Grammar. For example,
what words are capitalized and when. This difference alone has major significance in law. But,
imperial schools are only half the problem.
The American people abuse the English language as if it were a right. In law, this is deadly,
because it can put a defendant or plaintiff in jail without ever knowing why . We strongly recom- I
mend to Readers that they buy and study a handbook on The Rules of English Grammar, and
make it part of their life 's work to put these Rules into effect - daily . We recommend the older
works on Grammar, fo r obvious reasons. I
Nouns name persons, places, or things. General nouns denoting a class of persons, places, or
things, are never capitalized. If we mean a specific person, place, or thing, onlv the first letter
is capitalized. Thus, the noun ' state,( 1 and ' State,!"'1 are different words denoting two entirely
different things. The former (state) is general and used at law, while the latter (State) is specific
and denotes a created entity, i.e., a fictional res, i.e., a thing.
In today' s courts, per:;ons, places. things, and entire court processes, are often written in all
capital letters, a clear violation of The Rules of English, which must violate the common law as
well. But, this is done to fully infohn defendants and plaintiffs of the type of court that will hear a
case. It says, clearly, that a court is sitting to hear matters in controversy - betweenperson~, or, a
res and person~, and thereby full disclosure is given to all.
Today ' s courts cannot deal with real people, places, and things, i.e., substance, because, I
being bound by imperial law, such courts can only deal with fictional person~. Thus, all parties
agree to be named, and do appear by, fictitious names, spelled in all capital letters, i.e., a nom de
guerre (war name) I
An example of a war name is, JOHN DAVID SMITH. In common law, the Christian name is
spelled John David Smith. Because all corporations are also fictions of law, their names are
spelled in all capitals as well. Thus, if I.B .M. is a party to an action, its name is written; INTER-
NATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. on the court ' s Docket and in all process.
Initials or abbreviations ofa name, are "no name at all," and their use creates another fictition.
Government documents commonly make no provision in their forms for one to write out his
middle name. This is a deliberate form of entrapment. This is the practice on all I.R.S. forms that
only allow space for a middle initial.
One styles any plaintiff in process from an emergency powers court in all capitals, or initials,
Spell out all numerals or numbers in abatements, i.e. , The Year of Our Lord and Saviour I
Jesus Christ, Nineteen hundred and Ninety-six. Numbers are fictions in numerical form and have
no substance. In common law it is best to spell all numbers in their word equivalents.
Next, is the use of parenthesis, brackets, curly braces, and boxes. All information contained I
therein is classed as; "extraneous, explanatory, and interpolated matter, with no force and effect
in law.,,!41 1 Thus, if you must use a ZIP Code, put brackets around it to deflect its force and effect
I in law.

• The point of this di scussion is, any name not correctly and fully spelled out is a misnomer.
literally. mis-named. and is a solid plea in abatement. In most non-statutory abatements there is
so me reference to the misnomer.

• When rai sing misnomer. however. state only the facts that lead a court to conclude a mis-
nomer has been used . Let the court come to its own conclusion.
Do not specifically allege ' misnomer ' in the abatement.

• Thus. one can say; "My appellation is (insert your correctly spelled full name in upper and
lower case) My name is not (insert the incorrectly spelled name on the process)." This is sufficient

to establish that a misnomer has been used and is all one needs to say .(See sample abatements at
the end)
If your name is a single letter and not a full name. make sure you DO NOT PUT A PERIOD

after the single letter name, because it says that one of your names is abbreviated and is thus a
fictitious persona. To save yourself the pains of being mis-interpreted, one might want to adopt a
fully spelled name to replace a single letter name, hopefully one with more letters than one can
type on its paperwork.
You may use periods after each line of your postal location (avoid using the commercial word
address) . Then, each line of one' s postal location is a self-contained entity. Do not use commas to

• string together names and addresses.

English is important to understand because it speaks directly to ' mis-joinder' and ' non-
joinder' issues. One cannot be mis-joined and is thus not joined in the action. No joinder. no case.

• The above is only a summary of the relationship of English usage and the law.
The Rule is; Know the English language and use it like a weapon in law.

What's in a Word?
If one makes a careful study of the way in which imperial powers word their paperwork,

letters, and process, one will find a very deceitful use of certain words and phrases, all of which
are designed to compel one to make a 'voluntary appearance.' And, since all appearances are
voluntary, the words must carry the maximum impact, yet not cross over the line so as to violate

the Rules of Imperial Process. Thus, one may see phrases such as "You must appear at .. . blah,
blah, blah, ... at such a date and time, ... blah, blah, blah."
Has this sentence violated the Imperial Rules of Process?

Answer: No.
The reason: In Law, ' must' means ' may.' What's really being said is, "We invite you to
appear .. .," because your appearance must be voluntary. Such phrases are designed to strike lear

• into the heart of a defendant and provoke a knee-jerk reaction that means the defendant loses l
Other words and phrases using the same kind of deceit are: "Notice oL ," ''Notice to Ap-
pear," ''Notice of LienlLevy," ''Notice to Remove," ''Notice of Warrant," ''Notice of Trespass,"

• " Order to Show Cause," "Order and Demand," and "IT IS SO ORDERED." From what we have
all learned from above, we now know that the phrase "IT IS SO ORDERED," because written in
all caps, is unintelligible in English, and is thus abatable.

•I When in doubt, get an old dictionary oflaw.

Letters from the Government. I
It is common for all branches of government to send letters to people they are setting up for
persecution. The purpose of letters is not to infonn y~:)U, but to inform them as to how much you
know Law.
People nonnally respond to letters with more letters. But, letters, as such. have no force and
effect in law. Thus, when you respond to a letter with another letter, this tells whoever sent you
the letter that you know nothing I.about law and that you can probably be pressured to roll over
and pay without any further trouble on the government's part. The letter is, therefore, merely a
device used by governments to collect revenues, without the bother of issuing process and going
to court.
The problem is, this tactic joins one to an action without them knowing it.
The I.R.S. uses this tactic, very effectively. Threatening letters making outrageous demands
for taxes you probably don't owe, are typical. Your knee-jerk reaction is, respond with a letter
asking all kinds of questions that the LR. S. could not care less about. The point of the outrageous
letter and demands is, to provoke!a response from you, get you to appear, or make a call to the I
I.R.S., in which they will apply !pore heat to force one to roll over. The I.R.S. doesn't care
whether you've properly paid "ydur fair share," they want more. The object is, compel you to
submit to an increase in your voluntary assessments, rather than fight them. The letters are thus,
a tacti~ using fear and intimidatio~ and they exploit your ignorance of Law.
Remember, also, most I.R.S. agents are sub-contractors and work on commissions from
property t hey seIZe. I

Often, the news media blasts you with stories of how the very wealthy are put in jail by the
I.R.S. or have to pay huge fines anti penalties for not filing, or filing in error.
But, it doesn't matter who ~nds you a letter: do not respond with another letter!!!
Respond with lawful process, i.e., an abatement. Their letter may have no force and effect in law,
but the abatement will. Usually, they just go away and you will hear no more.
The Rule is, respond to all letters from any government agency with lawful process.
Response Tactics of Imperial Powen.

Since, under InternationallMunicipal Law, "deceit" is legal, {42} one must expect that all
federal, state, county, city, and local imperial government officers and agents will use it to get
what they want, which is, to compel the private Christian man to answer for the persona and

"voluntarily comply." .
Tactics used by imperial powers to get 'voluntary compliance,' would be a joke if the end
result was not so vicious. They will lie, cheat, destroy evidence, and create evidence where it
never existed. Thus, there is a wide ~ariety of tactics of response, used by all government officers
and agents to try to get someone who has served a non-statutory abatement, to respond in such a
way as to nullify or circumvent the effect of the abatement. The idea is, they cannot set aside the
abatement. They must deceive you, the abator, to do something that will, by your response, have
the same effect. Then, they will re-issue a demand, bench warrant, or whatever, and proceed as if
the abatement never existed, in the first place. •
In the examples of Response Tactics that follow, we assume that some branch of government
sends you something. It could be a letter from the I.R.S., a Notice to Appear on a traffic ticket, a

demand from the local Fire Department to cut your grass, a building code violation, or almost
anything else.

• .-\nd. we assume you have properlv responded to such fOnTIS of communication bv serving an

• abat ement and when the government agent did not respond. YOU served. after the laps~ of ten days
I not counting Sundays and holidays) a Default against them. .

• l ~'
Example One '

..\ Sheriff Deputy shows up at your house with a warrant in his hand . Of course. the warrant
will not be a genuine warrant with affidavit attached , court seaL or a judge' s signature in real ink
The Deputy will call you to the door and after a few remarks, will say so mething like the
fol lowing . "J-Ji . I' m here to talk to John Smith." John Smith comes to the door and the Deputv

says. "In regard to the abatement you served, the judge wi ll agree to drop the Warrant, ifvou drop
the ab atement, and you won ' t hear from us, again. "
There is only one possible response to this - NOI

One may frame their words more diplomatically, but the general idea is, refuse is the mildest and least confrontational type of compelling "vo luntary appearance " :v1oSi
officers walk rather softl y after they have been served an abatement.

• Example T wo .
Same scenari o. same situati on. same Deputy. Thi s time says, ·'L h. the judge wants to put out

• a warrant on you t'or not appearing on your court date, but he won 't. if you ' ll come down to the
court house to talk about the abatement you served him."
In this approach. you are expected to meet the judge half-way and go along.

• Don't !
The bench warrant has already been issued on the Docket , and the Deputy may not even
kno w it l Often. ho wever. they know perfectly well the warrant ' s waiting for you.

• Again. the polite refu sal will handle the situation

Example Three.
In another case, the scenario is the same, except, John Smith is not home when the Deputy
co mes. John 's wife answers the door and when she found out what the Deputy wanted. she

handed him a " Public Servant ' s Questionnaire, " and he left.
Nothing more was heard on the matter.

Example Four.
In another case, after three abatements and three defaults on the same case involving an Order
to Show Cause in Federal District Court, the Sheriff's in a county different from the county where

• the court sat, sent three Sheriffs cars to the Smith 's house.
In broad daylight and in front of the neighbors, the Deputies made a great show of force and
when they found out that Mr. Smith was not home, asked the Smith' s son where his father was.

• The son said he didn 't know, the Deputies left, and no more was heard .
The point of this example is, the local Sheriff's Office co-operated with the I.R.S. and used a

half dozen Sheriff's Deputies to put fear into the Abator and get him to come to court .

Example Five.

In one bizarre case, the local Sheriff put pressure on Mr. Smith' s neighbor to talk to
Mr. Smith and get him to go down and talk to the judge.

i. 19
This is nothing more than pitting neighbor against neighbor. But. what this example does is
point out very clearly, that imperial powers have no real power to compel perfonnance when true
law has been brought squarely before them. The bo.ttom line is, if they had real law to back them
up, imperial powers would not need to use fear, threats, and intimidation.
Another tactic of the imperial powers is an attempt to compromise an abatement bv mail. I
This works as follows: the imperial powers personae, after they have been prope~ly abated
and defaulted, send some letter or process to the abator by mail, in the name of the abator's
persona. I
Remember earlier, how we pointed out that the abatement has the effect of severing the
connection between the private Christian man and the persona (the nom de guerre).
What happens it: a private Christian man receives another piece of mail from the imperial
power - in the name of a fonner persona, and he accepts the mail in the name of the persona?
Answer: the private Christian man and the persona are rejoined and the former abated
process that was dead, is now alive and well, again. The reason is, the Christian has, by his own
act, contradicted his abatement and default, and has proved, by accepting mail for the persona,
that he is not who he claimed to be in the abatement, and that he is volunteering to be a surety
once again, for the persona.
The solution is~ write on the mail, '~o such person at this location." Do not write
'~Refused!!!" This is a dead give-away that the abator is still a resident and located at the 'address' I
on the mai1.
By the way, the original meaning of 'resident' is, the 'mark of a thing.' This is simply another
reason to justify the use of a nom de guerre, because a nom de guerre names the persona, which I
is also a thing.

Response Tactics of the Private Christian Man. I

How does a Christian man respond to the tactics of imperial powers in the above examples?
First., avoid idle conversation with those who try to talk you into removing your abatement.
This is thin ice and you may be trapped by your own words into the "benefit of discussion."
Second, the officer wants to speak to the persona, who cannot speak, except by the mouth
of Ba' al. It is better to send another abatement to refuse all discussion with an officer.
Third, if any further process - on the same case and with the same case number -
comes into the presence of the private Christian man, whether by personal service of process, or
by any other means, there is only one possible response for the Christian to take, and that is, file
a Small Claims Court actio~ on whoever sent the process or other communications, for the
maximum amount pennissible in your state law.
If the process comes by way of mail, respond as in the last example above, under ''Response
T aetics of Imperial Powers." In the Small Claims action, you are the plaintiff and those one files
the small claims action against, are the defendant.
When a Small Claims action is filed, always name the defendant in bis private personal I
capacity, never in his Official capacity. This means, use his or her Christian name in the case
Where a Small Claims action is properly used, defendants normally responded quickly!
When it was used against an I.R.S. Levy in California the I.R.S. Agent responded by
removing the Levy two weeks before the Small Claims Court date! The reason is, when plaintiff I
I tiled th is action. he had all the evidence needed. in hand . tor 'slam dunk ' against the lR.S agent .
perso nally. ~

I :Vlisnomer.
Misnomer means. literally. " mi s-named ." More importantl y. any process. bearing any name
I other than a man 's fil II and properly spel led Christian name is an error subject to abatement.
"The name of men. at this day. are only sounds to r distinction' s sake. though perhaps they
origi nally imported so mething more. as some natural qualities, features. or relation: but now there
I is no other use of them but to mark out the families or ind ividuals we speak ot: and to difference

them from all others: since, therefore. they are the only marks and indicia of things which human
kind can understand each other by, we must see what certainty the law requires herein. and what
the elTects and co nsequences are o f the omi ssion of the name. o r false spec ificat ion of the

party' '''''''
And from a work compiled in I670, "Misnomer. (compounded of the French Mes .. which
in compo sit ion always signifies CIlnlSse. and nomer. Latin. /lominare.) the using [of] one name

for another. a mi s-terming. or mis-naming" '""
A misnomer is. any spelling of a name not consistent with the Rules of English
Grammar and the way in which one customarily uses his name. Thu s, a nom de gllerre. a name
spelled in all capital letters. such as JOHN DAVID SMJTH, does not conform to the Rules of
English and is thus. a misnomer.
Where a name appears in upper and lower case acco rding to the Rules of English. and one of

• the names has been abbreviated or. initialized, it is also a misnomer. Thus, ''We are of opinion
that the wo rd ' misnomer.' which means a naming ami ss, is wide enough to cover the faul ty
indicatio n of a christian name by means of the initial: Vide, Bacon' s Abri dgment. under

• misnomer."("" and "initials were no name at all .,,(""

Thu s. "Misnomer is a good plea in abatement, for since names are the only marks and indicia
which human kind can understand each other by. if the name be omitted or mistaken. there is a
comp laint against nobody." And. ·' .ifthe defendant has been arrested by a wrong name. the court
will set asid e the proceedings . and discharge him if in custody ." (""

'13 ut. though a defendant may, by pleading in abatement, take advantage of a mi snomer when
there is a mistake in the writ or declaration, as to the name of baptism or surname; yet in such a
plea he must set torth his right name, so as to give the plaintiff a better writ ,,( " 9)

No w, even though a misnomer appears on imperial court process. a plaintiff may produce
witnesses who will state that, the respondent never spell s his name the way it is spelled in hi s

Therefore, if one spells out his first name, initializes his second name, and spells hi s last
(surname) name, and process is issued in that name (a defendants normal spelling, even though
incorrect by the Rules ofEngJish), an abatement that pleads misnomer, may not lie.

[t is good practice to put a comma (,), or colon () between your Christian name, given at
baptism, and your fami ly name. The Christian name includes only ones first and second names.
Get in the habit of writing out the fu ll name. or one may use only the Christian name as a rule.

• But, if one was given at birth, a name with only a single letter in it, do not put a period after
the single letter name, which converts the name to a nom de guerre.
The Rule is AJways speU ones Christian or full name, according to the Rules of English.

• 21
Note: IRS agents, deliberatel y use misnomers for themselves. They call it an "officiallv registered I
pseudonym," i.e., false name, to make it more difficult for one to tind an agent ' s perso~al p-;'openy
and seize it in a suit at Law.
Question: If what the I R.S. does is lawful. why do they need an ' officially registered

Kitchen Sinkers,
It is a universal maxim that "less is more." No where is this more applicable than in law and
Yet. we've all heard of. and probably know, many amateur lawyer types in the law reform
movement who have never heard of this maxim, and would reject it in a hean beat, because they
are "The Kitchen Sinkers."
When Kitchen Sinkers write process or a brief. they throw in everything they can think of,
includi ng the kitchen sink. And for this reason, such people seldom win any cases, not even
against the dog catcher. precisely because of the unrelenting need to throw in the kitchen sink. I
These guys can take simple process like a non-statutory abatement, that takes at most five or
six pages, to say what needs to be said, and blow it up, into ten, fifteen, twenty, or thiny pages.
They can write paragraphs of one sentence that are five pages longlll And, in the vast I
majority of cases. such paragraphs have no substance in law - at all. Instead, they are nothing
but an exercise in how to vent one 's spleen in ten thousand words, without saying anything ofreal
They will sit at a typewriter or computer for hours, banging away in a rage and congratulating
themselves on how ' powerful' their writing is. They build up an enormous raging sweat during
this marathon of spleen venting and by the time they finish (assuming the process can be
completed before the court deadline sixty days down the road) they are a bundle of knotted
emotion and profanity. But, if they really do finish the job, they always qualify the end result by
saying, "There's some things I'd like to add, but, we don 't have time now."
And at the end of it, the Kitchen Sinker sits back with great pride, looks at his stack of papers
and says. "There. ah. show' d ' eml "
In truth, courts pay no attention to such trash, especially since at least half the words, are
devoted to slandering or libeling the judges' bloodline back to his ninth great grand-parents on
both sides of the family tree. I
The Rule is; Avoid such people like the plague, because they are one.

On the Unifonn CommerciaJ Code I

There is the tendency in the law reform movement to use the Uniform Commercial Code on
everything from signatures on checks, on mail, on applications, and on anything that even appears
to be paperwork or process from any governrnent agency, bureau, depanment, or other imperial
Now, if those in the movement are so interested in restoring the common law and everything
else that goes with it, why do they feel the need to use statutes??? And, the Uniform Commercial
Codes. whether State or Federal, are statutes, none of which is law, or bears any resemblance to it
" Individuals [private Christians) rely for protection of their rights on law, and not upon
regulations and proclamations of departments of government, or officers who have been
designated to carry ' laws ' into effect "I3'1
I Common law and statutes do not mix . They are like oil and water. Yet, everytime one hears
a presentation on the common law, they invariably bring up the so-called sure fire silver bullets of
I the Uniform Commercial Code. So prevalent is this practice that in one recent newspaper ru1icie
on the militia, the newspaper reporter said that the courts call these people "The UCe' ers."
Would any right thinking UCC fan, use the I.R.S . Code to try and create a non-statutory
I abatement. [ think not. Then, why do they use the UCC, that uses the same "words and phrases"
definitions found , in Title 26, The Internal Revenue Code??? Could it be that all the Titles and
Codes, and, specifically, the Uniform Commercial Code are really just an imperial mine-field???
I Now, since people are so enamored of common law and still use UCC statutes, go ahead, use


Public Notice

Anyone using Unifonn Commercial Code

citations on any Non-statutory Abatement
in this work NEED NOT CALL US FOR
You have already shown that you do not
listen or know how to follow instruction.
Thus, further conversation will not likely
bear any real fru it.

Nuff' said.
I Conflict of Laws.

• Having spoken above on the Uniform Commercial Code, which is a statute, raises the
question of the use of statutes in a non-statutory abatements.
In Version I. 0 of this work, it was stated that, under certain conditions one could cite no
statute in a non- statutory abatement, except for, very precisely used codification's of common
law, i.e. , The 1872 Code of California. After nearly a year of experience with non-statutory
abatements, we have concluded that it is not necessary to use any statute, including
codification's of the common law, that may, under some circumstances, compromise the
As a result, we no longer recommend use of the 1872 Code of California, in any common law
process. The American Jural Society Press still sells the tloppy disc version (3 .5") - but only for
educational purposes. In short, they are a good study tool, but should not be referenced in any
common law process.

Recognizing Defective PI·ocess.

For you to maintain your standing in Law, you must be able to distinguish between lawful
process and defective process. This is especially important when you realize your perception of
lawful process has been warped and is dysfunctional . It is your perception of process, and acting

on that perceptio~ that is fatal to your maintaining your lawful standing - not the process itself
The key indicia in lawful process are: One, a seal from a court known and recognized in the state,
and not the State; Two, signed in black ink by a constitutionally elected Judge in the Judicial
Department in the state; Three, must describe with particularity the Christian Man or thing to be
arrested or seized. Do not look to the federal constitution for the requirements. Your state
constitution requirements are the standard and establish the conflict of laws necessary to abate the
defective process. I
Address vs. Location.
At Law, you are your own "Secretary of State." You have established Christian self- I

government in your House which communicates with outside imperial and lawless governments.
It is your duty to maintain the integrity of your Christian self-government and to that end you must
understand certain terms which are misleading when first encountered.
There are several key terms concerning transmission of any communication between a private
Christian man and imperial governments when the Post Office is involved. These terms apply
whether we receive process from governments or, send process to governments.

Post Office functions have been converted under imperial law to a commercial venue under a
separate entity now known as the Postal Service. The constitutional or common law venues are
not abolished; hidde~ perhaps, but not abolished. Key terms below, clarify these differences if we •
note that Post. Office terms used by imperial Postal Service, are given new names and
redefined. The old ones still exist, but the new codes do not mention them.
The idea is, use constitutional and common law venues to avoid using any benefit, privilege, •
or opportunity.
Official terms that define the duties and powers of the Postal Service assume the District of

Columbia is the 'home' point of origin.
The term 'domestic' commonly means; about the home, home-grown, etc., But, in Postal
Codes, the home point to detennine the meaning of domestic, is the District of Columbia, and

domestic mail moves between D.C., possessions and territories of the United States, Guam,
Puerto Rico, Northern Marianas Islands, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the parts of states
that are ceded, rented, leased, or under management of the Federal power. Mail moving within
and between points outside of the above areas is 'non..domestic mail.'
Zip Codes, are created fictions that number specific geographic areas but are not part of the
land itself They are used to scan mail to determine if it is domestic or non-domestic. However,

since words and numbers within brackets, etc., re-define enclosed ZIP Codes as "extraneous,
explanatory, and interpolated matter,"{~o. the ZIP code itself, has no force and effect in law when
brackets are used. •
Jurisdiction of the Postal Service extends as well to 'addresses,' which are converted to
commercial benefits, technically governed by commercia belli. {51} Those who use addresses are

converted as well, to persona.
Justification for this is, postage only pays for transportation of mail between Post Offices.
Any delivery of post beyond the Post Office is a benefit, because its free.

P.O. Boxes are a benefit because a postal clerk delivers mail, for free, to the customers
'address.' Fees paid for a P.O. Box are only box maintenance fees, and do not pay the postal
clerks wages who delivers mail to the box.

Thus, the only Post Office service not using a benefit, privilege, or opportunity is General
Delivery, which is a traditionally vested right that existed before the Constitution. It is also, a
I custom and usage of long duration.
Problems with General Deli very are the tvpical ones.
I Postmasters, who are given discretion in the matter, may not permit General Deli very

• Serv e It. Don ' t File It !!!

We have stated over and over again, that the current legal svstem is one of foreign law
(Martial. International/Municipal. Law of War, etc) and such courts we style as Imperial Courls.

• Co nstitutional or common law process, cannot be heard in imperial courts.

This has nO! prevented people from filing abatements in such courts, anyway. Because sllch

courts cannot hear common law actions there is but one result - re jection !!!
The problem is, when the abatement is rejected, people call or write to complain. After much
discussion we learn the abator filed his process in the court . When reminded that Version LO of
the wo rk tells him not to do this, Alzheimer ' s sets in and he doesn ' t remember this . (it may have

been removed from his pirated co py of the abatement package)
Once again. Serve it. Don't File It !!!
There are many reasons, of course, why we do not file an abatement in a court.
One, there is no court today that has authority to hear it.
Two, the court onl y hears a case - after all parties are joined in an act ion.
Three, abatements are served on one who becomes a plai ntiff thereby, who is given an
II opportunity to respond with a better suit, if he can. But, fiducia ries of today's imperi al
governments cannot respond to non-statutory abatements - only lawfu l entiti es can
Four, if process comes from a court, abatements are still served on a person, i.e. , a judge.
III Five, all non-statutory abatements in this Handbook are served on people in their private
capacity, not as officer s in their official capacity or, under their official title.

-- Six, the abator, creates his own court when the abatement is served. He cannO! file it
anywhere, in any court. because no co urt can hear any matter stili under another court 's

jurisdiction .
Thus, for the last time:
The Rule is: Serve the abatement - don't file it!!!

• Serving Non-Statutory Abatement Processes,

There are tour ways to have your process served: b the Sheriff s Office, by Registered Mail.

by State Marshall 's, or by Elisors.
For service of process by the Sheriff's Office. take one copy each of the abatement, plus, one
copy for your own records to the Sheriffs Office, Civil Division, and go to the Clerk 's window .
Ask the Clerk for the Service of Process Instruction Sheet. This fo rm is used to provide the
necessary information to the Deputy who wili serve the process. It contains a place for the
location of the demandant (the one filing the abatement) and the defendant (the person against
whom the abatement is being served, personally). The form also has spaces for the locations of all
parties and the hours during which the process may be served. It is primarily self-explanatory.
When the Clerk asks for the case number, tell them you haven ' t got one yet and the Clerk will
assign a Sheriff's case number to the abatement. Copy the Sheriff's case number to the
appropriate place on each copy of the abatement, including your own copy.
Make sure ali copies are time and date stamped by the Clerk.
When this process is finished , pay the Service of Process Fee, usually 25 .00, and give the

Clerk, or whoever is working the desk, all co pies of the abatement that are to be served.
[n a few days, you will receive in the post, correspondence from the Sheriff's Office that
contains the Sheriff's proof of service form s which may be at least two pages or more, depending
on how many defendants you have had abatements served on.
Attach the copies of the proof of service to your copy of the abatement that was served.
From the actual date the Deputy served the defendant named in your abatement, go to the
next day afterwards. and begi n to count torward on your calendar until ten days have elapsed,
not counting Sundavs and holidavs.
Mark on your calendar the Due Date to Receive Response.
[f no response to the abatement arrives at your location (preferably at General Delivery) by
the Due Date to Receive' Response, serve the Default, Default Judgment, and Writ of Praecipe
(Right), immediately, by Regi stered Mail. I
Service of process by State Marshall 's, takes place basically the same way it does with a
Sheriff' s Office.
For service of process by Registered Mail, use the Registered Mail Number for the Sheriff's I
case number.
Have the Postmaster time and date stamp your process just like the Sheriff did above. This
time and date stamp is printed on the glue strip that comes out of the postage machine on the I
Po stmasters ' desk, or counter.
[fthe Postmaster will not put a time and date stamp on all copies of your paperwork, then file
out a Certificate of Mailing, one for each copy of your abatement, and staple one copy to each
abatement, before you put them in the envelopes. Put each copy of the abatement, with its
time/date stamped sticker or Certificate of Mailing, in the appropriate envelope, and post them as
you would normally. By the way, a Certificate of Mailing is time and date stamped - automatically
- by the Postal Clerk.
Service of process by Elisor' s is the easiest way of all to get process served, if you have a
jural society from which the Elisor' s can be selected.
First, you will have help filling out your process, which, with this book, means that all you 'll
need is someone with a computer and laser or ink jet printer. I
Second, you have no problem getting the proper time and date stamp on your process, and,
one can also put the jural society seal on the paperwork, if the society has a lawfully formed Court
of Common Law. I
Third, if the jural society has a lawfully formed court, then the process will call the person
abated to the jural society court, who can, by its presence, put some teeth into your process.
The only tricky thing about jural societies. is, they must be lawfully formed. This means that
the jural society must be formed and must have held open elections for electors only. within the
county. T his is a prerequisite for forming a court of any kind.
There are those who argue that common law courts do not need a jural society to sanction its
rulings. The truth is, if courts do not sit under a lawfully formed jural society, the people have no
control over what courts do, and they are, by common law, nothing more than lawless, self-
serving, mobs.
Most of the so-called One Supreme Courts, allegedly do ' quiet title' actions. But, under
Martial Law, the imperial power is not interested in whether one has quiet title, but in possessory I
rig.hts. 'Quiet titles ' issued by such courts will not stop an imperial power who is only interested
in possession - not questions of who has the title.

I \
I Ac tions Against Women.
A.ctions fi led against women by imperial COUI1S are a spec ial case and must be handled ac -
I co rdi ng to the common law doctrine of C overture. which requires that a man, being the co\ering
for the woman, must file the abatement process in hi s name. -

•I When Bouvier speaks of "CoveI1ure." he says that" "The being of the wite is civilly merged
with that of her husband. " whic h in the Scripture is phri sed as : "becoming one flesh"
But. whether a woman is manied . lives with her parents, is single and lives alone. or is mar-
ried at common law. one man is always her cover as far as the Scripture is concerned .

And , for purposes of filing process on her behalf. such process is filed in hi s name, and she is
designated as el uxor. not aliem JUTls.

I LI uxor means, "and wife ." "Alieni j uris ·' means. ' under control of another,' which can mean.
under control of a lawless person.
If a wo man has no husband , process is issued by the father, or a brother. If a woman ' s famil v

I is dead and she is single. a man must still stand as her co ering.
In lawfu l systems, many civi l ac tions carmot even be brought against a woman without the
permission of her covering.

I If a woman is single without any who can act for her, she may, by power of attorney that
specifically references coveI1ure fo r purposes of civil actions. etc .. have a man act on her behalf.

or. if a lawful jural society exists in her county, she may appoint the society as her covering.

A word is needed here on what a true, common law marriage is.

At the outset it must be clear that a common law maniage is not mere co-habitation.
T rue common law marriage was the only form of marriage prior to the War of Secession.
After the War, when men and women of different races were married (miscegenation), it could
onlv be done under li cense fro m the state, because of all the legal and famili al problems suc h
marriages created. The State thus became, through li censure, a third paI1y to the maniage.
At any rate. in common law marriage, a man and woman still have a marriage ceremony in a

•• church, or before a justice of the peace, and the Guest Register (modem term), is a Witness Roll.
The pastor issues a CeI1ificate of Matrimony. but there is no license issued by the state.


• 27
{I} Alkansas v. Kansas & T. Coal Co. (C.c.) 96 F. 362
{2} See Ballentine's Dictionary. 1948 edition. where 'human being' is defined as 'a monster.'.
{3} In Ballentine. Black's. Bouvier. and Mellinkoff's Dictionaries. The Oxford English Dictionarv. and in man\'
other sources. human beings. natural persons. persons. 14th amendment citizens. state citizens (und~r current law).
and others. are defined as those without a moral law. i.e .. Non-Christians.
{4} See Appendix "A" of the Jural Society Handbook. "The Nature of Emergency Powers and Manial Rule." and
the treatise. "Government of Illusions and Illusions of Government." by John Joseph. Both published by The
American Jural Society Press. ( 1996).
{5} See. "The Messages and Papers of the President's." published by The U.S. Government Printing Office.
{6} The Lieber Instructions were promulgated as General Orders No. 100.
{7} Congresssional Record of June 13. 1967. page 15643.
{8} This was done by. by Executive Order that made simple modifications of the "Trading with Enemy
Act"( 1917). Congress rubber-stamped this E. O. without debate.
{9} Exodus. 20:7.
{ 1O} Exodus. 23 :8.
{II} I Corinthians. 6: 1.
{I2} Proverbs. 11:15-16.
{ 13} Matthew. 6:34.
{ 1~} Published by The American Jural Society Press.
{ 15} II Chronicles. 7: 14.
{ 16} Isaiah. 58: 12.
{17}Black's Law Dictionary. by Henry Campbell Black. M.A. Third Edition. by The Publisher's Editorial Staff.
West Publishing Company, St. Paul. Minnesota. 1923. page 8, "Abatement and Revival."
{ 18} Ibid. page 8. under '·Chancery Practice."
{19} Hoke v. Henderson. 4 Dev. 33. 1833.
{20} Jack T. Cole Co. v. MacFarland.
{21} Lansing v. Smith. 4 Wendell 9. 24, (1829).
{22} Selection of Legal Maxims: Classified and Illustrated, by Herbert Broom. Esq.. of the Inner Temple.
Barrister-At-Law. T.& J.W. Johnson, Law Booksellers, Philadelphia. 1845. page 143. (Available from the
American Jural Society Press)
{:3} See. Words and Phrases for Title 26. The Internal Revenue Service Code.
{2~} Matthew 22:21.
{25 } "Handbook of Common-Law Pleadin~ by Benjamin 1. Shipman. Third Edition by Henry Winthrop
Ballantine. West Publishing Co. St. Paul, 1923, page 23.
{26} Ibid. Shipman.
{27} See ·'Discussion." in Black's Dictionary of Law. Jrd edition. West Publishing Company, St. Paul. Minnesota.
{28 i See. "Pledge," in "Handbook of Roman Law." by Max Radin. West Publishing Company. St. Paul. Minnesota
(1927). This work is republished in copy form by The American Jural Society Press.
{29} See... ~" in Bouvier's Dictionary of Law. by John Bouvier. (1856).
{30} Ibid Bouvier's. "Maxim"
{31} "Select Documents of English Constitutional History. Edited by George Burton Adams. and H. Morse
Stephens. The MacMillan Company, New Yo~ 1906. page 339-342.
{32} Romans 8:16.17.
{J3} See various dictionaries. including Melinkoff's Dictionary of Law. Oxford English Dictionary. etc ..
{34} Acts 10:34.
{35} Literally. "name of war." For the Rule governing its use. see The California Style Manual, by Robert E.
Formichi. published by The California Supreme Court. 1986. Section 196, page 13, "Style of Main Title.".
{36} See "'Maxim." in Bouvier's Dictionary of Law (1914). page 2142.
{37} Ibid.. Bouvier's, page 2147. I
{38} Exodus 12:49.
{39} .state: . Christian people having Dominion over all geographical territory - res publica -lords of the soil.



I ;~Of . Slate: " the name of the ministen~l government. occupying a feud established by constitutional coml
Jmong lhe Christian people holding and occupying a tixed geographicallenilorv.

I , ~I} Caluomia Style Manual. supra. Section 150. page 106.

( .. 2 }Tius is an axiom of International and Municipal Law. under The Laws of War. \vherein the practIce of dcc
lion IS legal between beligerents.
{ ~ 3 ) ,.>J I the examples cited here are surnmanes of acrual situations that have happened in the past to those \.

I hJve used the 3ba temCnl process successfully.

,44 } A New Abridgment of the Law. by Matthew Bacon. with Large Additions and Corrections. bv Sir He

Gwvllim. and Charles Edward Dodd Esq .. and Wlth Notes and References made to the Edi tion Published in 18
by Bird Wilson. Esq .. to which are added Notes and References to American and English Law and DeciSions.
John BOUVIer. Volume Vii.. Published by Thomas Davis. No. 17 1 Market Street. Philadelphia (1846). page 5
{ ~5} Nomo-Lexicon. A Law Dictionary. by Thomas Blount. Facsimile of the Edition of 1670. Sherwin & FreUl
Publishers. Los Angeles ( 1970).
, 46}The Queen v. Plenty. Court of Queen 's Bench. ~ C.Q.B.~ .
{H}lbid Queen v. Plenty.
(48 H Bacon 's Abridgment. (D) Of Misnomer. and want of Addition. (1832). page 7.

I (49 }lbid. ~ Bacon 's Abridgment.

{50} --The Style ManuaL" fo r the Califomia Supreme Courts. 1984.
\ 5 1} "commerCIa belli"' means. "commerclal agreement In war." or. "war contract."


.- ••

• 29
The General Terms I
The n~n-statutory abate~ent ~es its name from the fact that it exists - not by virtue of a statute passed bv
some legislature - but by VIrtue of Its customary use arising from common law. Thus. the authority of the a~te­
ment does not require any legislature's stamp of approval.
Wh~n using the abatement process. one must always apply common sense in all of its facets. The follOwing is a
synopsIs of a step by step procedure for the completion of this process:
1. Find the Main Post Office in your town. Fill out the General Delivery Service Application. PS Form 1527.
Nov. 1987. as follows: Question .. (I am applying for General Delivery Service for the following reasons) An-
swer... Transient lifestyle. frequent travel. Question... (Address. City~ State. ZIP+4 Code) Answer... None. You I
then remove your mail box from your house and inform your postman that you onJy receive your postal matter at
General Delivery. General Delivery is the only common law venue remaining in the postal system. It is a Tradi-
tionally Vested Right that was established from the beginning of the Post Office Department and is the only part
of that Department that remains today. There will be one Main Post Office in your town that receives General
Delivery. The meaning of 'transient' is the opposite of 'resident'. In the Post Office Manual. General Deliverv is
for 'transients' only. 'Transient' means 'sojourner'. 'Resident' is short for 'Resident Alien Enemy'. If going to 'pick
your mail up at the post office is inconvenient for you. YOU waL SUFFER TIlE CONSEQUENCES. NOTE:
Receiving mail at home or at a P.O. Box constitutes free delivery, plus establishes as a 'resident'. and thus. gives
the de facto government permission to do mean and nasty things to you -- and they will -- believe me and all their
other \ ictims - they will. I
2. Apply an abatement to your particular situation by changing the names. addresses. opposing party, and
other peninent iteIl1!. The basic wording need not be changed from the examples. If you do. do so at your own
nsk. Always use General Delivery as your response location. for the reason: General Delivery is where your court
is located. i.e .. everywhere in General and nowhere in specific. The court is where the sovereign is - and a lord of
the soH is everywhere.
3. After the response location. always put small's' superior and small 'c' court as the heading, along with your
county name first. followed by a small 'c' county, and name of your state fully spelled out. Never use 'State of.'
because this refers to the internal administration of government.
~. Always put yourself 'Demandant' and the opposition 'Defendant.'
5. Married women should always have their husband do the abatement in his name (see example). with the I
husband's name followed by. et uxor. This is because a married Christian woman has become 'one flesh' with her
Christian Husband. and the law does not see or recognize her. For the foregoing reason the Wife's Christian name
never appears in the abatement. Unmarried women with no covering should add to their name, SlIae potestate
esse. This is because an unmarried woman has not become 'one flesh' with a Christian Man.
6. Always print the Defendant's personal name in upper and lower case and their office exactly as is on the
paperwork you are abating, i.e., STATE OF CALIFORNIA BANK OF NEVADA Bank of Nevada GRANT
7. No matter how many pieces of paper you are aba~g, always refer to them as abandoned paper in the singu-
lar. Abandoned paper refers to their resigning the paperwork to you., due to their lack of ability to produce lawful
process in your venue. Abandonment makes it null and void. Attach all original papers to your abatement when I
service is done, and always mark across each piece. ' Refused for cause without dishonor and with out recourse to
8. In the text of the abatement, always capitalize Me, My, Myself, Our~ Right. and any other words relating to
a Christian. Study the capitalization of words from a book.
9. Always spell out numbers you use for yourself, such as dates, page numbers etc. The numbers are to be
spelled out and made part of the others, as 'Page one of six'. 'Page three of five' etc.
10. Never. never. ever use or cite any codes such as the Uniform Commercial Code. Penal Code , Code of Civil
Procedure. Civil Code. I.RS. Code, ad nauseum. for these have no foundation in the common law. The use of
codes makes you appear "non compos mentis" to the opposing party and will sham your court because you are im-
porting foreign law. which has no standing in your court. The only Law you can use is Scripture, i.e. custom and I
usages common to aU Christians. because it is the foundation of your state - but not the "State of" which is the
venue of all the codes.

I i

I I,
. ! II
'. 1: J
I ! I. The 3batemCnl has no force and effect 10 law. Wllhout the O rdering (b use. T herefore. neyer r~J11 to Include
l ~l S . Gi\"c the [kfcndant len days to respo nd after the abatement has reen scf\cd and always include the opp:mu.

I nlty for the Defendant to ask fo r morc time to respond. The len days does not include SundayS and other Hoi \,-
davs. . .
12 . It's best to post a Notice afyouc abatement and Default for eight \\leeks. In three places in your counry. one
I having to be at the counry scat. If you ca n afford It. place J Public nOll ce In a newspaper In your county for three
\. . ecks.
13. Always include J Ve nfication by Asseve ration on the last page of ~our abatem ent and have two friends \qt-

ness your sign manual on your it. but this is not necessary on your default.
l~ . The two most common ways to have your abate ment served is by the Sheriff's Department and by the Post
Office. If Ihe servICe IS done by RegJstered Ma il. have the clerk hand date slamp the firsl page before' ou put " 11:
the em ·elope . Al ways take an extra copy when doing, this. and have the copy <iltC stamped also. From this cop~ .
make 3dditiorul copies and h;J\'c a fri end hand se rve the defenc.tJ nt or defendants. This IS do ne. so you have t\\O
wi tnesses as ev idence they were served and also insures thal lhe defendant receives a copy befo re the hearing or
court date.
15 . The number you receive from the Sheriff is \vrinen In the place you prOVlde for it. as Shenffs case num-
I be r..
.. .and the Regis tered Mail numlxr. \\ hen using the Post Office for service. IS to be written as Case

I It IS suggesled that before one uses the aootemcnl process. take the lime to study the mc:lning of wo rds unfa-
nuliar to yo u. for 10 this way. you wtll become more comfomble doing the process. jIwe a re 10 become self-
gove rnin g men and women. we need 10 begin acquiring the know ledge so necessary to aa:ompiish Ihat purpose.

I T he amount o[ contact you have \VIth the current de [acto government. Will be a deterrruning [acto r on the success
or [ailUIe O[Y-0UI abatement. as these contacts gIve lha t government a way to encroach up::m your life. liberty and
propertv. The sooner we begm 10 break these co ntacts. the

•I soo ner we wil l understand what self-government really means. We were never meant to be ruled by men. but
ruled by God and His Word. Man is concerned with the present and past (the dc:ld). wltile God looks to Ihe pre-
sen! and future (the living) . Living by God's Law preserves a people: while living by Man's laws dest roys a peo-



Maxims of La"", in Abatements
From Broom', Maxims (1845)
These maxim 's were selected for use in abatements and should be full y understood before
used elsewhere. One should memorize them in the event one may have to use them in court. The

fu ll edition of Broom ' s Maxim's, with Bouvier's Maxims in his Law Dictionary (1 856) is avail-
able from The American Jural Society Press.

At the end of Di scussion: Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et talis Certitudo Certitudinem con
fundit: The law does not allow of a capi ous and strained intendment, •
for such nice pretense of certainty confounds true and legal certainty.

At the end of Chapter one Ex Dolo malo non oritur Actio:

A right of action cannot arise out of fraud.
Commentary: Dolus malus is defined to be craft, guile, or machina-
tion, employed for the purpo se of deception or circumvention. I
At the end of Chapter two, Firstly: Ex nudo Pacto non oritur Actio :
No cause of action arises from a bare agreement. I

Commentary: A consideration of some sort or other is so absolutely
necessary to the formi ng of a contract, that a nudum pactum, or
agreement to do or pay any thing on one side, without any compensa-

tion on the other, is totally void in law, and a man cannot be com-
pelled to perform it.

At end of Chapter two, Secondly: Quod ab Initio non valet in T ractu Temporis non convaJescit:
That which was originally void does not by lapse of time become
valid .

Commentary: When the proceeding adopted is altogether unwar-
ranted, and different from that which, if any, ought to have been
taken, then the proceeding is a nullity, and cannot be waived by any
act of the party against it has been taken.

At the end of Chapter two, Thirdly: Lex non cogit ad Impossibilia:

The law does not seek to compel a man to do that which he can not
possibly perform.

In the Ordering Clause: Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem Causa:
It is a rule oflaw, that a man shall not be twice vexed for one and the

same cause.

At the end of the Ordering Clause: Omnia praesumuntur contra Spoliatorem:

Every presumption is made against a wrong doer.
Commentary: Where the party has the Means in his power of rebutting
and explaining the evidence adduced against him, if it does not tend to
the truth, the omission to do so furnishes a strong inference against him.

32 •I
I :

.i. j' ~

I '
Respond to. John Wi lliam : Saunders the Third suac polest~ItC esse
General Deliven'
Rosamond Post Office
Rosamond. CalIfornia

sUJXnor coun . Kern cou nty. Califorma

John William Saunders the Tlurd. Case No.

<;uae POiesCO!e esse
Pan One
agaInst. Non-Statutorv Abatement
M. Pro,·ost.
INTERNAL RE VENUE SERVICE Dated: The twelfth daY of the second month. in the
ycar of Our Lord and Sa,;our Jesus. the Chm!.
Defendant Ninetee n hundred and runcty-s ix.

By Jo hn William: Saunders the T hird. siloe poleslol e esse:

In the matter of: Unla wful a nd inyalid persollo deslgnal a. JOHN W. SAUNDERS. nom de guerre:

Be It Known and Rcmembered bv NI to Whom These Presents Come and May Concern:


ThiS is a Non-Statutory Abatement issued pursuant to common law rules applicable to such cases. agillnst the
st3llJtonly created. foretgn de faC IO corporation. known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Said agencY IS
lmplsmg J suretyship. by attaching an illegally presumed p er~iO na deslg n a!a. fl om de guerre. c reated~' them as
JOHN W. SAUNDERS. upon This pnvate Christian. John William : Saunders the Third. suae pO leslale esse This
implsltion is \\'ilhout authority. is counter to public morals. being in the Nature of a Praemumre which is outlawed
"'· the General ClJStom in this state and. thus. is in violation of the l8~9 California Constitution. the lex I10 n SCnplQ
wltich is the J US pu b li c um in this state:

Pan One of this matter shall be known as Non-Statutorv Abatement and contams the follo,,;ng documents
titled: 1. Non-Statutory Abatement: and. 11. Ve nfication bv Asseverauon.

L Non-Statutory Abatement;


Whereas. 'Congress'- in the Preamble of Congressional Repon No. 93 -549. issued November 19.1973. Slated
"A majonty orthe people of the United Slates have lived all their lives under emergency rule .... And. to the Uruled
States. actiofl5 taken bv the Government to time of great emlS have - from at least. the Civil War - in imponaDt
wavs. shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of oational emergency" :

And whereas. according to The Supreme Coun. 'Congress has made little or not distinction between a "Slate
of naLIonai emergency." and "a state of war" .

• Page one of .ix

And whereas. according to the Law of Nati ons ... the most immediate effect of a state of war is that it activates
the Law of War itself ":

And whereas. according to the Law of \Var. "martial law is obtai ned during a state of war and in truth and
reali ty. is no law at all":

And whereas. King Charles the First. in The Petition of Right of June 7. 1628. acknowledged that manial law
is repugnant to co mmon law. and is revoked and annulled fo reve r in accorda nce wi th law of the land in The Great
Chaner of the Libe nies of England and America :

Now therefore. any proceedi ng to the contrary violates the established customs and usage's. threatens the
peace and safety of the people in their Dominions. is an invasion upon the people and their Law and is a trespass
against This private Christian .
• Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatnr, et talis Certitndo Certitndinem coofuodit *.

C hapter oDe:
~ ~ I/) ---'-L. C&v<J.-Z-
Invalidation and expm gation of records: and AverMe'llts

Yom records are invalid for ca use ,vithout dishonor and without recomse to Me. and are herewi th. e.'qlurgated
because they are irregular and unauthorized. based upon the followin g. to wit:
Comes Now. This private Christian. grateful to Almighty God for My Liberty. to humbly Extend Greetings
and Salu,ations to you from Jesus. the Christ. and Myself by Visitation. to exe rcise Ministerial Powers in this
Maner. to invalidate and expurgate your records:

Your records contain the following Ma rk5 of Fraud:


Ma rk: Yom records do nOl have upon their face My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower ease leners
and in addition. thereto. suae potestate esse. nor do your records, herewith invalidated and expurgated.
apply to Me: and,

Second :

Mark: Your records are foreign to My Venue, which. no Oath. Prontise. or Law anaches Me thereto: and.


Mark: Yom agency and its agents are not established in the 1849 Califorrtia Constitntion. are not recognized
in this state, and are, therefore, persona 000 grata: and.

Fourth :

Mark: Your records have no foundation in Law: for the reason. they are not from an office recognized by the
People or General Laws in this state: and,


Mar k : Yom reco rds lack jurisdictional facts necessary to place or bring Me within your venue: and.

Page two ofm


• Sixth:

• Mark: Your records are unintelligible and unrecognizable to Me: based upon the following :
Thev are not written in Proper English: being such. they cannot be recognized lawfully
in this state. for the reason: they violate Our general customs and usage's: and have
no effect. force or operation outside the venue from which they originate: and


• Mark: Your records fail to affinnativelv show. upon their face. lawful authority for Your presence in My
Ve nue: and

• Mark:

Your records fail to affinnatively show. upon thei r face. the lawful authority or necessity for your
invasion of My Privacy and My Dominions: and


Mark: Your records fail to affirrnitivelv show. upon their face. your authority to violate. disparage. or
trespass uJXln Me in any way: and


Mark: Your records have no Warrant in Law and are not Judicial in Nature; and


Mark: Your reco rds are not sealed with authority known and recognized in California and is. therefore. a
trespass into Mv Dominions: and


Mark: Your records fail to disclose any legal connection between Myself and your ageney; and


Mark: Your records are defective and nugatory. upon their face. due to insufficient Law.

• Ex Dolo malo non oritur Actio'.

Cbapter two:


Whereas. pursuant to constitutional due process requirements and Tbe General Laws of California, said Alien
Enemy agency is not a State Judicial Office having power to issue orders or judgments of any kind:

And whereas. according to the custom in tlJjs state. The General Laws of California The Law of Nations and
The Law of War. said Alien Enemy agency cannot invade or usurp My Dominions with contempt for the General
custom in this state:

Page tbree of !ix

And whereas. your records are usurping My Authority in ~nd over My Dominions ' I
And whereas. My Immunity rrom invasion is a recognized General custom in this stale:

Now therefore. your records which are usurping My Authority. are a disturbance of the public peace. a pul>-

lic nuisance. and a trespass upon Me and My Dominions:
* Ex nudo Pac to DOD oritur Actio *.
Page three of six


Whereas. said Alien Enemy agency imposes a form of money inimical to the common good of the public
according to the standard set by the Law of God and the 1849 California Constitution:

Whereas. said Alien Enemy agency is attempting to extort a performance of suretyship from Me contrary to

the Law of God the Ge neral custom. and morals in this state:

Now thererore. your records <.Ind their purpose are contra bonos mores.
* Quod ab Initio nOD valet in Tractu Tcmporis Don cODvaJescit *.


Whereas. your records contain the extraneous S)"mbols. such as 0 1-28-96 and PERIOD ENDfNG 12-31 -9 L
which symbology appears to dcnotc time. but is wtfamiliar to Me; for the rcason. I Measure time in years of Our
Lord and S3\iour Jesus. the Christ. in accordance with the customs and usage's in this state:

And whereas. provisions of the peoples customs and moral Law forbids Me use of said unrecognized way of
measuring time:

And whereas. your records contain scandalous and libelous matter all to My harm, in panicular, and to this
state in general :
• 1£. DOD cogit ad lmpossihilia '.

Now. therefore :
I am invalidating and expurgating your records. and shall. henceforth. exercise My Right of Avoidance: for

the reason: your records are irregular. unauthorized. ntisnomed. defective upon their face and invalid.. and are.
herewith. abated for being a public nuisance. There appear to be no factors which would warrant adjustment of the
Abatement. due to a Conflict of Law.

Chapter three:
Ordering Clause;
" Every direction of a court or judge, made or entered in writing,
and not included in a judgment, is denominated an order."

Said Defendants sbaIl abate the matter of imposing suretyship upon Me. through unlawful attachment to Me.
of a persona designata. JOHN W. SAUNDERS. nom de guerre, within ten (10) days of the ordering of this Non-

Statutory Abatement. or show cause why the Abatement should not lie. Any and all written response must include
a detailed factual statement and supporting documentation, baving standing in Law. If more time iban ten (10)
days is needed to respond.. it may be granted on written request of the Defendants. Failure to obey this court order
or failure to respond in the time prescribed. herein, will result in Default and a Default Judgment, Nemo debet bis
vexari pro una et eadem Causa. and may subject Defendants to Civil liabilities or Criminal punishment pursuant
to The Law of Nations. The Law of War and the 1849 California Constitution and the lex non scripta in this stale:
• Omnia praemmuDtur contra Spoliatorem *.
Page four of six

36 •

• All response to this Instant maller should be marked WIth the supe rio r court case numOCr. and directed \0 the fol-

lowing loc~l.tlon :
Jo hn William : Saunders the Thi rd_ suae pot estate esse
G(:neral Dclrvcry

Rosamond Post Office
Rosamond (aliforma

1. pn\'3lC ChrIstlan. Wi ll hencefonh. exercise My Right of AVOidance and maintam My DomlfllOns. M~ Im-
mumlies. and Our customs Jnd usage's . .1Ild stand uJX>n the grounds set out above:
~ Summa Ratio est quae pru Religionc racit *.

A public nOll ce of thlS :-ion-Statuto,," Abat ement of the persona des igna ta_ JOHN W. SAU:-iDERS . nom de
g,ucrrc. is pos ted at . :.II1d ill Kern county. CJI·
uorrua for 311 rhe \\orld to Wllness. fo r the next eight \\eeks. and In the public nOlice sectlon of the
_________ ~ewSJXIpe r for the next three \\ ccks.

Sealed bv the voluntar\' act of :Vlv Own Hand on tJus n\clfth da'· of the second mont h in the ,-car of Our Lord and
San or Jesus. the ChrIst. nineteen hundred nmc\y-six. 111 the Two hundred Jnd t1\-'cntieth year of the Independence
of t\mcnc:J
ft Vigilantibus. non dormicntibus. Jura sub"eniunt ft.


I have the Honor of Being Private Christian

.SU;]c potestate esse

Sign Manual

Page five of .i 1

n. Verification by Asseveration I
In Witness. Knowing the Punishment for bearing false witness before Almighty God and Men. I solemnly
aver. that I have read the annexed Non-Statutory Abatement and know the contents
thereof: that the same is true of My own knowledge, except to the matters which are therein stated on My infor-
mation and belief. and as to those matters. I believe them to be true.

Sealed by the voluntary act of Our Own Hand on this twelfth day of the second month. in the

year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-six. in the two hundred and twentieth vear
of the Independence of America. .
* Vigilantibus, non dormientibus, Jura subveniunt *.

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

On this thirteenth dav of the second Month. in the year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hun-
dred ninety-six. we. the undersigned Good and Lawful Christian Men in this state, having ascertained that our
Brother John William has read and knows the contents of this Abatement. \\;tnessed his execution and sealing of
the same. and do herewith testify to the foregoing by voluntarily setting Our Hand and Sealing this Abatement. I
I have the Honor of being Private Christian
.suae potestate esse
Sign Manual

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Page six of six


• Respond 10: John William: Sa unders IIle Third . suae potestate esse

General Dell\ cry
Rosamond Post Omce
Rosamo nd CJ liforma

• superior COllI1 . Kern county. California

• John Wi lha m. Saunders thc Th1f(i

.\YO!! PO ( f!.\(Qfe e .'Sf!
Case No. _ __ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dcm3nJail t
Part Two.
Non Stannory AbaLement.

\1. Provost NO llce of Default: Default



Defe nda nt
Judgment: ;md Praecipe .
Dated: The thirtieth day of the second month .
In year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus. the Chris!.
Nineteen hundred and ninety -slx.

Non-StOltutory Abate me nt
By. John \VilllalTI . .moe pOlestar£! esse

In the mailer of: Unlawful and invalid persollQ desigllQta. JOHN W. SAUN DERS. 110 m de guerre:

Be II Known and Reme mbe red bv Al l to Whom these Presents come and mav Concern :


This 15 P:ut two. of In non-statuto0' abatement issued by common ri ght pursuant to common 13W rules appli -
cable to such cases against M. Provos!. the DEP.I\RTMENT O F THE TRE ASU RY. and INTERNAL REVENU E
SERVICE. an acting Enemy Al ien agency of a statutonly created forelgn de fac to cOf]X>r:l1io n. knov. n as the
UNITED STATES Of A,'v!ERICA. Said agency IS Imposmg a suretyship. by 311aching an illegally presumed per-
sona desl[lnara. num de guerre. created by them as JOHN WILLI .Au'" SAUN DERS. upon tlus private Chrtstian.
John William: S ~und e r s the Third. suae polestate esse , This imposluon IS without <IUlhoory. is counter to public
morals. bei ng in the Na ture of a Pracmunirc wluch IS outlawe by tlle General custom in thiS state and thus. IS In
\'Iolatlon of the 1849 C ~lifo mia Constitution. the lex non sCri pta, which is thc j uS pUbli cum In this state:

II Part Two of this maner contai ns the fo llowing. titled: One. Notice of Defaule Two. Default Judgment: a nd
Three. Praecipe.

Page one of two

One. Default:
To. 111e INTERNAL REVENUE SER V1CE. and all above named Defendants

Take notice that demand was herein lawfully made upon you to answer or otherwise plead to the plaint on file
herein. a copy of which has heretofore been served on you. and of which you had and have knowledge of the matter

Take further notice that your failure to answer or othen\lise plead in response to the foregoing notice. within
the time stated the Demandant \\111 fonhwith cause your default be entered and move for judgment agai nst you
personallv and officially for the relief demanded on the plaint. I
Two. Order for Entry of Default and Default Judgment:

The Non-Statutory Abatement in this action having been personally served upon <age nt's name>. and the
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. the aforesaid Defendants. on the <day> day of <month> month. in the Yea r
of of Our Lord Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-six.. in the two hundred twentieth year of the lndepen-
dence of America. a true copy of Proof of Service is annexed hereto. incorporated fully herein. and marked
"EXHIBIT A." for your edification. and no answer. demurrer. motion. or other pleading to the plaint having in any
manner been made by said Defendants:

NQ\\, . on molion of the Demandant : {' , :~.J.<
It is ordered that the clerk of this toun shall be. and is hereby. directed to enter the default of the aforesaid

Defendants. and default judgment in favor of Demandant and against Defendants for the relief demanded in the
plaint. and as follows :

That all records containing the persona deSIgnata. nom de guerre. JOHN WlLLlAM SAUNDERS. and all
infomlation they contain. be expurgated from all systems for the la"fuj reasons given in the plaint: and

Let judgment enter accordingly.

Three. Pr.e<:ipe:

The clerk of said coun will please enter a default against the aforesaid Defendants in the above entitled cause
because of Defendants' failure to respond on the rule day of the <day> day of the <month> month, in the year of
Our Lord Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-six, in the two hundred twentieth year of the Independence of

Sealed bv the voluntary act of my own hand on the <day> day of the <month> month in the year of Our Lord Jesus.
the Chri~ nineteen hundred ninety-six. and in the two hundred twenueth year of the Independence of America.
I have the Honor of Being, Private Christian. L. S.
, suae patestate esse
Sign Manual
Page two of two
. I


I .

i I




•I Respo nd 10 Jo hn William: S:lUnders the Th ird. SU3C JX>tcstalc esse

Ge ner;}1 DcJ J\'cry
Rosa mond Post Oilice
Rosa mond. Californi a

supenor coun. Kern county. Cali forma

• John Wi lham Sau.ndcrs the TIll rd.

suae potcstate esse
Case :-.10

Demanda nt
P:lft One.
Non-Statutory Abatement

\ 1. pTQ\ cst.
l"iERNAL REVE~l.·E SERvlCE Daled: The twentIeth d:1y of the second month
in the Year of Our Lord and SavIOur Jesus. the
Defe ndant ChriSt. ~II1C lCCD hundred and runcty-sl."(.

Bv john Wi lliam: Saunders the T hird. suae petesta te esse ·

In the ma n er of Al:iOMl, TED LETTER 2050 (RE V. 9-921

Be 1l ;"nown :md Remembered bv Al l to Whom These Prese nts Come. a nd May Concern:


Tlus IS J Non-S ta tutory Abatement issued pursuant to common law rules applic:lble to such cases. aga inst M
PrOVOSl. a n act ing f\lien Enemy age nt of a statutonly created. foreign de facto corpcration_ knO\VTI as the INTER-
:-.IAL RE VE:-JUE SE RVICE . Said agent is anemptlO g 10 plu nder. in the Nature of a Prae munue. " hJCh IS olltla\\ cd
bv the Ge neral custom in tN s Slate and. thu5. is in nolatlOn of The La w of Nations. The Law of War. The I ~4 9
Cal iforma ConslltuUon. and tbe lex. non scripta_ wltic b is the JUs publicum In this state:

Part One of tlus matter shall be kno,",n as Non-Statutory Abatement and contain5 the foUowlng documents
titi ed : [ Non-Statutory Abatemen t: and. U. Ve nfication by Asseve rallon.

L Non-Statutory Abatement:


• Whe reas. 'Congress'. Ln the Preamble of Congressional Report No. 93 - 5 ~9 . issued Nove mber 19. 1973 . Slated
"A maJO n ~ of the people of the United States have uved all of the ir lives under emergency rul e ... And. 1R the
United States. actions taken by the Gove rnment in ti me of greal c ri sis have- fro m. at leaS1. the Ci,·,1 War- 1R
Im pertant ways. shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent stale of national emergency" :

A.lld witerea5. according to The Supreme Coun. 'Congress' has made little or no diSl inction betwee n a "state
of n3tlonal emergency. " and "a state of war" .

Page ODe of six

And whereas. accordin g to the Law of Nations. "the most inunediate effect of a stale of war is that it acti\"al cs
the Law of War itself "

A.nd whereas. according to the Law of War. "martial law is obtained during a state of \\'a r a nd in Imth and
reality. is no law at all" :
And whereas. King Charles the first . in The Petition of Right of June 7. 1628. acknowledged that mania I law
ISrepugnant to common law. and is revoked and annulled forever in accordance with law of the land in The Great
Chaner of the Libenies of England and America:

Now therefore. any proceeding to the contrary violates the established customs and usage's. breaches the peace
and safety of the people in their Dominions. is an invasion against the people and their Law and is a trespass on
This private Christian:
.,. Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et taJis Certitudo Certitudinem confundit *.

Chapter one:

Return of Abandoned Paper; and Averments

Please find attached the following abandoned paper:


Your abandoned paper is refused for cause without dishonor and without recourse to Me. and
is returned. herewith. because it is irregular and unauthorized, based upon the following, to wit:

Comes Now. an private Christian. grateful to Almighty God for my Libeny. and humbly
E~~c nd Greetings and Salutations to you from Jesus. the Christ. and Myself by Visitation. to
exercise Ministerial Powers in this Matter. to return your paper, which paper was abandoned by
Defendant. but is not accepted.

Your abandoned paper contains the following Marks of fraud:


Mark: Your abandoned paper does not apply to Me. but to a persona designata. for the
reason: it does not have upon it's face My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower
case leners and in addition. thereto. suae potestate esse: and.


Mark: Your abandoned paper alleges violations ofa law. foreign to My Venue, which. no
Oath. Promise. or Law anaches Me thereto: and.


Mark: Your agency, its fiduciaries, and the nom de guerre M. Provost. are not established
in the 1849 Califorrtia Constitution and are. therefore, persona non grata; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper has no foundation in Law: for the reason. it is not from an
office recognized by the people or General laws in this state: and,
Page two of six


• Fifth:

• .~1ark: Your abandoned paper iJcksjurisdictlonal facts necessary to place or bnng Me \\uhin
\Ou r
venue .


:l<lark: Your .boodooed paper is unintelligible aod unfamiliar to Me: based upon the foliowlOg: It IS oot
\\ rIllen tn Proper Engl ish. being such. It fads to apprise Me of the Nature of any m;Jner alleged Jnd
cannot be recognized I::Jwfully in this state. for the reason: it violates Our general customs and usages.
:lnd has no fo rce . clTeet. or ope ratI on oUlsldc the \"enue from which it onginatcs: ~lnd.


:\'lark: Your aba ndoned paper fJ iis to afJinnalivcl y show. uIX'" H'S face . lawful aut honty for your presence
InMy Venue: ::md.

:\'l ark: Your abandoned paper fails to 3.ft:irmatively show. upon It 'S face . the necessity for YOUI 1m asian of \f~
Pn\'acy ;mdDomJnJons: ;.md

Ninth :

Ma r k: Your aba ndoned paper fails to affirmitivelv show. upon it's face. your authority to ';013te or disparage
:VIc I n an~· \\ a~·: and


:\1ark: Your abandoned paper has no Warrant in Law and is not Judicial in Nature: and.


Ma rk: Your abandoned paper is not sealed \\;th authont!' recogruzed in California and IS. therefore. a
trespass IOto My Dominions and 3 breach of the peace: and.


, 'tark: Your abandoned paper fai ls to disclose any legal connection between Myself and your agency: and.


Mark: Your abandoned paper is defective and nugatory. due to insufficient Law:

* Ex Dolo maJo DOD oritur Actio * .

Chapter two:


Whereas. pursuant to constitutional due process requirements and The General Laws of California. said
A.lien Enemy age nt is not a State Judicial Officer having power to issue orders or judgments of any kind:

Page th roe of sil

-1 3

.-\nd whereas. according to the General custom in this state. The General laws of Cali fornia. The Law of

Nations and The Law of War. said .AJien Enemy bell igerent cannot invade My Dominions wi th defective :.J nd
nugatory paper:

And whereas. your aba ndoned paper containing threats of plunder. invades My Dominions :

And whereas. My Irrununit~, from invasion is a recognized General custom in this state:

No w therefore. your abando ned paper containing threats of plunder and invasion are J disturbance of the
public peace. a public nuisance. and a trespass upon Me:
* Ex nudo Pacto DOD oritur Actio 1<.

Secondly :

Whereas. said Alien Enemv agent is attempting to impose a form of money inimical to public welfare accord-

ing to the standard set by the 1 8 ~ 9 California Constitution:

Now therefore. yo ur aba ndoned paper and it's purpose is contra bonos mores:

11: Quod ab Initio non ,'alet in Tractu Temporis non convalescit * .


Whe rLas. your abandoned paper contai ns the extraneous symbols. 0 1-28-96 and PERlOD ENDfNG 12-3 1-9 1,
which symbology appears to denote time. but is unfamiliar to Me; for the reason, I measure time in years of Our
Lo rd and Saviour Jesus. the Christ. ;n accordance with the customs and usage's in tills state:

And whereas. provisions of the peoples customs and moral Law forbids Me use of said unfamiliar way of
measuring time :

And whereas. vour abandoned paper contains scandalous and libelous matter all to My harm. in particular.
and to tills state in general:
• LeI non cogit ad Impo"ibili •. '. •
Now. therefore:

I am rerurning your abandoned paper. and shall. henceforth. exercise My Right of Avoidance: for the reason:
vour abandoned paper is irregular. unauthorized misnomered defective upon it's face and invalid and is. here-
with. abated for being a publjc nuisance. There appear to be no facters willch would warrant adjustment of the
Abatement. due to a Confljct of Law.
Chapter three:
Ordering Clause;

" Every direction of a court or judge, made or entered in writing,

and not included in a judgment. i. denominated an order."

Said Defendants shaJi abate the matter of FINAIL NOTICE (NOTICE OF fNTENT TO LEVY), willin ten
( 10) days of the ordering of llis Non-Statuto ry Abatement, or show cause why the abatement should not lie. Anv
and aU written response must include a detailed factual statement and supporting documentation. If more than tcn

(10) days are needed to respond it may be granted on written request of Defendant. Failure to obey tltis court order
or failure to respond in the tjme prescribed herein. will reSldt in a Default and Default Judgment, Nemo debet bis
vexari pro una et eadem Causa. and may subject Defendant to Civil liabilities or Crintinal purushrnent pursuant to

The Law of Nations. The Law of War. the 1849 California Constitution. and the lex non scripta in llis state:
It Omnia pracsumuntur contra Spoliatorem ...

Page four of . ix

I Yo ur response
lowtn g locatton
10 tJus Instant nlJlle r shall be marked \. . l1 h the superior court case number. Jnd ciJrcclcd to the 1'01-

I Jo hn Wi lliam: Saunders the Third suae potestate esse

General Deli very
Rosamond Post Office
Rosa mond Cali fornja

\Vhe refore:
Until this Conflict of Law is resolved I \I,'ish you 10 do the fol lowing. to \ \"I t:

II f irst:

I Obta in process Issued under seal. fTo m ;) court appenammg to ;) CJlifom ia JudiCial Department. anci

Second :

That sa id process be hascd on sworn Oath or Affirmation from a competent Witness or Damaged Vicum:


That said process bear My full Christlan Appellation in upper and lower case leners. and in addition. thereto.
sme potestate esse. and must be handled and personaiiy served upon Me by the Ke rn countv Shen ff.
II There 15 no need for Me to commWlicate unlil. in due course of Law. lawful process is served.
1. private Chrislta n. wlil henceforth. exe rcise Mv Right of AVOIdance and maintain My Dominion. Mv Im-
muniltes. and Our customs and usage's. and stand upon the growlds set out above:

-- • Summa Ratio cot quae pro Religione foc it *.

Scaled bv the ,'oluntan act of My Own Hand on this twentieth day of the second month in the vcar of Our Lord

•I and Savio r Jesus. the Christ. llI neteen hundred ninety-six. in the two hundred and twe ntieth year of the Indepen-
de nce of America :
'* VigiJantibus. nOD dorm ienti bus. Jura !iub, 'cn iunt ".

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

L. S.

•It Anac hme nt: Abandoned paper of:

Sign Manual
.suae potesta tc esse

AU TOMATED LETT ER 2050 (REV . 9-92)

.-.. Page five of .Lx


o. Verification by Asseveration

In Witness. Knowing the punishment for beartng false wi tness before Almighty God and Men. I solemnlv aver.
that I have read the foregoing No n-Statutory Aba tement and know the contents .
thereof: that the same is true ofMv Own Knowledge. except to the matters which are therein stated on Mv informa- •
tion and belief. and as to those matters. I believe them 10 be true. .
Sealed b,· the vo luntarv act of Mv Own Hand on this twentieth day of the second month. in the vear of Our Lord
and Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-six. in the two hundred and twentieth year of the Indepen-

dence of Amertca.
1< Vigilantibus, non dormicntibus, Jura subveniunt *.

I have the Honor of being Private Christi an

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

On this twe ntieth day of the second Mon th. in the year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hun-
dred ninetv-six. we. t.he undersigned. Good and Lawful Christian Me n in this state. havi ng asce rta ined that Our
Brother. John Wi lliam. has read and Knows the contents of this Non-Statutory Abatement. witnessed his execu-

tio n and sealing of the same. and do hereby testify to the foregoing, by voluntarily setting Our Hand and Sealing
this "hatement.

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

Sign Manual
.suae potestate esse

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Page ,ix of'ix
Respo nd 10 Ronald Willia m: Jo nes. sUJe PO lcst~ I C esse
General Ocll \'cn
KlJ nmh Fa ll s POSI Office
Klama th Falls. Oregon

sUJ'Xnor court . Klamath county. Oregon

Ro nald Wilham : Jones. Case No. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __

suac pot estate esse
Pa rt One.
No n-Statutory Abateme nt

Josep h E. Talon.
I:'<'TE RNAL RE VEN UE SER VICE Dated : The fo unh day of the ftrst month
in the year of Our Lord Jr.d SJyiOUf Jesus. the

Defendant Chnst. Nineteen hundred and nincty-s l.,,{.

R\' Ronald Wil ham : Jones. suae potestate esse '

• In the mailer of: Invaltd NOT ICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIE N 93'{)44S :

•I Be it K.nO\nJ and Remembered bv Al l to Whom These Presents Come. and May Co ncern:


This is a Non-S tatu tory Abatement issued pursuant to common law nues applicable to such C3seS. agalnSl
Joseph E. Talo n. an JCllng Alien Enemy agent of a statutori ly created foreIgn de facto corporation. known as thc
INTERNAL REVENUE SERV1CE. Said agent is a ttempting 10 plunder. in the Na ture of a Prae muntre. which IS

I outlawed by the General custom In this state and thus. is in violation of The Law of Nations. The Law of Waf. The

, O rego n Consti tution. and the lex non scripta which is the Jus publicum in this state :

P3rt One of this mailer shall be known as Non-Statutory Abatement and contains the followmg documents
ti tl ed: I. Non-Statutory Abatement: and. II. Verification bv Asseye ration.

L Non-Statutory Abatement;


I Whereas. 'Congress'. in the Preamble of Congressional Report No. 93-549. Issued Noye mber 19. 1973. staled
"A majority of the people of the United Sta tes have lived all of their lives under emergency rule ... And. III the
United States. actions taken bv the G<>verrunent in time of great crisis have- fTo111- at leasL the CiVIl War- In

• important wavs. shaped the prescnt phenomenon of a permanent state of nauonal emergency" :

And whereas. according to The Supreme Court. 'Congress' has made little or no distinction between a "state of

national emergency. " and "3 state of war" :

Page one of ,ix


And whereas. according to the Law of Nations. "the most immediate effect of a stale of war is that it activa tes
the Law of lVar itself."

And whereas. according to the Law of War. "martial law is obtained during a Slate of \\o'ar and in truth and

reali ty, is no lav,' at aU" :

And whereos. Ki ng Charles the First. in The Petition of Right of June 7. 1628. acknowledged that manial law
is repugnant to common law. and is revoked and annulled forever in accordance with law of the land in The Great
Chaner of the Libenlcs of England and America :

Now therefore. any proceeding to the contrary violates the established customs and usage's. breaches the peace
and safety of the people In their Dominions. is an invas ion upon the people and their Law and is a trespass on This
private Christian :
1< Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, ct taJis Certitudo Certitudioem confundit "'.

Cbapter one:

Return of Abandoned NOTICE; and Averme nts

Please find attached the follmving abandoned NOTICE:


Your abandoned NOTICE is invalid for cause without dishonor and without recourse to Me. and is. herewith.
expurgated because it is irregular and unauthorized. based upon the following, to wit:
Comes Now. This private Christian. grateful to Almighty God for My Liberty. and humbly Extend Greetings
and Salutations to you from Iesus. the Christ. and Myself by Visitation. to exercise Ministerial Powers in this
Matter. to expurgate your NOTICE. which NOTICE was abandoned by Defendant, but is not accepted.

Your abandoned NOTICE contains the following Marks of Fraud:


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE does not apply to Me. but to a persona designata. for the
reason: it does not have upon it's face My fuJI Christian Appellation in upper and lower
case letters and in addition. thereto. suae potestate esse: and.


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE aJleges authoritY ofa law. foreign to My Venue. which. no
Oath. Promise. or Law anaches Me thereto: and.

Ma rk:

Your agency. its fiduciaries. and the nom de guerre Ioseph E. Talon. are not

Ma rk:
recognized by the Oregon Constitution and are. therefore, persona non grata; and.


Your abandoned NOTICE has no fo undation in Law: for the reason. it is not from an
office recognized by the people or General laws in this state: and. I

Page two of six
. =



Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE laci<sjurisdictional facts necessary to place or bring Me

within your venue: and.

Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE is unintelligible and unfamiliar to Me: based upon the
following: It is not wrinen in Proper Englisb: being suclL it fails to apprise Me oftbe
Nature of any maner allegeeL and Cannot be recognized lawfuIly in tbis state. for the
reason: it violates Our general customs and usage's: and has no force. effect or
operation outside the venue from which it originates: and,


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE fails to affirmatively show. upon it's face. lawful authori tv for
your presence in My Venue: aneL


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE fails to affirmatively show. upon it's face. the necessi tv for
YOll invasion of My Priv:JCY and Dominions: and


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE fails to affirmitively show. upon it's face. your authori tv to
violate. disparage or trespass upon Me in any way: aneL


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE has no Warrant in Law and is not Judicial in Nature: and,


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE is not sealed with authori tv recognized in Oregon and is.
therefore. a trespass into My Dominions and a breach of the peace: aneL


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE fails to disclose any legal connection between Myself and
your agency: aneL


Mark: Your abandoned NOTICE is defective and nugatory, due to insufficient Law:

• El Dolo malo non oritur Actio *.

Page tbree of si:l

Chapter two:


Whereas. pursuant to constitutional due process requirements and The General Laws of OrCgOlL said Alien
Enemy agent is not a State Judicial Officer having power to issue orders or judgments of any kind:

And whereas. according to the General custom in this state. The General laws of Oregon. The Law of Nations
and The Law of War. said Alien Enemy belligerent cannot invade My Dominions with a defective and nugatorv

And whereas. your abandoned NOTICE containing threats of plunder. invades My Dominions:

And whereas. My Immunity [Tom invasion is a recognized General custom in this state:

Now therefore. vour abandoned NOTICE containing threats of plunder and invasion are a disturbance of the
public peace. a public nuisance. and a trespass llpon Me.
'" Ex nudo Pacto non oritur Actio *.


Whereas. said .Alien Enemy agent is anempting to impose a form of money inimical to
public welfare according to the standard set by the Oregon Constitution:

Now therefore. vour abandoned NOTICE and it's purpose is contra bonos mores:
* Quod ab Initio non valet in Tractu Temporis non convalescit *.


Whereas. your abandoned NOnCE contains the extraneous S)mbols. 01-2-96 and TAX YEAR ENDING
12-3 1-93 . which svmbology appears to denote time. but is unfamiliar to Me: for the reason. 1 measure time in years
of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus. the Christ. in accordance with the customs and usage's in this state:

And whereas. provisions of the peeples customs and moral Law forbids Me use of said unfamiliar way of
measuring time:

.tvJd whereas. your abandoned NOTICE contains scandalous and libelous maner all to My harm. in panicular.
and to this state in general:
• Lex Don cogit ad Impo.. ibilia '.

Now. therefore:

I am expurgating your abandoned NOTICE, and shall. heneefonh. exercise My Right of Avoidance: for the
reason: your abandoned NOTICE is irregular. unauthorized misnomered, defective upon it's face and invalid.
and is. herewith. abated for being a public nuisance. There appear to be no factors which would warrant adjust-
ment of the Abatement. due to a Contlict of Law.

Page four of six

•,. Chapter tbree:

• Ordcrir.g Clause:

" Every direction of a court or judge. made or ente red in w riting.
and not incl uded in a judgment, is denominated an orde r."

Said Defendant is hereby orde red to abate the maner of NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN 9H)445. IS
re lease to the County of Klamath Reco rder. fo r the removal of said NOT ICE withi n ten ( 10) davs of the ordel
of tlus Non-Statutory Abatement. or show cause why the Abatement should not lie . Any and ali vmttcn res~
must include:1 detailed factua l statemen t and supJXln mg documc mallon. If morc lime than len (10) days IS
nceded to respond It may tx: granted on wri tten request of the Defendant. FaIlure to obt."!,"this court order or I
Ufe to respond m the time presenbed herem. ",II result In a Default and Defaul t Judgment. 'iemo debet blS
\"exan pro una et eadem C:lUsa.. and may subject Defendant to Civil liabilities or Cri minal punishment pursua
The L.l\\/ or Nations. The Law of War. the Oregon Conslltution. and the lex non scripta In ttus sta le

• .. Omn ia praesumuDtur contra Spoli atorcm tIt' •

Your response to this Instant maller shall be marked \nth the supcnor coun case number. and directed to the

10\'dn g iocatJon .
Ro nald William : Jo nes. suae potestate esse
Ge nerJI De livery
Klamath FaIls Post Offi ce
Kbmath fa Ils. Oregon

I. private Chrisuan. wlIl henceforth. exerCISC My Right of Avoidance and maintai n Mv DomIni on. My

• munrUes. and Our custo ms and es:Jge's. and stand upon the grounds se t out above:
tit' Summa Rat io e~1 quae pro Reli gione fad t tIt'.

A publie notice of this Non-Statutory Abatement is posted at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
. and '0 Klamath county. O rego n for all the world to Wi tn
fo r the next eIght weeks. and in the public noticc sectio n of the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ :-Iewspaper fo r the ne~1 three weeks.

Sealed bv the voluntary act of Mv Own Hand on tpjs founh day of the fi rst month in the vea r of Our Lord and
Savior Je,"US. the ehns!. nineteen hundred ninety-six. in the two hundred and twentieth yea r of the Independe!
of America:
tit' V igilantibus. non dormienti bus, Ju r a ~u bveDiun t tIt'.


I have the Hono r ofilCing Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Att:lchrnc nt : Abandoned NOTICE of:


Page five of six

n. Verification by Msc\:eration
In Witness. Knowing the punishment for bearing false witness before Almightv God and Men. I solemnlv aver.
that I have read the foregoing No n-Statutorv Abatement and know the contents . . I
thereof: that the same is true of My Own Knowledge. except to the matters which are therein stated on Mv informa-
tion and belief. and as to those matters. I beiieve them to be true.
Scaled bv the voluntarv act of My Own Hand on this fourt h day of the first month. in the year of Our Lord and
Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-six. in the two hundred and twentieth year of the Independence
of America.
* Vigilantibus, Don dormientibus. Jura subveniunt *. I
I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae pote!iJate esse
Sign Manual

On this fourth day of the first MontlL in the year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred
ninetv-six. We. the undersigned. Good and Lawful Cluistian Men in this state. having ascertained that Our
Brother. Ronald William. has read and Knows the contents of this Non-Stanltory Abatement. witnessed his execu-
tion and sealing of the same. and do hereby testify to the foregoing, by vOlftarilY setting Our Hand and Sealing
this Abatement.

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae poteJitale esse

Sign Manual

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae potehtate esse

Sign Manual

Page six of six

Respond to: James Joseph: Macintosh. suae potesta te esse
General Delivery
Las Vegas Post Office
Las Vegas. Nevada

supenor court. CI3rk coun ty. Ne\ vada

James Joseph: Macl ntost. ( Case No _ _ _ __ + ____ _ _

suae potestate esse )
De mandant (
) Part One.
Jgainst. ( Non-Statutory Aba f ment
1. Grauman. (
Nevada Sta te Ba nk ) Dated: The twentieth dav• ofI the fourth month
Judge Herman 1. Weiss ( in the vea r of Our Lord an Saviour Jesus. the
Defendants Christ. Nineteen hundred and ninety-five.

Bv James Joseph: Maclntosh. suae potestate esse:

[n the matter of: SUMMONS; case NO.95 -5683CV: FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE, 2 DAY OF JUNE. 1995

Be it Known and Remembered by All to Whom These Presents Come. and May Concern :


This is a No n-Statutory Abatement issued pursuant to common law rules applicable to such cases. against 1.
Grauman and Herman J. Weiss. acting Al ien Enemy agents of a statutdrily created. foreign de facto corporation.
known as the Nevada State Bank. Said agents are attempting to plunder. in the Nature of a Praemunire. which is
out lawed bv the General custom in this state and. thus. is in vio lation of The Law of Nations. The Law of War. The
Nevada C;nstitution. and the lex non scripta which is the jus publicum In this state:

Part One of this matter shall be known as Non-Statutory AbatemeL and contains the following documents
titled: I. Non-Statutory Abatement: and. ll. Verification by Asseveration.

L Non-Statutory Abatement;


Whereas. 'Cnngress'. in the Preamble of Congressional Report No. 93 -549. issued November 19. 1973 . stated
"A majority of the people of the United States have lived aU of their liVes under emergency rule ... And. in the
United States. actions taken by the Government in time of great crisis have - from. at least. the Civil War - in
important ways. shaped the present phenomenon of a pennanent state of national emergency' :

And whereas. according to The Supreme Court 'Congress' has made little or no distinction between a "state of
national emergency,' and ' a state of war" :

And whereas. according to the Law of Nations. "the most immediate effect of a state of war is that it activates
the Law of War itself." :

Page one of seven


And whereas. according to the Law of War. "martial law is obtained dunng a state of war and in truth and

reJli ty. is no law at all" .

And whereas. King Charles the First. in The Petition of Right of June 7. 1628. acknowledged that maniallaw


ISrepugnant to common law. and is revoked and annulled forever in accordance with law of the land in The Great
Chan er of the Libenies of England and America: .

Now therefore. ::my proceeding to the contrary VIolates the established Cllst ms and usage's. breaches the peace

and safe tv of the people in their Dominions. is an invasion against the people and their Law and is a trespass on
t!us private Christian :
* Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et talis Ccrtitudo Certitudinem confundit *.

Cbapter one:

Return of Abandoned Paper; and Averments

Please find anached the following abandoned paper:

SUMMONS: case No.95-5683CV:

Your abandoned paper is refused for cause "ithout dishonor and WithOJr recourse to Me. and is returned.
herewith. because it is irregular and unauthorized. based upon the follomng. to wit:

Comes Now. This private Christian. grateful to Almighty God for my Liberty. and humbly Extend Greetings
and Salutations to you from Jesus. the Christ. and Myself by Visitation. to exercise Ministerial Powers in this
Maner. to return your paper. which paper was abandoned by Defendants. but is not accepled.

Your abandoned paper contains the follomng Marks of Fraud:


Mark: Your abandoned paper does not apply to Me. but to a persona designata. for the
reason: it does not have upon it's face My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower
case leners and in addition. thereto. suae potestate esse: and.


Mark: Your abandoned paper alleges violations ofa law. foreign to My Venue. which. no
Oath. Promise. or Law attaches Me thereto; and.


Mark: Your agency. and the nom de guerres J. Grauman and Herman J. Weiss. are not
allowed in the Nevada Constitution and are. therefore. persona non grata: and.


Mark: Your abandoned paper has no foundation in Law: for the reason. it is not from an
office recognized by the people or General laws in this state; and.

Page two of !eVen

• :l<lark: YOUI

abandoned paper lacks jurisdictionai facts necessary to place or bnng Me \\"lthm your \ "cnuc.


:vi ark: Yo ur abandoned paper IS unintelligJblc and wlfanuliar to Me: based upon the fo llOWIng: IL 15 not Wn( -
len In Proper English : being such. il fails 10 apprise Me of the Nalure of any maner allegeeL and can-

• not be recognized lawfull y in this sla te. for the reason: il violates Our general cusloms and usage's:
::md has no forcc. effect. or operatIOn outside the venue from \,,-hich it originates: Jnd


Mark : YO UI abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show. upon it's facc. lawful authority for your presence In
My Ve nue: JnQ


~lark: Your abandoned paper fails 10 affirmalively show. uJXln iI'S face. Ihe necessity fo r vour invasio n of My
Pnvacy and Domi nions: and

Ninth :

Mark: Your abandoned paper fails 10 affirmitively show. uJXln it's face. your authority 10 violale or disparage
vtc in any way: and


Mark: Your abandoned paper has no Warrant in Law and is not Judicial in Na lure: aneL

Eleventh :

M ark: Your abandoned paper is nOl sealed wi th authority recognized in Nevada and is.
therefore. a trespass into My Dominions and a breach of the peace: aneL

Twelfth :

Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to disclose any legal connection between Myself and your agency: aneL


Mark: Your abandoned paper is de fective and nugalorv. due 10 insufficient Law :

.. Ex Dolo malo non oritur Actio 111.

Page three of """en

C hapter two :


\Vhcreas. pursuant to co n~ti.tuuonal due pr~ess requireroncnls and The .Genefal Laws of Nevada. said Alien

Enemy age nts are not Slale Judicial Officers haVl ng rx>wer to Issue orders or Judgnients of any kind:

And whereas. according to the Ge neral custom in this state. The Ge neral laws lor Nevada'. The Law of Nations

I '

and The Law of War. saId Al ien Enemy belligerents cannot invade My DOmifllobs wi th defective and nuga torY
And whereas. vo ur abandoned pa~r containing threats of plunder. invades M Dominions :

And whereas. My Immunity fro m invasion is a recognized General custom in this state:

Now therefore. your aba ndoned pa~r containing threats of plunder a nd in asion are a disturbance of the
public ~ace. a public nuisance. a nd a tres~ss upon Me:
'* E1. nudo Pac to non oritur Act io ".

Secondl y:

\\ bereas. said Alien Enemy agents are imposing a form of money inimical to public welfare according to the
customs and usage's of the ~ople in this state and the standard set by the Nevada <ronstitution: and.
Whereas. no Lawful Money of the united States of America is loaned by Nevada State Bank. only created debt
credit is e~1ended: and. ,l
Whe reas. Nevada State Bank creates extended debt credit by mere bookkcc'?Eg entries wi thout any Lawful
dollars exchanged. as evidenced by the DOLLAR sign with a line verticaUy through the "S": and.
Whereas. Nevada State Bank. in its transactions. docs not utilize or state Lawful doUars as being used or being
loaned: and.
Whe reas. exte ntions of credit. as evidenced by your bookkeeping entries arc awful in this state. and in the
united States of America. a nd is a n invasion of Our Dominions: and
Whereas. the use of the word dolla r is inimical. since the Standard Unit 0 Value has bee n eradicated by
Co ngress: and. I
Whereas. Nevada State Bank has not and cannot demand any species of kind that is not in existing circula-
tion: a nd. .. . .. d ' I . hi h ' .
Whereas. the Federal Reserve IS a pnvate cOrpJrauon lsswng an usmg pnvate scnpt. \V C 15 usunOUS. an

is l udaismus in Na ture. and is repugnant to God's Law and the people's moral La~ in this state: a nd.

ca nnot claim Title to pro~rty Owned or Possessed by Demandant.

Now therefore. your abandoned paper and it's purpose is contra bonos mores:
Whereas. Nevada State Bank. having never loaned any substance to Demandaht, docs not have. and therefore.

* Quod ab Initio non valet in Tractu Tempori, non convalescit *.

Page four of seven


•'. Thirdly:

Whereas. your abandoned pape r contains Ihe'exlraneous svmools. 06-2-95 and 2 DAY OF JUNE. 1995. which
:::rn.boJogy appears to ~cn~te time. but is unfamiliar to Me: for the eason. l measure time in years of Our Lord and
:::'avlOUf Jesus. the Christ. In accordance with the customs and usa dIs in this stale:

And \\ hereas. provisions of the peoples customs and moral w forbids Me usc of said unfamiliar way or
measunng time :

And whereas. your abandoned paper contains SC<!I1daJous a n IlibelOUS matter all 10 My harm. in panicuJar.
and 10 lhis slale in general :
• Lex non cogit ad lmpos ibilia .,

Now, tberefore:
I am rerurru ng your abandoned paper. and shall. he ncefonh . e'le cise My Right of Avoid-ance: for Ihe reaso n:
vour abandoned paper is irregular.. unaulhorized. misnomered. dele I tive upon it's face and invalid. and is. here-
wUh. abaled for beIng a pubhc nllisance. There appear 10 be no faators which would warrant adjuslmenl of Ihe
Aba le ment. due 10 a Conil icI of Law.

Chapter three:

Ordering Clause;

" Every direction of a court or judge, mad r entered in writing,

and not included in a judgment. is dena ' "Dated an order."

Said Defendants shall abale Ihe rna tier of SUM1vIONS: case 95-5683CV: FORECLOSURE OF MORT-
GAGE. wilhi n len (1 0) dayS of Ihe orderi ng of lhis Non-Stalulory tjatemenL or show cause why Ihe Abalemem
should nOI lie. Any and all written response musl include a detail ed factual stalemenl and supponing documen.a-
.ion . !fmore lime .ha n len ( 10) days.s needed 10 respond. il may be granled on written request oflhe Defendanls.
Fai lure 10 obey lhis coon order or failure 10 respond in Ihe lime p ek ribed. herein. will resull in a Default and
Defaull Judgment. Ne mo debet bis vexari pro una el eadem Causa. ~~d may subject Defendanls 10 Civil liabilities
or Criminal punishment pursuant 10 The Law of Nations. The Law b War. the Nevada Constitulion. and the lex
noo scripta in this state:
* Omnia. praesumuntur contra Spol i to rem * .

Your response 10 this instanl matter shall be marked with the superi r coon case number. and directed 10 the fol-
lowing loca tion:
James Joseph:MaclntosiL suae potestate esse
General Delivery
Las Vegas Post Office
Las Vegas. Nevada


"""' ,"" C"""" ."". " ".''''.:~'' ,.,. Ii "" "''''''"'' • ~,

Oblain process issued. under seal. from a coon appertaining 10 a evada Judicial Depanment: and.

Page five of seven


That said process be based on sworn Oath or Affirmation from a competent i ness or Damaged Victim: and.


That said process bear Mv full Christian Appellation in upper and lower case letters. and in addition. thereto.
suae potestate essc. and must be handled and personally served upon Me by the k county Sheriff.
There is no need for Me to communi cate until. in due course of Law. lawful PIOpesS is served private Christian. will henceforth. exercise My Right of Avoidance maintaIn My Dominions. My Immuni-
ties. and Our customs and usage's. and stand upon the grounds set out above:
'* Summa Ratio est quae pro Religione facit *.

Sealed by the voluntary act of My Own Hand on this twentieth day of the fourth nth in the year of Our Lord
and Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-five. in the two hundred an, twentieth year of the Indepen-
dence of America :
. . Vigilantibus, nOD donnieotibus, Jura mbveniun

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae Itestate esse

Sign Manual

Attachment: Abandoned paper of: Nevada State Bank


Page sil of seven


LI. Ve rific at ion bv A severation

In Witness. Knowing the punishment for beari ng false ~;tn.l s before Al mighty God and Men. I solemnly
aver. tha t I have read the foregoing NO D-Statutorv Abatement d know the contents
the reof: that the same is true of Mv Own Knowledge. except t the mailers which are therein stated on Mv infor-
mation and belief. and as to those ·mallers. I believe them to be ttue. .
Sealed bv the \'Oluntarv act of Mv Own Hand on this sixtee thlh day of the founh month. in the year of Our
Lord and S~vior Jesus. th~ Chiisl nineteen hundred ninety-six I the two hundred and twentieth v';"r of the In-
depe ndence of America. I .
.. Vigilantibus, Don donnientibus Jura ~iUbveDiunt •.

I have the Honor of being Private Chiistian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

On this twentieth day of the fourth Month. in the year of Our L < and Saviour Jesus. the Chiist. nineteen hun-
dred ninety-six. we. the undersigned. Good and Lawful Chiisti Men in this state. having ascertained that Our
Brother. John William. has read and Knows the contents of this ~ on- Statutory Abatement. witnessed his execu-
Uon and sealing of the same. and do hereby testify to the forego ng, by voluntarily setting Our Hand and Sealing
this Abatement.

I have the Honor of being Private Chiistian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Page seven of seve

Respo nd to: Susan L:'nn : \Iercdith. et lLxor
General Delivery
Marion Pos t Office
Marion. Indiana

superior court. Grant county. Indiana

Susan Lvnn : Me redith. et lLxo r CaseNo. ____________~-----------

Part One.
against. Non-Statutory Abat l ent

Hennan Roth
GRA.NT COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT Dated: The folLrteenth day of he first month
• I I
in the year of Our Lord and pavlOUI Jesus. the
Defendant Christ. Nmeteen hundred an ntnty-six.

Bv Susan Lynn : Meredith. et lLxor

In the matter of: WARRANT FOR ARREST 96-7856

Be it Known and Remembered by All to Whom These Presents Come. and Ma Concern:

INTRODUCTION is a Non-Statuto ry Abatement issued pursuant to co mmon law rules 3'Pil icable to such cases. against
Hennan Roth. an acting Alien Enemy agent of a statutorily created. foreign de Ito corporation. known as the
GRANT COUNTY MUMCIPAL COURT . Said age nt is attempting to plunder. i the Nature of a Praemunire.
wlllch is outlawed by the Ge neral custom in this state and. thus, is in violation of e Law of Nations. The Law of
War. TIle Indiana Constitution, and the lex non scripta. wlllch is the jus publicum i this state:

Part One of this matter shall be known as Non-Statutory Abatement and co

titled: I. Non-Statutory Abatement: and. II. Verification by Asseveration.
1ns the following documents

L Non-Statutory Abatement;


Whereas. 'Congress'. in the Preamble of Congressional Report No. 93 -549. issued November 19. 1973. stated
"A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives unde I mergency rule.. And. in the
Ullitcd States. actions taken by the Government in time of great crisis have- fr?*,-
at lea~. the Ci\il War- in
Important ways. shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of natJOnal emergency :

And whereas. according to The Supreme Court, 'Congress' bas made little or nb distinction between a "state of
national eme rgency." and ". state of war"

And whereas. according to the Law of Nations. "the most tmmediate effect of a te of war IS that It aCtIvates
the Law of War itself." :
Page one of six

• And ,~· h c r eas. according to the Law of War. "manial law
realit)·. is no law at all" :
15 obtained during a state of '\lar and in truth ;1nd

.tv1d whereas. King Charles the First. in The Petition of Righ of June 7. 1628. acknowledged that martialla\\"
is repugnant to common law. and is revoked and annulled foreve in accordance with law of the land in The Great
Charter of the Liberties of England and America :

Now therefore. any proceeding to the contrary violates the established customs and usage's. breaches the peace
and safety of the people in their Dominions. is an invasion agailist the people and their Law and is a trespass on
This private Christian : I
:10 Nimia SubtiJitas in Jure reprobatur. et taJis Ce itudo Certitudinem confundit If.

Chapter one:

Return of Abandoned Paper: d Averment.

Please find attached the following abandoned paper:


Your abandoned paper is refused for cause without dishonor and without recourse to Me. and is returned
herewith. because it is irregular and unauthorized based upon the following, to wit:

Comes Now. an private Christian. grateful to Almighty God

Salutations to .vou from Jesus. the Christ. and Mvself by Visitati8n.
my Liberty. and humbly Extend Greetings and
. I to exercise Ministerial Powers in this Maner.
to return your paper. which paper was abandoned by Defendant. ut is not accepted.

Your abandoned paper contains the following Marks 0 ' Fraud:


Mark: Your abandoned paper does not apply to Me. but to a rsona designata. for the reason: it does not
have upon it's face My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower case letters and III addition.
thereto. et uxor: and


Mark: Your abandoned paper alleges violations ofa law. foreign to My Venue. which. no Oath. Promise. or
Law attaches Me thereto: and.


Mark: Your agency its fiduciaries. and the nom de guerre Herman Roth, are not established in the Indiana
.' I
Constitution and are, therefore, persona non grata; a d.

Mark: Your abandoned paper has no foundation in Law: for e reason, it is not from an office recognized by
the people or General laws in this state: and. I

Page two of ,jJ

Fifth: I
;\'lark: Your abandoned paper lacks jurisdicti onal facts necessary to place or bring Me within vour ,'enue:
Mark: Your abandoned paper is unintelligible and unfamiliar to Me: based upon the following: It is not writ-
ten 10 Proper English: being such. it fai ls to apprise Me of the Na ture of any maner alleged. and cannot
be recognized lawfullv in this state. for the reason: it violates Our general customs and usage's: and
has no force. effect. or operation outside the venue from which it a 'ginates: and.


Marie Yo ur abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show. upon it's facc. I wful authority for your presence in
Mv Venuc: and.


Mark: Your aba ndoned paper fails to affirmatively show. upon it's face. tlie necessity for your invasion of My
Privacy and Dominions: and I


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmitively show. upon it's face. your authority to violate or disparage
Me in any way: and.


Mark: Your abando ned paper has no Warra nt in Law and is not Judicial Nature: and.


Mark: Your abandoned paper is not sealed with authority recognized in litdiana and is, therefore, a trespass
into My Dominions and a breach of the peace: and.


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to disclose any legal connection between Myself and your agency: and.


Mark: Your abandoned paper is defective and nugatory, due to insufficient Law:

* Ex Dolo malo non oritur Actio *.

Page three of six

• Cbapter two:


Whcreas. pursuant to constitutional due process requirements and The General Laws of Indiana. said Alien
Enemy agent is not a State Judicial Officer having power to iSsbe orders or judgments of any kind:

And whereas. according to the General custom in this staJ

The General laws of Indiana. The Law of Nations
and The Law of War. said Alien Enemy belligerent cannot idvade My Dominions with defective and nugatorv
paper \ .

And whereas. your abandoned paper containing threats of lunder. invades My Dominions:

And whereas. My Immunity from invasion is a recognized General custom in this state:

Now therefore. vour abandoned paper containing threats f plunder and invasion are harassment. a distur.
bance of the public peace and a public nuisance :
'" Ex nudo Pacto non ori r Actio *.

Firstly :

Whereas. said Alien Enemy agent is anempling to impose

ing to the standard set by the Indiana Constitution:
"Ifo rm of money inimical to public welfare accord-
Now thereforc. your abandoned paper and it's purpose is contra bonos mores:
* Quod ab Initio Don valet in Tractu Temp<> 's non coovalescit *.


Whereas. your abandoned paper contains the e,,"francous bois. 0 1-28-96 and 12-5-95 . which symbology
appears to denote time. but is unfamiliar to Me: for the reason. measure time in years of Our Lord and Saviour
Jesus. the Christ. in accordance with the customs and usage's in t 's Slate :

And whereas. provisions of the peoples customs and moral Law forbids Me use of said unfamiliar way of
measuring lime:

And whereas. your abandoned paper contains scandalous a libelous maner all to My hann. in particular.
and to this state in general:
• Lex noD cogit ad Imp<> ibilia·.

Now, tberefore:

[ am returning your abandoned paper, and shall, henceforth. exercise My Right of Avoid-ance: for the reason:
vour abandoned paper is irregular. unauthorized misnomered ctJrective upon it's face and invalid. and is. bere-
\vith.. abated for being a public nuisance. There appear to be no actors which would warrant adjustment of the
Abatement. due to a Conflict of Law.

Page four of six

Chapter three:

Ordering Clause:

" Ever)' direction of a court or judge, made or entered in writing,

and not included in a judgment, is denominated an order."

Said Defendant shall abate the maller of WARRANT FOR ARREST 96-7856. wi 'n ten (10) davs of the
ordering of this No n-Statutorv Abatement. or show cause why the abatement should nol lie. Any and ail wrinen
res ponse must include a detailed factua l statement and supponing documentation. If more time than ten ( 10) days
is needed to respond. it may be granted on wrinen request of the Defendant. Failure to obey this coun order or
fai lure 10 respo nd in the time prescribed. herein. will result in a Default and Default Judgment. Nemo debet bis
"exari pro una et eadem Causa. and may subj ec t Defendant to Civil liabilities or Crimin~ punishment pursuant to
The Law of Nations. The Law of War. the Indiana Constitution. and the lex non scripta this state:
* Omnia pracsumuntur contra Spoliatorem *.

Your response 10 this instant maner shall be marked wi th the superior coun case numbe . and directed to the fol-
JO\\"i ng location:
Susan Lvnn: Meredith. et uxor
Gene ral Delive,,'
Marion Post Office
Marion.. Indiana

Until this Conflict of Law is resolved. I wish you to do the following, twit:


Obtai n process issued. under seal. from a coun appenaining to a Indiana Judicial DepanmenL and.


That said process be based on sworn Oath or Affinnation from a competent Witness or Damaged Victim:


Tnat said process bear My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower case letters, and in addition. thereto,
et lLXOr. and must be handled and personally served upon Me by the Grant county Sheriff.
There is no need for Me to communicate until. in due course of Law. lawful process is served.
This private Christian. will henceforth. exe rcise My Right of Avoidance and maintain My Dominion. My
Immunities. and Our customs and usage's. and stand upon the grounds set out above :
• Summa Ratio est quae pro Religione facit ' .

Page five of six

.- .....-.-4-- - - - - -- - -- - - -

I Sealed bv the voluntary act of My Own Hand on this fourteenth dav of the first month in the "ear of Our Lord and
Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninty-six. in the Two h-undrcd and twe ntieth yea; of the Independence
of America : I
lit Vigilantibus. nOD donnieotibus. Jura subveniunt -.
I ha\'e the Honor ofhei ng Private Christian


Sign Manual
Allachment : Abandoned paper of:

IT. Verification by Asse eration

In Witness. Knowing the punishment for hearing false witnes~ hefore Almighty God and Men. I solemnly aver.
that I have read the foregoing Non-Statutory Ahatement and leno the contents thereof: that the same is UUe of My
Own Know ledge. except to the malle rs which are therein stated on My information and helief. and as to those
mallers. I believe them to be true.
Sealed bv the voluntary act of My Chvn Hand on this fourteentlith day of the first month. in the year of Our Lord
and Savior Jesus. the Christ, nineteen hundred ninety-six. in thet o hundred and twentieth year of the indepen-
dence of AmeriC"3.
• VigiJantibu •• non dormieotibu., ura subveoiunt ' .

I have the Honor of heing Private Christian

.ct lLxor

Sign Manual

On this fourteenth day of the first Month. in the year of Our Lord d Saviour Jesus. the Christ, nineteen hundred
ninety-six. we. the undersigned Good and Lawful Christian Men ' 0 this state. having ascertained that Our Sister.
Susan Lvnn. has read and Knows the contents of this Non-Statutorv Ahatement. witnessed his execution and seal-
ing of the same. and do hereby testifY to the foregoing, by voluntahly setting Our Hand and Sealing this Ahate-

I have the Honor of heing Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual
I have the Honor of heing Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Page six of six

Respond to: John William : Saunders the Third SliDe pO lestate esse. el ux r
General Delivery
Rosamond Post Office
Rosamonei California

superior court. Kern county_ California

Jo hn William. Saunders the Third. Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

suoe potestole esse. et uxor )
Demandant (
) Part One.
against. ( Non-Statutory Aba ement
M. Provost. )
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ) Dated: The twelfth dav of the second month. in the
( year of Our Lord and S3\ipur Jesus. the Christ.
Defendant ) Nineteen hundred and ninety-six.

By John William : Saunders the Third. suae potestate esse, et uxor:

In the maner of: Unlawful and invalid persona designala, GWENDOLYN SALjNDERS. GWENDOLYN T.
SAUNDERS and Gwendolyn T. Saunders. l10ms de guerre:

Be it Known and Remembered bv All to Whom These Presents Come and May Concern:


This is a Non-Statutorv Abatement issued pursuant to common law rules applicable to such cases. against the
staMorilv create<i foreign de faCIO corporation. known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Said agency is
imposing a suretyship. bv attaching an illegally presumed persona designala, noms de guerre, created bv them as
GWENDOL YN SAUNDERS, GWENDOLYN T. SAUNDERS and Gwendolyn T. Saunders. upon The Wife of
This private Christian. John William: Saunders the Thirei suae polestate esse I This imposition is without author-
ity, is counter to public morals. being in the Nature of a Praemunire which is/outlawed by the General custom in
this state and. thus. is in violation of the 1849 California Constitution and the lex non scripta, which is the}us
publicum in this state: I

Part One oflhis matter shall be known as Non-Statutory Abatement and contains the followi ng docume nts
titled: L Non-Statutory Abatement: anei II. Verification bv Asseveration.

l Non-Statutory Abatement;

Any proceeding to the contrary violates the established customs and usages. threatens the peace and safety of
the people in their Dominions. is an invasion upon the people and their Law and is a trespass against This private
ChriStl an. his Dominions. and his House .
• Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et talis Certitudo Ccrtitudinem confundit *.

Page one of six

- " rill

• C hapter one:

• Invalidation and c lpu~ation of records: and Ave rm ents

Your rcco rd\) are inv~liid for causc \\ithout djsho nor :.II1d \\ !thoul rcc9UIsc to Me. :m d :lrc, hcrcwllh . expurga ted

• :or tht.::v :lfe Irregu la r Jnd Ull3ulhon i cd based upon the follOWIng. to \\ 11:
Co mes :--":ow. This pn v;.ltc C hn s [!:l~. gratcful to AJmlg.h~y . God for M~ Llbcny. t.o hUn1.bly Extend GreetIngs :lnd
Salutations to :.Oll from Jesus. thc Chnst. ;md Myself by VISllJtlOn. to exe rcise MInlstenal Powe rs in this MJtter.

to Im:.liidate :.Ind expurgu te your reco rds '

Your reco rds contain the follOWing Marks of Fr:md:


.\ Iark: Your records do not ha\'c upon their fJce. My full Christia n A.ppc llauon In uppc r
a nd lo\\ e r C:.l se lette rs and In .1ddHlon. thereto. suae po[ Jssc. ct uxo r. no r do
I \ ou r reco rds , herew nh inval idated and ex purga ted. app ly to Je J nd My House: and.

I -"lark: Yo ur records J re foreign to My Venue. whic h. no Oat h. Promise. or Law attaches Me.
My Famil \" or My House. thereto: ;md.


:\1ark: Your agency and its age nts :lre not established in the 184tJ C lifornja Co nstitution. are
not recog.nIzed in this state. a nd arc, therefore. pe rsona non grata: and

Fou rth:

Mark: YOUI records ha\'c no foundation in Law: fo r the reason. ,he\' are not from an
offi ce recognIzed by the People or Ge neral Laws In this state: and


Mark: Your records lack jurisdictio na l facts necessary 10 place or bri g Me. Mv Wife. Mv
FamJiy or My House. \\lthin your \'en ue: and.


:\-Iark: Your records are unintelligible and unrecognizabl e 10 Me: baSfd

upon Ihe followmg:
Thev are nol wntten in Prope r English: bei ng such. Ihey cannot be recognized lawfully
m lhis state. for the reason: they vlolale Our ge neral customs and usages: and have
no existence. effect. fo rce or operatio n outs ide the ve nue from ,t hich Ihev originale:


Mark: Your records fail 10 affirma livelv show. upon Iheir face. lawf authority for your
presence In Nt) Venu e: ::m d by established custom of Coverture an tills state. My
\Vtfe ca nnot contract. l:x: noticed in <Jny capacity. reco rded as chattel property Ifl any
system of reco rds. sent or glven any process sa ns My Consent :· nd
Page two of . i ~


Mark: Your records fail to affirmatively show, upon their face. the lawful authority or
necessity for your invasion of My Privacy. My Family. and My Dominions: ~nd.


M ark: Your records fail to affirmatively show, upon their face. your authority to novate,
violate. disparage, or trespass upon Me. or My Family, in any way; and. I

Mark: Your records have 'no Warrant in Law and are not Judicial in Nature: and.


Mark: Your records are not sealed with authority known and recognized in California and are.
therefore. a trespass into My Authority. My Dominions. and My Family: and.


Mark: Your records fail to disclose any legal connection between Myself and vour
agency; anJ.


Mark: Your records are defective and nugatory, upon their face, due to insufficient
• Ex Dolo malo non oritur Actio ' .

Cbapter two:


Whereas. pursuant to constitutional due process requirements and The General Laws of California. said Alien
Enemy agency is not a State Judicial Office baving power to issue orders or judgmentslof any kind:

And whereas, according to the custom in this state. The General Laws of California,
The Law of Nations and The Law of War, said Alien Enemy agency cannot invade or ~ My Authority, pama
potestas, or Dominions with contempt for the General custom in this state:

And wbereas, your records are usurping My Authority, patria potestas, in and over My Dominions:

And wbereas, My Immunity from invasion is a recognized General custom in this state:

And. whereas. your invasion of My Wife violates the General custom in this statelof Coverture, by which Sbe
has Immunity from such lawless acts against her:

Page tbree of .it

And whereas. no authority e:x..ists. or can be delegated. which allows a person to commit lawless acts against
the General Laws in this state with impunity :

Now therefore. your records which are usurping My Authority. patria potestas. are a disrurbance of the pul>-
lic peace. a public nuisance. and a trespass upon Me and My Dominions:
* Ex nudo Pacto DOD oritur Actio *.


And whereas. said Alien Enemy agency is attempting to destrov lthe foundations of free Civil Government
enjoyed by a Free and Lawful People through their Obedience to the Laws of God thc)us ex non scripta. which is
the General custom. and basis of the Covenant and General Laws in this state:

And whereas. said Alien Enemy agency is attempting to bring oti impose an Imperial system of law which
destroys our General custom. Covenant. and Geneml Laws in this state. which arc the only governing Law in this
state :

And whereas. said Alien Encmv agency imposes servitude upon !'vie by destroying the General custom of
Coverture in this state: through acts of novation. attachinent of persona !iesignata. and marking of nom de guerre.
to a member of My Family: and thereby attempts to steal by stratagem ofrar. My Authority. po/ria potestas. in My
House and Mv Dominions: all these acts violating My House under Goo. the Laws of God and generally most
destructive of the common good of the public in this state:

And whereas. said Alien Enemy agency is attempting to extort a performance of suretyship from Me. which
is servitude sans authority or Warrant in Law. contrary to the Law of God. the General custom. and morals in this

Now therefore. your records and their purpose are contra bonos mores.
* Quod ab Initio DOD valet in Tractu Temporis nOD convalescit *.


Whereas. your records contain the extraneous symbols. such as 01-28-96 and PERlOD ENDfNG 12-31-9 I.
which symbology appears to denote time. but is unfamiliar to Me: for the reason. I Measure time in years of Our
Lord and Saviour Jesus. the Christ. in accordance with the customs and usages in this state:

And whereas. provisions of the people's customs and moral Law forBids Me use of said uruecognized way of
measuring time:

And whereas. your records contain scandalous and libelous matter al) to My harm. in particular. and to tills
state in general:
• Lex DOD cogit ad lmpossihilia '.
Now. therefore:

I am invalidating and expurgating your records. and shall. henceforth. exercise My Right of Avoidance: for
the reason: your records are irregular. unauthorized. misnomered. defective upon their face and invalid. and are.
here,vith. abated for being a public nuisance. There appear to be no factors which would warrant adjustment of lhe
Abatement. due to a Conflict of Law.

Page four of .ix

Chapter tbree:

Ordering Clause;

" Every direction of a court or judge, made or entered in writing,

and not included in a judgment, is denominated an order."

Said Defendants shaH abate the matter of imposing suretyship upon Me and My House. through unlawful I
attachment to Me and My House. of a persona designala. GWENDOLYN T !S AUNDERS. GWENDOL YN
SAUNDERS. or Gwendolyn T Saunders. all noms de guerre. WIthin ten (10) days of the ordenng of this Non-
Statutory AbatemeoL or sbow cause wby the AbatemeIll sbould not lie. Aoy and all written response must include
a detailed factual statement and supporting documentation, having standing in Law. If more time than ten ( 10)
days is needed to respond. it may be granted on written request of the Defendants. Failure to obey tbis court order
or failure to respond in the time prescribed. herein. will result in Default and a Default Judgment, Nemo debel bis
vexari pro una el eadem Causa. and may subject Defendants to Civil liabilities orl~rimina l punishment pursuant
to The Law of Nations. The Law of War and the 1849 California Constitution and lu,e lex non scripla in this state:
* Omnia praesumuotur contra Spoliatorem *.

All response to this instant matter should be marked with the superior court case number,
and directed to the fo liov.; ng Iccat ion:
John William: Saunders the Third. suae pOleslale esse, el uxor
General Delivery
Rosamond Post Office
Rosamond. California
This private Christian and His House. will henceforth. exercise Our Right of Avoidance and maintain Our
Dominions. Our Immunities. and Our Christian customs and usages. and stand uri n the grounds set out abeve:
• Summa Ratio est quae pro Religione facit • . I
A public notice of this Non-Statutory Abatement of the persona designala. GWENDOLYN T. SAUNDERS.
GWENDOL YN SAUNDERS or Gwendolyn T Saunders, noms de guerre. is posted at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ __ _ _ _ _~. and in Kern county. California for :ill the world to Witness. for the
next eight weeks. and in the public notice section of the Net spaper for the next three weeks.

Sealed by the voluntary act of My Own Hand on this twelfth day of the second month in the year of Our Lord and
Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-six. in the two hundred and twentieth year of the Independence
of America.
* Vigilantibus. non dormientibus. Jura s~bveniurlt •.

I hove the Honor of Being Private Christian

.suae pOles ate esse ,

. e/ uxor l
Sign Manual

Page five of six

I Il. Veri fica tio n by Asseveration

In Witness. Knowing the Punishment for bearing fa lse witness before Almighty God and Men. I solemnly aver.
that I have read the annexed Non-Statutory Abatement and know the contents thereof: that the same IS true of Mv
own knowledge. except to the matters which arc therein stated on My information and belief. and as to those
matters. I believe them to be true.
Sealed bv the voluntarv act of Our Own Hand on this twelJlh dav of the seeond month. in the vear of Our Lord
and Savior iesus. the c hrist. nineteen hundred ninety-six. in the ~~o hundred and twe ntieth yea; of the Indepen-
de nce of America .
!It' Vigilant ibu s, Don dormieotibu~. Jura subveoiunt *.

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae pOleslate esse,

el uxor

Sign Manual

On this thirtee nth day of the second Month. in the year of Our Lordland Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred
ninety-six. we. the ~dersigned Good and Lawful Christian Me n inlthis state. having ascertained that our Brother.
John William. has read and knows the contents of this Abatemenl 'finessed his execuUon and sealtng of the same.
and do herewith testify to the forego ing by voluntarily setting OUI Ha nd and Sealtng this Abatement.

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

I have the Honor of being Private Christian

.suae pOlestate esse

Sign Manual

. -

Respo nd to : R;.mdy Lee. suae potcstate esse
General Deliverv
Canoga Park Post Office
Ca noga Park. Califonua
superi or court. Los Angeles countv. California

R:mdy Lee. suoe po(es((J(e esse Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dc mandam

agaInst. Part One.

Non-Stal1Jlory Ab:Jle me
Jo hn James Rush: California Highwav
Patrol Officer I. O. 'i 11-1 H
S~'i FERNANDO BR Dated: The fift h day of the fIrSt mo nth. in the year
tv!';C;lClP."J. COURT of Our Lo rd and Sanour Jesus. lthe Christ . Nine-
Defendants teen hundred and njnty-six

Non-Statuto ry Abatement

By Randy Lee . .\voe PO((!s(o!e esse:

In the malter of: NOTICE TO APPEAR CK-I6898. dated DEC II . 1995.

Be 11 Known and Rememocred bv All to Whom These Presents Come. and May Concern :


This IS a Non-Statutorv Abate ment issued pursuant to common law rul es ahplicable to such cases. against a
MUNIClP."J. COURT. and John James Rush as acting Alien Enemy agents of dtatutoril y created foreign de f acIo
corporations. knoml as THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES and THE ST ATE 0f CALffORNIA. Said agents are
attempting to Impose provisions of a contract counter to pubhc morals. in the Nature of a Praemunire. which is
outlawed by the General custom in this state and. thus. are in violation of The Law of Nations. The Law of War
and the 18-19 California Constitution. and the lex non sCripta. which is the}lIs Efblicum in this state:
• Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et tali. Certitudo Certitudincm confundit '.

Pan One of this maner shaJJ oc known as Non-Statu tory Abatement and t ontains the following documents
tilled: I. Non-Statutory Abatement: and. U. Verification by Asseveration.

L Non-Statutor y Abatement;

Cbapter one :

Return of Abando ned Paper; and Averment.

Please find attached the following abandoned paper: NOTICE TO APPE CK-l6898 dated DEC II . 1995. •I
Page one of'ix

Your abandoned paper is refused for cause without dishonor and without recourse to Me. and is returned.
herewith. because it is irregular and unauthorized based upon the foliowIflg to wit :

Comes Now. an private Christian. grateful to Almighty God for my Liberty. and hwnbly E~1end Greetings and
Salutallons to you from Jesus. the Christ. and Myse lf by Visitation. to exercise Ministerial Powers in this Matter.
10 return Your paper. which paper was abandoned by defendants. but is not accepted.

Your abandoned paper contains the following Marks of Fraud:


Mark: Yom abandoned paper docs not apply to Me. but to a persuna designata. for the reason: it does not
have upon Its face My full Christian Appellation in upper and low r case lellers. and in addition.
thereto. suae pores/are esse: and


Mark: Y our abandoned paper alleges violations ofa law. foreign to Mv Venue. which. no Oath. Promise. or
Law attaches Me thereto: and


"'a rk: Your age ncies are not established in the 1 8 ~ 9 California Constitution and are not recognized in this
state and are. therefore. persona fl on grata: and


Mark: Y our abandoned paper has no foundation in Law: for the reason. it is not from an office recognized by
the people or General laws of this state: and


Mark: Your abandoned paper lacks jurisdictional facts necessary to place or bring Me within your veDue:


Mark: Your abandoned paper is unintelligible and unfamiliar to Me: based upon the following: it is not writ-
ten in Proper English; being such. it fails to apprise Me of the Nature of any matter alleged and can
not be recognized lawfully in this state. for the reason: it violates Our general customs and usages:
and has no force. effect, or operation outside the venue from which it originates: and


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show. upon it's face. lawful authority for your presence in
Mv Venue: and I
Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show. upon it's face. the necessity for your invasion ofMv
Privacy and Dominions: and
Page two of six



Mark: Your abandoned pape r fails to affinnitively show. upon it's face. your authority to viola te or wspara.e
Me III any way: Jnd ~


:l'lark: Yo ur abandoned paper has no Warr;:mt in Law and is nOl Judicial in Nature: and

Eleve nth:

:-.l ark: Your abandoned paper is not scal ed with aut hority recognized in California: anei

Twelfth :

~Iark: Your abandoned paper fJii s to disclose any legal connection between r0yself and your offices: and.


:-.lar k: Your abandoned paper is incomplete and defective. upon it's facc. due to insuffient Law :
A Ex Dolo maJo non oritur Actio * .

Chapter two:


Whereas. pursuant to constitulional due process requirements and The General Laws of California. s ud Alien
Enemv agents arc not State Judicial Officers having power to issue orders or j udl9"ents of any land: anei

Whereas. acco rding to the custom of this state and The General Laws of C:ilifomia. Alien Enernv Municipal •
Court Judges are not MagJslraLes having power to Issue warrants for arrest of a person charged \\-;th a public
ulle ncc. an ei

Whereas. your abandoned paper concerning an unia"fully imposed contract invades My dominions: anei

Whereas. Mv immurutv from invasion is a recognized general custom in this state: anei

n,erefore. your abandoned paper concerning a threatened unla",fully imposed co ntract is harassment. a dis -

turbance of the public peace and a public nuisance:
* Ex nudo Pacto oon oritur Actio * .


Whereas. said Alien Enemy agents are attempting to impose a fo nn of money inimical to public welfare
accorcling to the standard set by the 1 8~9 California Co nstitution: and I

Page three of .u
7~ I
Whe refo re:
Until this Co nflict of Law is resolved. I wish you to do the fo llowm g. 10 wit:


Obtain process issued. under seal. from a Coun appenai ning to a Califo rni a judicial Departme nt: and.


That said process be based on sworn Oath or Affi rmation fro m a co mpetent Witness or Damaged Victim: and


That said process bear My fuJI Christian Appellation in upper and lower case letters. and in addition, thereto.
suae potestate esse. a nd must be handl ed a nd personallv served upon Me by the Los Ange les county Sheriff,
There IS no need for Me to co mmunicate until process is legally served.
t private Christian. "ill henceforth. exercise My Right of AVOIda nce and maintain Mv domini ons. My im-
mwti lics. and Our CUSlom and usages. and stand u~n the grounds set out above:
• Summa IUtio est quae pro Religione facit ' .

Sealed by the voluntary act of My own hand on this fifth day of the first month in the year of Our Lord and Savior
Jesus. the Christ. nineteen-hundred ninty-six. in the Two- hundred and twentieth year of the Independence of
* Vigilantibus, Don donnientibus, Jura subveniuot *. I

I h.\'e the Honor of Being Private Christian

.suae potestate esse

Sign Manual I
Attachment: Abandoned paper of:
Page five of ! ix
76 ,
ll. Verification by Asse\-'cration

In Witness. Knowing lhe punishment for bearing false wilness before A1mighly God and Men. I solemnlv aver.
lhal I have read lhe foregoing Non-Stalulory Aba lemenl and know lhe conlenlS
lhereof: lhallhe same is lrue of My Own Knowl edge. excepl 10 lhe maners which are lherein slaled on My informa-
lion and belief. and as 10 lhose maners. I believe lhem 10 be lrue.
Sealed by lhe voluntarv aCl of My Own Hand on lhis fifth dav of lhe firsl month. In lhe year of Ow- Lord and
Savior Jesus. the Christ. nineteen hundred ninety-six. in the twO hundred and twe ntieth year of the Indepe ndence
of America.
* Vigilantibus. nOD dormientibus. Jura subveniuot *.

I have lhe Honor of being Privale Chrislian

.suae pOlebJore esse

Sign Manual

On lhis fifth day of lhe first Month. in the year of Ow- Lord and Savior Jesus. lhe .9 hriSl. ninelee n hundred
ninetv-six. We. lhe undersigned. Good and Lawful Chnsuan Men In this stale. haVing ascerlamed that Ow-
Brolher. Ronald William. has read and Knows lhe contents of lhis Non-Statutory Abalement, wilnessed his execu-
lion and sealing of the same, and do hereby lestilY 10 lhe foregoing, by voluntarily sening Our Hand and Sealing
lhis Abalemenl.

I have lhe Honor of being Private Christian

.suae pOle!J,tate esse

Sign Manual

I have lhe Honor of being Privale Christian

,suae pO leJ)fOte esse

Sign Manual

Page six of six


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