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Added Requirement


Questionable Cause

Donald Trump Tweet

We must protect our country and our workers. Our steel industry is in bad shape. IF

Trump tells everyone that the reason why they have a country is because of steel. So if
there is no steel, there is also the problem in the industry of the country. Trump uses the
steel to tell people of America to protect the country and its workers.

HIV and Gay and Bisexual Men

Many of Gay and Bisexual Men have AIDS. Therefore, being gay and bisexual is the
cause of AIDS.

A much higher proportion of gay and bisexual men have HIV compared to any other
group in the United States. Therefore, gay and bisexual men have an increased chance of
having an HIV-positive partner.

ALBO, JOSHUA A. 04-06747

Poverty in the Philippines

One of the cause of poverty in the Philippines is the growth of population, Therefore
overpopulation causes poverty.

Poverty is believed to be the leading cause of overpopulation. A lack of educational

resources, together with high death rates leading to higher birth rates, result in areas to

Red Herring

Instead of giving the reason why this cereal is the most favorite cereal in America, the ad
doesn’t give any reason and just let everyone taste it by giving them examples of the

ALBO, JOSHUA A. 04-06747

Red Herring

2012 Presidential Debate

During the debate between Romney and Obama, a woman asks them on how they will
limit the availability of assault weapons. Neither of the two answered that specific
question. Instead, Obama talked about catching violence before it gets out of control,
while Romney focused on good schools and raising children in two-parent homes. They
both diverted attention from the original question by using red herrings.

Red Herring

They doesn’t give any reason why they believe in global warming. Instead, they just ask
you whether you also believe in global warming

ALBO, JOSHUA A. 04-06747


Steve owns an Iphone 6. Rich people own Iphone 6, Therefore Steve must be rich.

This is example of Invalid Arguments because this is an argument where the conclusion
“Therefore, Steve must be rich”, could be false even if the premises are true.

If Michigan scores the most points then they win the game. Michigan scored more points.
So, Michigan won the game.

In valid arguments if the premises are true, the conclusion cannot be false. In this case
the Michigan scores most points therefore the conclusion “Michigan won the game” is
true. We all know that in a game if you score the most points you’ll win. The premises
are true so the conclusion is obviously true.

If there are clouds in the sky, then rain is possible. No rain is possible. Therefore, there
are no clouds in the sky.

This is another example of Valid Arguments because based from the premises, the
conclusion “there are no clouds in the sky” cannot be false.


ALBO, JOSHUA A. 04-06747

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