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1 You must have a mentor.

Who is a mentor? A mentor is someone that transfers wisdom through relationship. There are
two ways to receive wisdom through mistakes or through Mentors. Mike Murdock define
mentors as Teachers of wisdom, mentors are the differences between your increase and decrease,
knowledge and foolishness, mistakes and accuracy ,failure and success, deterioration and
restoration falling and rising, Excellence and mediocrity .Mentors see what you can’t see, mentor
shortened  the  journey of your destiny, what will take you Ten years naturally can be shortened
to two years through mentorship  

Mentors link you to people. 

Note:  you don't choose your mentor but you discover him/her. If you can't handle your emotion
please don't discover an opposite sex as your mentor. Don't fall in love in the process Many will
come and exit in your life ,only the Holy Spirit will dwell with you forever ,make him your
greatest mentor. 

2. You must be born again.

Before you are thirty and married, you must be born again, you must understand and be able to
interpret spiritual codes. Note that the secrets of the lord are with them that fear Him. 

You must know Christ experientially, not as head knowledge.  This particular factor is the most
important you must consider before getting married. The one who finds a wife finds what is
enjoyable, and receives a pleasurable gift from the LORD.  Getting married to a good brother or
a sister are both favors and gifts from God . If you are yet to take this decision, you can now!!!

3. You must have a Bank Account.

It doesn't necessarily mean that you must have millions in your account, this particular factor
will determine how visionary you are, It also determine the level of your seriousness about your
life.   Don't propose or says yes to a proposal if you don't have a bank account, how much will it
going cost you to open an account? You can make a move now, it’s not too late 

4.  You must know How to Propose. 

Some beloved brothers have turned themselves to an angel over some sisters. Learn how to
propose before you are thirty years of age. If you don't know how to do that you can see Love
Doctor for assistance. 

Please the time to propose is not the time to pray and read bible, say something. I wonder seeing
a beloved brother of thirty years still wondering on how to propose.   

Be plain and brief and stop lying that you see a vision, you saw her in your dream, you heard the
voice of God telling you to take your beloved wife and marry her. 
Don't misunderstand me, this situation can occur.

5. You must discover your purpose.

Before you are thirty, you must know why behind your existence. A man/lady of thirty still
wondering who he/she is.A person who has not discovered his/ her purpose has not reason to live
( Ben Ochuko). 

You must be able to define yourself in one sentence. If you are still yet to do that, then I
recommend these books for you:

 What is my purpose by Ben Ochuko.

 Understanding Your potential by Myle Munroe.
 Purpose driven life by Rick warren.

6 You must have skills/ Academics qualifications. 

Before you are thirty, you must have a skill, we understand that not all can afford the huge
amount as school fees, but you can learn artisan work. Don't remain idle, start learning it now if
you have not.

Before you are thirty and married  you must obtain your first degree.Don't mind what people
around you are saying , you are the CEO of your life , Enroll for your degree.

7. You must discover your gift.

It is important to know that whatever you don't discover, you can’t celebrate it and whatever you
don't celebrate you can't be rewarded for it. Anything undiscovered becomes unrewarded and it
will automatically exit out of your life (Mike Murdock). Start searching until you find it.

8. You must be able to turn your gifts to money. 

Before you are thirty, you must be able to turn your gifts into wealth. Learn how to use your gifts
to solve problems. Look for what you can do for your generation with your gift. 

9. You must know the real meaning of love. 

Most young singles don't really know the meaning of love. Can you love someone you are seeing
for the first time? No but it's possible to like him/her.

What does it mean to love? someone?

When someone look straight into your eyes and says I love you, what does he/she mean? Sex,
kissing, romancing, I want to marry you? 
 I love you mean I accept all your assets and liabilities, your strength and weakness, your manner
of approach, your way of dressing, your qualification.

 10. You must have a library.

Before you reach thirty years, you must have a library.

He who doesn't read is not better than he who can't read. Read on Godly parenting, purpose,
relationships and courtship and financial stewardship. Don't say you want to learn by experience.

 Experience is not a best teacher, start learning from those that are ahead of you through reading
the works of different Authors.

11. You must be a father/ mother. 

Before you are thirty and married, you must be able to play parental roles. You as a man must be
able to provides and resolves quarrel between mummy and daddy, you must be able spend times
with your younger ones and teach them both moral and spiritual ways of life.

You must be strong but tender, must love as Christ love the church and gave himself for it 

A single lady must be able to take care of the family, settle quarrel within the family, submissive,
must know how to appreciate, respect and nurture young ones.

12. You must have Entrepreneurial mindset.

Nobody becomes a millionaire through salary or employment, learn how to generate business
ideas. Ideas produce fruits for millions to benefit.

Good business ideas are interesting and not necessary command, Ideas has an ability to revives
you, they awaken you in the middle of the night, they bring friends to you. They can reveal your

Are you still chasing Kobo? When God has given you billions?  
Wake your seed of greatness up. How can you generate business ideas ? Through friends,
consultants, Financial analysts, Business magazines, Business Experts and conferences etc 

13 You must be able to feed someone.

Feeding is very important in human life, don't neglect this principle. Start taking responsibility
when you are single and stop saying you will do that when you get married.

This particular point has caused a lot of havoc in our society today

Ask your mummy whether your younger ones have eaten, don't finish the whole food  before
Take this responsibility upon your shoulder while you are still single. 

14. You must be able to cook.

As a single lady and man , it is very important that you know how to cook.

Stop saying  my husband /wife  will employ house maid.

 Some house maid are very desperate and wicked ,they can fall in love with your spouse in the

Don't misunderstand me ,  employing housemaid is good but  don't plan to  saddled all the house
responsibilities  to him/her.

Man too must know how to cook ,don't plan to put everything on your wife's shoulder.

15. You must learn colour combination.

A single  must be able to combine  different colours to produce good looking.

Don't dress like masquerade.... Smiling.... 

16.  You must know dinning Etiquette.

Stop limiting yourself through your thoughts, imaginations  and what is happening in your

Start preparing for the great opportunity that is ahead of you. 

When an opportunity is meet with preparation ,its called Luck.

Learn how to dine with great people in the society.

17. You must understand singleness.

Singleness is not a diseases, its not an incompleteness and it is not a curse.

You can be single and anointed!

you can be fulfilled as a single.

you can be single  an important , you can be single and happy. 

Never mourn your singleness, take time to celebrate and appreciate your status.
18. You  must know how to drive.

Don't wait till your car comes before start learning.

Use your Mummy/Daddy/Uncle/cousin /friend's car to practice.

Make provision for  emergency.

Learn how to derive a car before getting married.

19. You must be able to make friendship. 

Learn how to relate with people .

How to address an elderly person ,dignitaries and relate with an opposite sex.

20.  You must be able to define  marriage.

Some single that wanted to marry, don't even know the reason behind marriage. 

Have you discovered the reason behind this? 

It is because of sex? 

You should know that you were not created because of marriage , marriage was created because
of you.

After the whole creation ,did God said let them go and marry?

Don't marry someone below your standard because your friends are getting married,  don't push
yourself on any man / lady because of parental pressure.  
When you appointed time comes you will definitely marry.

There's a time and season for everything under heaven.

Dear singles, may you not miss your time in Jesus name.

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