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A Match the clauses in column A with appropriate information in column B.

Then compare with a


1. By the time I was 15, (D)
2. Until I started working part-time, ()
3. The moment I got my first paycheck, ()
4. As soon as I left home, ()
5. Once I started sharing an apartment, ()
6. After I began a relationship, ()
7. Before I traveled abroad, ()
8. Until I got really sick, ()

a. I didn't appreciate my own country.
b. I began to understand the value of money.
c. I learned that love can hurt!
d. I realized that I wasn't a child anymore.
e. I had learned how to take care of myself.
f. I learned how to get along better with people.
g. I had never saved any money.
h. I hadn't understood the importance of good health.

B. Which of the clauses in column A can you relate to your life?

Add your own information to those clauses. Then compare with a partner.

1. At the time I received my first paycheck, I understood that I felt like I was going to give an
appreciation of the money.

2. Before traveling abroad, I learned from my culture to be able to teach other people.

3. Until I got really sick, I understood the importance of taking care of myself and eating healthy.

C. What do you think people learn from these events? Write sentences using time clauses in the
present. Then take turns reading and talking about them.

1. Getting a credit card, once you get a credit card, you learn it's important not to overspend.
2. Going out on your first date, when you have a first appointment you clear many doubts, and in a
new opportunity you can speak with more security to that person.
3. Getting your first job, Once you get the first job, learn to take care of it and do things right.
4. Getting your driver's license, 4. When the driver's license is acquired, you must be responsible
and comply with the traffic regulations
5. Buying your first bike, moped, or car, once you buy your first car, learn to drive carefully and
avoid accidents.
6. Opening your own bank account, when a bank account opens. You must learn to know how to
handle it and not spend a lot of money
7. Getting married, when you decide to get married, love and respect your partner so that your
home is blessed.
8. Becoming a parent, once you become a father, learn to value your family and take care of your

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