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Sumit Dhawan
MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
2 weeks ago
How is homeopathy beneficial for sinusitis?

Sinuses, also known as paranasal sinuses as they surround the nasal cavity, are hollow air-filled
cavities. Humans have four pairs of such cavities which are known as:

-Frontal sinus - in the forehead

-Maxillary sinus - behind the cheekbones
-Ethmoid sinus - between the eyes behind the bridge of the nose
-Sphenoid sinus - behind the eyes

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is the inflammation or infection of one or more of the sinuses. It can be caused by a
virus, bacteria, fungus, allergies or excessive nose blowing and results in the blockage of the
sinus opening. Sinusitis can be acute (lasting 4 or lesser weeks), subacute (lasting 4 to 8 weeks),
chronic (lasting beyond 8 weeks) and recurring (several attacks in a year).

Acute sinusitis generally causes pain in the sinuses, headaches, loss of smell, stuffiness, and
coughs as well as may also cause bad breath, toothaches, and fever.

What does the homeopathic treatment for sinusitis entail?

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine system which uses plants and minerals to develop
remedies that augment the body's natural defenses by stimulating symptoms of the disease the
patient is suffering from.

Acute sinusitis finds a permanent cure in homeopathy. Though treatment takes time, it rebuilds
the body's immunity to sinusitis. It drains the sinuses, kills the germs and wipes the infection off
at the root, thus preventing it from recurring. When antibiotics are used to treat sinusitis, there
may be side effects such as fungal infections. Fungal infection is a leading cause of chronic

Homeopathy can boost the body's immunity which can treat fungal infections from the root,
hence eliminating chances of recurrence. It can treat the symptoms of sinusitis and provide relief
from associated respiratory diseases and allergies. There are different remedies available to
treat the different symptoms of sinusitis, which work together to completely cure it by boosting
the body's immune system without having any side effects.

Homeopathy for Nasal Polyps:

With Chronic sinus, soft growths arising from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal
sinus are referred as nasal polyps. The most common treatment option suggested by a
conventional system in nasal polyps is surgical removal. In most cases, nasal polyps reappear
after surgery. However, surgery is a temporary fix since it does not address the body's tendency
to form polyps. Homeopathy, on the other hand, offers a permanent solution by treating the root
cause. Following six homeopathic medicines are usually recommended for nasal polyps - Lemna
Minor, Sanguinaria Can, Calcarea Carb, Kali Bichrome, Teucrium, and Phosphorus.

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