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Octavia, Fitri. 2019. Effect of Counseling Using Multimedia on Knowledge About

Burn Injury in Level 1 Nursing Students of the Polytechnic of RS Dr. Soepraoen
Malang. Scientific Writing of the Nursing Study Program of the Polytechnic of RS Dr.
Soepraoen Malang.

Introduction: Most nursing level 1 students assume that using clean water flows,
avoiding the use of toothpaste, butter, soy sauce, and maintaining cleanliness in the
area of burns, is not very important, the important thing is that they can relieve pain
or heat from hot stings. In fact, the first level nursing student at the Polytechnic of the
Hospital Dr. Soepraoen often uses less appropriate methods for handling burns.
Counseling of burn treatment is one of the efforts that can be done by researchers to
provide learning experiences for nursing students and provide information and
education to improve knowledge, attitudes and behavior so that nursing students can
recognize and overcome their own problems and can apply appropriate methods.
The purpose of this study is to find out. the influence of counseling using multimedia
on knowledge about handling burns in Level 1 Nursing students at the Polytechnic of
the Hospital Dr. Soepraoen Malang Research method: this study used a quasi
experimental design with a research design of one group pretest-posttest design.
The sampling technique is by random sampling method. The sample size is 144
children for each group. The research variables are 2, namely the dependent and
independent variables, the dependent variable is the level of knowledge and the
independent variable is Extension. The place of research in the Polytechnic of
Soepraoen Malang and the time of the study was May 19, 2019. Test statistical data
using the Wilcoxon Test Rank sign. Result: health education has an effect on
increasing knowledge. Different test in the treatment group with Wilcoxon obtained p
value 0,000. Discussion: It is expected that students apply proper handling of burns
in their daily lives.

Keywords: Extension, Nursing Students, Handling of Burns

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