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Evan McCarthy

Block 3 Spicer

Final Exam

Compare and Contrast Essay

The Iranian revolution, lasting from late 1970’s to early 1980’s, and the Cuban
revolution, lasting through 1952-1958 both had similar and different outcomes. Throughout their
course, both revolutions had like and unlike outcomes in ways socially, politically, and

Topic #1: Socially, both countries brought advancements in education throughout the countries;
however women’s rights differentiated.

 Both Iran and Cuba offered simple education to the masses

 However, Iran only offered education till around the time of 6th grade, while Cuba
allowed up to a four year college opportunity
 Cuban women were treated with respect and allowed to participate with males in many
activities and daily routines
 Cuban women were presented health care and jobs
 Iranian women had to go to sex segregated beaches and participate in sex segregated
 Iranian women’s marriage age was reduced to 13; and if found guilty of pre martial sex,
often beatings and possible death occurred.
 Summary- Iran and Cuba both had education systems yet varied in length of one’s school
career. Women in Cuba had many more rights and opportunities than the harsh, strict
lives forced on those of Iran.

Topic #2: Iran and Cuba both had strong dictatorships before their revolutions; however these
dictators had different governing techniques.

 In pre revolution times, Iran was ran by secular, modernizing Pahlavi shahs
 Pahlavi used oil to industrialize and modernize Iran; relied on repression to carry out
 However in 1979, Khomeini took over and started a anti-western, theocratic dictatorship
 Saddam Hussein also led a powerful dictatorship during the Iran-Iraq War
 Cuba also started with a strong dictatorship with Fulgencio Batista
 Except in Cuba, Castro used guerilla warfare more than any other way technique to gain
political power
 Often including assaults and attacks on Batista’s army posts throughout the country
 In a strong sense, Castro led a militaristic government during and after the revolution
 Politically, Cuba and Iran were both ran by dictators, although Castro in Cuba used a
much more militaristic technique; versus the anti-western, modernizing Iran.

Topic #3: In pre revolution times and during the revolution, Iranian and Cuban economies have
suffered greatly.

 Iran’s dependence on petroleum exports is still strong, like wise with Cuba’s dependence
on their sugar industry
 However Batista’s coup in 1952 led to a downturn in world sugar price
 With Batista’s reforms not being able to break the economic stagnation suffered earlier in
the century
 In order for both countries to strive economically, home grown exports were a key factor
 Cuba was among the first to have televisions, newspaper readership, and cars
 One Iran poll found that 61% of Iran’s youth support western artists
 Both showing Cuba and Iran support Western influence when involving media
 Cuba’s economic problems ended up creating a popular widespread of dissatisfaction and
frustration; thus making the people more open to radical solutions to Cuba’s problems
 Meanwhile internal corruption and economic sanctions keep Iran halted
 Price of oil has fallen ¼ since pre revolution times
 And per capita income fluctuates with the price of oil
 Cuba was able to use their economic hardship to their advantage; using it to fuel their
revolution. This only created minimal damage to the sugar industry and other domestic
exports. Meanwhile Iran has suffered greatly from stubborn western influence and the
long lasting fight for oil.

The Iranian and Cuban Revolutions, taking place from early 1950’s to mid 1980’s, share
many similarities socially, politically, and economically. On the other hand, they also have
vast differences inside each of their countries, creating two revolutions that have impacted
the world in various ways.

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